While eating breakfast, Wang Anshi flipped through the relevant forums in China to discuss beautiful countries and island countries.

[It is said that the island country has caught a number of hackers and is sending them to the beautiful country. [

Is Xiao Ri so cowardly, the cannon pipes are aimed at himself, and he doesn't dare to fight with the father of the beautiful country?] [The beautiful country

is instigated, and the cannon barrel is aimed at it, and he doesn't dare to fire a shot. [


] [Is there a big guy who knows the inside story? Why did the beautiful country bomb the little day?] [

I heard that it was the hackers of the beautiful country who attacked the national defense system of the beautiful country, so the hackers of the beautiful country invaded the official website of the "Yasukuni Divine Toilet". And the flag of the beautiful country was hung on it, and the real video of the explosion of the "little boy" and the "little fat man" was played. [

What are the little boy and the little fat man?

] [I don't know this, it's the "second kick"!] [Isn't

it just that two videos were played, and it wasn't burned to the "god toilet" for others. If you want me to say, the beautiful country should send drones to drop incendiary bombs and burn down their "god toilet".

Seeing this comment, Wang Anshi was stunned.

That's right! Why don't you send drones to burn down the "Yasukuni Divine Toilet

"? He can't do anything about the large-scale bombing on a small day, and he can't do anything about burning the "Divine Toilet"?

Beautiful military base stationed on the island.

"Haven't you found out who attacked our system?" said Admiral Pretty Force.

"Sir, our technicians have used all sorts of tricks, but the man doesn't seem to have been here, leaving no traces, and we're ......"

"What happened to the hackers sent by the island nation?"

But they only admit to attacking a couple of well-known websites in our country, as for the defense system and our bases, they do not admit it. "

Is it possible that

they did it?" "Based on the analysis of the technicians, it should be unlikely that they did it." Several of the sites they attacked left a large number of traces, and the technology was far worse than the guys who attacked defense systems and bases.

"In that case, send them to the NSA." "

Yes, sir!"

"By the way, how is the security system of our network now?"

"Report sir, the security system has been fully upgraded. The technician assured that what happened yesterday would never happen again. Just

then, a soldier hurried into the office.

"Report sir, our network systems have been attacked again. Three drones, carrying incendiary bombs, were flying in the direction of Dongdu without receiving instructions.


Wang Anshi looked around and found that only three of the drones of the beautiful army had incendiary bombs, and the others either carried bombs or nothing.

"I don't know if three drones are enough. Wang An muttered in his heart.

According to data calculations, it takes about an hour for these drones to fly to the eastern capital.

Wang Anshi waited a little impatiently, so he turned on the drone's own camera and looked at the scenery on the road.

After watching it for a while, I felt bored, and turned on the speaker that came with the drone, intending to play music to listen to.

I chose several songs in a row, but I didn't feel very satisfied.

"Why don't you let go of "Dongfang Hong"? No, this may expose my nationality.

"It's not interesting to put on the national anthem of a beautiful country. "

Why don't you put on the opening song of 'Dongdu Fever'!" Wang Anshi showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and then shook his head.

"After having a relationship with Jiang Yiyi and Jiang Baitian, how can you keep thinking about the 'next three roads'!"

After thinking about it, Wang Anshi decided to put on the national anthem of the stick country. Anyway, the three kingdoms are all father and son, and the possibility of fighting is not very large, so it should be interesting to watch them dog-eat-dog.

After staring at the screen for more than an hour, Wang Anshi's mood gradually became excited.

The three drones stayed in the sky above the "Yasukuni Divine Toilet", and judging from the camera, there were still many people inside. If incendiary bombs had been dropped, it is estimated that many people would have been burned to death.

"Do you want to put it directly?" Wang Anshi hesitated.

Although the person who visited the "sacred toilet" was definitely not a good person, he still couldn't do it.

Experienced friends should know that the first time you kill someone, there will be some psychological burden.

"Forget it, give me a reminder.

Wang Anshi shrunk the surveillance screen, called up the Du Niang search engine, and searched for a few words in the small day language used to evacuate the crowd.

After practicing the pronunciation with the computer a few times, Wang Anshi felt that it was almost there. So he took out the invisible voice changer and tuned the voice of the island country's royal sister.

"Hmm...... Well...... people in the 'Divine Toilet' listen, you are already surrounded, I will drop Molotov cocktails in five minutes, please evacuate as soon as possible. "

I shouted several times in a row, and one day noticed the drone overhead. Some people thought it was a prank and ignored it.

Some people were startled and hurriedly ran towards the "god toilet".

Seeing that some people refused to evacuate, Wang Anshi operated a drone to drop an incendiary bomb on the roof of the "god toilet", which immediately ignited a raging fire.

"Listen, it's not a joke, I'll drop the Molotov cocktail again in three minutes, please evacuate as soon as possible.

This time, those little days who thought it was a prank also believed it, and ran out of the "god toilet" in a panic. The whole scene was a mess, and some people were so frightened that they started crying.

Wang Anshi mobilized the camera to look around, and found that he hadn't left for a few days.

Lowering the altitude to close the camera, I saw that these few little days were looking up and yelling at the drone.

Wang Anshi couldn't hear what he was talking about, and he probably couldn't understand it when he heard it, but it wasn't a good thing to say.

"Damn, you don't cherish the opportunity to give you! I want to swear to protect the tablets of these war criminals, right, Lao Tzu will fulfill you!" Saying

that, Wang Anshi gritted his teeth and directly controlled the other two drones to drop incendiary bombs.

The fire broke out in the sky, directly igniting the "divine toilet" and those few small days. A few days immediately fell to the ground and writhed, screaming in his mouth, his expression was very painful.

Seeing this kind of picture, Wang Anshi trembled, and goosebumps rose from the ground.

"Isn't it too cruel?" Wang Anshi's eyes were a little dull, and he muttered to himself.

"Damn, cruel fart! What I did to my flower grower these little days was much crueler than this.

Wang Anshi turned the camera to other positions, and recalled all the massacres he had done in his childhood.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden revenge task - burning the 'Yasukuni Divine Toilet', and now the host will be rewarded with revenge. [

Reward for completing the mission: 10,000 points of revenge points, variety of leather shoes.

"Hey, there's a reward for this!" Wang

Anshi was overjoyed, and the faint sense of guilt disappeared.

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