Therefore, Tsunaji didn't say anything, as long as she understood what it means to be brave, Miss Gui should also understand the consequences of being brave.

'It's not your problem, won't you let me? '

As a girl, Gui Daisy's mood is a bit complicated now.

On the one hand, she hoped that Sawada would not be merciful to her, because only a positive confrontation can feel the difference in strength, which is also beneficial to her. She knows this.

On the other hand, she hopes that Sawada can take a step back because she sees that she is a girl. After all, no matter how strong she is, she is only a girl. Sometimes she is brave, if she takes a step back in the face of boys Sometimes it's time to go down the stairs.

It's just that Gui Daidai thought so, but if Gangji really showed mercy to her yesterday, or took a step back, she would definitely be very angry, and even think that Gangji looked down on her as a girl, I think girls should let boys in this regard.

Therefore, in fact, what Gangji did yesterday was also correct, and it could completely avoid the bad situation caused by directly letting Gui Daisy.

"Boom boom boom!"

While talking here, a knock at the door caught everyone's attention in the class.


"Why did this senior come to our class?"

The eyes of the boys in the class were all straight, and those eyes were almost staring at Kasumigaoka Shiyu-senpai standing at the door.

"Strange, how did this senior come here?"

Gui Daiju also glanced in the direction of the door, and she glanced in the direction of Sawada thoughtfully.

She didn't know why this senior came here, but she remembered that she recommended Sawada to find this senior, but she didn't know if this senior came to see Sawada.

"That classmate."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at the situation in the classroom at the door, and directly aimed his gaze at the boy sitting next to the student council president.Even if you don't need to look for it deliberately, you can find the location of the boy last time just by glancing in the classroom.

'The student council president and the student council vice president?There are quite a few people leaning on the side...'

He glanced at the student council president who was sitting not far from the boy, and the newly promoted vice president of the student council. It was rare to see members of the student council in a class, and the members of the student council seemed to be in a group. Sitting there, no matter how you look at it, it is quite problematic.


Gangji looked up and found that the other party was just staring at himself, not squinting at other people at all.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu nodded, she naturally wanted to find someone this time, but because the people she knew were different, this time she just wanted to chat with the boy.As for the others, in fact, if you want to chat, it is probably difficult to chat, or it would be better to chat with the boy who spoke last time, at least she can be less embarrassed.

"Then I'll go out."

Since the other party is looking for him, Gangji naturally wants to go out and hear what this senior is trying to find him.


The two sisters, Axiang and Rika, were staring at the senior sister over there, and the hostile gaze could almost be revealed from their eyes.

"Axiang, Rika, do you need to stare at that senior like that?"

Gui Daiju paid a little attention and found that sisters Yaxiang and Lixiang have been staring at the more prominent places of other seniors. This most behavior is not a behavior worth advocating 3.4.If this behavior is a boy, this behavior will get at least two slaps.

"Daisy, I don't think you know it yourself?"

Sanqianyuan Nagi is also a senior who has been staring in the direction of the door all the time. That senior is also a big threat to her. After all, that senior has many qualities that she does not have. is not possible.

"Can't you tell what kind of eyes you have? That senior sister dumped you dozens of streets."

'Dozens of streets? '

Gui Daidai glanced in the direction of the senior, then lowered her head and looked at her figure where she could see her toes, and the expression on her face was a little more subtle.

Chapter [*]: Sister's purpose this time

"It's just that he has grown a little better, what's so great."

Gui Daidai's face turned dark, and now the things about her body are also her pains all the time. Thinking about her body, she can only fight against Axiang, Rika, and Xiao Nagi. If it is someone else, even if it is just Sakuya They have thrown her a lot of streets.

"In the end, it's just a lump of fat. It's just something to gain weight. For me, it's the same thing."

This sentence is actually true. The protruding figure of a girl is actually sensual, but weight and sensuality have different definitions.

The weight of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is actually only [*] kilograms. This weight is actually the same as the weight of Gui Daisy, but it is not muscles that have a larger proportion on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's body, but Gui Daisy's body is all muscles. This also caused the two people to appear to be very different in body shape, but their weights were almost the same.

Some girls are very concerned about the figure of the girl, but some girls don't care very much.

But maybe it's unfair in the world 21. Some girls don't want to have a good figure, but her figure is quite explosive even without any effort.Some girls want to have a good figure, but no matter how hard her figure is, she will not get better.

"Little chick, this is actually what a prodigal dog would say."

Of course Yaxiang knew this, but she would never say such a thing, because such a statement would only make herself feel more like a prodigal dog, and it would have no effect beyond that.

"Who doesn't know it's fat, but can you grow that fat where it's supposed to go?"

Rika hopes that she can have that kind of fat. If the fat can grow in the place where she needs to grow, maybe she will be able to make a gap with Azi, but the problem is that she does not have such ability.

"Pink-haired dog, Daisy, this name suits you very well."

Although a good friend should not say such things, it is a pity that as a friend, he is also a rival in love, so Sanqinin Nagi didn't feel any pressure when he said the word "defeated dog".

"Little Nagi, you're not much better yourself."

"Humph~ I'm thirteen years old, and you are different from Daisy."

The implication is that I am only a [*]-year-old child this year. I still have a lot of room to grow, but it seems that you don't have that much room to grow.


