"I didn't expect that I would take this opportunity to completely break away from the book world. Now that black-bellied woman shouldn't think that I'm just a book painter who can draw ergonomic content."

"By the way, let's get in touch with them."

Yingli Li knew that it was the other party's reason that she could overcome the barrier of the book painter this time. No matter how good her painting was, she couldn't overshadow the excellence of the novel itself.Even if it was because of his own paintings that he attracted a lot of readers to buy novels, if it wasn't for the quality of the novels themselves, I'm afraid there would be no way to break out such an unpopularity.


"Tongino? I already know the grades of your book."

Yingli Li is in a very excited mood right now. It's been a long time since she's been in such an excited mood as she is now.

Ying Lili's family is very wealthy, and she can spend her time completely on her own interests, but it is because of this that she is happy and excited that her skills will be further improved.

Chapter [-] You can go to that boy for help

"Congratulations to you."

Yingli first congratulated Kirino and Liuli on their first novel published. They sold [-] copies on the first day. On the second day, the sales volume in one month must be quite a surprise.

"You have such a result on the first day of your first book. I think your sales volume in the first month will definitely surprise you."

Ying Lili has nothing to envy about money, she still gives Tongno and Ruri a blessing of her own.Her family is relatively well-off and doesn't worry too much about economic issues. Even she herself has a pretty good income. After all, she is quite a well-known book painter. Even in normal time, she often picks up the work of some painters. Not very short of money.

But she is not short of money, Tong Nai and Liu Li are not the same.

Tong Nao is working as a model, but during the writing time, Zhongying Piri knew that Tong Nao had already let go of her model work. Now if the novel can get a certain income, the daily consumption is definitely not too big. question.

Liuli's situation is much better than Tongnao. Liuli is usually a very economical girl. I heard that all the clothes on her body are sewn by herself, but Liuli also has a lot less time to work because of writing, and Liuli's family The conditions are a little worse than Tong Nai's family. With this money, Liu Li can also subsidize the household, which is also beneficial.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

Kosaka Kirino is quite confident about his first novel, but no matter how confident he is, it is only his own self-confidence. Now it is only a little verification, and he still does not know what the sales results will be today.

"Don't worry too much, there is Miss Sanqianyuan here. The Undying Chuan Shuku sees the achievements you made yesterday, and will definitely give more publicity to your novels today. By then, your results today will be at least as good as yesterday's. Flat."

Ying Lili is not at all worried that the results of Kirino and Liuli's novels will be worse today than yesterday. As long as there is no problem with their brains, the Undead River Library will definitely promote the novels of Kirino and Liuli more vigorously today.She believes that if today's results are better than yesterday, the time after the Undead Chuan Shuku may have been maintained at a high level of publicity.

As long as this state is maintained for a period of time, it may not be impossible for the sales volume to reach one million copies in a month. It is even said that such a result is very easy for Kirino and Liuli's novels to achieve.

"Perhaps if your grades continue to be maintained, your books will soon be animated, and then you have to keep an eye on them. Many animation companies in the island country are very unreliable now."

Ying Lili doesn't need to know what the results are for a month. As long as the results of the first three days of publication are announced, Kirino and Liuli's novels will easily start the animation process. There must be many animation companies by then. Ready to animate this hit novel.

Here, she also reminded Tong Nai a little by the side, but don't be blinded by animation. Many animation companies in the island country are now idiots. It's bad, and the two people who suffer in that situation are Tong Nao and Liu Li.

"Don't worry, about this, I don't think there should be a problem."

Kosaka Tono is not very worried about the animation problem. Miss Sanqianyuan has already bought the animation company. Could it be that Miss Sanqianyuan can still screw up the animation?

Obviously not possible!

"Anyway, you must call me when you animate. I also want to see the whole process of the animation of the novel."

Ying Lili has been interested in animation for a long time, but it is a pity that she has never had the opportunity to come into contact with it before, and now she has the opportunity to talk to Kirino.

"In this case, I'm actually not sure if I can participate."

Takasaka Kirino himself couldn't tell Eiri, after all, she is the author of the novel, but some things are not hers to have the final say... Everything depends on the meaning of Miss Sanchien-in, but if she is the author of the novel With that boy's words, it might be possible to get Eiri to join in as well.

"Eriri, didn't you say you were recommended by a boy before?"


"You go directly to the boy. If our novel is animated, then the boy should have the right to decide whether you can participate."

