After getting Kirino's affirmative answer, Ayase Ayaki knew who the lady Sanzenin was referring to was Datou.It's really hard to refuse that kind of eldest lady's request. As a model, she often hears the eldest lady's name, and she knows very well what Sanqianyuan stands for. Once they refuse, it will bring them to themselves. Big trouble.

However, it is precisely because of the inability to make any choices that the current Ayase Ayaki can understand Kirino's current situation even more.Once you offend the eldest lady of that status, with the relationship of the Sanqianyuan family, girls born in ordinary families like them can go out of their way.

Ayase Ayase's uncomfortable feeling just now completely subsided, and she could only sigh at Kirino's situation in the end.There are still many coincidences in some things. If Kirino hadn't been attracted to the eldest lady of that level, maybe he wouldn't write novels now.

"After being pulled in by the eldest lady, the black man and I moved to another place to live, and the place was also arranged by the eldest lady. Since then, we have been working together to write this novel. ."

Kosaka Kirino thinks about it now, and feels that the fate of this is really impossible to say clearly. There were actually a lot of people during the offline meeting, but the eldest lady directly took a fancy to her, Saori and the black three. Individually, as a result, the three of them began to team up to jointly write novels.

"Because the novels I co-written with Black have sold out, and soon the eldest lady will start to animate the novel, and Black and I will have a long time to work."

The first and second parts of the novel have been completed, and the arrival of animation also shows that she will definitely not be able to rest in a short time.

To write a novel, if you have a computer and some materials, you can start to create with your imagination, but animation is more troublesome than writing. It does not mean that non-professionals can participate in it casually. There will definitely be a lot of them. She also has a lot to learn.

"Well, if it's animated, you won't have much free time in a short period of time, Kirino."

Kanako Kanasu did a little analysis and knew that Kirino would be even more busy if he faced animation. I am afraid there will not be too much time in a short period of time. Animation needs to be done more work than writing.

"It should be. One of the people living with me is a drawing supervisor from an animation company. That eldest lady has been waiting for a long time. Maybe it will take a little more time this time."

Kosaka Kirino is also a little distressed, maybe the animation is very happy, but it is not good if there is not much time to contact friends.

Chapter [*]: The Threat of Ayase Ayase

" it a hassle?"

Ayase Ayase doesn't care so much about the problems of the house now. Kirino only started to contact those houses because of the situation, and it seems that some things are inevitable now, she can understand it completely. Tong Nao is facing the current situation, so now she will still support her in her own way.

"Yeah. Actually, I don't know exactly how the animation is done, but I heard that there is a lot of preparation to do, which is much more troublesome than writing novels, and the issues to be paid attention to are the same. It's quite a lot."

Kosaka Kirino is quite looking forward to animation, but he also doesn't know much about animation.There are some statements on the Internet, but those statements are only a few words, and some are said in professional terms. She can't understand it at all, even if she wants to understand it a step ahead, she can't do it.

"I just listened to the painting supervisor who lived with me. In fact, the original author of the animation work only needs to be responsible for a certain degree of content, and some other highly professional work is left to professionals."

The 897 content that the original author is responsible for is not a lot, but the part of the work that the original author is responsible for in the animation is related to the overall quality of the animation.In fact, it was because she heard this sentence that she was looking forward to the animation recently, but she was also a little nervous.

"If that's the case, Kirino just needs to do his own thing well."

Ayase Ayase didn't pay attention to knowledge such as animation. After all, she actually hates houses and houses, but she still comforted Kirino and let Kirino calm down.


Takasaka Kirino also knew in his heart that there would be professionals to teach them how to do it. It's not much use to be too nervous now. Instead, it is necessary to maintain a calm attitude.However, being able to hear Ayase's comfort is the best help for her, and sometimes she hopes to have her best friend by her side to support her.

"Ayase, thank you!"

"Tongino, aren't we best friends? These words don't need to be said at all."

"That's right, Tono. We're best friends, so it's a bit outlandish to say these words."

It can be said that Kosaka Kirino is in a very good mood when she sees her two best friends. With the support of these two friends, her mood is much calmer.

'It turns out that Tong Nao has been worried all the time, but fortunately it didn't break out just now, otherwise the relationship between Tong Nao and I would really be destroyed. '

Ayase Ayase looked at the relaxed Kirino and felt relieved, and she was quite fortunate that she had held back just now. If she didn't listen to Kirino's words after the small tantrum, she might have misunderstood. Tong is gone.

