Life Control Chart

Chapter 968: Xuan Pan Again

Shi Yu pondered for a moment and asked again: "If I take away the Heart of God, will the power to suppress the formless demon disappear?"

Mo Lu's spirit body swayed a few times and said: "No, the Heart of God is used to suppress these zombies. It was laid long before the formless demon. There are other means to suppress the formless demon."

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the strange man flying all over the sky and smiled: "What's wrong with this guy? Is there an oversight in the Heart of God? One of the zombies released?"

"I think you are too cautious! If I hadn't poked him over, I would have known by catching him and asking him." Mo Lu's tone was slightly dissatisfied, secretly mocking Shi Yu for being nagging.

Shi Yu said helplessly: "My power here is less than one ten-thousandth of that in the Land of Controlling Life. You want me to fight with the mysterious great man? Look at his escape speed, is it something I can touch?"

Mo Lu glanced at the mysterious man flying all over the sky and closed his mouth. That guy's speed is not worse than his, Mo Lu, and Shi Yu will only get beaten if he goes out.

Suddenly, Mo Lu was surprised and whispered: "This guy is not flying by talent! He can use his energy!"

"Yeah! That's why we have to endure! This guy must want to see what we are going to do, so he will follow us quietly. If I didn't have the eyes of the Lord, I would not be able to find him at all. So we have to take advantage of the situation and set an ambush to capture him!" After saying that, Shi Yu crawled out of the zombie land.

The high-altitude life pool began to dim gradually because no one entered. The light in the corpse land became weaker and weaker, and it looked more and more gloomy and terrifying.

The weirdo who was flying around looking for Shi Yu was also startled by this change. He looked up and hesitated while hanging in the air.

Suddenly, he found that the peaceful corpse land was trembling slightly, as if someone was about to crawl out from under the pile of corpses.

The weirdo immediately turned into a phantom and fell to the corpse land. When he lay on the ground, he looked like a corpse.

"How many zombies are there here? How come we haven't seen the bottom after digging for so long?" Shi Yu complained loudly, crawling out of the pile of corpses, holding a few fluorites in his hand.

Mo Lu's tone was very impatient, and he scolded: "Endless! Back then, the Lord of Controlling Life swept through the major heavens, and captured any living creatures he liked. He captured them for tens of thousands of years. How many zombies do you think are here?"

"It seems that this road is blocked. We have to find another way to find the Heart of the Lord. I don't want to stay in this gloomy place for a moment." Shi Yu looked around and walked towards the place where the weirdo was lying.

"There was only the Lord of Controlling Life in this place back then. How can you find the right way if you are wandering around like this?" Mo Lu said angrily.

Shi Yu stopped talking, just walked with big strides, stepped on the weirdo's face, and the sharp combat boots made by Xiao Hei scratched the weirdo's forehead.

But the weirdo was as motionless as a dead body, and Shi Yu continued to walk as if he didn't notice anything strange under his feet. In the blink of an eye, he walked hundreds of feet away, and the faint light of the fluorite disappeared in the complete darkness.

The weirdo lay on the ground for a long time before slowly sitting up, stroking the wound on his forehead, and looking at the direction where Shi Yu disappeared thoughtfully.

In the quiet and dark corpse field, there was no more quarrel between Shi Yu and Mo Lu, as if both of them were angry.

Shi Yu's face was ashen, and he walked faster and faster.

His eyes could see farther and more clearly than anyone else, and the weirdo sitting up and looking also fell into Shi Yu's eyes.

But Shi Yu didn't say a word, just walked towards the depths of the corpse field, straight to the Heart of God.

Seeing Shi Yu's unfriendly face, Mo Lu's heart was lifted, secretly guessing who the weirdo was and why Shi Yu's face and mood became so bad.

Xiao Hei didn't dare to say a word. The chill emanating from Shi Yu made him understand that something unexpected must have happened.

After running for thousands of miles, the figure of the strange man completely disappeared from his sight. Shi Yu slowed down his pace and said to Mo Lu in a deep voice: "That man is Xuan Pan!"

Shi Yu showed half of the broken claw of the Nine-Life Totoro in his hand, flashing a very faint green light.

Mo Lu was shocked, Xiao Hei was shocked!

"How many clones does Xuan Pan have? Why is each clone so ridiculous?" Xiao Hei asked in shock, which was exactly what Shi Yu was thinking at the moment.

Shi Yu couldn't figure out why Xuan Pan suddenly followed him. Could it be that his original body was the zombie that ran out of the corpse pile? Why did he suddenly come back?

"Are you sure that Wu Xiang Mo won't wake up?" Shi Yu asked Mo Lu again cautiously.

"Absolutely not! Wu Xiang Mo is definitely not like Xuan Pan. I can't describe it at all. And with Wu Xiang Mo's power, what's the point of clones? Conspiracy is even more ridiculous." Mo Lu answered very confidently.

"Okay! Later at the Heart of God, you pretend to attack me, and make it as realistic as possible, so that Xuan Pan will take advantage of the opportunity to kill me! Then we will both give him a ruthless blow and capture him alive! I want to see what this guy is all about!" Shi Yu said viciously, as if he was going to kill him and search his soul.

"What? You don't want to continue to act and cause him to misunderstand?"

Shi Yu sneered, "The misunderstanding is enough! As long as he thinks that we are not in harmony, he will think that it is natural for you to attack me. I am in the open and you are in the dark, and we will take him down in one fell swoop!"

"Is it necessary to be so troublesome? Even if he can exert his power, I can deal with him alone!" Mo Lu disagreed, and felt that Shi Yu was nagging.

