After breaking through the national defense system of the beautiful country, Wang Anshi went to attack the official website of the island country's "Yasukuni Divine Toilet".

After entering the backstage very easily, a video of the explosion of "Little Boy" and "Little Fat Man" was hung inside.

This video was found from the defense system of the beautiful country, and it is all real information. is different from the fake video uploaded on the Internet, the picture is cruel.

Originally, I wanted to hang the national flag of a flower planter, but I was afraid that the hackers of Xiaori would attack the network of the flower planter, so I finally hung the flag of a beautiful country.

Anyway, the "little boy" and "little fat man" of the year were voted for by them, and it was not wrong to hang their national flag.

However, his wave of operations made the netizens of Xiaori explode.

Some small days, no matter who attacked their website, directly sprayed the beautiful country on the Internet.

Of course, netizens in the beautiful country can't bear it, they have been a father for so many years, and they can still let their son scold?

This scene made netizens in the country of sticks watch it with relish, and some even took the initiative to join the camp of the beautiful country and squirted a small day together.

Under this fierce confrontation, one country is defeated by two countries in a small day. Some radical Little Day hackers couldn't help it and even attacked several well-known websites in the beautiful country.

As a result, this move successfully angered the top brass of the beautiful country, and the invasion of the Ministry of Defense was directly counted on the head of Xiao Ri.

Although they don't know if this thing was done in a small day, they must carry this pot, otherwise where will the face of the beautiful country be.

With the official release of the beautiful country, netizens around the world were taken aback.

When did Xiao Ri's hackers become so fierce? Even his father's national defense system dared to attack! When

the officials of the island nation got the news, they were also shocked. Hurriedly ordered a thorough investigation, and the hacker must be found.

However, the Ministry of Defense of the beautiful country can't find out what it is, how can it be found out in a small day.

It took a few hours from the time it happened to the time it expanded.

Wang Anshi, who caused all this, was lying on the bed watching short videos, but he was swiped by this incident.

This moment he was so excited that he quickly converted his phone into computer mode and launched a second round of attacks.

This time, he attacked the base of the beautiful army on the island, and aimed the muzzles of the base at the eastern capital of the island country.

This move not only frightened the island nation, but also the beautiful country.

Although the beautiful country wants to teach the island country a lesson, it doesn't want to go to war directly.

The government of the island country was even more frightened, and hurriedly explained to the father of the beautiful country.

Not only bowed and apologized, but also promised that within 24 hours, the hackers who attacked the website of the beautiful country would be caught. And will send them to the beautiful country for trial, hoping that the father of the beautiful country can calm down.

Just when the two countries were trying to communicate, Wang Anshi had already compiled a program. As long as you press the enter key lightly, all those shells in the beautiful military base will be fired.

At this moment, his breathing was heavy, and he couldn't do anything when he looked at the button that decided the lives of tens of millions of people.

Although Xiao Ri is not a human being in his eyes, it is also a life after all.

Taking a long breath, Wang Anshi deleted the compiled program little by little.

"Forget it, for the sake of those cute 'teachers', let them go. Turning

off the intrusion interface, Wang Anshi searched for the current situation in the two countries.

The official hasn't given specific news yet, and some post bar forums are crazy.

In some foreign forums, the netizens of the small days have fallen silent, and the netizens of the beautiful country and the stick country are still exporting.

Wang Anshi clicked on a few comments with Chinese translations and looked at them.

[Scold, why don't you scold! Look at our beautiful army and not kill you.

[Ordinary shells can't suppress my anger anymore, so I recommend throwing two kicks.]

[I'll show you some colors so that you know who Daddy is.]

However, at this moment, it is the netizens of the stick country who are more excited than the beautiful country.

[Brothers of the beautiful country, if you kill these little days, they don't deserve to live.

[Blow up their island and sink it, don't leave them alive.]

[It's too much to kill them all, they should keep their women and send them to our stick country to reward the beautiful army.] Let them also experience what it is like to be comfort women.

Of course, there are also comments from netizens who grow flowers.

[Daddy is going to beat his son, good fight!]

[Fight! Fight! Kill those brutes. [

Open the gun! Hurry up and shoot it! Beautiful country, if there are still men in your country, you will shoot it. Back then, Lao Li fired the cannon, why didn't you dare to open the cannon!]

Turning off these comments, Wang Anshi shook his head.

is different from the mouths of netizens, at that moment, he really felt the feeling of mastering the life and death of tens of millions of people.

Although I am facing only a screen, a button. As long as you don't pay attention to it, you can't see the bloody bombing scene, but you still feel a lot of pressure in your heart.

He had never met, had never met, and even hated them. But for some reason, I just can't get that hand.

Could it be that Lao Tzu is also the Virgin?

Wang Anshi suddenly felt a little bored.

"This god-level hacking technique is nothing interesting, let's read the book. Jiang

Jingqing's teacher's apartment.

"Bai Tian, this matter is over?"

Ou Qin said unwillingly.

"What if you don't count? Sleeping pills don't work for him.

Jiang Baitian's tone was a little cold.

"If you have any more plans, don't look for me, I'm not going to do it.

When Ou Qin heard this, he frowned and said, "If you don't have a house and the 200,000 yuan, what will the family take to send you to college."

"If you won't send me to college, I'll figure it out myself." Whether you agree with it or not, I must go to university.

Seeing Jiang Baitian's indifferent expression, Ou Qin said, "Why doesn't Mom want you to go to college." I was just joking with you before, so don't take it to heart!"

"Maybe, I'll go back to my room first." Saying

that, Jiang Bai went back to the room directly.

Looking at the back of Jiang Baitian leaving, Ou Qin frowned.

The girl seemed to be more distant from her than before.

I don't know what happened to Wang Anshina, but after she came back, this girl was weird.

First, I brushed my teeth and washed my face in the bathroom for more than an hour, and then I induced vomiting several times. When I asked her if she was sick, she said she had eaten something unclean.

When asked her what she ate, she couldn't tell her why. In the end, I was asked impatiently, so I said something casually, obviously lying.

called to ask Wang Anshi, but people blocked him again.

"Alas!" Ou

Qin sighed, feeling a little irritated in his heart.

"There's no one to worry about!" Thinking

of that house, she was still unwilling, but she couldn't think of any other way for a while.

"Why don't sleeping pills work!".

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