"That boy?"

Ying Riri thought about the boy's affairs for a while, but at that time it seemed that her heart was greatly stimulated and she didn't pay attention to the boy's affairs.Now that I think about it, if the boy and the eldest Miss Sanqianyuan are friends, at least they have equal status with the eldest Miss Sanqianyuan. If you go to someone else, maybe you can really participate in it.

'Are you going to find that boy? '

When it comes to the boy, she is still a little tangled. After all, that boy is the only person she knows until now who knows that he is a house girl. Going to the boy to talk about such a thing will always make her Feeling a little embarrassed.

"Tongino, is that boy a friend of Miss Sanqianyuan?"


Takasaka Tono thought for a while, and recalled the stickiness of Miss Sanchien 1.5 to the boy at the party yesterday, and felt that it was not as simple as a normal friend. that mind.

Of course, she herself saw how unusual and unusual the boy was, and even she herself almost made a mistake. If it wasn't for the black guy pulling her own, she would have said a lot of things she shouldn't have said. .

Now she suggested that Ying Riri go to the boy, she should talk a little bit, at least let Ying Riri pay more attention.

"It should be regarded as a good friend. You must be sure to go to him for help. But you still have to be careful. That boy actually has a similar identity to that eldest lady."

Chapter [-] The expression on his face is a little reluctant

"The first day's result was [-] volumes, and the second day's result was [-] volumes."

Machida Yuanko looked at the data report in his hand and felt that he could not calm down for a long time. It was just this data. Only the teacher Kasumi Shizi could fight against it, but the teacher Kasumi Shizi used it for a few months. The data is against the data of the two teachers for two days, and the gap is still obvious.

"The data of the first day was refreshed the next day, and such a result is unmatched even by a best-selling author."

Machida Yuanzi thought about the famous writers in the past. The best novels of those writers are 21 million copies a year. When they were first published, it was about [-] copies. After the first day of publication, The popularity will soon come down, and it would be good to be able to maintain half of the level of the first day. How can it be like now, and it has doubled for the first [-] days.

"The sales volume reached [-] copies in just two days. It seems that it is not impossible for this novel to reach [-] million copies in the first month."

It has reached the sales volume of one million copies in a month. This kind of writer is quite rare. For their library, it is simply synonymous with a golden brand.

Machida Yuanzi knows that there are such writers in the Undead River Library, but there are not many million-level writers, and some of them are achievements that have been in this circle for several years.But now these two teachers are newcomers, but they are pure newcomers in the true sense. The newcomers have such achievements. If these two people are allowed to settle for a while, won't the results be completely explosive?

"It's too early to think about these things."

Machida Yuanzi shook his head, these things are not what you need to think about now. Now the two teachers are just newcomers who have just written their first novel. It is still unreliable to think about them now. The main thing is to wait. The second book of those two teachers.

"Today's news... Let's wait until a little later to inform them. They should be in school today."

At noon in a high school, today Kosaka Kirino also called her two friends from the normal world together. After all, this is the result of her long-term efforts with the black one, and she should share it with her two friends.

"Tong Nai, why are you so happy today?"

Kanako Kanasu looked at her friend with a smile on her face, but she was very curious. As a few people who have a good relationship with Kirino, of course she knew that Kirino's actions recently were mysterious, and she didn't know where she was. do something.

Ayase Ayase looked at the happy Kirino, but her mood was a little lost.As Tong Nao's best friend, she has always known a lot of things about Tong Nai, but recently, Tong Nao hasn't told her anything, and she always feels a little unfamiliar.

"Hee hee~"

Kosaka Kirino took out two novels from behind her. These were the novels she and Black wrote together, and they were still the original version. They were also printed by them, and they were kept as souvenirs. She was in advance. Ayase and Kanako were left for more.

"Actually, I haven't been working as a model lately, and it's also because there is one other thing to do, and this is the success of my recent efforts."


Ayase Ayase and Kanako Kanasu took things from Kirino's hands one after another. This is a novel.

Kanako Kanasu was a little surprised when she saw the novel in her hand. Because of her sister's relationship, she knew a little about otaku affairs. Isn't this book a novel that has just been published and has been selling very well?

"It's this novel! How did you get it, Tono?"

Kanako Kanasu's interest in the house is also due to her sister's relationship, and her sister said that this novel is of good quality. She wanted to buy it before, but unfortunately this novel was a bit over-selling, and it was published the day after. None were bought.

