Life Control Chart

Chapter 408: The World of Divination

The scenery in Ji Ming is very strange, with no sun or moon, it is dim and desolate.

In terms of the darkness of the color, it is only slightly better than that of the Shadow Realm. There are messy barren mountains and withered weeds and shrubs everywhere, and occasionally the forest land looks half-dead and withered.

Decay, incomparable decadence, fits the various descriptions of the legendary Huangquan Road.

"How could a world lord create such a world? What kind of despair is this?"

After all, Shi Feng was young, had little knowledge, and had a lively and energetic mind. He couldn't stand such a desolate and desolate scene. Here he always felt like countless sad memories were brought back to him, but there were only some fragmented and messy pictures.

Ever since he followed his master, Shifeng had buried the memories of his childhood deep in his heart. If someone hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known what the scene in the Daxu Immortal World was like when his family was destroyed.

"Shaluanhua is so beautiful, she will never make her world half dead. Could it be that something big has happened?" Yuanlong, who revealed half of his eggshell, was extremely surprised when he inspected the surrounding scene.

"It's probably because Sha Luanhua and Yu Luyao had a falling out. The couple pulled their hair and slapped each other, spitting on each other and beating each other up. This place was destroyed!" Jian Kaitian said smoothly.

"Haha, that's possible! Sha Luanhua has always felt that Yu Luyao is too useless. He has no ability but is not efficient in doing things. He is always looking forward and backward and not enterprising enough.

But having said that, the couple looks quite similar to you! The woman is fierce and straightforward, the man is calm and steady, they are really carved from the same mold. "

Yuan Long looked at Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan up and down, feeling more and more that he was right, and couldn't help but laugh strangely.

Shi Yu smiled fondly, pulled Zhu Yanlan closer, and said with a smile: "We don't know how to fight. I can't beat her."

Zhu Yanlan looked up at Shi Yu and said in a serious and sweet tone: "Try hitting me and see if I don't strangle you to death!"

As he said that, he pretended to twist Shi Yu hard a few times, making him laugh.

"Nasty!" Jian Kaitian quickly moved to the side. He couldn't stand this kind of sticky love talk between men and women, and it would be even more disgusting if there was some flirting.

Zhu Yanlan had long been accustomed to Jian Kaitian's nonsense and deliberately teased him, "Junior brother, you are not young anymore. Don't you want to find a female stone spirit to get married?"

Jian Kaitian spat fiercely, "I'm doing fine by myself, why would I find a wife so burdensome? Look at Shi Yu, what a good young man, now I have to worry about whether you will become a widow wherever I go."

Zhu Yanlan was furious and kicked Jian Kaitian on the thigh, but the pain made her eyes well up with tears.

A group of people were moving forward playfully. Jian Kaitian cast his eyes towards the earth and plunged downwards. Several vague black figures were running on the ground.

With a sound of "Bang!", Jian Kaitian fell heavily to the ground, causing dust to fly on the ground. Those who were blocked on the ground only felt waves shaking under their feet, bumping up and down.

Jian Kaitian fell to the ground violently on purpose, wanting to give these people on their way a showdown.

It seems as if rain has not fallen in this world for a long time, and the floating dust rising from the dry earth has not fallen, filling a large area of ​​the world.

"Cough, cough, cough!" A cough sounded, and several of the speeding walkers were startled, feeling frightened and angry.

They stopped and jumped a few feet, waving their hands to disperse the smoke and dust, but they did not dare to scold Jian Kaitian for causing the bad situation, and just looked at him warily.

The tall and mighty ugly man in front of him had a sinister smile on his face that showed no ill intentions.

While they were in fear and confusion, "shuashua", several more figures stood behind Jian Kaitian. The various tough monks made several people frightened.

Only the man and woman who looked like a couple of gods looked more pleasing to the eye.

Shi Yu walked out slowly from the crowd, pushed Jian Kaitian away with a smile, bowed his hands to several people, and asked politely: "I am Shi Yu, who comes from outside the world of life. May I ask who your sect is? You are the best in this world. Which sect is it? I’ll pay it a visit soon.”

Several people looked at Shi Yu and others suspiciously for a moment, and then a short monk took a few steps forward, bowed slightly to Shi Yu and said, "This is the first time for these guests to come to our Ming Realm, right? I have never been to this Ming Realm before. In the sect, only Emperor Luanhua has the same lineage, and is called Luanhua Palace."

"Oh?" Yuan Long was surprised. He seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to speak at this moment, so he stopped making any sound.

Shi Yu lowered his head and glanced at his sleeve pocket, paused for a moment, and continued: "I would also like to ask you to point out the location of Luanhua Palace. I would be very grateful."

The short monk hesitated for a moment, stretched out his right arm, pointed in a direction, and said: "We are of a low level, but we only know that hundreds of thousands of miles away, there is Luanhua Mountain, and the top of the mountain is Luanhua Palace.

But if you want to visit the mountain, I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Luanhua Palace has not welcomed visitors from outside the world since ancient times. Even monks from this world rarely visit the palace. I am afraid you will be disappointed if you go. "

"Thank you!"

Shi Yu smiled noncommittally and said goodbye.

Those monks stood on the ground, until Shi Yu and his party completely disappeared from sight, then they turned around and continued running, in the opposite direction to Shi Yu and others.

"Shi Yu, do you believe what they said?" Jian Kaitian approached and asked.

