Life Control Chart

Chapter 357: Following

"Okay! Refreshing!" Shi Yu fisted his palms together and laughed.

Both Kuang Long and Long Kuang looked at Shi Yu with complicated expressions. His request could be said to have saved countless lives in both worlds, and these people had nothing to do with him.

"Kang Long, you and the Martial Gods should discuss what to do after the boundary is opened. The Jingzhen Spirit Tower must be removed, otherwise the boundary will be surrounded by enemies on all sides;

Long Kuang, please go back to Daxu. The Daxu, which has been swept away by Lord Shengxian, needs some comfort. "Shi Yu arranged all matters like the master of the two realms.

"Hmph!" Holy God Xuwu shouted angrily in a low voice, "Don't forget that you can only open the boundary after you help me recover!"

Shi Yu waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Of course, I will turn around and leave if I can't help you. I don't care if you destroy the two worlds."

After saying that, he discussed the matters between the two realms with Long Kuang and Kuang Long, leaving aside the Holy God of Xuwu, the real master of the realm.

When there were only Shi Yu and Holy God Xuwu in the hall, Shi Yu looked at Holy God Xuwu who could hardly contain his anger, and said with a smile: "After all, I have been in the two worlds for a long time, and I always have some worldly feelings. You have to do it. What if you let me move what you don’t want?”

"Stop talking nonsense, if you can help me recover, why not give it to you from both worlds!" Holy God Xuwu said slightly.

"This is easy to handle. Can you still tear open the big barrier now? Or do you have a suitable chaos pool? It requires a lot of chaos, and I'm still not close yet." Shi Yu said easily.

The Holy God of Xuwu glanced at Shi Yu suspiciously. He had already done this with Chaos Restoration. Except for the Chaos Immortal Body to improve slightly, the rest remained unchanged.

But now that Shi Yu had spoken, he didn't ask any more questions. He stretched out his hand and pulled open the barrier of the great world. The entire hall was instantly filled with chaos, completely submerging Shi Yu and the Holy God of Nothingness.

"That's great! The Realm Master is the Realm Master! It's so easy to attract chaos." Shi Yu praised sincerely.

The Xuwu Holy God in front of him began to look tattered again, and it was obvious that his chaotic immortal body was far from complete.

Shi Yu looked at the body of Holy God Xuwu and suddenly felt a little strange. He couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you write down in the exercise how to be a small success and a big success, but you are obviously not a big success like this! Could it be that you are not a big success?" Is Chaos Immortal created by others?”

Holy God Xuwu snorted coldly and said: "Of course I created it, but the rest are just conjectures. Just because I haven't practiced it yet doesn't mean I can't figure out what to do first!"

"Huh?" Shi Yu was shocked, thinking that he was really destined to be lucky. He practiced according to a made-up technique, but he didn't die from it!

"Where's the God?" Shi Yu asked again.

"Same! I haven't even finished half of the book "Forging the God". When have you ever seen the mention of the golden and jade soul or the fine iron soul? In just one sentence, the soul is harmonious and solid, and then it's gone.

When I first created the Soul Refiner, it was not to refine my soul, but to shed my true spirit. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet. "

Holy God Xu Wu looked at Shi Yu sideways as he spoke, wondering why this boy had such a good life. Both of his original skills allowed him to surpass himself.

Shi Yu smacked his lips, feeling grateful that he had always been a ghost who was trying to test the unsuccessful method. Thinking about it, this was all his own choice, so he couldn't blame the Holy God of Xuwu for using half of the method to trick people.

"Okay! I don't want to think about it anymore! Anyway, what I'm practicing now is the technique I made up!" Shi Yu muttered, reaching out to grab a handful of Chaos.

The creation at the beginning of Hunyuan far exceeded the imagination of Holy God Xuwu. When a stream of pure energy rushed straight into the soul, a stream of gray light swept through it.

When he was curled up, he knew that he had taken the wrong path. The right path that he had never been able to figure out had been found by Shi Yu.

Looking in amazement at Shi Yu who stood in front of him, able to separate the pure and turbid Qi with ease, the Holy God of Nothingness took a deep breath, closed his eyes and concentrated on healing, leaving everything behind.

All the Martial Gods were crowded in the meeting hall of the Buwu Battle Academy. Kuanglong and Monrov were sitting on the high platform, one on the left and the other on the right. There were two neat rows of seats underneath, with no vacancies.

"Holy Envoy! Do you think Shi Yu can really rescue us from the Holy God?" A Martial God couldn't help but asked, who was a little anxious about waiting.

As the only free person in the entire hall, Kuanglong nodded heavily and said: "Believing in him is more reliable than believing in the Holy God. The moment I walked out of the great world, I saw all kinds of things that I will never forget.

We in the Zhenwu God Realm are too arrogant and think we are the leader of all realms.

I am also considered the first person under the Holy Spirit. I was beaten so hard that I almost lost my Taoist heart when I went out. I am still traveling in a big world to realize Taoism!

And you have also seen today that a Realm Master from the Xiyue Realm beat the Holy God... to the point... ugh! "

The holy god who still retains his prestige, even the mad dragon without his slave mark, does not dare to speak rudely.

“And the Xiyue Realm is just an inconspicuous one among all the worlds in the world.

In the Xuanpan world I am traveling to, there are 17 powerful world lords who are on par with the Holy God, and there are still more than 20 people stationed in the world. "

All the martial arts tools were shocked by Kuanglong's words, and they all whispered to themselves, not knowing what they were talking about.