' But now there is a problem. '

Before Kirino could find out, Ayase Ayase locked on Kanako with cold and cold eyes.

Now there is such a person who knows that he hates houses and things the most, and he can't let Kanako tell Kirino inadvertently about the things he hates, otherwise her friend will be deducted points.

Feeling Ayase Mori's cold gaze, Kanako's face changed instantly, and she knew that Ayase was going to chat with her.

"Kanako, I have something to talk to you about. Come over here."

Ayase Ayase's eyes have become a little hollow now, and those hollow eyes reveal the meaning of killing. If Kanako dares to have any objection, she can let Kanako understand how to be a new person in minutes.


Kanako Kanasu shrank her neck, and did not dare to resist, she followed Ayase out of the classroom obediently.


Kosaka Kirino couldn't understand what this meant, but the relationship between Ayase and Kanako should be good, and Ayase should just have something to say with Kanako.


Just arrived in a quieter place, Ayase Ayase with empty eyes slapped Kanako's face with a slap, making Kanako's whole body stiff there without any intention of moving.

"Kanako~ You should know. I don't want Kirino to know that I hate otaku. Don't tell Kirino that I hate otaku in the future, or I will be very angry, very, very angry!"

Ayase Ayase is very concerned about this matter. Now, the last thing she wants Kirino to know is that she hates the house. If Kirino knows what she hates, won't Kirino hate her?

"I, I know."

Kanako Kanasu took a deep breath, and she quickly made it clear that she understood the situation, and she personally would never say anything about Ayase to Kirino.

"I will never tell Tono that you hate the house."

"Well, very good, I'm relieved to hear you say that."

Ayase Ayase's empty eyes changed back to the clear look she used to be. She didn't have the angry look she used to look like before. Now she looks like two people who were haunted by ghosts before, and the bright smile on her face is also amazing. It feels very dazzling.

'The image just now is almost the same as that of the devil, but now it is brilliant. '

Kanako Kanasu breathed a sigh of relief. The last time Ayase forced her to quit smoking, she was in such a state, so that she now has a mental shadow about smoking when she thinks about it.She remembered that from that time, every time she saw Ayase like this, her little heart couldn't bear it.

"Then, Ayase, you should pay attention to yourself in the future, especially in front of Kirino, don't act like you hate the house. Now Kirino is always in touch with that aspect."

"……Of course I know."

It is conceivable for Kirino to come into contact with many things in the house now, Ayase Ayaki can think of it. After all, writing a book also requires a lot of materials. These materials naturally come from the house, but now she can still accept it.

Chapter [*] Daisy is too upright

Today, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mood is very complicated.

Yes, her mood today is very, very complicated. As a member of the Undying Chuan Library, she called her editor directly early in the morning because she was curious about the results of the pair of new writers the next day. .

Originally, she thought that the other party was very popular on the first day, and the second day would only maintain the level of the first day with little increase, but who knows whether the results of the new writers on the second day only increased slightly, then The degree of increase almost completed more than half of her best results.

"...The world is really unfair."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu once again felt the injustice of the world in a real sense, and felt a little depressed at the same time.

I have worked hard for so many years to make myself a little successful, but it is really just a little achievement in the face of others.She thinks that the sales volume of [*] is already a very high achievement for her, but this feeling does give her a big limit, and she has always been stuck in her own way, just let herself stay at the level of [*], no Ways to get her involved in higher realms.

Now, with the emergence of two new writers, it only took two days to break her best score.Maybe it's a matter of propaganda in the Undying Chuan Library, or maybe it's the reason why the Golden Retriever's level has risen, but these are actually excuses, if it wasn't for the novel's high level and reputation, how could it have exploded the next day? Got your first day's grades?Do you really think that group of readers are fools, or is there a hole in their brains?

"I still have to admit that the strength of those two new writers is much stronger than mine."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu admitted that she is not as good as the other two newcomers, and the results printed there are the most obvious evidence, no matter what method she uses, no matter what kind of situation she faces, no matter whether she feels her book or not It's better than others, but my own book's grades will soon be inferior to the other's. This is a rigid indicator, and there is no way to make any changes.

To distinguish between high and low, this is the most direct indicator.

"Now I'm a little envious of the new couple's achievements."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu flipped through the novel in his hand, as if it was a new book just published by the Immortal River Library.

All the favorable conditions are placed in front of us, and coupled with the content of the novel of excellent quality, it is quite difficult to not be popular.

