Life Control Chart

Chapter 667: The Land of Corpses

Mo Lu also didn't know Shi Yu's methods. He was a few steps behind and did not jump into the birth pool with Shi Yu.

Shi Yu looked back at Mo Lu and showed a strange smile. Jade fetuses began to appear one after another around him.

Suddenly, Shi Yu exploded into pieces, and his intact body was scattered into three or four pieces, which fell towards the bottom of the creation pool.

Those jade fetuses that appeared suddenly became confused as if they could not find Shi Yu's true body, squeezing each other and chasing Shi Yu's broken body to dive down, but never touched any of them.

As he fell deeper and deeper, Shi Yu's body became more and more broken into pieces, until it was broken into more than a dozen pieces at a depth of a hundred feet.

Those jade embryos that were chasing after them seemed even more confused. Many of them smashed into pieces randomly and then disappeared into the birth pool as if they had given up.

"This..." Mo Lu stared at Shi Yu and fell into deep thought. In an instant, he saw the key clearly and jumped into the Creation Pond with a long smile.

Mo Lu's true form was just a spirit body, and he was broken into several pieces at this time, and he quickly fell towards the bottom of the Creation Pond like a stone.

He also fell and disintegrated all the way, falling into thousands of fragments at the bottom of the creation pool.

As soon as he hit the bottom of the abyss and before he could merge, Mo Lu heard Xiao Hei complaining loudly.

"Brother Shiyu! You scared me to death! I wish I had said this earlier! I had to wait until I jumped in before transmitting the message!"

Pieces of broken bodies hit Shi Yu's assembled skull, and in the blink of an eye he was pieced together into a complete human being. The dark scales covering Shi Yu's body also formed into a complete Xiao Hei.

Mo Lu said nothing, recalling all his fragments to merge into one, and then he conjured up a human form and gave a thumbs up to Shi Yu, "How did you come up with this method? You are not afraid that fragments without true spirits will be created. Chi Ronghua?”

"No! That happens when the old body dies and the true spirit transfers to the new body, right?" Shi Yu smiled and looked up. Those jade fetuses completely disappeared hundreds of miles away. One fell into the abyss.

At this time, there was only a bright stream of light above the head.

"It's very risky for you to do this!"

"Hey! Fortunately, you fought against Bai Que. Did you forget how weird Bai Que's body is? Did you forget that Bai Que escaped from here?" Shi Yu flicked his fingers and shot out a stream of divine power that rippled in the creation pool, following the direction of the movement of the divine power. Go.

"Baique? I thought you came up with this trick after seeing the general being chopped into pieces." Mo Lu stepped up to follow Shi Yu.

"Yes! It's Bai Que! Every time he receives a fatal blow, his armor will be broken into different pieces of armor, leaving him without body or blood.

I suspect that he is not a flesh and blood creature at all, but is probably an invisible spirit like the Tianling Clan or the Yunyin Clan. That armor was just a cover-up he used to deceive others. "Shi Yu said as he walked, Mo Lu nodded secretly.

Shi Yu glanced at Mo Lu beside him and continued: "Do you still remember what Bai Que said to me when he escaped?"

"Remember, he said - without my ability, you will lose your true self if you go down!"

"Not bad!" Shi Yu clapped his palms together and praised Mo Lu.

Mo Lu curled his lips, wondering whether he should be happy to be praised by this junior from countless generations later. He is no longer the tiger-headed spirit body, but a powerful senior who has inherited all the memories of the first God of War in the Mingtian.

Shi Yu didn't realize Mo Lu's mood swings, or maybe he meant it. He stared straight ahead and said, "I thought about it, and Bai Que can remain invincible under my hands only because of his incomprehensible strength." His body, if he hadn’t been broken into pieces so that I couldn’t find his true body, I would have chopped him into pieces when I first saw him!”

Mo Lu frowned, carefully recalled the scene of his first battle with Bai Que, and nodded slightly.

"And you know, when I grabbed Baique's lifeline that day, he was indeed dead! But the dead man actually came back to life under my nose, and the lifeline grew again. Do you know how surprised I was at that time? Thinking about it now, he must have a method similar to Mai Heng's spiritual seed resurrection method!

Therefore, I guess he gave away another life here, and then faked his death and escaped using the magic of spiritual seed resurrection! "

Slapping his palms together again, Shi Yu ended his tirade.

"Didn't he transfer his true spirit back and forth with his broken body?" Shi Yu and Mo Lu didn't use any reincarnation method when they fell just now.

"The key is not to die, but to make the jade fetus unable to figure out where your body is. They want a piece of soulless meat, who can inherit the power? I said that Bai Que gave up his life here because he felt His breath is disordered, which doesn’t mean he’s unscathed, and it’s not necessarily right.”

Mo Lu took another deep look at Shi Yu and said with a faint smile, "Are you so sure? What if it doesn't work?"

"If that doesn't work, I still have a virtual body. If that doesn't work, I still have a jade slip from the Duan Sheng Land, which can instantly transfer outside the realm of God.

And you were once the number one God of War in the Mingtian, so I don’t think you would die in such a small place, haha! "Shi Yu laughed and quickened his pace, giving Mo Lu a slap on the back of his head.

Mo Lu was stunned for a moment, then quickened his pace to catch up, "After talking so much nonsense, you still don't believe me. Do you want to find out what I am?"

