Life Drain System

Chapter 107 - A New Friend Or Enemy?

Laughing, because cultivation in itself is normally claimed as such, it was funny to hear a cultivator say this. Thus Rei gets up, and walks towards the door. Looking back, and seeing the man still in place, he asks. "Are you coming with me or not?"

Patriarch Shin, once he hears these words, immediately starts walking towards Rei, and as Rei sees this, he opens the metal door before him. Proceeding through the space ship, the two walk in silence. Of course, seeing such a device, patriarch Shin looks around with curiosity as they walk. 

To Shin, this vessel is something completely new, as the place he is from never needed such a waste of space and materials. While interesting, the thoughts going through his head were as such. 'It is amazing that they can have such a disregard for the resources of their planet. However, I guess for mortals who do not cultivate, this is probably the only way they can travel through space for now. Hopefully one day they will progress beyond this, not needing to waste so much.'

Getting to the main gathering spot, well, a few floors up, Shin looks over the rail, and while looking down sees thousands upon thousands of mortals sleeping on the ground, barely breathing. Seeing this, he thinks. 'How crude, no wonder this man was so interested yet worried meeting a cultivator. However, why does his life essence feel different from other humans? And for that matter, why do I sense an undead lich on board? Well, that is not right, it feels like they are in between the two, and I sense some mages? How odd, what a diversity.' He shrugs and continues walking. 

Rei feeling like he should ask just in case, turns around, and asks. "I have a question, could you wake all of those below us? You seem strong, so it should not be much trouble."

"Pft. Are you joking?" Patriarch Shin asks with a laugh, and then a serious gaze before continuing. "Right, you are not a cultivator thus you would not know. It is easy for me to do it, however even if I did it would temporarily weaken ... Never mind, it does not matter, they will wake up within a week anyways, thus just leave them, or make them comfortable until then. Regardless, for now, let us continue going to see your king."

Feeling a little sad that he would not wake them, Rei feels much better just knowing that they will wake soon. Therefore, he turns back around, and continues leading him. Of course the only reasons he has been so compliant, is that this is a person of unknown capabilities, yet very powerful, enough so that even the system warned him. 

---- Many Minutes Later ----

Outside the door where the icicle is laying down, one could feel the cold outside the room unlike before. This of course being due to the fact that Blake finished the frozen world. Rei before opening the door turns around and says with some worry. "We have arrived, and I am not certain if anything here will surprise you or not, but please do not cause any harm, and keep control of yourself."

The Patriarch just nods before heading in, despite feeling disrespected as an elder to this young one. Thus, seeing this, Rei opens the door, and the two walk into the super mini small world.

Walking in, patriarch Shin looks at the icicle laying on a bed in a world of ice, however quickly averts his gaze subtlety looking at Yin, whilst thinking to himself. 'Hmm, so this is the partial lich. From appearance alone, he seems to already have become a lich. Then does this mean he found a way to reverse the process? If so, I need to either figure it out, or burry this.'

Noticing his gaze, Rei, in order to get him to focus, asks. "So what do you think? Are we done here?"

Hearing his question, patriarch Shin replies. "Just a moment more, then we can leave." He says as he walks over, placing his hand on the ice and guiding his chi towards Yueliangs' body. A second later, he starts searching Yueliangs' body, then mind. However, no matter how much he tries he could not gain any information except for his basic realm, and health status.

Seeing that he could not see anything about this young man despite being more powerful, he turns around with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Realizing the look in his eyes, Rei smiles inwardly while questioning. "Find anything interesting?"

Not wanting to seem weak, or anything, the man changes his thoughts to something happier before saying in reply. "A little bit I guess. It seems you are right in saying that he is a talent, however until he is awake it is difficult to gauge much from there. Also it seems he is destabilizing because of what you said, using his life force. However something surprising that I noticed is that, should he continue practicing such an ability with care he will be able to use it more efficiently.

"... Although, that does not mean that I believe you managed to escape from such 'strong' and so many wendigos yet. Despite that, in the mean time, rather than waiting out here for someone or something to attack you, you should come to my sect. Should you be interested, your people may join as well, given they have the talent of course. I look forward to meeting this young man and the rest of you in the future." Patriarch Shin says with a benevolent smile and voice.

Hearing his offer, Rei and Yin instantly knew he has other intentions, but regardless are grateful for the offer. At the same time not being able to help wondering what the cost was for such a thing, besides meeting them as he said, Yin could not help but speak up. "While I do not know you, I will get straight to the point. What do you have to gain from offering us such a benevolent offer? I am sure it will not be free."

Patriarch Shins' smile goes down a little, but still remains, as he says. "No need to be so warry. Cultivators are people of their word, if we do not have that, then how could we progress without heart demons? Regardless, all I am interested in right now is meeting such interesting people, and learning about you. Plus if I could gain more disciples that would be great, but even if not, learning more of other places always helps to expand ones' horizons."

Rei then interrupts, saying. "If that is the case, then we will have to trouble you for now. Until our leader awakes there is not much we can do anyways. Although I am sure that should you keep true to your word, our people would be more than happy to comply with your questioning, as long as it is nothing our leader has told us to otherwise keep silent about."

Leaving in the little detail at the end made Yin feel much more at ease, as it gives them all a way out. For patriarch Shin, he noticed the escape route included, but feels that it will not affect what he is curious about, thus agrees. "Alright, without wasting any more time, I will lead you there. Where do we go to move this transportation device?"

Yin and Rei could not help but chuckle at such words before Rei answers. "Just take a seat, I can pilot it from here."

As Rei took a seat, so too did the guest, then asking curiously. "How will you move this large transportation device from here?"

Rei without saying a word, lifts his hand towards his other wrist, and taps on the bracelet. A split second later a 2 dimensional screen appears, and then he pulls it flat, then pulls upward, creating the 3 dimensional hologram again. 

Seeing this, Shin feels a bit shocked, however notices that Rei still has more in hand. Rei pulls his hand to the side, and the hologram fills the room. Then once all could be seen, he asks. "So which way? Do you see your sect?"

Shin looks around the room, and then focusing on one of the asteroids, he raises his hand to point at it, and says. "It is there."

The moment Shin finished his words, Rei tapped on the hologram, and a voice resounded from the bracelet throughout the room. "Destination set, now moving at full power. We will arrive within an incense stick worth of time."

Hearing this, patriarch Shin asks. "Who is that woman? Is that bracelet a communication device like our jade slips?"

Rei chuckles before answering. "That was not a person, but a system designed by my people and I as well as this ship, and everything on board. You could think of it as one of your arrays in short."

Patriarch Shins' eyes light up hearing of such marvelous things. "Such interesting things made by mortals. It seems there is much knowledge among your people. If you do not mind, could you teach me these system? things?"

Rei nearly burst out laughing at his ignorance, and seeing his child like desire to learn, he felt ecstatic to share his knowledge, thus saying. "I will gladly teach you, of course, my brethren will have other things I am sure will interest you as well. Maybe we could exchange knowledge, as learning more about cultivation could progress our research, thus allowing us to make even better inventions in the future."

Without a second thought, and just feeling excited to learn, patriarch Shin answers. "Of course, I am sure we will be great friends in the future. I look forward to building our friendship in the future." Not wanting to risk losing such an amazing opportunity for a great friendship, Shin was ecstatic as well.

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