Life Drain System

Chapter 108 - A Temporary Situation

Without a second thought, and just feeling excited to learn, patriarch Shin answers. "Of course, I am sure we will be great friends in the future. I look forward to building our friendship in the future." Not wanting to risk losing such an amazing opportunity for a great friendship, Shin was ecstatic as well.

In addition to wanting to absorb such people or at minimum their knowledge into his sect, it would be much more beneficial that killing them. However will be much more time and resource consuming. However after saying what he had, a few thoughts appeared. 'Hmm, they are mortals, by the time I get all their information they will probably die anyways. It is so much easier dealing with mortals than immortals. Plus even if they cultivate, they likely do not have the resources to extend their life before they die. Of course, being friends with them will be beneficial as well.'

Having such thoughts made this deal seem increasingly easier, as less resources will have to be expended on these thousands of mortals than he initially thought.

---- An Incense Sticks' Time Later ----

The systems voice resounds as the three talk peacefully. "We are approaching our destination, and will be arriving momentarily. Is there a particular place you want to land?"

Hearing this, Rei asks Patriarch Shin. "What do you think?"

He promptly replies. "Hmm, the outer court would probably be best. Either of the others may see this vessel as a threat and attack it."

The system quickly and smoothly adjusts the destination and still at full speed makes an abrupt stop in mid air, not affecting anything or anyone inside. Hovering in place, she says. "We have arrived, however people seem to be approaching. What are your orders?"

"Put us back in stealth mode, and notify me through the bracelet should anything occur." Rei says, before turning to Patriarch Shin to ask. "Shall we head down, or what would you like to do?"

Shin promptly answers once more. "I will go down and let them know the situation, although if you want to come be my guest. I can also show you around up to the inner court, but not the core for now."

Taking advantage of the situation before them, Rei says while tossing something that looks like a magnet to Yin. "Sounds like fun, I will go. However Yin, you should stay here and watch over Yue. Let me know if anything changes."

Yin nods, yet desires to look around later. Patriarch Shin looks a little surprised, as he did not expect them to accept so readily considering their caution before hand. Regardless, since it would not be a problematic situation, he accepts as well, saying. "Please lead the way Rei. I do not yet know how this place works, therefore if you would?"

Hearing his words, Rei could tell that he meant that he already learned the layout of this place, however because he does not yet know the functions there is nothing he can do. Thus the worrisome part was giving him a headache thinking. 'Well as long as we stay on friendly terms it should be fine, although it seems we will have to prove our worth not too slowly, but not too fast either. If we are not useful anymore, he may kick us out before we are ready. Well, best case scenario that is, worst case, he kills us all having learned all we are readily offering.'

Pushing such thoughts to the back of his mind for now, Rei says, not wanting to give away too much information of the vessel yet. "It is fine, we can teleport from here." Putting the bracelet behind his back, he taps on it in a few different places, and then a voice resounds in his head only. 

The systems feminine voice resounding in his head saying. "Video and Audio linked to Yin now. Passcode also now accepted, teleporting in two seconds." And a split second later it says aloud so as to not arouse suspicion. "Teleporting now."

The moment she finished her words, the two disappeared, reappearing below the vessel surrounded by tens of thousands of people with curious gazes looking up at the ship.

Seeing all of the disciples around them, Rei looks a them with an amazed look thinking. 'So many powerful people all gathered in one place. However I am guessing that is wrong, more aptly described as the weaker becoming the stronger in this place.'

However while Rei looks on in amazement, while of course not showing it on his face, Patriarch Shin quickly echoes his voice among those before him. "Disciples and Elders, make way. This is your patriarch, and if you do not calm yourselves immediately there will be punishment. Your curiosity will be abated in the future, meanwhile let our 'honored guests' become more comfortable first.

Hearing his words, the people quickly calmed their curiosity and started dispersing while still watching from a distance. Their curiosity still holding strong, yet not maintaining enough of a hold that they would defy their patriarch, nor anyone above them. As such is the way cultivation is seen by many, where the strong are seen as the authority to guide those weaker.

Although if one were to look closer, its real purpose is self improvement, knowledge of self and what is around you. Basically it can be applied to all aspects of life, yet while many aim for power, some aimed for the power to protect others which is good. There were obviously those who desire the power for their own self interests tends to lead down the wrong path. However those more pure of heart saw it as the power to have a family and have a happy life.

Of course not everyone sees it this way, as many prefer to see things in way that suit their own self interest even if they know it is not the truth.

However back to Rei, and Shin, they continue walking down one of the roads as Shin shows the different parts of the outer court first. Showing the major parts such as, the training area where there are stages, dummies, and all manner of tools to train ones self with. Another being the library where there were common techniques, the more powerful being in the inner and core court ones. Which of course would not be allowed to be seen by outsiders, not even the outer court one.

While walking a round, Rei stays quiet for the most part, just answering anything Patriarch Shin may ask of him. Meanwhile Rei had been recording all of the surrounding with the pilots bracelet, that they could analyze everything later, and Yin could both watch and listen in case anything happens.

This of course being because with Yue already frozen, and in the specialized world, he did not need as much careful supervision for now. And while Yin is observing both the outside and Yue at the same time, Meiren is still trying to wake those down in the gathering area. While she has succeeded with one, she is feeling pretty exhausted trying to wake a second person.

Walking around this sector, staying alert, Rei kept thinking to himself about many things. One such thought being that this place is serene and Eden like, of course not counting the training area that was filled with blood, but even that place had a certain draw of interest to it. As if calling him to make himself better. Of course not being a desciple there were places he could not enter such as places that had materials up for trade by the sector or the library. But that did not mean that Rei did not attempt to scan everything around him.

While scanning everything he could and having it all recorded, if he wanted he could even practice their martial techniques Given that he finds out how to guide the chi obviously, for if he were to practice wrong he could end up killing or injuring himself. However what interested him the most was the library, and in hopes that the arrays or something else would not stop the scanning, he may be able to read them using the ships functions. 

Meanwhile, Yin asks through the device he was given, that transmits everything directly to each others brains so others could not hear what they are talking about. "Just curious, while I understand that these people are potential future threats, should you really be trying to steal all their secrets?"

In reply Rei answers with his thoughts. "I will not try to justify this, as I know this is wrong. It is just that this knowledge could provide some massive breakthroughs in our tech, or could be worthless unless we cultivate it. However if we are to begin cultivating, getting the manuals from Yue would give us something way stronger than we would find here. All I want is just the history, and array knowledge, since I cannot ask Yue for now, as well as the layout and their forces."

Shaking his head, Yin comments. "I hope you are ready for us all to die because of your actions. We will never survive this, should they find out, and they will think we are all thieves. I guess at least you know what you are doing is wrong, hopefully you end up back on the right path in the end."

Rei did not comment or answer any further, and knowing that he is putting everyones lives at risk for the sake of knowing who these supposed friendly people are, his guilt grows. But either way, he continues doing this until they reach the inner court, where he thinks to himself. 'Probably better that I do not push my luck in a place like this. I am sure their security is much stronger here.'


Everyone, I just want to give out a special thank you to Gibby_Boolman my top Golden Ticket contributor. You are amazing my friend, thank you so much. Also a special thank you to my Top Power Stone contributors: BEST 487/ Tony_Be3 / Leo_58/ 25 Sakura / Dick_Kickem / Gibby_Boolman / armon313131 / Dragonfirebird / Luke_Miller_6306 / and last but not least Zach_Renzulli

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