Life Control Chart

Chapter 666: Creation Pond (Part 2)

Shi Yu frowned and thought for a moment, then asked in confusion: "But... Yu Ming Tian has reincarnated so many times, could it be that the ancestral creatures of each reincarnation were scattered from here?

There are still creatures from other heavens living here?

Then how did the creatures from other heavens come from?

There is an upper realm above the upper realm? Isn't it endless?"

Hearing Shi Yu's long series of questions, Mo Lu turned around and pointed to the Creation Pond.

"The upper realm is the upper realm, there is no upper realm. But you are right about one thing. Every time Yumingtian reincarnates, all the ancestral creatures are scattered from here! Those with good luck become the masters of the origin realm, and those with bad luck can only be ordinary creatures.

I just said that the Heart of God suppresses the zombies! Under the abyss is the corpse pile where endless zombies sleep, and the Heart of God is there.

In the past, whenever Yumingtian was short of population, a batch of zombies would be released to reproduce again, such as during the chaos of the Earth God Lord.

And those creatures that cannot be cleansed have only one way to die, dissolving into this life-creating pool and becoming part of the power in the pool!"


Xiao Hei retched again. This life-creating pool must have been integrated with countless creatures from various heavens, and it is very pure corpse water!

Mo Lu glanced at Xiao Hei and said mockingly: "Exaggerated! You were born as a creature of chaos. The corpses dissolved in chaos are billions of times more than here!"


Xiao Hei completely collapsed, and large mouthfuls of acid water gushed out of his mouth and merged into the pool.

Shi Yu didn't care about this. You can't think too much about everything in the world. If you think too much, none of them will be clean. But there is a question that he is very curious about, "Why doesn't the Lord of Controlling Life create the embryo of life himself? He must be able to do it, right?"

"Lazy! According to him, he is too lazy to think about what kind of creature to create. It is more convenient to catch ready-made ones. But only the human race is a creature created by him according to his own appearance and the strengths of all spirits."

Mo Lu's answer made Shi Yu feel funny. He didn't expect that the Lord of Controlling Life had such a lazy side, but Shi Yu finally understood the origin of the human race.

Xiao Hei, who was full of resentment, was not convinced and shouted, "Taking advantage of all spirits? Only such a weak race was created? I'm afraid that the human race will have to flee when they see any creature with teeth and claws!"

Mo Lu chuckled, "Weak? Now the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Land of Controlling Life are dominated by the human race! The strength of the human race is not in the physique or the soul, but in the meridians and blood vessels that are incomparable to any spirit.

With the meridians, the speed of cultivation is far beyond any creature, so the human race may be in a very miserable situation in the early stage of cultivation, but later on, they are invincible. Otherwise, how could the Land of Controlling Life be the only one in the major heavens?

How could the billions of creatures in the Land of Controlling Life be so powerful? Transformed into a human form?

However, any creature that transforms into a human form has various differences from the pure human race, and the speed of cultivation is still extremely difficult to compare with the human race. "

Shi Yu nodded secretly in his heart and asked Mo Lu, "Let's not talk about other things first. How are you now? You just said that your changes are hard to describe. "

"Hehe, this life pool can wash everything, and can even wash away most of the restrictions and marks set by the Lord of Life, but it will make the mark of eternal submission to the Lord of Life even deeper! I am afraid that I will kneel down and kowtow when I see the Lord of Life. Do you think it's a good thing?" Mo Lu smiled self-deprecatingly.

"That's nothing, right? You can't go against his will." Shi Yu felt that Mo Lu was making a fuss.

"But now I have been washed away most of my memories. Even if it weren't for the intervention of this guy Tianjiang, and I think you seem to be more important to me, I might have already taken action against you! Do you still think it doesn't matter?" Mo Lu slowly approached Shi Yu, his eyes full of unfathomable strange light.

Shi Yu was shocked and understood why the general came at the moment when Mo Lu appeared.

The general knew that Mo Lu would become indistinguishable from Shi Yu's friend or foe.

Without saying anything, Shi Yu filmed his past and combat experience after meeting Mo Lu, letting Mo Lu know his past relationship with Shi Yu, which was equivalent to sending all of Mo Lu's memories back.

"You are so lucky! You actually swallowed the debris of the Heart of All Things! Otherwise, you would have been sucked to death by the waste soul!" Juezhan Zun, who was hiding in the Jingtian Halberd, looked at the floating shadow and sneered.

"Humph! You are jealous! Shi Yu can now easily subdue the remains of the Lord of Heaven and the treasures of the Lord of Heaven. If you swallow the Heart of All Things, won't you explode and die directly?" Mo Lu taunted Juezhan Zun fiercely.

"Bah! He is just a spare clone raised by the old dog, and he will die in the hands of the old dog sooner or later!" Juezhan Zun scolded mercilessly, and everything about Shi Yu seemed to be seen through by him at a glance.

Shi Yu glanced at Jingtian Ji lightly, without any response, and continued to show his past with Mo Lu.

When they saw Shi Yu return to the past time and space, Mo Lu and Juezhanzun fell into silence. This experience seemed incredible to them.

The last moment of the floating shadow was when Mo Lu rescued Shi Yu from Tianjiang. At that moment, Mo Lu and Shi Yu reached a contract to send Mo Lu to the upper realm and give him complete freedom.