"Hee hee~ Of course it's because this is the result of what I've been working on lately."

Kosaka Tono is very happy to share this news with a few good friends. She wrote this novel, although she did not write it alone, but it also contains some of the results of her efforts, she is a little proud It should be possible at all.

"You wrote this?"

Kanako Kanasu looked at Kirino with wide eyes, but out of the corner of the eye, she looked at Ayase beside her with a little unease.

'Ayase, don't burst out.Tong Nao is in a good mood today, and now that you burst out directly means that you and Tong Nao have completely broken up. '

There are some things Tong doesn't know, but she is not the one that Ayase always wants to keep secrets, so she actually knows that Ayase doesn't like the 797 thing about the house.Usually, Ayase didn't want to appear too disgusted with that aspect, so she kept it hidden from Kirino.

But who knew that Kirino was actually one of the people who made those houses. If Ayase went completely mad, things might become difficult to clean up.

"Yeah, I've been working hard to finish a novel these days, and I've spent a lot of time on it."

Kosaka Kirino is also apologetic. Recently, because of the novel, the relationship with Kanako and Ayase has become unfamiliar, but she also intends to give them a surprise. At least she can tell her friends if she gets a good grade, otherwise she is embarrassed and casual. Say what?

Kosaka Kirino happily grabbed Ayase's hand and looked at her with an apologetic look.

"Ayase, I'm sorry, I've been busy with these things recently and haven't gone out with you for a long time."

"Hey? Uh, I, I said, how come Tong Nao has been out of time recently."

Ayase Ayase looked at her best friend with an apologetic look on her face. The villain in her heart clenched her teeth, so that she would not do anything excessive.

Chapter [-]: The Calm Down Ayase Ayaki

'Calm Ayase!You must be calm! ! ! '

Ayase Ayaki kept reminding herself in her heart that she should not do anything impulsive. If her mind is not calm and do something she shouldn't do, maybe her relationship with Kirino will become irreparable. .

Today, Kirino happily wants to give her and Kanako a surprise. It was originally something that everyone would be happy about. If she said something excessive, Kirino would definitely be very sad now... If things turn out to be In this way, Ayase herself felt that she couldn't forgive herself.

If this kind of situation shakes their past best friend relationship, it's really not worth it!

'That's right!It's not worth it to have a bad relationship with Kirino just because of this little thing! '

Thinking of this, Ayase Ayase felt that her mood was much calmer. She, who was full of disgust at the house before, felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, especially when she thought that this house was made by her best friend. when coming out.

'Perhaps this is a good way to get to know Kirino better. '

Ayase Ayaki figured this out, and her concept of house property has changed a lot. After all, this is just a house property.Could it be because of this house that the deepest friendship between her and Tongno has problems, this kind of friendship has become too cheap, and the friendship between them is only one or two houses. can be destroyed.

Ayase Ayase, who had figured it out, had a bright smile on her face again. How could she have a rift with her best friend because of one or two house issues?There is no such thing at all.


Kanako Kanasu breathed a sigh of relief by the side, Ayase can stand on the surface now, so it won't really cause too much conflict with Kirino, otherwise Kirino and Ayase will definitely be in trouble today because of this matter.

"If you say that, you have been writing... novels recently, Tono?"

Ayase Ayase glanced at the novel in her hand. She was actually a little bit resistant to this thing, but now it's only for Kirino's sake that she endured the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.Anyway, she personally feels that because of one or two things in the house, it is not worth it for her and Tong Nai to have a bad relationship. She personally doesn't want to let Tong Nai know her preferences. It is best for Tong Nai to never know that she hates houses, otherwise Tono has other ideas for herself.


Kosaka Kirino saw that Ayase was also happy for herself. She is also in a good mood now. It is her happiest thing to be able to share her good news with her friends.When it comes to her writing novels, she actually has a lot to say, but she doesn't want to say more about some non-critical issues.

"Actually, I didn't want to write a novel, but I met the eldest Miss Sanqianyuan at an offline party. The eldest lady started her own business, and then put me and another person in the same offline meeting. Pulled in."

'It turned out that someone else pulled Tong Nao in. '

Ayase Ayaki breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and felt a little better in her mood, but that eldest lady of Sanzenyuan... Could this surname be the eldest lady of that big family?

"Tong Nai, is that Miss Sanqianyuan?"

"Well, it's that Miss Sanqianyuan."

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