Life Control Chart

Chapter 407: Dragon Nemesis

Ling Xiao slowly approached Shi Yu and asked in a low voice: "Second brother, can you give me that stick to use first? Wait until Senior Yuan Long comes out and then return it to him? I lack a handy weapon."

"Weapon?" Shi Yu glanced at Ling Xiao in surprise, thinking that he used to stretch out a long branch to beat his opponents, which was indeed the posture of using a stick.

Shi Yu couldn't help but feel embarrassed and turned to look at the spirit egg, wondering if Yuan Long would agree.

"Give it to him! This kid is interesting. He is actually a five-element spirit body. Follow me and learn from me in the future!" A clear child's voice suddenly sounded, shocking everyone.

When Shi Yu heard Yuan Long agree happily, he immediately took out the dragon spine stick and handed it to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao took the Dragon Backbone Staff and bowed deeply towards Yuan Long, saying: "Thank you, senior, for the gift. I will definitely return it to you when you recover."

"Xiaomumu, how did you get the Five Elements Spiritual Body? My water spirit has worked hard to gain an Earth Elemental Spiritual Root. If you tell me, I will give you this Dragon's Backbone."

"Is Yuan Long really a little baby?" Jian Kaitian still couldn't hold back his big mouth, and couldn't help shouting without waiting for Ling Xiao to answer.

"Stone boy, just tell me if you want to die!" Yuan Long was furious.

"How did you freaks get together? The five elements spirit body, the mutated stone spirit king, and you, an invisible stranger, actually attracted the same gods of heaven and earth to follow me. I, the sons and grandsons of dragons, It’s not an unjust death!”

When the topic changed, Yuan Long pointed out the peculiarities of Shi Yu and others.

While everyone was quietly watching the floating shadow, Yuanlong also carefully examined everyone. It was also surprised and secretly wondered whether it had accidentally entered a mysterious group, and all of them were strange and powerful characters.

"Xiao Hei is also a god of heaven and earth?" Shi Yu looked at Xiao Hei who was still holding the spirit egg, and was speechless.

Both are gods, why is Yuanlong almost invincible, but this baby like me can only act coquettishly while sleeping.

"What Xiao Hei? It's Zhi Kun! Boy, be careful what you say! If it weren't for it, would I have allowed you to live until now?" Yuan Long said angrily again.

"Zi Kun? It's really Zi Kun!" Everyone shouted.

They all had this suspicion, but no one dared to confirm their guess.

Especially the three brothers, they did not expect that the ancestor of the world of spirits would always be by their side.

" could it be like this? It has no fighting power at all?" Shi Yu became even more resentful. The legendary Zi Kun was like a loser next to him, and there was no response to his repeated calls for help.

"Nonsense, it's still a child! It's not very intelligent. Old Xikun has long since disappeared into time and space."

So it turns out that Xiao Hei has probably never interacted with any living beings since he was born until he followed Shi Yu out of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and he doesn't even know how to deal with battles. It's normal to bury his head in the sand.

"Hey, you guys killed all my dragon sons and grandsons and looted everything. You are so cruel!" Yuan Long was dissatisfied with everyone's cruelty again.

Shi Yu hurriedly explained the cause and effect clearly, especially pointing out that he had allowed the dragon clan to survive, but they did not cherish it and just moved him in front of Yuan Long.

Try to add some reasonable excuses for your own hysterical behavior.

"You don't need to explain to me, it's just a matter of time! The day I am born again will be the day the Dragon Clan of Haiyuan Realm is exterminated!" Yuan Long sighed.

"Is there such a thing? Is there really such a thing as a certain number?" Zhu Yanlan asked curiously.

"What bullshit! I can make someone as powerful as the Dragon Clan send their enemies in front of me. I must be their unstoppable master. Who wouldn't be a catastrophe to the clan?" Yuan Long said angrily.


"Uh~ That's right! So, senior, aren't you angry? Don't you have the idea of ​​killing us all?" Shi Yu said sarcastically.

