Leveling up the World

Chapter 721: Broken Trust

Chapter 721: Broken Trust

Even in his occasional moments of desperation, Dallion had to admire the construction of the prison realm. If things were different, he would have even asked to learn how to make them himself.

It turned out that the three-dimensional maze surrounded the room, while also being surrounded by it. The closest thing that Dallion could compare it to was the basic examples of four-dimensional space he had seen in science fiction movies back on Earth. From what he remembered, back then he had found the idea of tesseracts and other impossible shapes rather cool. Naturally, he had never been locked in one.

For days Dallion would leave the room, exploring every corner of the maze. Each time, hed follow a magic thread, consuming it in the process. Originally, his hope was twofold: try and find a hidden exit that Nil had overlooked or, failing that, weaken the realm by depriving it of magic. Sadly, neither seemed to work. The prison remained just as impenetrable as before.

Quite an interesting flaw youve found, Nil said. At the time, I didnt think anyone would get beyond the room.

Little good its done me, Dallion thought. It was tempting to give up, but like in life, giving up wouldnt solve the problem.

If its any relief, no one made it this far, the echo added. Other than the emperor.

Wow. Thanks, Nil. Second bestfirst loser.

Does being in a foul mood help?

Dallion leaned back against the wall. There was no denying that the echo was correct. However, that hadnt stopped Nil from being in a foul mood all the times Dallion messed up in the past. Like many things, advice was highly subjective.

Caught by the perfect storm, Dallion whispered. If he didnt have his blocking ring on, there was a chance that someone in his realm would be able to help him out. And the emperor never mentioned how he escaped?

I wasnt exactly in a position to ask. You must remember it was my first time seeing the man up close. I handed him the prison item, activated it, then he smiled and handed it back.

Sounds like spellcraft. Does the emperor have magic?

Such questions arent particularly healthy, even here.

How much worse can it get? If I dont get out fast, Ill die anyway.

True, but what will happen if you manage to get out? Youve seen what it was like to be chased by a countess. Imagine what will happen if you get the emperor pissed. Neither I, the Academy, not even the Order of the Seven Moons will be able to protect you.

Ill take my chances. Its not like I have anything else to do.

Hesitation covered the echos face. Even as a copy of Adzorg, Nil was displaying a remarkable degree of caution. Being a former archmage it was very likely that he had made a Moon vow to serve the emperor while he was alive. Not even banishment would be enough to free him from such a vow.

Im not certain, he admitted. There have been many mages in the emperors line. Some even passed through the Academy, though thats become rare. The imperial family takes care of its own. Even most of the tutors from branching imperial families. One has to be exceptionally skilled to be summoned otherwise.

The echo cast a spell. A light statue of a supernaturally tall man appeared in the room. His head was almost touching the ceiling, indicating he had to be well above seven feet tall. The design of the clothes was masterful, though nowhere as intricate as Dallion would have expected for someone of such stature. Then again, this was only Nils recreation of the man.

It is believed that the emperor has mastery of all skills, Nil said. Some have their doubts, although they would never admit it in public.

Dallion nodded. This probably was Nils way of saying that Adzorg was uncertain of the fact.

However, that doesnt matter. If he were weak, the Archdukes would have allied and taken him down.

According to the history scrolls Dallion had read in his library ring, there had been a similar attempt centuries ago. The five archdukes at the time had attacked the emperor in his very throne room, attempting a coup. Details were lacking, but the emperor continued to rule afterwards, while the nobles had had a change of heart, becoming his most loyal supporters.

Alright. Dallion stood up. The fact that he had escaped meant that there had to be a way. Nil, if you were trapped in this realm now, would you be able to escape?

Fatigue and hunger had their say, convincing Dallion that he could afford a short rest. Finishing the wall segment he started, he then sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

The echo joined him.

Whats your plan once you get out? Nil asked.

So, youre admitting Im going to get out? Dallion suppressed his smile. Warn the archmage.

Is that wise?

You think hes involved?

The current archmage is an idiot with no courage and a complete lack of imagination. All his adult life he wanted to get the post and now that he has it, the only thing hes worried about is someone taking it from him. Nil let out an annoyed snort. He might even reward you for helping him. No doubt youll earn a new shiny title or two. Perfectly useless, but very impressive in noble circles.

Doesnt sound like you approve.

What I want isnt the topic here. Id rather see that traitor burn, but I wont be the one who has to make the choice.

Are you suggesting what I think you are? Dallion wondered.

History always rewarded those who chose the winning side. Did Nil believe that getting rid of the archmage would be better for the Academy? More importantly, was there a chance that it could happen? Everything had been meticulously planned so far, so it wouldnt be without reason. Yet, would Dallion be welcome to join that side, even if he wanted to? Or maybe the old echo was suggesting something far worse.

You have to defeat the boy, Nil continued. That much is a given. What then? And please be specific.

I leave the Learning Hall.


I go to the

How do you deal with the shardflies? Not to mention the actually powerful mages who are behind it all? Maybe youre skilled enough to defeat an apprentice. Maybe. Nil wagged his finger. Not a mage, though.

Dallion couldnt answer.

But lets say that you take advantage of the chaos and manage to find an ally. Maybe you even crush the coup. What then? The Academy wont just let you leave, not after everything thats happened. Youll have to join a faction with enough pull to gain that privilege.

What does it matter? Dallion didnt like the way this was going. Theyre a thousand things that could happen. Let me deal with the most obvious before I have to worry about

Are you ready to forsake Euryale? Or the Academy? Its very possible that youll be forced to do both, and nothing in your incredibly fortunate life has prepared you for such a choice!

All of Dallions echoes stopped working. They could feel the whirling of emotions within him.

You look upon life as if it were a game. True, youve gone through some extremely unpleasant situations that many havent, but deep down, you still act as if nothing can harm you. I had hoped that going beyond level fort would teach you how to plan better, but youre still incapable of looking two steps ahead. You see parts of the big picture, but only deal with what is thrown your way, never directing events one way or another. Was it your idea to form the alliance and get the Moonstone? Did you choose what classes to go to, or were they chosen for you? For that matter, did you even choose to obtain magic? The echo took a deep breath. Even now youre so focused on getting out of your immediate mess that you arent focusing on what would follow.

Dallion stood up. Without a word, he turned around and got back to wedging ice in the maze walls.

Is that it? Nil crossed his arms. Dont you have anything to say?

I dont trust you, Nil. The words finally left his mouth. Not anymore. Ill find a way out of the prison realm, then out of the Learning Hall. What I do after that is my business!

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