"Believe it! Why don't you believe it! You jumped in right away, how can I still not believe you?"

The two of them said nothing more and quickly walked to the middle of the Creation Pond, where a huge black hole like a demon abyss led straight down.

Mo Lu stood at the edge of the cave and said cautiously: "Down here is the place where corpses are accumulated. Back then, Lord Mingtian alone broke into all the heavens and snatched back countless creatures to build Mingtian. To this day, there are still countless people sleeping underneath. Living corpse, my..."

Shi Yu looked down, and without waiting for Mo Lu to finish, he jumped into the corpse pile without saying a word.

Mo Lu was a little annoyed. Shi Yu was getting more and more unreasonable to him.

Mo Lu, who had never been under anyone except the Lord of Heaven, couldn't stand this.

But Shi Yu had disappeared into the black hole. Mo Lu stared at the hole for a moment, and then jumped down.

As soon as he landed, Mo Lu saw Shi Yu looking up. In a huge sky cave thousands of miles high, the colorful life-making pool was shining brightly.

And at Shi Yu's feet, there were piles of corpses, and each corpse was vivid under the reflection of the flowing colors.

For a long time, Shi Yu didn't move, and his eyes were always staring at the life-making pool.

Mo Lu was still a little angry at first, but after waiting for a while, his face gradually became serious. He also looked up at the bright Zaosheng Pond and said in a deep voice: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Shi Yu nodded, still looking up at Zaosheng Pond, and asked Mo Lu in a low voice, "Who do you think is so powerful that he has been following them for such a long time without you noticing?"

Mo Lu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. If Shi Yu hadn't been staring at the bright sky cave, he really wouldn't have thought that someone was following them in Zaosheng Pond. Shi Yu's words of suspicion must have been said to the people hiding in the dark.

"But he must know that he has been discovered now. You stare at him like this, and he doesn't dare to come down." Mo Lu also stared at Zaosheng Pond, which was still dark.

"No, you and I can't see the corpse pile in Zaosheng Pond. I don't think he can be more powerful than you and me combined, right? He is just waiting. When we walk a little further, he should come down soon."

Mo Lu snorted lightly, feeling that he had lost all his face. He was not as thoughtful as Shi Yu in every aspect.

After handing the Jingtian Ji to Shi Yu, Mo Lu suddenly transformed himself and returned to his original spirit form. He was afraid that Shi Yu would see all his embarrassing expressions.

Shi Yu was surprised and said, "You can't store things now?"

Mo Lu hummed, "I'm not a complete cultivator. In the final analysis, I'm still a weapon like a spirit."

Suddenly, the peaceful life-creating pool began to be disturbed, and two feet poked out from the bottom of the life-creating pool that looked like a colorful film.

"Let's go! Let's hide first!"

Shi Yu shouted softly and got into the pile of corpses.

Mo Lu wanted to kill the person at once, but seeing that Shi Yu still had the intention to investigate further, he quietly stabbed into the depths of the corpse pile.

A strange-looking man fell from the life-creating pool and floated quietly in the air.

This man's limbs were extremely uncoordinated, with long arms and short legs. His arms and legs were not of the same length. The two eyes embedded in his head were even more unusually large, almost occupying half of his face.

"Strange! He ran so fast!" The strange man looked around in the air, but did not find Shi Yu's whereabouts.

Shi Yu hid under the corpses, squinted at the newcomer for a long time, and his brows gradually twisted into a knot.

This man was obviously not one of the realm masters who explored the Creation Pond. He was not surprised to see the endless corpses, as if he had known that there were corpses everywhere.

Mo Lu quietly squeezed to Shi Yu's side and whispered in Shi Yu's ear: "This man is not right!"

"Yeah!" Shi Yu responded softly, "He knows the existence of the corpse land and has even been here! But... why didn't he know that the Creation Pond would become dark when no one was here? He was exposed for nothing."

Mo Lu snorted coldly, "If he had been here before and had never taken the road to the Creation Pond, he must have had other portals to come and go! When did the Heavenly Lord Domain allow the villains to come and go freely?"

"Do you think he is a formless demon?"

"Impossible! If the Wu Xiang Mo wakes up, you and I are both ants that can be crushed to death with one finger." Mo Lu immediately denied Shi Yu's speculation.

Shi Yu shook his head secretly, not believing Mo Lu's conclusion completely. Wu Xiang Mo is also an unknown powerful existence for Mo Lu, who knows what his methods are?

Seeing that Shi Yu didn't believe it, Mo Lu said again: "If Wu Xiang Mo really wakes up, there will be no zombies left here, and the life pool above will have been broken through! The Lord of Controlling Life wanted to create the monster Wu Xiang Mo in the past, just to use Wu Xiang Mo to destroy all the heavens, and then he would rebuild the heavens and become the only Lord of the Heaven!"

"Oh? The Lord of Controlling Life has such an arrogant plan? Isn't he afraid that he will also be killed by Wu Xiang Mo?" Shi Yu was shocked and looked at Mo Lu in disbelief.

"So the Formless Demon can't possibly be born. The Lord of Controlling Life only created a small half of the demon fetus and felt that it was not appropriate, so he sealed the unfinished demon fetus and waited for the future.

With only the half-finished demon fetus, it is extremely unlikely that it will break out of the seal, let alone give birth to consciousness.

The guy in the Jingtian Ji shouted that the Formless Demon had awakened, but he was just trying to scare you."

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