Life Drain System

Chapter 122 - Departure...

"... So how about if you win, you get my best wine that I made recently. If you lose however, you will owe me a favor. What do you say?" She asks with a cute yet sly smile.

Her brother Bao, thinks for a few seconds and says. "While I do not mind the terms, I worry that you are getting more out of this than me, *sigh but I agree."

She smiles and says before skipping away. "Actually if you win and give father the wine, you would definitely be benefitted more as he will likely reward you heavily. You of all people should understand why everyone loves my wine." Then she skips away as if she has already won, but such is her personality as she lives a sheltered and carefree life under the roof of one of if not the most powerful cultivator know of in existence.

Close to a hour later, in the throne room, the brother and sister pair are back and ready to go kneeling before the emperor.

The emperor then says. "Alright, here is the location." He then passes the location through a mental transmission to them both, and says. "Take care, and let the games begin." 

Not surprised that their father heard of their little competition, the two get up bow, and leave the hall. Many minutes later as they leave the castle the two fly away as fast as they can, worried that one will make it there before the other.

---- Meanwhile Back At The Vessel ----

Yue after much effort manages to get up off the bed and walking, well stumbling and holding onto the wall, but walking none the less, he leaves his room with Yin following closely behind should he be needed. Of course, his focus is still in his book, and still trying to memorize everything in it.

*Boom *Crash

    Yue falls to his hands and knees, while Yin stumbles. Yue then asking. "What is going on? Did someones' experiment go wrong and blow up part of the ship, or have we been hit by something?" 

Serious, yet at the same time playing around a little with his words, Yin answers. "I am here with you, how might I know what is going on?"

Rolling his eyes at the bad joke, Yue says. "Please just help me up so that we can find out." He says as he is trying to push his body back up to the standing position. 

Yin quickly moves over and reaching under his arms, lifts Yue up, and pulls one of the arms over his shoulders so they can move faster. The two the make their way down the halls, and corridors, trying to find where the explosion originated from.

As they are making their way there, the two of them see Kiisser, as well as many of the other goblins running towards them. Thus Yue asks. "Hold on a moment, Kiisser. Do you know what happened?"

Hearing his name, Kiisser looks over at the two, and seeing Yue exclaims. "Great, you are alright. Did you ask me something?" Kiisser asks visibly worried, as something big has clearly happened.

Listening to Kiisser, Yue confirms and asks. "You said I am alright as if something happened to the others. Quickly, please tell me what is going on?" Yue asks worried that his people are hurt not to mention if they died.

Kiiser then goes on to explain, calming himself along the way, as those behind him calm themselves as well. "My king, you felt the impact right? Well, it seems that a meteor came crashing through the ship and even hitting the outer court sect after coming through us, causing a huge crater. It seems that about 3, 500, if not 4, 000 of our own have been killed not to mention those in the sect below us. Also, we currently have no idea where it came from, and how it made it through the defenses." He explains the current situation.

Feeling as though his heart dropped, yet not letting this over take him Yue asks with visible pain. "So many have died, tell me that the other are safe, or at least minimally injured right?"

Staying silent for a few seconds, Kiisser then answers. "Almost none have life threatening wounds, however some do have some pretty bad injuries. But it is just missing or heavily damaged limbs, a few have shrapnel in their chests, and other such injuries. We still have yet to have a full count, just an estimate based on how many were left to heal, as well as the who was in the vicinity of the blast."

Having many terrible thoughts run through his head, one was strong enough that Yue subconsciously mumbles is for the others to hear. "So we jumped out of the frying pan, and into the fire. How will I... we Houdini our way out of, or through this one?"

Hearing this, Yin intercedes, and raises his head from his book. "My friend, while I am not sure what you intend to do this time, just remember that death is a part of life. None of us expected that you would be able to protect us all forever. Thus we have been trying to get stronger, so that we will not always be a weight, a burden on you, but be of more use than just some scientists who enjoy researching new things. Do not blame yourself, this is just nature taking its course."

Yue just sighs, still feeling the pain of losing those close to him, but knows that he can deal with these feelings later, in the meantime there are more important things. "Bring me to the others, I have a feeling that this is not a once and done situation."

Meanwhile, on the outside of the ship, it is now clearly visible, and no longer in stealth mode, but still floating. At least for now anyway. However floating next to the ship and looking down at the damage, Patriarch Shin decides to make his way into the space ship through the giant hole, visible from both the top and bottom.

Making his way inside, he searches for the floor that has Yueliang and the others on it currently, as he has matters to discuss. Sensing where Yueliang, Yin, and many of the others that he knows of are, he flies up inside and explores the various paths eventually making his way to where he wants to go.

Now standing before Yueliang, and Yin, Shin has on his face, a very serious, and annoyed expression. And not wanting to wait for pleasantries, he starts, saying. "I see you have suffered losses as well, but I need information now. I know we have yet to get more acquainted and share information. However if you know anything about who did this, I need to know now. This way we can either prepare for war, a deal, or prepare for our escape."

With that being said, Yueliang speaks up with a serious tone as well. "While I am sure this is not a once and done thing, do you really think, that if we had such a strong opponent that we would still be alive. With the wendigos alone, we only escaped by the skin of our teeth. Now, while I will be more than happy to discuss this matter at a later date, but right now, my people need healing, and care. I will not be leaving them in their time of need, just as I am sure you are trying to help your people as well."

With that said, Yue walks off while still being supported by Yin. Thus causing Shin to think to himself. 'If it was not an enemy of theirs, is it an enemy of ours? Either way, it seems we need to prepare for all three circumstances. While the outer court is not as valuable as the other two, I do not like peoples' lives being wasted, nor do I want people to think they can walk all over us.' Finishing his thoughts, he quickly leaves the area to begin making preparations for any of the three scenarios that may come their way, a deal, fight, or flight.

Meanwhile Yueliang thinks to himself. 'How can Patriarch Shin be so certain that it was another person rather than a natural effect? The only way I can see this being caused by a person is if it is another cultivator, but why would someone that strong do this? Do they not care about the lives they take, if that is the case, they are likely a Yin cultivator.' However while thinking about such things, he looks around to see if there is anything he can do to help.

Not seeing anything he can do, and being out of years to play around with, along with not having nearly enough shop credits to do as he pleases.. It feels as though he has his hands and feet hog tied together, and he has to just watch on as these terrible things are happening to those he cares for and about.

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