Gui Daiju's heart was stabbed with a sword, she forgot that Xiao Nagi's age is still different from hers, which means that Xiao Nagi still has room to grow for several years, will she be able to get out of this situation in the future Still very possible.

"My mother's figure has a D. No matter how bad it is, I will not be too small."

For the first time, Sanqinin Nagi felt proud of having such an idiot mother, because her mother has a good figure and her genes have been passed on to her. As long as she can grow up normally, she can at least reach the level of her mother. Yes, so she is not very worried personally.


The three girls present were silent.

There is also a genetic relationship in the body, and there is still a gap in age. It is hard to say whether Xiao Nagi will really have an indescribable growth in the future, but if there are genetic reasons, he will grow up in the future. The possibility of getting up is high.

In this way, the three of them really need to worry about body issues.

"Sister, do you have something to do with me?"

Gangji didn't know what happened to this senior who found her, but this senior came straight to the door, and there should be some troublesome problems that need his help.

"There are some things."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wanted to say something. In fact, she wanted to get to know the two new writers, but because she had no access, she thought of coming to the apprentice. She thought that the apprentice should know each other.

"If there is anything I can help, senpai, you can say it directly."

"Actually, that's what happened last time."

"Last time? Was it because you asked that Miss Sawamura to be an illustrator?"

"It's not that, it's actually what you said earlier, junior, about your friend's writing."

The painter Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu naturally knew it. After seeing the cover of the golden retriever, she also felt that she should go and deal with the golden retriever again in the future.But now what she wants to talk about is not about the golden retriever, she is talking about the two new writers.

"The two newcomers are also writers from the Undying Chuan Shuku Library. I want to get to know them. You know, buddy, in fact, writers and writers still have a lot of common language, and I also want to chat with them about some things."

"It's nothing to know about those two girls, senior, but aren't you a writer of the Undead Chuan Shuku yourself, senior? You should have some connection with them, right?"

It's not necessary to find him just to contact the two girls. Gangji doesn't think that there is no connection between the writers in the same library.

'Where is it so easy. '

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu of course knew that he and the two newcomers belonged to the same library, but it was not easy to get in touch with the same library, not to mention the fact that this time, the Undying Chuan Library also kept the news of the two new writers. It's kept secret, even she can't get in touch, otherwise, do you need to run to the junior's side?

"Junior, although they and I are writers in the same library, the situation we face is a little different."

She herself is a writer with no background. Those two new writers are the writers that the Undying Chuan Library is focusing on now, and she has a relationship with Miss Sanqianyuan. It is very difficult for her to contact those two new writers.

"If that's the case, I'll take my senior to find them today. As it happens, I also have some other things to tell them."

A little bit of Gangji understands that this is a relationship problem, but it's not a big problem. Today, he happened to want to find those two girls too.

Chapter [*] turned out to be recommended by an insider

"Student brother is really the best to say."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can be considered relieved. Today, she is going to get in touch with those two new writers.Although the two girls are newcomers, they are only newcomers. She doesn't know if the two girls have worked hard like her for several years to get the results they are today, so she just made her debut. I want to get in touch a little bit.

"I don't know what kind of girls those two newcomers are."

In fact, within the scope of fiction writers, female fiction writers are still a minority, and most of them are male fiction writers.Both girls and novel writers, there should be a lot to talk about between them, which Shiyu of Kasumigaoka didn't say casually before.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu actually writes more about love in her novels. After all, as a girl, she can actually write better in this regard. Many female writers she knows actually write novels about love. This time she I came into contact with two alternatives, and I don't know how these two girls thought about the plot and some era designs.

She knows that these things are very complicated, and they are still very troublesome. Wanting to design a special era, wanting to describe a world that she wants is not as simple as talking on paper.

So many authors who designed it this way became famous best-selling novelists.

But this kind of originality is not so simple.There have been many writers who have challenged the original world, the circular world view, and everything about originality since the beginning, but only a few of them have succeeded and become famous best-selling novelists.

Therefore, there are many failures like this, and they have completely become street novelists.

"Two girls are in charge of the same novel, and they directly challenge the most difficult genre. I don't know if they are confident or naive. But if they succeed, they are not naive. Their success should represent confidence."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu believes that success is not accidental, and that behind any success requires considerable effort and effort.

'See you soon, don't think too much about it. '

After school today, I went with my younger brother to find two girls. When we meet each other, we will know whether the two girls are confident or naive.

Tsunayoshi, who came back from the outside, was baptized by the eyes of his two younger sisters, Kwai Daisy and Sanrenin Nagi.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Gangji looked at the four girls around him strangely. He just went to talk to his senior sister. Why did the four people's eyes look a little abnormal when he came back?

"Brother, do you know that senior sister?"

In fact, Yaxiang wanted to ask Gangji if she liked the type of senior sister, but it was hard to say it when she said it. past.

"I'm not very familiar with it, I just contacted it last time. Didn't this help Xiao Nagi find the illustrator?"

Tsunayoshi is actually not very familiar with that senior, so he only went to someone to recommend a few illustrators in the last incident, and there seems to be no contact with him other than that.

"I heard that Senior Sister knows a few illustrators, and this matter was recommended by Miss Gui."

For a moment, the eyes of the three girls around were staring at Gui Daidai with a vicious color. The feelings turned out to be things that their internal staff made up, and they actually made such a mess when they were all right.

"I... Didn't I recommend it to Sawada because of Nagi?"

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