"It's so clean!" Looking

at the empty living room, Wang Anshi let out a sigh.

TV, sofa, air conditioning...... Something is gone.

After inspecting all the rooms, Wang Anshi found that except for his own room, all that was left was a few cabinets and empty bed frames.

No, the air conditioner in my room was also removed. There are a total of four air conditioners in the house, which are placed in the living room, Ou Qin, Jiang Xiaoyang and his bedroom, and now they are all gone.

Walking into the kitchen, it was also empty. Pots and pans, refrigerators, gas stoves...... All of them were removed.

Seeing that the time was only more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Anshi first went to the home appliance city for a walk. I ordered many items for refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and so that the shopping guide on the side was so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

"Sir, you have bought too many things at once, and you can use the other things immediately. But the air conditioner may have to wait, it is late today, and it is estimated that you will be able to arrange for someone to install it tomorrow. The shopping guide in the mall said with a smile.

"Okay, then you send me something first, and I'll go to the supermarket next door to buy some groceries." Wang Anshi replied casually.

"What kind of food do you want to buy and tell me, I'll help you buy it later, and then I'll send it to you with these household appliances, what do you think?"

Wang Anshi was stunned for a moment, and this service?

When he first entered the mall, due to the problem of dressing, the shopping guide looked like he ignored him. Now he took the initiative to help him buy vegetables, but he really has money to make the ghost grind.

Wang Anshi came down this time, and he picked the best to buy, and all the household appliances added up to about 100,000 yuan. The normal commission of shopping mall guides is 10 percent, and today the target is exceeded, and it can be about 15 percent. With this single order alone, she can get 15,000, which is worth her three months' salary, can she not care.

Wang Anshi smiled slightly, and said jokingly: "Can you go to the bookstore to buy a few more books for me

?" "Yes sir, what books do you want

to buy?" This can all be agreed? What about your unruly appearance before?

Since someone is willing to help, Wang Anshi will not shirk it, so he asked the shopping guide to help him buy a complete set of high school textbooks.

Now that the knowledge of junior high school has been almost learned, it is time to enter the content of high school.

Asked Wang Anshi to wait for a while, and the shopping guide hurriedly ran to the back to find the manager.

After a while, the shopping guide returned again.

"Sir, we have arranged for someone else to buy the book you want, you can see ......

" "Okay, take me to pay." "

Your side, please!"

Seeing that Wang Anshi paid generously, the shopping guide's hanging heart also relaxed.

After arranging for the staff to place the household appliances, Wang Anshi thought about settling the money for books and vegetables to the shopping guide, but he was shirked.

Wang Anshi didn't bother to excuse himself, and after sending the people away, he started to cook dinner.

Turning to high school mathematics, Wang Anshi took a closer look. Maybe it's because I just finished dinner, and the blood supply to my brain is a little insufficient, and I feel groggy after a while.

"Could it be that high school math is too difficult?" Wang Anshi muttered, when he used to watch junior high school math, he never felt sleepy.

Helplessly, Wang Anshi took a primary brain awakening pill and a primary memory pill.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host for studying high school math for one hour, and now the host is rewarded with 500 revenge points.

Wang Anshi was happy at first, and then frowned.

Happily, compared with before, the reward for learning tasks has increased fivefold. However, although the task reward is long, his learning efficiency is much lower. For an hour, almost nothing was learned.

"High school math is still too difficult, and I feel completely incomprehensible by self-study. Wang Anshi sighed, according to the current situation, if you want to score 600 points in the college entrance examination, I am afraid it will be difficult to climb to the sky.

"Forget it, let's look at high school physics.

Another hour passed, and Wang Anshi's brows furrowed even deeper. Although the system reward has been received, the learning situation is the same as just now.

Do you still want to hire a tutor? I'm twenty-five years old, so it's not appropriate to hire a tutor.

Just when I was getting upset, the phone rang.

Taking out his mobile phone from his personal space, Wang Anshi frowned.

It's Ou Qin calling again! Why do you keep calling yourself?

Hung up the phone irritably, Wang Anshi planned to look at the language.

Moments later, however, the phone rang again. Wang Anshi didn't even look at it, and hung up directly.

The phone rang several times in a row, and Wang Anshi was a little impatient. Connected the mobile phone, I just wanted to get angry, but Ou Qin's roar came first.

"Wang Anshi, why do you keep hanging up on me, do you still have me as a mother-in-law in your heart!"

Wang Anshi was also angry.

"Mother-in-law? The mother-in-law doesn't say that everything goes with her son-in-law, but her daughter will also help her son-in-law talk when she is unreasonable. What about you? Your daughter refuses to have sex with me, you don't care, your family yells at me, you don't care. You've eaten and drunk me all these years, have you ever thought about me? You are also worthy of being my

mother-in-law!" "You ......

" Without waiting for Ou Qin to speak, Wang Anshi continued: "Don't say that I want to divorce your daughter now, even if I don't divorce, I won't recognize you as a mother-in-law in the future."

Wang Anshi hung up the phone angrily and directly blocked Ou Qin.

After about ten minutes, the phone rang for the Nth time.

Wang Anshi picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Jingqing calling. What about the complaint, he's not the licking dog he used to be.

"What's the matter

?" "Why do you keep hanging up on my mother

?" "Don't want to talk to her, is there a problem

?" "Even though we're going to get a divorce, you're not going to be like this, right?"

If you're here to argue with me, I don't have that time. There

was silence on the other end of the line for a moment.

"Some of Bai Tian's clothes have fallen on you, and I'm going to go over tomorrow to get them. "

The house has been moved cleaner than your face by you, can something be left behind?" Wang Anshi sneered.

"Just look in her closet.

Wang Anshi went to the wardrobe in Jiang Baitian's room to take a look, and sure enough, there were a few sets of clothes left.

"I'll be here tomorrow, you guys come early in the morning, and I'll probably leave when it's late.

"Won't you go home from work tomorrow night?" Jiang Jingqing didn't know about his resignation.

"No, I don't go back. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Anshi continued: "You and Jiang Baitian can just come over, I don't welcome others." "

Now that I just finished buying household appliances, if Ou Qin and Jiang Baihan see it, they probably want to move away again, or just stay here and don't leave, it will be troublesome.

Jiang Jingqing and Jiang Baitian are scholars, so don't worry about this. If they really want to see something, they will only try to be bigger and their intentions more poisonous.

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