Yuan Long was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Back then, Yu Luyao led his army to kill my Prime Minister, just for Prime Minister Turtle's psychic bone armor.

But the Dragon Clan, who were supposed to fight the enemy together, betrayed me, otherwise I wouldn't have been caught by Yu Luyao so easily.

The people you killed were actually the traitors who were guarding me. The real descendants are probably gone long ago, alas. "

Shi Yu felt relieved at first, then shocked. He thought of the Haixiao Ruins in the Xuanpan Realm. The Dragon Clan there and the Haiyuan Realm probably came from the same sect, and he had offended them quite a lot.

At the same time, he also thought that Yuan Long was the Dragon Emperor. The so-called secret hidden by the Green Dragon King in the Moro Realm that day was probably betraying Yuan Long and stabbing him in the back!

Quickly avoiding the topic, Shi Yu said with a smile: "Then let's not mention these unhappy pasts. Senior is out of trouble today, which is worthy of celebration. Let's go back to Xuanpan to have a feast!

By the way, let me explain in detail how Ling Xiao’s Five Elements Spiritual Body came about, for Senior Yuanlong’s reference. "

Yuanlong didn't say anything anymore, and Shi Yu really breathed a sigh of relief. When it came to Xuanpan, no matter how powerful Yuanlong was, he still had to hold it.

The group of people returned to Xuanpan, and only saw that Jian Kaitian had spent a negligible amount of plundered spiritual materials to condense another giant sword. Shi Yu knew how fruitful this trip to Dragon Palace was.

Although the new sword lacked warmth and was not very easy to use, it was much more dazzling and gorgeous than the previous one. The sword was so happy that it couldn't close its mouth.

Ling Xiao also easily replenished his cultivation level, and by the way, the reserves of 300,000 years were also restored to some extent.

Thinking about it, basically all the intelligent creatures in the world fell into his hands. Ling Xiao was not as soft-hearted as Shi Yu, and he always killed his enemies.

As soon as Yuan Long arrived at Xuanpan, he sensed the aura of the dragon clan. The dragon clan of Haixiao Ruins also suddenly felt a heavy depression in their souls and blood, and they all went straight to the source, where Shi Yu was, in horror.

This dragon clan was indeed the direct line that did not want to join the traitors in Haiyuan Realm. Their resistance was fruitless and they had to flee far away from the realm and settled in Xuanpan.

Yuan Long was very happy that his blood descendants still remained, and he was even more pleased that the dragon clan of this world actually had a world master.

But at the same time, it was speechless that Shi Yu had provoked all the dragons on both sides, and secretly wondered if Shi Yu was the natural enemy of the dragons.

Shi Yu could only smile bitterly at this.

Shi Yu and his party returned to Xuanpan safely, and Yu Wushang began to lead the monks from the Moro Immortal Sect across the world.

Now that we have found the first big world where Mo Yudan is hiding, we can find the second, third...

These great realms were definitely not randomly chosen by Mo Yudan to settle down, they were all hidden secrets that had been planned for a long time.

So far, the traitors dug out are far less than those who brought trouble to Shen Yu back then, and they must be distributed in different dark sub-realms.

Shi Yu first asked Chi Shang for advice from the famous Jiulaohui, hoping that the Jiulaohui still had records of Shen Yu circulating.

Unfortunately, the world masters who were at the same time as Shen Yu had long since left Xuan Pan and disappeared, all records were destroyed, and Shi Yu gained nothing.

When Chi Shang followed Shen Yu, she was just a girl who traveled around the world as a personal servant. At that time, she was full of hatred and didn't care much about what Shen Yu was doing. She didn't even care about the other people around Shen Yu. Contacted.

And since Shenyu left Xuanpan, she was afraid of the Fire Spirit King and never stepped out of Xuanpan, so she never heard anything about Shenyu.

