Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

Chapter 115 - Just Let Me Kill This Thing

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The captain ran towards the floating thing with all her might. She could see the thing moving and coming down slowly, which meant that she could meet it if she arrived at the place below it on time. That's why she ran even faster, passing the streets and alleys and rushing to that location. 

However, the thing that she saw once she arrived there was something that she never expected to see.

She saw a very familiar face. She saw a boy that had caused her quite a headache for the past few days elegantly land on the ground.


She was completely out of breath. She stood to catch her breath while looking at the boy that had now completely landed on the ground and was talking to himself. She heard the boy's mumble.

"Why can't I move in the air while floating?"


'Floating?... The thing that I saw was this kid? No way!'


The captain looked at the monster on the other side of the road. There was a monster with half of its body gone. 

The boy turned towards the monster and looked at it as if he was examining it. He then moved his hands, the mana around him shook a little before one of the shiny things around him moved and stood right before his face. 

'What the hell does he want to do now?'

Is he trying to attack the monster with that? 

Captain Neal couldn't hold back and rand towards the boy. He would get himself killed if she didn't stop him from doing that stupid thing. She opened her mouth even before she had reached the boy.

"What the-"

The boy stopped moving just when he was about to attack the monster and turned towards her.

"W-What? Huff. T-that thing. Huff. It was you? Huff. Huff."

'Ah, damn. Why am I this out of breath?'

The captain cursed her weak body and bent down, still banting heavily.

. . . . . . 

"W-What? Huff. T-that thing. Huff. It was you? Huff. Huff."

Kairen looked at captain Neal with confusion. She was panting heavily as if she had come here running from far away and she was staring at Kairen with her eyes wide open. Kairen suddenly felt like a criminal who was caught red-handed. 


He silently looked at the panting woman.

'What is she talking about? Ah, no. Why is she here?'

Kairen thought it was strange that she had run all the way here even though there were no monsters around for her to kill.

He slightly tilted his head but didn't ask anything. Killing the monster was more urgent so he turned back towards the monster and aimed at him again. However, the woman's voice stopped him once again.

"Were you the one floating in the air?"

Kairen stopped moving again. He awkwardly scratched his head and looked away. 

'She saw me while floating?'

Kairen nodded his head, still looking away.

"How did you go up there... You were flying. Was it that wind attribute user's ability?"

"No... It was float magic."

Captain Neal frowned slightly.

"What does the float magic has to do with the situation?"

The captain observed Kairen from head to toe before her eyes opened wide.

"You didn't possibly use that spell on yourself, did you?"


Kairen looked down and silently nodded his head.

The captain looked at him for a moment, took a deep breath, and started talking, almost as if she was scolding a troublemaker kid.

"What the- Oh my god! Who in their right mind would use that spell on themselves? Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind or something? You seriously used that magic to move up to the sky? Do you even understand what you've done? Do you even think before doing something?"

Kairen kept looking down, still not answering the captain.

'What's wrong with these people?'

He was first scolded by Reyan, then by the captain. Kairen couldn't understand why Reyan, and now captain Neal, were scolding him because of what he did. 

He had just used a spell to go up in the air and kill monsters. What was so wrong with it?

He knew that what he did might not be the best thing to do, but he knew that his choice wasn't wrong either. 

He had done it so that he could get rid of more monsters in a shorter period of time and had done it, wasn't that what everybody else wanted to do?

Captain Neal turned around and massaged her aching forehead.

"Oh god! And here and I thought I'd found something impressive. Turns out it was just this kid. How the hell did that man let this kid in his unit, he doesn't even care about what he does with his body!"


Kairen raised his head and peeked at the captain.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wrong?"

Kairen only silently looked at the woman without answering her. He knew that the woman's words weren't completely wrong. He was sure that he would be scolded once he went back to the unit. Still, he thought it was unfair for him to be scolded this much. Captain Neal was being too harsh!

Kairen turned away from the woman and looked back at the monster. 

"Also, what is that?"


Kairen was stopped again right before he could attack the monster. This was the third time that he was being interrupted when he attempted to kill the injured monster. 

He turned back and looked at the captain with an annoyed face. Captain Neal was pointing at the energy beams floating all around him with her finger.

'Why does everyone ask about this?'

Kairen glared at the woman. Shouldn't the captain of the Monster Hunting Division already know that they are energy beams? 

Kairen answered her with a serious face and answered honestly.

"Super weak energy beam that I created so that I won't damage anything but the monster."


Captain Neal blankly stared at the energy beam. She blinked a few times and asked again.

"And what do you want to do with those super weak energy beams that you've created so that you wouldn't damage anything but the monster?"

She was still pointing at the energy beams with her finger while looking at Kairen with a blank face.

"I kill monsters with these super weak energy beams that I have created so that I won't damage anything but the monster, obviously!"

"What does that even-"

This time, Kairen sent his energy beam towards the monster before the woman could say anything. 

"What are you doing?"

The captain's eyes widened and she rushed towards Kairen, grabbing his arm, pulling him back, and standing in front of him hastily. She looked at the energy beam that was heading towards the monster.

Leaving a shiny line behind, the energy beam headed towards the monster at a high speed.

The injured monster flinched and forced its body to dodge, but it couldn't move its injured body properly.

'It's the same...'

Just when captain Neal thought that the attack was the same one that she had seen before, the attack that killed the scorpion and the other monsters a few minutes ago, the spell hit the monster. 


Just like always, the energy beam caused an explosion that completely erased the monster from sight.


Captain Neal, standing in front of Kairen and still grabbing his hand, looked at where the monster used to be. 


The place was empty now with only some ashes floating in the air.


She stared there for who knows how long, her face turning pale with each passing second. 

After a few moments, she forcefully took her eyes off of the monster's ashes. She released Kairen's arm and took a few steps back, staring at Kairen's eyes with a pale and blank face.



Kairen also looked back at her with a surprised expression. 

'What's wrong with her... Why did she do that...'

He didn't understand what happened just now. The captain suddenly pushed him back and jumped in front of him. It almost looked like she wanted to protect him.

The captain opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no words came out.


She raised her hand and pointed at the monster's ashes with her finger, then, pointed at Kairen with the same finger and widened her eyes even more.

But the boy looking back at her didn't say anything.

The captain lowered her hand. She still looked between the monster's ashes and Kairen with a blank face but didn't say anything further.

'What the fuck did just happen?'

She couldn't understand the situation at all. She kept looking between the boy and the place where the monster was in hopes of getting some clues, but there were none. 

'A super weak energy beam?'

She was sure that the magic that the boy used was really a super weak energy beam as he had said. It meant that the spell was the lowest level energy beam spell that one could find and was also cast sloppy and its power was lowered even more.

'How did the monster die after getting hit by that?...'

Was the monster just too weak? 

But she was sure she could sense great pressure from the monster.

Also, there was something strange about this boy's mana. 

'I couldn't feel it until he used it against the monster...'

The captain had now completely forgotten that she was in the middle of fighting a huge group of monsters in the center of a city. 

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