Life Drain System

Chapter 121 - A Familial Competition

As the extravagantly armed guards drag him away, even they could feel the terror, as they know how bad it is. But through this, the emperor thinks to himself. 'To think that one of my few friends has actually betrayed me. If it is this bad, I wonder if he is the one who organized the death of my other lineages. Well at least this punishment should do him good.' 

'Hopefully he can come out the friend I once knew, rather than the traitor before me now. I miss our adventures and travels together. Sadly he probably only thought of himself as an over paid butler or guard, but to me he will always mean more.' Then emperor thinks to himself, whilst reminiscing of the past the two of them had together.

Meanwhile, the guards having dragged off the black cloaked man, threw a necklace around him before going any further. This necklace being more like a choker, burns, freezes, or electrocutes those who try using chi while wearing it. Of course, it only affects their nerve endings so as to make sure no one can try to escape.

Many minutes later, in the dungeon, the group of six guards bring the man to a hole in the center of the prison, specially designated for people getting the 'main punishment'. Tossing him in, and then closing the hole off with the click of a button, one of the guards says to the others. "To think that the man with the most envious of positions decided to bite the hand that feeds him. Wow, if only one of us had that position, imagine the wonderful life we could have. Hahaha, but this job is better suited for us anyways, right men?"

The other five laugh as well, and agree. "Yes, you are right."

One of the five even adds in. "Honestly, imagine the difficulties of his job sometimes, ours is easy. Nice and cosy, all we have to do is guard the emperor, I would say we are the fortunate ones. While it may be difficult at times, the simplicity is a blessing, and the pay allows our families and selves comfort."

Hearing this, the others nod in agreement as the walk away, back to the throne room.

Meanwhile, inside the chamber in the center of the prison, the man tries wriggling around, whilst surrounded by insects. Many of them burrowing into his skin, and playing with his nerve endings as if they were chew toys. While some are gnawing on his nerves, some of the others eat his skin layer by layer, getting into the muscles, and bones. 

Then a third type of insect burrows into his bones eating the marrow, and crawling around, causing endless torment to him. And if any of them get tired, they change places as is their instinct. Then with all the blood flowing out, some manner of flies fly around drinking it, as well as mosquitoes. 

While all this is going on, blood curdling screams could be heard all throughout the dungeon, and if not for the arrays around the dungeon, probably all through the continent. However, there are also a type of electricity inducing insect that crawls into his brain and firing electrical impulses add to the pain, and causing his brain to have all manner of problems.

Of course with his cultivation, before his body could be wholly devoured, he would heal back to a healthy state thus the endless cycle of being eaten, and played with. At the same time, every second feels like a year, thus the thousand years would be closer to 31,536,000,000 years. And should one make it out sane they would be pardoned, lest they were deemed likely to commit the crime again.

However should one not be found sane afterwards, there were people who are able to help, but one would have to remember the memory of their punishment, which while one would think would not be too bad after eventually getting used to it. There is actually a special array in the chamber that changes ones mentality back to before it happened, while still leaving the memory so they can never adapts. Also the insects frequently change their pattern of attack, so their food will not be able to fight back.

Meanwhile back in the throne room, the emperor calls for his son and daughter. Waiting a few minutes, his children quickly arrive. This because they know that getting called in by their father is for one of two things, either they are in trouble, or he has something for them to do. However if they are late, then it will be the former anyways in addition to what they have to do.

The two walk into the throne room, and are announced by the herald standing by the door. He says. "Son of the Emperor the lord Bao, has come to see his father the Emperor. Daughter of the Emperor the lady Ai, has come to see her father the Emperor."

That being said, the two walk up towards the throne and before getting to the few steps, they kneel before the emperor, their father. Then after the emperor says. "Raise your heads." They do as they are told, raising their heads to look up to him.

The Emperor still sitting on his throne, now reading a bamboo scroll. Hearing the announcement, he rolls it up, and then setting it aside he says. "I am glad you made it on time. So I have some important information for you, and something I would like you to do for me. However before we begin there is something I would like to say. Bao, if I catch you going against me one more time, you will be made a mortal and lose your inheritance. But it will not stop there, you will also have to work for this household until I decide otherwise, understood?"

Listening to the frightening decree, Bao does not take it seriously and says with a smile. "Alright, I understand father."

Meanwhile, lady Ai worries for her brother and asks. "Father, has brother really done something so bad that he must receive such a serious punishment?"

Answering his daughter, he says. "I know you are a good daughter, but your brother has done many terrible things, and if not for the fact that he is my son I would have had him executed. However this is the last straw, if he makes one more mistake, no matter how small, this is the punishment he shall receive."

Lady Ai does not push any further, and accepts his judgement as clearly she does not know all of what her brother has done.

Thus the emperor begins. "Alright, without any more delays, here is what I brought you here for. It seems I have found a long lost descendent of mine, and considering how busy I am from day to day, I figured this would be a good opportunity for you both to get some outside experiences. Therefore, you both will be sent out to the last known location to find this person and bring them back. ..."

"... However while I am sending you both, remember to be respectful and kind to your brother, if he comes under forceful or other means you will regret such actions for the rest of your lives. You leave in an hour, so get ready, and I will be sending someone to watch over you, and report back about what you are up to. You are to go and come back as soon as possible, with your brother." The Emperor decrees, and then waves for them to leave, as they are now dismissed.

The brother and sister duo get up, bow deeply, and then turn and begin leaving the room. Meanwhile the emperor sends a mental transmission to his daughter Ai. "Remain as you are my daughter, and listen closely. Be careful out there while you are traveling especially with your brother. I worry he may kill his brother, and possibly you if you get in the way. Thus if you could contact him and bring him back before your brother, that would be for the best. If you understand just make a fist with your left hand then release it."

The sister still walking out of the room, makes a fist then releases it with her left hand just as she was told. As they leave through the big door way, with her playful attitude she says to her brother. "Big brother Bao, I have an idea. To make this more fun, how about we make it a competition to see who can get him first and bring him back?"

Feeling there is another motive behind her reasoning, but not wanting her to know he is suspicious, he replies. "That sounds like fun, but what are the stakes? If there will be a winner and a loser, what will be the reward or punishment?"

Hearing his question as they are walking, Ai, answers after pondering for a few seconds. "Oh, you love my wine right? Also I hear you have yet to find a suitable present for fathers birthday. So how about if you win, you get my best wine that I made recently. If you lose however, you will owe me a favor.. What do you say?" She asks with a cute yet sly smile.

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