Chapter 75 - Treasures Me Greatly

But right now, Detlef was involving himself in the household and supported Bella wholeheartedly with the key to the Vine Room.

She could easily guess why Detlef’s attitude changed. ‘In my previous life, Bella didn’t need to borrow the previous duke’s power because she didn’t need to go that far to keep me in check. In reality, the previous duke was always ready to help her.’ It seemed like Bella received much more affection than she had thought. From this moment onwards, the balance of power in the fight between the two would heavily depend on the kind of person Detlef was and how he would act.

‘I hope he’s simply blindly affectionate towards her and nothing else, but…’ Amber was deeply worried as she knew nothing about Detlef.

“Do you understand the situation you’re in now?” Thinking that Amber’s silence was a sign of submission to her, Bella mocked her with a giggling voice. “You may have realized it since you’re not such an idiotic child, but the reason I called for you today is to give you a warning.” Bella tucked the key away back into her bosom. “You have humiliated me from the day you arrived.”

She was referring to the laundry incident.

“I’m sure you must feel confident after what happened there. You must think I’m an easy target, to the point you dare to act like the new lady of the castle in front of me.” Bella’s eyes shined with malice. “But I am the true lady of this castle. Even if you are Kalix’s wife, the lady of the castle is me.” Madness could be seen in Bella’s eyes as she proclaimed herself the lady of the castle.

Bella’s greed for total power and authority was immense. No matter what happened, she would not be willing to let Amber inherit the power she gained with her own hands.

“I already know you’ve spoken to Kalix already. You must be acting so insolently because you think the new duke is on your side.” Bella suddenly burst into laughter. It was a fitful laughter that felt like a dam had suddenly burst and spewed water. “But you are sadly mistaken!” Bella was almost screaming. “It would be best for you to give up on the idea that you will be able to allure that monster-like child. That child…”

Bella’s body shivered as if she had just thought  of something horrifying. “In any case, cast aside your hopes thinking that your husband will do something for you.” Bella once again spoke with a quiet and composed voice. She raised her teacup again with such calm composure that it was hard to believe that she had been laughing like a maniac just a moment ago.

“On top of that, that child can never disobey his father. You do know what that means, right?” Bella smiled as she enjoyed the scent of the tea. “It means that even if he is the Duke of Thales, you cannot lay any hands on me so long as I am still receiving his father’s affection.”

Kalix was definitely weak to Detlef.

In her previous life, Detleft practically never commanded anyone to do anything, but whenever he did, Kalix carried out his father’s order without any delay.

As Amber knew nothing about the relationship between Detlef and Kalix, she decided to keep silent.

“You can go ahead and serve that little girl a cup of tea as well.” Bella ordered the maids around her with a neat smile on her lips.

The maid who had previously stepped back in fear came over with trembling hands as she set down a cup in front of her. She lifted the teapot to fill the cup with a warm, steaming tea that held an aromatic scent..

Staring quietly down at the cup of tea, Amber saw the surface of the tea shaking unsteadily. When Amber looked up to locate the source of the tremors, she saw the maid serving her trembling faintly.

Amber lifted up her gaze a more to study the maid’s face.

And realized something.

“Today is the last day that I will be generous by giving you this warning. Stop with the useless actions and send the three maids back to the laundry area. I will assign you new maids instead.”

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