In desperation, Shi Yu specially invited

After teaching Yuan Long in the spirit egg, Yuan Long had friction with Shen Yu in ancient times, so maybe he can tell something.

Yuanlong knew Shi Yu's intention and thought deeply: "If we look at Mo Yudan's choice of Haiyuanjie, he is obviously diverting trouble to the east, pushing the powerful alien world that Shenyu conquered back then.

I think the life world of his wife Sha Luanhua must be one of them.

The two met after a battle, and Shaluanhua first became Yu Luyao's supporter, and later became his wife. "

"Ji Ming Jie? Sha Luan Hua? What a strange name. I have never heard of Emperor Shen Yu having such a wife."

"If it weren't for Sha Luanhua, Yu Luyao wouldn't have found trouble with me. It was because she said that the divine shell of the turtle under my seat was an excellent divination product, so Yu Luyao came to snatch it.

In the first battle that year, Shaluanhua's mysterious skills made it very difficult for me to control my hands and feet. Her weird skills were the nemesis of a tyrannical martial artist like me. "

"Shenyu's wife is so powerful? Then why have I never heard of this person in the world of Shenyu?" Shi Yu tried hard to recall, but he had no impression of Shenyu's wife at all.

"It's definitely powerful. Shaluanhua is also the master of a world! But why it has never been spread in the world of Shenyu, I don't know. You have to ask Yu Luyao."

Shi Yu pondered for a long time and suddenly asked: "I wonder when Senior Yuan Long will be able to leave seclusion? Is there anything necessary for physical training?"

Yuan Long laughed loudly and said: "Don't you want me to be a thug?

It’s also simple. Find the four spirits in Qi Xuanpan’s legend. They are the same existence as me. I can recover immediately after eating them.

Other than that, other spiritual materials are of no use to me. I can only rely on absorbing spiritual energy to slowly recover. It’s hard to say how long it will take. "

Shi Yu thought for a while, stretched out his hand to smash through the space barrier, picked up a handful of chaos, and instantly divided it into two parts, one clear and one turbid. He placed it in front of the spirit egg and said: "I don't know which of these two things is suitable for Senior Yuanlong." You are useful."

"Hey, kid! Don't think about it! The technique I practice is to turn myself into an indestructible Yuanling. Only the condensation of Yuanli within my body can allow me to gradually recover.

You didn’t see it, why am I not even interested in asking you to get the Yuanling fragment back? Everything can only be started from scratch by myself. "

Shi Yu nodded and scattered the foundation of creation and the foundation of soul with one hand.

He took out the Wanyu Realm Sect Order and looked at it. There was no direction of the Ming Realm on it, so he had to ask respectfully: "Senior Yuan Long, how can I get to the Ming Realm? Please give me some advice."

"You're already in Xuanpan, where else can't you go? You can go here as long as Yu Luyao can go. It depends on whether you can convince those old stubborns."

Shi Yu turned around to look for Chi Shang, and at the cost of betraying Ling Xiao, he obtained the gate order of the Ji Ming Realm from Bing Hu.

When he heard that Shi Yu was going to the Ming Realm and that Sha Luanhua was Yu Luyao's wife, Chi Shang fell silent.

Chi Shang said that she had met Sha Luanhua several times when she was following Yu Luyao, but she never knew that the two were married.

After Chi Shang repeatedly reminded the two of them to be careful not to offend Sha Luan Hua, he went into seclusion without saying another word.

After Ji Ming and his family were together, Shi Yu dragged a large group of people together, except Ling Xiao, who was detained by the sick tiger on the Xuanpan to practice hard.

Yuan Long was very dissatisfied with Shi Yu for leaving Ling Xiao to sick tiger to torture him. He bluntly said that this was annihilating genius. Only it can fully unleash Ling Xiao's potential, and others are half-baked.

Shi Yu ignored this. No matter how powerful he was, he was just a useless spectator if he was kept in an egg.

Being able to make a specially made sleeve bag to carry it with you was because Xiao Hei really couldn't bear to part with it.

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