Monrov gently stroked his gray skin and whispered: "Lord Holy Envoy, what do you think of Shi Yu?"

Kuang Long waved his hands hurriedly and said: "Mr. Meng! Don't call me the Holy Envoy from now on. Just call me Kuang Long. I have long abandoned the identity of the Holy Envoy."

Monrov nodded, and the Martial Gods in the hall also nodded. What the Holy God did to Monrov today completely shattered the perfect idol in their hearts. It turned out that he was just a bloodthirsty butcher, one who treated them as blood food. Just evil spirits.

"Shi Yu is a very mysterious person, and several realm owners who have dealings with him say they can't understand his origins.

As a human being, there should be no doubt about it. When I wanted to kill him, he captured me but let me go, and allowed me to follow him to the outside world.

Zhenwu is in trouble this time. Although he has selfish motives, he also wants to save everyone.

After all, he told me more than once that the real Martial God Realm is really open-minded, but it’s a pity that he only worshiped a fake holy god. "

Kuanglong thought for a while and concealed the fact that Shi Yu had placed a slave seal on him.

"Is it possible that he is a direct descendant of which family and can still associate with several world masters?" Monrov asked doubtfully.

Kuanglong shook his head and said: "He was born in an ordinary family, and he also obtained a meritorious degree. It was just that he was mistakenly believed to be born in the world of Shenyu with some kind of destiny, so he accidentally entered the path of cultivation.

Later, it was said that the destiny was fake. After the real destiny came to the world, he used the power of destruction to destroy everything. Shiyu's family was also killed.

He has no background to boast about. The world masters who interact with him all take the initiative to approach him..."

Kuanglong told everything about Shi Yu in detail, gradually dispelling the doubts of the war gods about Shi Yu's true intentions.

"That's it! It's rare that he has the heart to save him." Monrov sighed.

"Teacher! Why do you think so much? As long as you have time

Yu can save us, no matter what his true thoughts are, he will never be more cruel than the Holy God! "Tie Wushen has the closest relationship with Shi Yu. Hearing that Monrov still had doubts about Shi Yu, he immediately sided with Shi Yu.

Puwu didn't have many myths, and he was even weaker than Monrov at this time. He just nodded towards the Iron Warrior God to show his approval.

"Well, I'm not suspecting Shi Yu has any bad intentions, but I'm just wondering where we will go from here.

Shi Yu will definitely be able to satisfy the Holy Spirit, but what about us? The world has opened up. Who can say whether it will be good or bad?

Don’t forget, we Zhenwu and Daxu have captured many outsider cultivators. "Monrov said politely.

As soon as these words came out, all the Martial Gods frowned. The cultivation of the two realms is to harm the monks outside the realm. If someone knows the truth and kills them all, the two realms will not be able to bear it.

Kuanglong thought for a moment and comforted him: "I think Mr. Meng is worrying too much. There are monks from outside the world who are a hundred times more cruel than us.

The place called the Golden Spirit Realm that Shi Yu just destroyed, the blood on his hands can flood our two realms thousands of times. If he hadn't had a grudge against Shi Yu, he would still be wreaking havoc.

I think as long as I restrain myself a little when opening up boundaries and stop thinking about myself in the world, everything will be fine. "

"I hope so. I'm tired too. I need to take a rest. You can do it yourself." Monrov left gloomily.

The dozen or so martial gods in the hall saw Kuang Long also leaving for the high tower where he used to live alone, and then dispersed.

Tie Wushen stopped An Wushen and Tuoba Wushen from leaving, and Pu Wushen, who was still lying on the chair, stayed in the hall.

"Iron Martial God, what do you want to say?" Tuoba Martial God sat back on the chair safely and looked up at him.

"You all know what I want to say. I plan to follow Shi Yu this time, what about you?

Of the four of us, when Shi Yu came to Zhenwu, only the God of War, Tuoba, let alone to save you, we forced him to practice Chaos Immortality. "Tie Wushen said bluntly.

"I'm leaving!" Pu Wushen simply uttered two words and stopped talking. These two words were his last strength.

An Wushen thought for a moment and hesitated: "Does he like us if we follow? According to Master Sheng... Kuanglong, there is no shortage of experts around Shi Yu, and we are not considered experts in his eyes now. "

"What An Wushen said is that Master Kuanglong said that Shi Yu's family has been wiped out and there is no need for anyone to look after the family and the courtyard. What are we going to do?" Tuoba Wushen asked.

"Can't we build a kinship without a kinship? You just heard that Shi Yu and the Holy God are going to seek revenge on Xiyue.

Who is watching his wife? There is still a disciple who wants to explore the world, but the disciple is still the orphan of Daxu, and he doesn't need anyone to protect him? "Tie Wushen is so determined to follow Shi Yu that he has even thought about the future of his family.

Tuoba Wushen set his sights on Anwushen. Although Anwushen was not as good as him, he was steady and thoughtful, and rarely made mistakes.

"The four of us have always advanced and retreated together. Since two of us have already made up our minds to leave the boundary and follow them, let's go together. All it takes is Shi Yu's nod." An Wushen concluded everything.

Tie Wushen chuckled, carried Pu Wushen and ran away, looking like he was going to the Jingzhen Platform to harvest the last wave of foreign monks. Once the world is opened, this kind of thing will no longer be possible.

Shi Yu and the Holy God of Xuwu stayed in the chaos for decades. No one except them could tear apart the Great Realm and leave Zhenwu. For a while, all the Gods of Martial could only wait anxiously for the news from the Holy God's dome.

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