After watching everything, Mo Lu thought for a long time and said to Juezhanzun: "Let's merge! Neither you nor I are complete. Although I have forgotten a lot, I still remember that you and I are a soul. It is meaningless to just talk."

Juezhanzun was silent for a moment, and snorted coldly: "Tianjiang is no longer a fool who only wants revenge. Of course I can come out. But I have not lost my memory. I want to kill Tianzhu and destroy everything of Tianzhu! After the merger, I will kill this kid first. Are you willing?"

Shi Yu retreated in shock, but Tianjiang answered first: "Then I will kill you first!"

Shi Yu looked at Tian Jiang in surprise, thinking that he had saved the right person. Logically, he had saved half of Juezhan Zun's life, but this bastard was only thinking about killing people for revenge.

Mo Lu laughed a few times and said meaninglessly: "You dare to kill! You can kill! Just kill!

You know very well that if you kill Shi Yu for fun, you and I will never have the chance to seek revenge on the real old dog!

What's more, I just want to regain my past memories. You are not as strong as me now, and the priorities are reversed. You are just a useless memory jade mirror. I won't force you if you don't want to reunite."

Juezhan Zun snorted and stopped talking. It was obvious that Mo Lu was right.

Mo Lu stretched out his hand to Shi Yu and said: "Give me the Jingtian Ji. Whether we merge or not, he can't hurt you at all."

Shi Yu handed the Jingtian Ji to Mo Lu and stepped back three or five steps. Tian Jiang stepped forward one and a half steps to block Shi Yu, which made Shi Yu feel more at ease.

Mo Lu thrust the Jingtian Ji into the ground, took two steps back, and said coldly: "I will only give you this chance. If you want to merge again in the future, I will not agree."

The Juezhan Zun in the Jingtian Ji was silent for a long time, and then sighed: "I still can't get over this hurdle. Wait until you have the ability to take revenge and then wake me up! Let me see that day with my own eyes."

After that, Juezhan Zun was completely silent. The Jingtian Ji didn't seem to have any changes, but it made people feel that it had lost its brilliance.

The general loosened his grip on the hilt expressionlessly, nodded to Shi Yu, and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Haha! Two less troubles at once! The big whale didn't come back either, and now we are the only ones left!" Xiao Hei felt that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, and laughed dryly.

Shi Yu turned his head to look at the dark part of the corridor. Whale Luohai had not returned yet. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the slave seal had been washed off and fled.

"Okay!" Shi Yu looked at Mo Lu, "Mo Lu, what are your plans? Are you going to go out on your own, or go down with us?"

"Still going down? Brother Shi Yu, are you going to die?" Xiao Hei screamed.

"Don't be afraid, I'm sure!" Shi Yu patted Xiao Hei's head and smiled.

"What are you sure of? Relying on the Void Body?"

Shi Yu did not answer Xiao Hei, but just stared at Mo Lu.

Mo Lu also stared at Shi Yu's eyes and said, "I feel that you don't trust me."

"I don't trust you!" Shi Yu answered very straightforwardly, "Because you are no longer a simple-minded spirit, but a powerful person with more extensive knowledge than all the world masters! And there is another you who wants my life with all your heart. Without many God's restrictions, your souls are more closely connected, right?"

Mo Lu nodded, "Indeed, it doesn't matter whether you merge or not. He has just passed all his memories to me."

Shi Yu jumped far away with a cry, pretending to be surprised: "Then I can't trust you even more! Trust is accumulated in life and death. You are now equivalent to the rebirth of Juezhan Zun, so why do you need the trust of a small character like me!

Let me ask one more question, did he pass on his hatred to you?"

Mo Lu laughed and shook his head, pulling up the Jingtian Ji from the ground, "The guy inside is not stupid, he is just blinded by hatred. He knew that without you, I could not take revenge at all! So you don't need to doubt me at all. More importantly, he and I have very different views on you, and I have no reason to be against you."

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at Mo Lu with some doubts, and said, "Then why do you keep talking about seeking revenge on the Lord of Life? Wasn't the brand of loyalty to the Lord of Life strengthened by the Creation Pool?"

Mo Lu pointed at himself and chuckled, "Who am I? I am 99% of the Lord of Life! Of course, my resistance to the brand is much stronger than others, and it is not a problem to say a few bad things behind my back. When I go to the upper realm, I will find someone to help me get rid of the Lord of Life and really embark on the road of revenge!"

Shi Yu shrugged, which was considered as an approval of Mo Lu, and turned to walk towards the Creation Pool.

Xiao Hei was not interested in what Shi Yu and Mo Lu said. He just wanted to know how Shi Yu crossed the Creation Pool and reached the corpse pile safely.

"Brother Shi Yu! What should we do?" Xiao Hei's voice was trembling.

Shi Yu smiled and touched Xiao Hei's head, pretending to be angry and said: "Little guy, why are you so timid all of a sudden? Didn't you always rush to where there was danger before?"

Xiao Hei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shook a few times and said: "How can it be the same! In the past, we were bound to win the danger, but now we are fighting against God. Are you stronger than God?"

"God was driven away by me a long time ago, and he doesn't even want his old nest. Are you still afraid of this empty nest without God? Stop talking nonsense, and turn into armor first." Shi Yu deliberately teased.

Xiao Hei turned his head suspiciously, looking at Shi Yu's smiling face, not knowing what to think.

In just this moment of hesitation, Shi Yu had already stepped into the Creation Pond, bringing out a brilliant light.

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