Chapter 17 - Confronting Bella

It seemed like Bella was confusing Amber for a newly hired maid. It was understandable, as Amber was only wearing a comfortable yet plain dress.

“It seems like you crave punishment. If you didn’t know, make sure to etch it into your mind. In this castle, my word is law,” Bella smiled coldly.

Even at the sight of her frightening smile, Amber wasn’t fazed. Bella seemed to be annoyed at the lack of fear from her threats.

Honestly, Amber herself was surprised at how she was able to appear unaffected. In her previous life, she would be so frightened by that smile that her body would start to shiver. On the days that she was scolded by Bella, she wouldn’t be able to sleep properly at night, and even if she did, her dreams would be filled with nightmares.

But now even when she still had nightmares about Bella in her memories, Amber’s heart was surprisingly calm.

Amber thought deeply about why that was. ‘Is it because I had woken up again from death?’ The experience of losing the child inside of her stomach and dying was such a wretched experience that it was nearly impossible to endure.

Not a day had passed since Amber returned to the past from her death, and Amber’s mind was filled with nothing but the desire to avoid such a miserable end. That desire was so strong that there was no gap for a fear of Bella to squeeze in.

If it was to ensure that she would never meet such a miserable end again, Amber was ready to be confronted with Bella’s violent smile dozens upon dozens of times, again and again.

Amber copied Bella and reflected her cold smile as she stared back.

“Grace!” Extremely annoyed, Bella called out behind her.

From afar, Amber could see Grace hurriedly running towards Bella with a fear-filled face. She could tell the reason why right away.

“Madam, I apologize for my mistake! I thought that the madam would definitely be able to send off Kalix and…”

Amber was certain that Grace received an earful of Bella’s scolding for what had happened at the drill hall.

Bella wasn’t the type to forgive someone for a mistake. She was too sensitive for any mistake that would be detrimental for her own personal gains. Therefore, anyone who served Bella directly always shook in their boots after making even a single mistake.

But when she felt generous, Bella was infinitely kind to anyone around and gave wealth for no real reason. Most of her close advisors always stuck close to her to take advantage of that trait.

“I truly apologize, please, do forgive…”

“This maid, did you hire her?”

Grace was profusely apologizing when she lifted her head up at Bella’s words. At the sight of Amber, her eyes widened in surprise. “W-wait, how could she be here of all places…!”

“Answer me. I asked if you hired this maid or not.”

Hearing Bella ask again in a testy manner, Grace’s face became deathly pale.

‘I’m sure she’s furiously trying to figure out the situation. And thinking about what she can do to ease Bella’s anger.’ Amber could clearly tell the thoughts Grace had in her mind.

“Excuse me,” Having watched the situation unfold in front of her, Amber spoke first. Her clear and ringing voice filled the room, turning Bella’s focus back on her. “It seems like you’ve made some kind of mistake here, but I am not a maid.”

Bella looked back and forth between Amber and Grace several times. Her frown became even more of a deep scowl.

“You’re not a maid?”

“Yes, I am the newly appointed lady of this castle,” Amber answered with a bright smile.

At her answer, Bella’s expression morphed into one of such surprise that her scowl couldn’t be hidden. “The new lady of the castle…” Bella stood there staring blankly for a while, processing the words Amber said. Her eyes narrowed to a glare.

“My name is Amber Thales. From today on, I mean, from yesterday on, I am wedded to the Duke. Now then, you are?” Amber smiled brightly again as she saw Bella’s fluster. “If you do not wish to tell me your name, I’m afraid that I will find it hard to remain courteous with you.”

It was a polite way of speaking, but in her words, a warning was carried through.

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