Life Drain System

Chapter 120 - Digging A Little Deeper

Whilst he is reading the book, Orslaine comes back into the room, however seeing that he is busy and Yueliang is still asleep, she sits in another chair against the wall. Since there is nothing she can help with for now, she decides to watch over Yue, while reading as well. Thus she pulls out a book that seems to be for learning a skill after taking her seat.

---- Many Hours Later ----

*Yawn. 'Yin is reading, an the other sleeping, I guess I should catch up on my sleep as well.' Orslaine thinks to herself as she closes her eyes having finished a book and a half in the time passed.

---- A Few Moments Later ----

*Yawn. Looking around the room, Yue sees Yin reading, and Orslaine with her eyes closed, and sleeping lightly. Still feeling very weak, Yue starts pushing his body to sit up while feeling aches and pains all over. 'So it seems I had injury induced epilepsy. Hopefully I will not end up forgetting too much.' Yue thinks to himself while analyzing his current situation.

Moments later, even in his kind of rough state, he crawls to the edge of the bed. Reaching the edge his hand slips and he nearly falls off the bed, but gets caught by Yin. Who then says. "My friend, why try so hard when you have those who will give a shoulder to lean on without a second though so near to you?"

Feeling touched, Yue replies. "Thank you for helping me. I know there is much for me to learn and room for me to grow, yet you all help me so much. By the way, the reason I wanted to get up was to see if I could, but also to get a something to write on. Do you mind getting me something that I can write down my thoughts on?"

Yin lifts Yue by his arms, setting him against the wall so that he can sit up on the bed easier. However after finishing this, he comments. "I will get it for you, but there is something I want to tell you first. While you see that you have room to grow, for us, just seeing that you acknowledge that, is already progress compared to others. Now I will be right back, try not to get yourself hurt any more in the mean time."

Having finished what he had to say, Yin walks to a wall in the room, and pushes on it as if it were a button. A second later it goes in and slides to the side as well as the panel to its left. Thus revealing a closet, as well as much of what is inside.

With the closet open, he reaches inside to a top shelf pulling down a notebook. Having gotten what he wanted, Yin pushes on the side of the right panel. A second later the two panels return to their original place, as he walks back to the bed to give Yue the notebook.

Handing over the notebook to Yueliang, Yue says while weakly holding up his arm. "Thank you." 

Weakly pulling up his legs so he has something easier to write on, he sets the notebook on his lap. Then opening it finds a pen and a book of paper in side. Thus he begins writing all the things he does not want to forget, as well as his plans for the future. However his writing looks a little sloppy as even trying to hold a pen takes a lot of effort, let alone trying to draw chinese characters.

While Yue is busy writing, Yin sits down on the bed beside him in case he needs anything. Also to kill the time, and do as his teacher told him, he takes out the book and continues to work on memorizing everything it has to offer.

---- Meanwhile Far Far Away Elsewhere ---- 

In front of a large doorway in a massive castle leading to the throne room, the man in a black cloak could be seen. This man pushes open the gates and gives his name to a butler who then announces his arrival to the man on the throne who is in the middle of a meeting.

A few seconds later, the man on the throne says. "Alright that is all for today, we will finish this tomorrow. I have something important to deal with, thus you may leave." Not holding back, as he feels time is of the essence. Thus the people all bowed and quickly took their leave from the grandiose throne room. 

A few minutes later, with all the hundreds if not thousands of people in the room finally gone, the man who is still sitting on the throne says. "You are back a little later than anticipated. Tell me, where there any troubles on your journey?"

Kneeling down, with head bowed, practically prostrating, the man in the black cloak says. "My emperor, there were no troubles, just had to get rid of some evidence. As expected you were right, there seems to be some one who has a system close to what you designed. Albeit an ancient design, but one of yours none the less. I have yet to tell if they are of your bloodline, but as far as we know, everyone of your lineage has long been killed off except for the young master, and the young miss."

The emperor ponders to himself upon hearing these words, before saying. "Before anything else, we are certain that every one of my decent is dead except for the aforementioned right? I have had a feeling for millennia, but never found any evidence."

Promptly answering, the man in the black cloak says. "While I do not know all things, that is what our documents say, and we have had no evidence other wise until recently. There are a few things I have found out, they seem to be male, and around 21 to 22. However there is something very odd. By this age they should have been well known, but according to what I found the person in question is only just beginning to learn about what your lineage is capable of. I also discovered where they last traveled to."

Hearing this, the emperor smiles, and says. "Tell me more, this is beginning to intrigue me. So 21, male, just learning what he can do, and what else?"

"Well he has a group with him, but because of coming into contact with some very weak and pathetic species he ran, and it looks like put his life on the line to do so. It seems he is humble, kind, and a good future leader if he is to continue growing."

"Hmm, tell me about what species. Also you did clean up after this person right?" The emperor asks.

"There were a few specs of dust, just some pathetic wendigos, medium strength for their race, but pathetic none the less. Also, I did make sure all things relating back to your system are gone. There were a few humans if you want to call them that who were being supported by him as well, but their minds are locked, and the evidence with me. Which if you do not mind, what would you like me to do with these items?"

The emperor quickly says while feeling curious as to what was created so far. "Quickly bring them to me, I would like to see what this either descendent or copy cat has made."

Thus the man in the black cloak slowly stands, maintaining a respectful posture at all times. Then handing over his bracelet to the emperor. Who then begins sorting through everything. Even guiding the chi through it all as though it were second nature. While going through everything in seconds his face turns deeply serious as the man in the black cloak returns to his earlier position.

Having finished going through it all, the emperor says with all seriousness. "You said it is likely not a descendant! How do you explain this?! You know full well only those of my lineage, albeit the first one I made is capable of this. I knew you were supporting my only remaining son, but to think you would openly defy me. You even took a town he created as a gift for my son. Do you think I am stupid or just ignorant?"

Sweating bullets from fear of what will happen to him, the man in the black cloak says. "I dare not. There was nothing relating to you that I could sense. I am loyal to you my Emperor and no one else."

The Emperor stars at him, and pressures him with a little of his chi, before saying. "Guards, come and take this traitor." Then continues speaking to this traitor. "You think that at my cultivation, that I cannot read another's mind? *Sigh, I can see all those traitorous thoughts. Not to mention that I have put up with many of your so called mistakes. It seems I have been to lenient on you."

After a few seconds the Emperor continues. "Hmm, maybe a thousand years punishment will do you well. I feel that the 'main' punishment will do you good. Do not worry, you will not die so easily. With your cultivation such a thing would be near impossible, but that does not mean you will not feel it."

Saying all this, the emperor watches the mans face even through the shadows, as it turns from worry, to scared, to terrified at the words 'main punishment'. If one saw his face, they would think he was long dead, and the life had left his body from sheer terror.

As the extravagantly armed guards drag him away, even they could feel the terror, as they know how bad it is. But through this, the emperor thinks to himself. 'To think that one of my few friends has actually betrayed me. If it is this bad, I wonder if he is the one who organized the death of my other lineages.. Well at least this punishment should do him good.'

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