"What does it matter whether you believe it or not? Even if you want to harm us, you should point out a powerful trap for us to jump, right? If you catch a few ambush monks and ask them, won't you know?" Shi Yu smiled nonchalantly.

"You're right, kid! No wonder you dare to break into my Longtan!" Yuan Long praised loudly.

"By the way, senior, why did you exclaim just now?" Shi Yu couldn't help but ask, remembering Yuan Long's "Oh?" just now.

"Although I have never been to the Ming Realm, I have heard people talk about it. There are many sects, powerful people, and constant disputes between them.

Although Luanhua Palace was in power as the Realm Lord at that time and the Great Realm was the most powerful, Shaluanhua never thought about unifying the Great Realm. It is really puzzling why Luanhua Palace is the only one left now. "

"I just said that Shen Yu and his wife were at odds, and the old lady didn't win the fight. She came back to take out her anger on others, and ended up like this." Jian Kaitian slightly changed his assumptions, but he never left the couple. Angry.

"Shi Yu also said that there is no record of Sha Luan Hua in the world of Shenyu. There must be something hidden here. Just go to Luan Hua Palace and find out. What's the use of guessing!" Yuan Long urged.


While several people were chatting, Kui San suddenly let out a muffled groan, and his heavy body suddenly fell to the ground like a meteor. Since he entered the Ming Realm, he has maintained the prototype of Kui Niu. His huge body rolled all the way in the air, as if he suddenly lost control.

Shi Yu was startled and hurriedly reached out to catch it. Pu Wushen moved faster, swooped down and grabbed the horns, and easily lifted Kui San in his hand.

But before he could bring Kui San back to everyone, Yan Er and Yi Da suddenly lost their souls and fell, grazing Pu Wushen and falling to the ground.

Everyone was shocked. One person could say it was an accident. If something strange happened at the same time, someone must be doing something secretly.

Shi Yu shot lightning to the ground and caught the two of them.

He placed it gently on the ground and looked in all directions with a solemn expression. There was nothing unusual in the quiet world.

Just as Zhu Yanlan fell down with Shi Yu, she suddenly groaned and fell softly to the ground.

Shi Yu was shocked and angry. He quickly hugged Zhu Yanlan and shouted: "Who is there? Sneaky!"

No one responded.

Shi Feng stood beside Shi Yu in horror, supported Zhu Yanlan for him, and asked softly: "Master, are they those people just now? Have we really stepped into a trap?"

Shi Yu shook his head in confusion, and hurriedly set up several protective formations to surround Zhu Yanlan, and then escorted the three of them into the formation.

"Your formation is really bad. What can it protect? Their souls are obviously injured, so why not quickly feed them some pills to repair their souls." Yuan Long stretched out a line of Yuan Power and moved it over several people. After a moment, he said contemptuously.

Shi Yu winked at Jian Kaitian and Pu Wushen. They understood each other and guarded the sides of the unconscious three people.

Shi Yu roared and jumped up, and the rolling spiritual thoughts poured out overwhelmingly, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

Every plant, every tree, every sand and every stone, all appeared in Shiyu's mind. He immediately turned to one side and shouted angrily:

"Get out!"

As far as his mind can see, a strange-looking old woman five thousand miles away is singing quietly deep in the dense forest.

She couldn't help trembling her mouth and lips, her eyes were flashing with light, and she was holding a strange magic weapon in her hand that was shaking back and forth.

Shi Yu was worried about the safety of several people and could not hold back. Huan Shi urged him to the extreme and rushed towards the old woman.

The old woman was not at a high level and did not notice Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts. However, when Shi Yu pounced on her, she suddenly felt a wave of fear in her heart.

Her two narrow eyes narrowed even more tightly, she murmured several times rapidly, and spun around in place like a ghost for several weeks before disappearing with a "whoosh" sound.

Shi Yucha grabbed her with his claws just as she disappeared, but only inserted into a piece of nothingness. The old woman seemed to have never appeared before and disappeared within the scope of Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts.

"Awesome! The laws of the Ming Realm are still so powerful!" Yuan Long smacked his lips and said.

"Rule Yan? Senior, how can you break it?" Shi Yu felt wary when he heard the name and asked bluntly.

"It can't be broken! There is only hard resistance. The law is different from other spells. It talks about how to follow the words. As long as you are within your ability, everything you say will come true."

"Doesn't that mean you will die if you want to die?" Shi Yu said in shock.

"Don't you understand that it's within your power? The law is also based on the power of the soul. If you can kill a monk easily, you must be several times stronger than him. They are the same, but their methods are a little more secretive."

Shi Yu nodded and immediately ran back to Zhu Yanlan. The unconscious people's breathing was still steady, but their brows twitched from time to time, obviously their spirits were aroused.

"Didn't catch it?" Jian Kaitian was stunned. He thought that since Shi Yu found the other party, he wouldn't return empty-handed.

"Well, the methods in this world are weird, so be careful. We won't leave yet and will send them back."

When Shi Yu took out the Jiemen Token, he was stunned. The Jiemen Token, which was supposed to be crystal-like and smooth, now looked like a piece of rusty iron, mottled and dark, and had no response at all when injecting Yuan Power into it.

"Senior, what's going on? Can the rules still be used on magic weapons?" Shi Yu asked Yuan Long again.

"I haven't seen this before, but I think even if the law is activated, it was not cast by the old woman just now. It should still be related to Shaluanhua. It is related to the whole world. Ordinary monks don't have that ability." Yuanlong pondered.

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