Leveling up the World

Chapter 783: A Game of Devouring

Chapter 783: A Game of Devouring

Told you. The vortex guardian struck the poles that pinned him from both sides. This time, several of them snapped.

I dont think this will be as efficient as before, dear boy, Adzorg said, weaving a second cube spell. Id suggest a tactical retreat.

Dallion slashed twice more with his harpsisword, but even in the process of doing so, Lux pulled him back. The firebird instinctively felt the threat emanating from the guardian and wanted to get as far away from it as possible.


Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 36

One of the attacks hit, but at this point, magic was the last thing on Dallions mind.

You didnt tell me they could absorb one another! Dallion shouted as he performed a music spark attack.

Threads of light burst from the harpsisword striking the guardian along with any unfortunate aether wasp in a five-hundred-foot radius.

Dozens of red rectangles emerged, but even after all that, the guardians health just fell down to eight percent. As Adzorg had said, the vortex was adapting and the guardians along with it.

Sadly, that wasnt the greatest issue. The other twin had also broken out of its robotic state. Splitting into twenty instances, it plowed through the chainlings like melting snow. His actions, just like his expression, were a lot more human-like, as if having a point of magic absorbed had woken him up.

Im an idiot! Dallion gritted his teeth. The reason his opponent had allowed him so many free strikes wasnt just to chat. Now both twins were conscious, which brought the battle to a whole different level.

Dont! Adzorg said, flying next to Dallion.

Dont what?

Dont use the Moonstone. Youll never get another.

Dallion was about to ask what other option there was when it came to him. There was one alternative leftone that he had been using for millennia until the rebellion at the Academy. What the old man was proposing was to guide him once again from within his awakening realm.

You want me to let you inside. Dallion looked at him.

You have the strength, I have the knowledge. Until we combine the two, we dont stand a chance, even if I use your magic threads to cast spells.

I dont want a symbiote!

It wont be! I vow by the Moons I wont influence you or invade your realm. Once we escape the vortex, Ill be out of your realm.

There was undoubted logic in the offer, but after what Dallion had seen, he was more than a bit reluctant. Symbiotic echoes were able to transform children into highly experienced mages and fighters, but they also took complete control of a person.

Harp, what do you think? He asked.Geett the latest novels at wuxiahere.com

I can protect your realm, the nymph said without hesitation.

Should I do it?

There was no response.


I cant give you advice on this. Do what you think is best. Ill stand by you either way.

The harpsiswords words suggested that there could be an alternative way of dealing with this. The twin Dallion had been fighting had claimed the opposite. The nymph hadnt confirmed that. On the other hand, she hadnt been vehemently opposed to Adzorgs plan.

Damn it all! Go for it! Dallion flew to the old mage and grabbed his hand. Instantly, an echo appeared in his realm. Dont touch the Moonstone! Dallion hissed beneath his breath.

Dear boy, I wouldnt dream of it, the echo said. Now just relax a bit and try to get a sense of what Im doing. Youll need it once this is over.


Do you seriously think this will be the only vortex?

What about the wasps? she asked.

Forget the wasps.

Like lasers reflecting in mirrors, the beams bounced off invisible points in the sky, creating a mesh everywhere around. The guardians attempt to cut through resulted in his sword being severed in the process, earning him another one percent in damage.

No time for complacency, dear boy, Adzorg urged. Keep on casting!

The entire environment of the vortex swirled, reacting to the previous spell. The ever changing terrain below suddenly flattened, turning into an endlessness of threads. All features of the sky vanished, replaced by complete blackness. There was no sun, no Moons or stars, just nothing.

What the heck am I casting?! Dallion shouted, flying back as he held onto Dallion and Adzorg.

Same as before, the beams of magic bent to let him pass, repulsed by his presence.

Nothing that you should cast outside of here, the echo said.

I know that much!

In the simplest terms, Im making the vortex attack itself. The effects arent immediate, but since the guardians and the vortex are one and the same, its bound to

Look out! Diroh shouted.

Ignoring the damage dealt to him by the beams, the weaker twin had thrust for Dallion, aiming for the kill. Immediately, the otherworld burst into instances, but he knew that it was too late. Even if he managed to make two hundred, theyd be clustered close enough for the outcome to be the same.

For a fraction of a second his life flashed before his eyes. He saw his path all the way from the simple days on Earth to his arrival in Dherma village, through all the challenges that had brought him here: his relationship with Euryale, the fights against the Star, the hunts in the wilderness, gaining his familiars, losing Gleam, even the talks with the Moons It was a long road spanning hundreds of years with its ups and downs. Now, it seemed to be over. Even if he stopped the spell he was casting, he wouldnt be able to cast a protective spell of any significance. In slow motion, he could see the water of his harpsisword increase in an attempt to create a protective barrier. Even the armadil shield emerged a few feet away on its own accord. Sadly, neither of the two had the power to save him from his fate.

That sucks, Dallion thought. At least it was a good run.

The only thing he could dothe thing he should dowas try and complete the third spell. Even if he were to die, if he succeeded in killing the vortex twins, the rest of his group would get to escape.

Magic symbols suddenly emerged all over Dirohs body. There were hundreds of them, composing a spell that Academy mages would have issues with.

Before Dallions very eyes, the fury lost substance, shifting into the slime form of a copyette. Teleporting between him and the guardian, the copyette took in the blade. Tendrils shot out, wrapping themselves around the twins hand and body.

You owe me one, a voice that Dallion didnt hear before said.


FIONs health has been reduced by 100%

FION has been absorbed by AGENELIN MURSER

Red and purple rectangles emerged, marking the death of the creature.

At that precise moment, the harpsisword moved on its own, striking the entangled guardian in the neck. Harp has seen her chance and took it without hesitation.


Your health has been decreased by 50%


Damage dealt has been increased by 500%

Magic flowed through the weapon, entering Dallions arm. The experience was brief and painful, as if he had grabbed hold of a bolt of lightning. Instinct made him try to let go, but his fingers wouldnt obey, retaining their grip.


You have absorbed AGENELIN MURSER

Your MAGIC TRAIT is now 59

The sky of Dallions realm turned purple. Abilities that required decades to develop kicked in. In one single instant, he was able to see the instructions on threads that had been unreadable. A few spots remained unclear, but he understood how the threads of the vortex were keeping it whole, as well as the instructions Adzorg was injecting to make it turn on itself. But that was not all. The new level of his magic trait had given him a sudden new perspective of magic and reality and shown him how wrong hed been about one major thing.

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