Leveling up the World

Chapter 782: Exalted of the Past

Chapter 782: Exalted of the Past

The moment Dallion struck, a surge of magic rushed up the blade into him.


Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 30

Partial absorption? Dallion wondered.

This was new in more ways than one. Harp must have done something for the attack to drain magic instead of dealing damage. Just like the mage duels back at the Academy. The difference was that, as far as he had been taught, an agreement between the participants was necessary.

Of course! A smile formed on Dallions face. The laws of the Moons didnt apply here. As long as he was in the vortex, he could use any methods he wished. Equivalently, all methods could be used on himsomething to keep in mind.

The expression of the twin guardian suddenly shifted. The calm, almost statuesque, expression was replaced by that of a normal person. A speck of relief shone through the layers of purple.

Ceasing his attack, the guardian pulled back, splitting into ten instances of his own.

Dallion did the same, adding twenty more instances to his usual splits.

Nine instances of the twin charged forward, his attackers faster and more vicious than before. Just at first glance, one could see three skills being combined in the process. The last instances, however, kept its distance at ten feet from Dallion.

Youre an otherworlder, the instance said, in a voice much different from before.

Dallion could feel Harps desire to take this opportunity to go all out at the instance, possibly even urging him to force that outcome into reality. At the same time, he could still see emanations of longing and reluctance coming from his opponent; to be more precise, only from that specific instance of his opponent.

Dont hesitate, Harp said.

The right thing was to listen to her. Or was it? Hundreds more of Dallions instances were flying about, fighting the guardian as well, also keeping an eye on the other fights. For the moment, everything was going as well as predicted. The giant chainling had engaged the other guardian twin, while Adzorg and Diroh were engaging in any rogue wasp that ventured to approach Dallion from behind.

Sorry, Harp, Dallion thought. I can spare one instance.

What about you? he asked. Were you one?

No. The guardian laughed. Id seen a lot. They used to be common before I was exalted. Not anymore, it seems.

Exalted? Dallion asked.

The fighting instances of the guardian were pushing him back, but in one case, Harp managed to strike another target marker.


Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 31

Good approach, the talking instances noted. I dont think itll help you, though.

Not worried?

Why? The twin shrugged. Ill still win. The voidling is attracting all my attention. Once its destroyed, Ill focus on you and even your nymph guardian wont be able to present a match.

Is that why youre chatting with me? To gloat?

Im talking to you because I can. Exaltation is a gift and duty, but its a life of solitude. Everything sad has been said. Only when the void tries to breach into the world, do we get to glimpse a part of it.

We? So, there are others like you?

The Order has exalted thousands. If one falls, two must take their place.

There it was againthe shiver that went down Dallions spine. There was no doubt that the Order had the means to banish people, or exalt as the twin referred to it. Most likely, they presented it as a blessing or some sort, the highest goal that could be bestowed upon an exalted. From a certain point of view, it probably was.


Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 32


Your health has been decreased by 50%

Two rectangles popped up simultaneously. The wound was serious but Dallion had no choice but to have it become reality. The greater his magic trait, the better he got to see the weaknesses within the guardians armor.

You could have joined the Order, the talkative instance continued.

Im working for the Order, Dallion insisted. When were you exalted?

During the second Conquest War. He paused for a moment. During the era of nymphs, he added.

Another successful hit. Was the twin so confident that he had allowed himself to be hit five times? Dallion had heard that some people wanted to live on the edge, but this was too much. One more successful absorption hit and the vortex would be consumed, bringing to the guardians death. Just to be sure, he glanced at the info rectangle once more. The value of the magic trait remained at sixty, as it was supposed to be.

Do you want me to win? Dallion asked.

No, the other replied.

Then why give me all the hits?

The first one you did on your own. The rest are just a way to illustrate how helpless you are. An outsider with void within, a crippled old man, and a fury that isnt a fury. Only the Moons themselves can help you get out of here alive.

Dallion said nothing. He really didnt want to resort to using the Moonstone, but it seemed like he had no choice. Before that, though there were a few more hands he had to play.

Its never over until its over he told himself.

What is the Eighth Moon? he asked.

The question brought an explosion of fear within the guardian, one far stronger than Dallion expected.

There is no Eighth Moon, he whispered.

Ive seen it, Dallion said. Gem, count to five and show up next to Di, he added mentally in his realm.

There never was an Eighth Moon! the guardian shouted. Lies to keep the faithful away from the deities!

All but one of the twins instances erupted in rage. Weapons Dallion had never seen emerged within their hands, all mage of aether: halberds with triple chained daggers instead of blades, scythes with heads as large as a crescent moon, even a crossbow that held eight sets of bolts.

Strikes and projectiles flew at Dallions instances, all reinforced by the twins octagonal spells. It was at that point that Gem emerged.

Got you! Dallion thought and forced reality.

All of the armed instances of the guardian vanished, leaving only the talking one present. Dallion struck forward with his harpsisword again, letting Harp shoot another jet of water. Meanwhile, he drew his aura sword back, as if preparing for a line attack. However, that never happened. Threads of magic shot from the tip of the sword, flying towards the person who had just appeared thereAdzorg.

The guardian drew his sword, evaporating the water attack with one strike.

Keep the wasps occupied, dear girl, Adzorg said as he weaved a completely new type of spell. It was a lot larger than the ones hed done in the past, also the shape wasnt circular as was standard, but cubic.

New layers of aether armor appeared around the guardian. Like massive slabs of hardened light they completely encased him, making him invulnerable for attack. His usual aether sword disappeared, replaced by one three times larger.

Now, Dallion saw why his opponent wasnt worried about having the final vortex point absorbed. It would take dozens of spark attacks to break through that shell, maybe more. Walking a thin line between hope and defeat, he struck forward with his harpsisword once more, performing a multi-attack.

You cant win, the twin said, darting forward straight at the jets of water.

Dallion held his breath. Just them, Adzorg completed his spell.

The cube he was casting turned solid. Thousands of poles shot from its sides, growing in size as they moved forward. Bending around Dallion, like jaunt arc, they focused on the vortex guardian, striking him from the sides.

The twin instinctively performed a slashing motion with his sword, aiming to shatter the new constructs. To his surprise the bade stopped at the first one, incapable of continuing.


Dealt Damage increased by 200%

Hundreds of rectangles emerged as the massive pieces of armor were shattered one after the other. The guardians made an attempt to replace them with new ones, but as many as he created, more were shattered by the merciless poles.

Dallion concentrated, carefully observing every inch of the twins armor, waiting for the targeting marker to appear. Two seconds later it did.


Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 35


Level 6 Vortex has absorbed 1 magic from Level 9 Vortex.

Level 9 Vortex has been converted to a Level 8 Vortex



You have managed to absorb magic from both parts of a double vortex. Good start. Now you just have to survive and see it through.

Oh, Crap! Dallion thought.

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