Leveling up the World

Chapter 722: Realm Escape

Chapter 722: Realm Escape

There was no rationale for pain. Dallion was fully aware that Nil had been manipulating him for centuries and more, and yet refusing to his face made him feel as if hed lost a friend. It was easy to claim that it was the lingering effects of emotional blackmail, the overall stress he was subjected to, or some other rational reason. At the same time, Dallion knew all that to be a bunch of crap. The reason Dallion was feeling what he was had nothing to do with the echo or even the mage behind him; the pain came because in a way Dallion couldnt honestly say he was any different. Several of his main skills were based on manipulation. Every time he used music skills or engaged the abilities of his empathy trait, he was making people, animals, and guardians do what he wanted. The degree varied, but there was never any doubt what he was doing. And the most absurd thing of itfor the most part, no one seemed to care all that much. It was the fight with the Star that had changed everything.

Hes gone, one of Dallions echoes approached him. Back to your realm, if I had to guess.

Dallion didnt respond.

We all know its messed up, but you know such things happened in this world. Even before you learned, he was the archmage you had your suspicions. Did you think hed be any different from the other beings of power youd come across? Two of them tried to take over the world in the past.

No, I suppose not, Dallion said to himself.

He was right about one thing, though. You need to rest. We can pause for a few hours so you can take a nap.

No. Dallion briskly turned around. No naps. Ill just sit down for a bit.

Right. Better than nothing, I guess. Dallions echo shrugged. Just set your thoughts in order. Would be annoying if Nil ended up being right.

Dallion sat on the floor and drew a light symbol. It wasnt strong, just enough to provide a calming blue glow.

Oh, and Im sure Eury doesnt see you that way, the echo added.

What way? Dallion instinctively asked.

Like Adzorg.

While it was nice to be reassured by someone, it would have been better if that someone wasnt an identical copy of himself. Distance was starting to play a part to the point that he considered her a memory. Sometimes the memories would stir him to action, but all it took was another event to make him forget just as much.

Guess you were right about that as well, Nil, Dallion thought. If he wanted his relationship to last, he was going to have to work on it, and that meant leaving the Academy. Either that or


A green rectangle appeared.


(+5 MIND)

You have successfully destroyed a prison realm from within. Just be mindful that doesnt make you unstoppable, just persistently annoying.

The suddenness kept Dallion from focusing on the unexpected achievement. Instead, he mentally prepared to return to a fight he had started weeks ago.

Less than a second had passed in the real world; Phoilor rather the symbiotic echo within himhad started the final attack, though he hadnt had enough time to complete it.

Splitting into dozens of instances, Dallion leapt back. Not the best move, considering his enemy had an advantage at a distance. In a sword versus dagger fight, it was always better to remain as close as possible. However, Nils persistent warnings in the prison realm had managed to cause enough self-doubt for him to err on the side of caution.

At the other side of the room, Phoil hadnt been so lucky. His awakened nature had let him survive the encounter with the wall, though unconscious. Only the faint noise coming from him told Dallion that the boy remained alive.

Gem, can you heal him?

Err, okay, the aetherfish replied. Unlike Ruby, the familiar hadnt been particularly useful during the fight, spending most of the time observing in utter confusion. Fortunately, healing magic was something it was fully capable of.

Dallion forced himself up. He was in considerable pain, though nothing he couldnt handle thanks to his high body trait. Limping slightly, he made his way to Enroys body. There was no question that the man was dead, pierced through the torso, then suffering additional wounds during the fight between Phoil and Dallion.

Sorry about this, Dallion whispered. Barely knew the man, and definitely didnt like him, but didnt want such an outcome.

Casting a spell to summon a blanket, Dallion covered the body, then went to the unconscious Phoil. With him rendered unconscious, he posed no threat. The echo controlling him had been formidable indeed, but all the skill couldnt compensate for low traits.

Bending down, Dallion took the Vermillion ring off the boys finger, then retrieved the silver glass sword. The weapon felt like a natural fit, as if it belonged to him.

Whats the way out? Dallion asked as he used his own Vermillion ring to transport the sword to his realm. Nil? he added.

There are emergency exits scattered throughout the building. All you need to do is find one and use a specific unlock spell. Alternatively, you can use a Vermillion ring to pass through.

That was interesting. So, Phoil had come prepared in more ways than one. His goal had been to kill Enroy and Dallion, then leave. That was reassuringit meant that there was a way to avoid the shardflies outside.

You alright, Ruby? Dallion glanced at the ceiling.

The shardfly was trembling with such speed that it was outright vibrating. Gradually, its winds moved back out of the ceiling, allowing the creature to re-emerge.

Anything broken?

No, the insect said, even if it were plainly visible that his wings were chipped in several places. Flying along a spiral, it made its way to Dallions shoulder.

Lux will take care of you. Dallion then retrieved his blocker ring from the floor. Gem, keep him alive. If he or anyone tries to attack you, vanish.

Okay, boss, the aetherfish replied.

Gritting his teeth to best ignore the pain that came with every step, Dallion left the room, then the building altogether. The situation in the corridor was just as bad as he remembered it. A few elder mages were making an attempt to forcefully impose order, but even they found it difficult with the number of panicking apprentices. This complicated things somewhat. If Dallion tried to run, there was every chance hed be spotted and stopped. To avoid this, he calmly made his way towards the staircase section, keeping as closely as possible to the nearby buildings.

His effort paid off. Although slow and painful, the trip off the floor wasnt interrupted. Once on the first floor, things went a lot more smoothly. At one point, he even had an apprentice shout at him to hurry up and get back to his room. Since that was Dallions intention, he complied, forcing himself to run as quickly as possible.

If you keep this up, youll faint in a minute, Nil said.

A minute is all I need, Dallion hissed through his teeth. He was almost at his door. His vision had gotten slightly blurry, and yet he pushed on. Collapsing in the corridor was out of the question. A concerned mage, or apprentice, or even a well-meaning fellow novice was enough to end his chance of leaving the Learning Hall.

Gripping the handle, Dallion opened the door and stumbled inside.

Lux, he managed to say. Heal me.

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