Life Control Chart

Chapter 358: Opening the World

One day, a fresh cool breeze seemed to blow into the Zhenwu God Realm.

Everyone suddenly felt relieved, as if a layer of dust that had been covered for a long time was blown away by the breeze, and the whole person became brand new.

Monrov, who was sitting in a secret room meditating, slowly smiled on his wrinkled old face.

Shi Yu had already landed on the high tower and was chatting with the mad dragon. All the martial gods seemed to know that Shi Yu would appear there, and hurriedly escaped from all corners of the Buwu Battle Academy and rushed towards the high tower.

The disciples of the War Courtyard, except for a slight turmoil when the Holy God rushed into the War Courtyard, had never known the secrets involving only the Martial God.

At this time, seeing all the Martial Gods rushing to the forbidden area, the mood that had just suddenly relaxed began to become tense again.

Suddenly, they heard bursts of cheers and wild laughter from the Martial Gods coming from the tower, and they couldn't help but burst into tears. Something that makes the Martial God so happy must also be good news to them.

The martial arts master standing at the door looked up at the pure white tower, wondering which other martial god had the confidence to attack the dome of the Holy God?

A figure slowly rose from the high tower. Most of the people in Buwu Battle Academy did not know who it was. Only a few martial saints had the honor to see the true face of the Holy Envoy. When they saw the man, they hurriedly prostrated themselves and chanted the Holy Envoy. Don't stop.

"Holy envoy?" Medicine Master Wu heard the voice and hurriedly bowed to him.

Not only him, but all the disciples of Buwu Battle Academy were lying on the ground respectfully. In the days when there is no Holy Spirit, the Holy Messenger is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit walking in the great world.

"Everyone, get up!" The mad dragon hanging high in the sky said loudly.

"From today on, Monrov will be the new Holy Envoy, taking charge of the Zhenwu God Realm!

From today on, the Zhenwu God Realm will be connected to all realms. All disciples of the War Academy can go through selection and go to the outside world to experience. Don’t lose the majesty of our Zhenwu God Realm! "

The disciples of the War Academy who had just stood up from the ground were stunned by the news from the two holy envoys, which was like a bolt from the blue.

There is a great world, and the holy envoys are all appointed by the Holy Spirit. When can the holy envoys delegate the authority? Moreover, the Zhenwu God Realm is already the supreme one in all realms, so why go to the lower realms to experience it?

As soon as everyone's doubts arose, the Holy God's dome suddenly exploded, and another figure stood in the middle of the disappeared dome.

"Hail the Holy Spirit!"

Suddenly, I remembered the voices of people paying homage to each other on the high tower. When I looked around, I saw that every Martial God was only half-bowing. They were not as respectful as they usually had to kneel down several times to attack the Holy God's dome.

Once again, darkness lay on the ground. No one dared to look up at the Holy God. The ancient faith did not allow them to be disrespectful to the Holy God.

"The words of the mad dragon are my words!"

A simple and gentle sentence came and went, and when everyone was allowed to raise their heads, the Holy Spirit had long since disappeared.

All the Martial Gods breathed a long sigh of relief. The dark clouds that had been weighing on their hearts finally cleared and the sun finally cleared. Even the subordinates

The Martial Saint, who knew the truth, wiped away the sweat from his forehead - the Holy God finally left.

The martial pharmacist who was staring blankly at the place where the Holy God disappeared suddenly felt his body light up, and he landed on the tower before panicking.

A person was looking at him with a smile, and the person standing beside him, unsteady, was actually Dayu, the number one genius disciple of the War Academy.

The surprised expression on Big Fish's face showed that he had just been kidnapped into the tower and he could clearly see the person in front of him.

"Shi Yu?" Big Fish exclaimed and walked forward quickly.

Pharmacist Wu smiled.

"Haha! Long time no see. Are you two okay?"

After a long period of reminiscing about the past and having fun, Shi Yu returned to Xuanpan with Tie Wushen and others.

The two realms of Daxu and Zhenwu, which revealed their true appearance for the first time in all realms, quickly became the focus of all realms with their unique cultivation techniques and extraordinary combat power. The influx of monks from all walks of life also let the monks of the two realms know how vast the world is. grand.

Everything was going in the direction Shi Yu imagined.

"Shi Yu, are you saying that the Holy God will never come back?" Tie Wushen still couldn't believe Shi Yu's words. The scene of the Holy God skinning Monrov alive was a nightmare that would forever haunt him.

"Haha, of course! He has fully recovered and is eager to seek revenge on Xiyue. Besides, your souls have been imprisoned, so what are you still afraid of?" Shi Yu said with a smile.

