Life Drain System

Chapter 109 - Half An Idea

Rei did not comment or answer any further, and knowing that he is putting everyones lives at risk for the sake of knowing who these supposed friendly people are, his guilt grows. But either way, he continues doing this until they reach the inner court, where he thinks to himself. 'Probably better that I do not push my luck in a place like this. I am sure their security is much stronger here.'

An hour or so later, having walked through both the outer and and inner court, or at least the parts Rei was allowed to see, Shin speaks up. "So what do you think? Any comments, or questions?" He says as if hinting at something.

Hearing his question Rei answers. "Well I certainly never have been to a sect before, or i guess more specifically a cultivation one. It is quite interesting, and nice. I can feel the appeal, maybe if I could learn some of what is to be offered here it would be quite fun."

Promptly commenting on what Rei had to say, patriarch Shin asks still holding out a sliver of hope. "I am sure you have already obtained much of the knowledge you desire, but is there anything else you are wondering about?"

Having such a comment thrown out almost nonchalantly, Rei thinks to himself for a moment. 'Whether he knows or not, it is better to ask permission, then have to ask forgiveness. Thus it is probably better to get it over with.' Then opening his mouth to speak, Rei answers. "You are right there is another thing." He says, and then pauses for a moment.

Smiling and feeling that his efforts were not in vain, Shin says. "Well ask away, I would rather you ask, then have to find out some other way."

Rei then continues saying. "Please do not hold it against my people, I am interested in knowledge, and more about this way of life. Of course, while I know it was wrong, would please forgive me? In case you did not already notice, I was recording, or in more simple terms duplicating what was around me in a sense so that I could learn it later."

With both seriousness and a smile appearing on his face, patriarch Shin answers. "You know, normally cultivators including myself would kill thieves, 'especially' the moment we 'noticed' them trying anything. I was worried this new friendship would have to take its early end. However, I do feel that truth and honesty grows a relationship. Thus while you have stolen our knowledge, and what not there might be something you could do about it."

Noticing the way he emphasized certain words, Rei could instantly tell he knew from the beginning. Therefore he asks. "What is it you would like me to do? Return what I took?"

Not answering his questions at first Shin continues. "You see by going with honesty and truth you have taken your first step as a cultivator. You see things that trouble your mind or things you remember later, often create heart demons, thus crippling progression, and often killing those with them. Also to answer your question. There is no need to return it as I am sure you have already learned much of what you took and would make such an act almost useless. Therefore instead, just pay for it with an equal amount of your own knowledge and what not."

Curious he asks in reply. "Out of curiousity, why is it you are forgiving us ... me so easily?"

Shin answers while the two stand in front of the gate to the inner court that they just left. "For a few reasons, I respect honesty, which you eventually did, and loyal, such as you are to your king, leader, or whatever you want to call him. Also, your group seems much better alive then dead. While your knowledge is useful, we could eventually figure it out, thus leaves the last reason. That of course being, that it is difficult to such interesting people."


"Of course, however that is kind of a loaded question."

"How so?" Rei asks, wondering how someone who is beyond them at the moment, could consider his people 'interesting'.

Answering promptly, Shin replies. "Well, first off you have a lich that is reverting back to human. Next is how so many of you seem to not be human, yet at the same time seem exactly like them, the only difference is your natural chi. Then there are many other interesting aspects, but that would probably take to long for a mortal such as yourself."

Hearing this, the main thing sticking in his mind, Rei asks about. "Natural chi? How could that be, I am not even a cultivator?"

Shins face shows a little disappointment hearing this. "You really know next to nothing of cultivation do you? You see, all things are chi, the thing that allows us tangibility however is unassigned matter. Thus if one is a real cultivator they should be able to listen to the chi around them, and even the make up of what is before them. How do you think we find out the names of items we find, or long lost knowledge?"

After a few seconds of seeing Reis' dumbfounded face, he continues. "You see even you and I were once just like the chi cultivators and mages use. However one day the creator formed our souls from it. Therefore if one wants to remain ignorant, they could never be a cultivator as you have to learn and communicate with the chi around you."

Listening closely to all that Shin had to say, one could visually see his world falling apart with each word added. Of course, he eventually managed a sentence or two. "It seems I was ignorant of a lot, but now there I have more knowledge to work with. With this, it seems I must cultivate if I want to continue researching and progressing."

"Well I am glad you found some revelation in all of that. Regardless, if there is nothing else I should get back to running this place? I will let you settle in before we get to our information exchange, and otherwise." Then waiting a few seconds, seeing that Shin was still wrapping his head around the new information, he starts walking away.

A few seconds later, as Rei sees Patriarch Shin walking toward the core court from the inner court, he turns around as well. Turning around, Rei walks back towards the ship thinking. 'Well, that turned out better than expected. Also, I noticed many of them seem to be cultivating with plants or stones, or other things, I wonder if they could provide Yue with more years, thus healing him? I guess it is just something I will have to bring up with the tigers later.'

Walking towards where the vessel is parked for now, Rei looks around the place seeing every building and area looking like a mystical version of ancient Chinese architecture.  Considering that they are on an enormous asteroid without an atmosphere, the only reason he could breath was an array around it. The sight is so breath taking seeing the gasses, the stars, the planets, and everything else one could see in space. 

Looking around Rei even sees some interesting creatures wandering the asteroid, and others wandering in space. Noticing some animal like, some reptilian, and others different as well. There are all sorts of things, even some plants growing there. It looks like a hidden mystical world to him. Even in his old world, he has never seen such a mind - blowingly beautiful place.

What seems like a few hours later, Rei arrives under the vessel, and using the bracelet teleports back inside near Yin who is still watching Yue. Arriving in the room, before he could even say a word, Yin speaks up first. "You got let off easy for now, but I have a feeling this will come back to bite us. You need to watch your habits in the future, this is not some weak and primitive civilization like Yueliangs' old world, or the world we just came from. Not that it is any better even if they are."

Rei not hesitating at all says. "You are correct yet at the same time wrong, they are not weak, but they are also not as forgiving as they seem. The moment he started talking about it I could feel he was holding back his killing intent will all his might. Even if they were forgiving, I know what I did was wrong. Waiting would have been better, my impatience could have gotten us killed."

Meanwhile as they were saying such things, Meiren walks in and using her chi interrupts them saying. "Any changes?"

Yin immediately replies. "No."

Rei however turns to his left and looks at her before saying. "Great, perfect timing. I think I may have an idea on how to help Yueliang. Well more like half an idea, the rest will have to be dealt with after I have some samples, and if my theory is correct."

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