"He dared not answer my phone. Ou Qin's face turned blue with anger.

Since the death of Jiang's father, the children of the Jiang family have almost obeyed her, which has also made her have a strong desire to control. In the past two years, because Jiang Jingqing got married, and her energy was not as strong as before after the operation, she handed over the power of the family to Jiang Jingqing.

But even so, if you really want to encounter any major events, you basically have to listen to her, and Wang Anshi is no exception. But recently, there has been a series of changes.

First, Jiang Jingqing and Wang Anshi divorced, she disagreed, Jiang Jingqing had to leave, and it was the first time against her wishes. But she doesn't have much opinion on this matter, after all, Jiang Jingqing has found a better one. The son of the director of the Education Bureau, no matter how bad he is in the future, he will be better than Wang Anshi, a cook.

Then came the division of the house, and Jiang Jingqing once again ignored her objections. If you have to give the house to Wang Anshi, you have to compensate him with 200,000 yuan. Of course, Jiang Jingqing can't be completely blamed for this, because if you don't give Wang Anshi a trouble, it will make trouble. If you want to marry the director's son, you should try to have as few scandals as possible, after all, it is already a second marriage, and if you let Wang Anshi make trouble, I am afraid it will be difficult to marry.

Later, Jiang Yiyi disobeyed her again and refused to calculate Wang Anshi. It made her a little angry, but she didn't blame her too much, after all, she had done it once, but failed. But what made her even more angry was that Jiang Yiyi was estranged from her.

In the end, it was Jiang Baitian, when she was asked to discuss the house, she refused directly. At this moment, Ou Qin felt that his control over this family had weakened. So she used threats to make Jiang Baitian have to agree and re-establish her authority. But this time, the youngest daughter was also estranged from her.

She endured all this, because the doctor said that she had to recuperate and not be angry, otherwise she would not live for two years. And although the daughters went against her wishes, they were not completely against it, and they still agreed to some things.

But this time, Wang Anshi dared to hang up her again and again, and she couldn't help it.

She also knows Wang Anshi's situation, after all, it is not her son, nor is it brought up by her, and it is normal to go against her will. But she still couldn't swallow it.

In the past two years, because of Jiang Jingqing, Wang Anshi has always respected her, and the sudden huge change made her difficult to accept for a while. Coupled with the previous unhappiness again and again, Ou Qin broke out at this moment.

frantically dialed Wang Anshi's number, and every time it came, it was a mechanical female voice.

Listening to the prompt tone of "The number you dialed is not in the service area, please dial it later", Jiang Baitian couldn't help but say.

"Mom, stop fighting, he should have blocked you.

"What do you mean?" Jiang

Baitian explained the meaning of "blackout", and Ou Qin's heart trembled when he listened.

"It's against him!"

"Mom, he's already going to divorce my sister."

Ou Qin took a few breaths and gradually calmed down.

"Then what now, he didn't even answer my phone, and the plan was just shelved?"

Seeing that Jiang Baitian was silent, Ou Qin continued: "No! "

Mom, you better call my sister, I guess he won't answer my phone."

Hearing this, Ou Qin nodded, dialed Jiang Jingqing's phone, and quickly told her what had just happened.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Jingqing's call came back.

"Mom, he's here tomorrow. You go early in the morning, and he probably won't be home tomorrow night after work. If such a thing happens today, don't go there tomorrow, lest he won't open the door to you. As

if thinking of something, Jiang Jingqing continued: "Don't you keep the keys to the house, wait for him to go to work tomorrow, you can just go over and get the things yourself, why do you have to call him?"

Where did Jiang Jingqing know that Ou Qin's mind was not about those clothes at all.

"Aren't we afraid he'll change the locks?

After chatting casually with Jiang Jingqing, Ou Qin hung up the phone and turned to Jiang Baitian and said.

"You'll be there early tomorrow morning.

Jiang Baitian frowned slightly, "Is it too hasty to pass in the morning?" "

It's okay, go early, your sister said that he might not be at home at night."

"What about the medicine?" According

to the original plan, I should wait for him to go to him after work late and give him sleeping pills in the chicken soup made by his mother.

"Tomorrow you bring him breakfast, and the medicine goes down to the breakfast. Ou Qin thought for a while and said.

"Give him the medicine in the morning, he won't be able to go to work later, what will his uncle do when he comes to him?" Jiang Baitian said with some concern.

"It's okay, even if he didn't go to work, his uncle should have called him first. When the time comes, you will answer the phone and help him ask for a leave. Hearing

this, Jiang Baitian was a little unhappy. If it really goes to court, this phone call may become a lifesaver for Wang Anshi. She's going to take it

, and when the police ask, how can she explain it? Although she can deny it outright, and the police probably can't do anything about her, she doesn't want to take the risk. In the face of police questioning, she did not dare to guarantee that she would not show her feet.

After telling Ou Qin his thoughts, Ou Qin also frowned.

"If you don't go the day after tomorrow, he should be home the night after tomorrow. Thinking of Jiang Jingqing's words, Ou Qin continued: "When the time comes, I won't accompany you over, something like this happened today, I'm afraid that he won't open the door to us if I go."

"I don't think he'll be at home for a few days. The things at home have been moved, and he might as well sleep in the staff dormitory. Jiang Baitian shook his head and said.

As for Ou Qin saying that she couldn't go, she didn't care very much. If there is one more person going to this matter, it may leave one more clue, and the fewer people, the safer.

"What do you think we should do? a few more days?" asked Ou Qin.

She also knows that when it comes to brains, the youngest daughter is the most brilliant in this family. With the same plan, Jiang Yiyi couldn't see the slightest problem, and Jiang Baitian could find out many things wrong at will. Since I can't think of a way, let my daughter think about it.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Baitian gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Just tomorrow morning.

"Aren't you afraid that his uncle will call?"

"Just hit it! If you really fight, it's not a big problem, just don't admit it when the time comes." We're not going to kill people, and the police probably won't investigate too deeply.

Jiang Baitian also wanted to be safe, but she knew that nothing in the world was perfect. If you have this kind of problem today, you won't know what will go wrong tomorrow. Plans can never catch up with change.

Maybe after waiting for a few days, Wang Anshi lost her clothes, and maybe Wang Anshi changed her mind again and again, making Wang Anshi suspicious...... It's better to settle this matter sooner.

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