She was also jealous of the two rookie writers at the beginning, because they were just two rookies, why can two rookie writers create such a best-selling work?On the contrary, she is a talented and capable person who is also willing to work hard. After working hard for several years, she was compared by two newcomers?

There is really no way to explain everything in more words. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mood has fluctuated in the past two days, but now it has finally calmed down.

Because she admitted that, no matter what the reasons are, no matter what the conditions are, even if the other party is just two newcomers, she is not a person who can be compared.If you are not reconciled, then use better results to declare war, and use your own achievements to fight against the two newcomers, instead of being envious and jealous in this place, it is just the practice of a prodigal dog.

"But I'm not a prodigal dog. Even a golden retriever can do things. How could I, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, not be able to do it?"

At this moment, the soul of the writer who had not been on fire for a long time was completely ignited by Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu.She doesn't want to be stumped by the past glory, but she wants to step on the past glory and walk out a more splendid path.

After sorting out her mood, she can now contact the boy who came to her last time.

Gui Daiju sat in her own position weakly. Today, her whole body is quite sore. This is not caused by doing some shameful things, but because she has done a lot of actual combat training in swordsmanship. Now There is no extra strength left in the body.

"Well... my whole body is sore."

Although it doesn't mean that moving the body will hurt to death, but more movement will make the body a little uncomfortable.

"Daisy, it's rare to see you like this. You didn't do some extreme things yesterday, did you?"

Sanqianyuan Nagi stared at Daisy with a strange expression. Daisy usually looks full of energy. Why did she feel sore when she came to White Emperor today?

"Xiao Nagi, you are only thirteen years old this year, don't always think about that kind of mess."

Tsunaji looked at Xiao Nagi speechlessly beside him. There was a maid who looked like a mother, how could she teach Xiao Nagi to be like this? That maid couldn't shirk her responsibility.

"The reason why Miss Gui is sore today is entirely because she went too far in the morning exercise yesterday, and her body is a little bit unaccustomed to this kind of intensity of exercise, so the muscles are so sore."

"Daisy? Going too far during morning exercise?"

With Tsunayoshi's explanation, Sanshenin Nagi's face was not that weird, but stared at Daisy with an unbelievable look.She couldn't believe her ears, Daisy turned out to be like this because of excessive morning exercise?

'What kind of morning exercise did this almighty guy do to become like this? '

"Yeah, the little chick really went a little too far yesterday."

There was no wavering on Yaxiang's face at all, instead she looked at Daisy and wanted to laugh a little.

Originally, she thought what Xiao Chi wanted to do in the morning, but she ended up taking her brother to do a serious morning exercise, and because of her strong and unyielding personality, her whole body was sore from exercise. , This little chick really made her not know what to say.

A little angry, and a little funny.

Maybe it's because the little chick's character is too upright.

Chapter [*] Senior Sister came to the door in person


When it comes to her morning exercise, Guidaidai has no voice. When facing Icheng, she can admit defeat. After all, there is a big difference in strength, but when facing Sawada, she just doesn't want to admit defeat. Besides, Sawada uses Too much effort?Not at all, so she didn't want to admit defeat even more.

But I didn't expect Sawada's physical strength to be so amazing. From the morning to the noon, he didn't even shed a drop of sweat.This is almost to say that her strength is not even qualified to warm up Sawada. There is nothing more ironic than this.

"Daisy, how are you feeling now?"

Sanqinin Nagi looked at Daisy's uncomfortable appearance, and now she felt a little funny about such a picture.Daisy, who has always been strong, has such a day. It seems that on the day off yesterday, Daisy's defeat against Tsunaji was not a bit miserable, otherwise, it would not have been in this state all the time today.

"Xiao Nagi, you can really make people angry sometimes."

If it wasn't for the fact that her physical condition was not very good now, she would definitely ask Xiao Nagi to take those words back.

Guidaidai, who rolled her eyes, can only sit quietly in her seat and rest. Now she can come to school with sore muscles. As long as she doesn't do some exercise with a certain intensity, her physical state can be tolerated, but if she wants to be like The usual action is a little too difficult.

"But Miss Gui, you were a little too brave yesterday."

Gang Ji had been exercising with Miss Gui all the time yesterday, so he could easily see that Miss Gui was a little stubborn.It's just that he didn't say anything yesterday after knowing it, because Miss Gui's personality is like this, and her unyielding personality can't be done with just a few words.

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