"I really didn't expect that! Haha! Hahaha!" Iron Martial Gods and others were sitting in Linlan Garden, looking up and laughing wildly. They were so startled that the birds in the dense forest flew around.

"Really, how could you think of following me? Mad Dragon is just out of bounds with me. He can come and go freely. Why don't you walk around on your own and gain knowledge."

Although Shi Yu did not refuse the request of the four Martial Gods to follow him, he felt that he had deceived them after all, and they took the matter of not owing each other too seriously.

Tuoba Martial God smiled boldly and said: "You have saved my life twice, our repayment is nothing! You are a person who is going to reach the pinnacle of cultivation. How can you be dragged down by trivial matters? Just leave these to us."

"Well, Tuoba is right. Your disciple has been practicing elsewhere and you have no time to take care of him. We will start from here and protect him as he practices." An Wushen agreed.

Shi Yu had no choice but to nod, turned to Zhu Yanlan behind him and said, "Can't Feng'er come out yet? What on earth is he practicing? He can't come back after calling him several times."

Zhu Yanlan shook his head and said: "I, the disciple of Xuanpan Sect, are not freer than other great realms. It is true that when we are in seclusion and practicing hard, we cannot leave the seclusion unless we meet the requirements of our master.

Let the four Martial Gods go directly to the Burning Fire Valley Zhengzong and settle down in the name of their own masters. After Feng'er has successfully come out of seclusion, they can talk to him in detail. "

Shi Yu nodded and had no choice but to do so.

"Are Senior Chishang and Jian Kaitian still in retreat to heal their wounds?


"They are fine now. Master is still in seclusion to comprehend the creation of the world. After being injured, Jian Kaitian said that his realm was too low and he vowed to wait until his cultivation level was further improved before coming out of seclusion."

"Haha, he finally knows how to make progress. I have been away for these years. Is there any news about the master who destroyed the Xiyue Realm?"

Zhu Yanlan still shook his head and said, "He seems to have come back to destroy the world. After the Xiyue Realm disappeared, he also disappeared completely. Even Lingxiao has reopened the Wood Spirit Realm, but he has not been seen knocking on the door.

You shouldn't let the Xuwu Saint God go back to find Xiyue so anxiously. At least you should go to the ruins of Xiyue first. Maybe they can meet and fight."

"Xiyue is not an ordinary person. His husband should be more powerful. It is better not to fight in the Ten Thousand Realms. The unnamed place specially prepared for the master is the best choice for them to resolve their disputes."

"Pay more attention to Feng'er's affairs. Tell me immediately if there is any news. I will go out with the other martial gods." Shi Yu suddenly had a new plan.

Zhu Yanlan was startled and asked hurriedly, "Where are we going? I can't go yet?"

Shi Yu smiled and squeezed her hand, saying, "I want to go to the places where Yu Tong walked in the past. Since he went to rob the Kaitian artifact, I have to be prepared. Those are not good places, so you'd better not go.

You know that my cultivation has reached a bottleneck. If I don't walk more, I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to be enlightened, and revenge will be a long way off."

Zhu Yanlan pouted, but she also knew that what Shi Yu said made sense, so she nodded and agreed.

But the three brothers of Ke Ni didn't care about these. They kept acting as sedan bearers, patting their chests and saying that life and death were up to fate, and they would follow Shi Yu to travel.

Tie Wushen and others also felt that it was a bit boring to wait for Shi Feng to come out of retreat now. When they heard that Shi Yu was willing to take them to a dangerous place, their eyes lit up.

They always felt that Kuanglong looked too highly on the cultivators of all realms and put the Zhenwu Divine Realm too low. If they had this opportunity, they would promote the reputation of Zhenwu.

Pu Wushen did not travel with Shi Yu and others. He rebelled against the Holy Spirit and suffered a backlash. His soul was severely damaged and it was not suitable for him to travel far. He just stayed by Shi Feng's side to take care of him.

Shi Yu and others arrived at the Wood Spirit Realm first. Their original intention was to see if Ling Xiao had any difficulties in managing the world. However, when Ling Xiao heard that Shi Yu was going out to travel, he insisted on following him.

Shi Yu asked curiously, "What will happen to the Wood Spirit Realm if you leave? Sister Xinxin's hard work can't be wasted."

Ling Xiao shook his head coldly and said, "It doesn't matter. It won't matter if I ignore it for thousands of years.

If I am strong, the world will be strong. If my elder sister is far away, how can I resist a few powerful people who covet the world?

No one knows where the world master who destroyed Xiyue is. The closed world formation can stop him for a while, but not for a lifetime. It's better to practice with you, my second brother, and make more breakthroughs."

Shi Yu thought about it and nodded in agreement.

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