Shi Yu glanced at Mo Lu and reminded him softly: "Don't forget, it was the battle between Xuan Pan and Yu Luyao that blew up this God's Domain. Do you think you can do it with your current strength?"

Mo Lu was stunned and said slowly: "You are right, I am too arrogant."

The two said no more and rushed all the way to the Heart of God.

Shi Yu could see clearly along the way that there were tens of thousands of sky caves on the dome connecting the corpse field and the life-creating pond, which could be used by zombies to ascend to the life-creating pond. They were now standing right below the largest sky cave.

A fist-sized pure white heart was suspended between the sky cave and the earth, rotating slowly and silently. Thousands of white blood vessels stretched out from the heart, entering the life-creating pond and hiding in the corpse field, firmly connecting the two mysterious places.

"Strange! This heart obviously doesn't beat. Where does the heartbeat we hear above come from?" Shi Yu jumped up and repeatedly examined the Heart of God.

At the same time, he also swept his eyes to every corner around, waiting for the appearance of the mysterious disk.

"That is the resonance and beating of the entire life-creating pond and the Heart of God, not from this heart that has become a treasure."

After Mo Lu inherited the memory of Juezhan Zun, he was able to explain most of Shi Yu's doubts. He also scanned the surroundings vigilantly, preventing himself from being attacked instead of acting.

"Bang!" It was like a sound of a zither resounding in Shi Yu's soul. Shi Yu immediately found that Xuan Pan was walking slowly from a very far distance, stepping on a zombie he had specially placed.

Xuan Pan took every step carefully, fearing that he would attract the attention of Shi Yu and Mo Lu, but he didn't know that Shi Yu's eyes were now magical, and all his actions were known to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu didn't say a word, and waited for Xuan Pan to get closer for several miles before he seemed to stop thinking about the Heart of God. He held the Heart of God with both hands, and two black lights shot out of his eyes, causing the Heart of God to tremble violently.

And Mo Lu, who was guarding Shi Yu and flying around him quickly, was no different from a strict guard.

Xuan Pan, who was less than a hundred miles away from Shi Yu, stopped immediately. He had already felt the pressure from Mo Lu, and was even more afraid of the Heart of God hanging high in the sky.

Suddenly, Xuan Pan exploded silently, and his head, chest, and limbs were scattered in different places, surrounding Shi Yu from different directions.

This move was beyond Shi Yu's expectation, but he could only keep calm.

If they were too close, Xuan Pan would hear what he said, and the sound transmission would cause fluctuations in his mind. Even if they communicated with each other through eye contact, Xuan Pan might be able to see the clues.

Shi Yu could only bet that Mo Lu would cooperate with him perfectly and find the most suitable opportunity to take down Xuan Pan.

Xuan Pan's body fragments surrounded him from all directions, and Mo Lu didn't find his trace until he was more than ten miles away from Shi Yu.

Mo Lu was also shocked and quickly thought about how to deal with the chaos in front of him.

It is not difficult to guess that Xuan Pan also used the body fragmentation technique to escape the jade fetus's body washing and soul stripping, but each part of his body can act independently, which is beyond Mo Lu's expectation.

Mo Lu secretly hated that his strength was too weak now. If it were in the past, let alone Xuan Pan breaking into six pieces to attack, even if it was broken into millions and turned into gods and Buddhas in the sky, he would be slapped into ashes with a slap.

Shi Yu seemed unaware and was still struggling to pick up the Heart of God. One by one, blood vessels were pulled out from the corpse field, fell from the life-creating pool, and shrunk back into the heart to become small buds.

In a dozen breaths, the whole heart would be picked up by Shi Yu and become his possession.

Xuan Pan's body parts were lurking five miles away, just like the rotten corpses falling from the surrounding zombies.

Mo Lu flew around even faster, showing a posture of full defense.


The last blood vessel inserted into the corpse field quickly retracted. Under the call of the eyes of God, the Heart of God completely ended the responsibility of suppressing the corpse field and flashed towards Shi Yu's chest.

Shi Yu seemed to be very satisfied with the successful removal of the Heart of God. He showed a happy smile, and his eyes were all on the Heart of God squeezed into his chest.

At this moment, Mo Lu, who was flying around quickly, suddenly turned and hit Shi Yu's chest with a lightning speed.

In the Heavenly Domain, Mo Lu was much stronger than Shi Yu. Caught off guard, Shi Yu screamed and fell from the sky, and the blood gushed out on thousands of zombies.

Mo Lu injured Shi Yu, but he didn't care about taking his life. Instead, he picked up the fallen Heart of the Heavenly Lord and fled quickly, running to the direction where the Wu Xiang Demon was.

"Mo Lu! You treacherous villain!" Shi Yu struggled to get up from the ground, covering his chest that was still gushing blood, and staggered with the Jing Tian Ji in anger to chase after him.

"Brother Shi Yu! Brother Shi Yu, how are you?" Xiao Hei's panicked voice followed.

Xiao Hei's hard armor covering Shi Yu's body did not block Mo Lu's sharp thorns at all. The cracks on the chest armor were equivalent to directly cutting Xiao Hei's head.

But Xiao Hei didn't care about himself, Shi Yu was more seriously injured than him.

The Heart of God and Shi Yu's heart had already merged with each other, and Mo Lu could not completely separate them, so Mo Lu not only took away the Heart of God, but also took away Shi Yu's heart.

If this was in the Land of Controlling Life, Shi Yu would have recovered his body in a few breaths.

But in the Land of God, Shi Yu had too little power to use, and even if he tried his best to restore his body, the wound on his chest could only heal slowly.

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