Life Drain System

Chapter 123 - May We Talk Now?

Not seeing anything he can do, and being out of years to play around with, along with not having nearly enough shop credits to do as he pleases. It feels as though he has his hands and feet hog tied together, and he has to just watch on as these terrible things are happening to those he cares for and about.

A few seconds later, everyone feels a strong gust of wind, enough to blow them back a whole 2 meters or so back. Then as each person regained their bearings, especially the ones laying on the ground who are injured that went much farther, a figure appears before them in a white cloak emitting white light from everywhere on their body, making it near impossible to see who it is.

Yueliang still in a semi weakened state, walks away from Yin, and towards the shining figure. The reason being that this person gave him a feeling of longing, and peace, not the slightest of ill intentions could be felt. Feeling drawn in, he walks on his own, and tries to maintain his balance.

Meanwhile the figure turns around, and faces Yue. Then seeing him, the figure dashes forward and grabbing his shoulders in the next instant saying. "BROTHER!" The most pure and beautiful feminine voice beyond imagining exclaims in excitement.

Without feeling anything wrong with what she said, Yue asks. "What is is?"

The figure releases his shoulders, and reaches up for her free floating white lace hood. Lowering her hood, she reveals an unparalleled beauty beneath it. Her light brown long hair falling from her hood down her back and shoulders like a river of milk chocolate, and as if gravity was on her side. Her eyes the perfect shade of light green, as if one could see a lush green world through her eyes with not a single blemish on her to be seen.

This young lady then says. "My younger brother is coming for you, he is the one who killed your people. If you want to live then come with me, and if you want to come back later, I will bring you back personally." She says as if anticipating his worries, and next words.

Feeling as though her words are completely trustworthy, Yue does not question her at all but instead says. "While I feel that I can trust you, and would like to accept your help, my people need help as well, and I will not leave them. If you still want to take us, then we can go, otherwise I apologize for making you waste your time."

Before she can speak however, Yin comes over and still thinking clearly interrupts saying. "Sorry for interrupting, however I feel that this needs to be said. While you claim to be here to help, we do not even know your name, let alone anything else about you. And even if wasting time is bad right now, how do we know we can trust you?"

Overwhelmed by the feeling of distrust, the young lady is about to cry, however Yue chimes in again saying. "I apologize for my friend here, you see there are many bad people in this world, and we are just trying to keep each other safe. However, if you do not mind, could you tell me your name? Also for me, would you please calm down? I promise, no one here means you any harm least of all me." Yue asks, as he feels that, Yin picked up something he missed while feeling drawn in at the moment, and subconsciously charms his way through.

Listening to his calming words, she feels more at ease, and starts calming down. A few seconds later as a tear begins to roll down her face, making the hearts of nearly everyone there drop. Then Yue takes a step forward and wipes it from her face with a grey handkerchief he just happened to see near by.

The moment the tear touches it, the color and everything on the handkerchief instantly disappears, turning it pure white. Then without noticing the change on the handkerchief, she says with her sad eyes. "Thank you, and I apologize for this unseemly display. But to answer your *sniff question, my name is Ai Lan. So may we go now? My younger brother is likely going to be here any moment now."

Yue immediately cuts of Yin, as he could see that Yin was about to say something along the lines of definitely not, thus he said. "Gladly, however how will we get out of here in time?"

Before saying anything, Ai Lan pulls what appears to be a talisman out of her storage bracelet, and says with a smile. "With this, of course, since there are more than two of us, we will have to take this whole chunk of metal with us." Thus she places it on the ground beneath her, and guides chi through out the talisman.

Observing her actions closely, Yue tries to make sure he misses nothing. Then in the next second the entire place feels as if it shifted, and the talisman disappeared from its original position. Thus Yue asks. "Did we just teleport or something? It feels as if this place shifted, but if felt too smooth and fast compared to most anything else I have experienced."

Giggling with a cute smile, Ai Lan says. "You are right, yet also wrong. This is a shifting talisman. While teleportation is like disappearing and then reappearing else where, this is a movement type talisman. We moved at an extremely fast speed, but without the side effects of actually moving, well without most of it, considering you felt it goes to show it has a little. Either way, we should have made it all the way back in one jump, but with so many others and this mass of metal, we probably have a little ways to go. One more should do the trick." She explains as she pulls out another talisman, but this one looks slightly different.

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere Minutes Ago ----

"Ugh, that big sister of mine. I should have seen this coming." A handsome man with long black hair and deep brown eyes says while hovering above the outer court of the sect that Yue just left.

Whilst muttering to himself, Patriarch Shin approaches, and says. "Young man, what are you doing here? Also, how did you get in here if you are clearly not from my sect? I may be able to help you if you are lost." He says, feeling something off about this floating young man, yet not being able to sense his cultivation.

The young man then turns to the man, then looking him up and down says. "My name is Bao old man. Do you intend to disrespect the Guang family? If not than beat it, this desolate place is so filthy, I just want to find this young man and leave."

Hearing the name 'Guang' Patriarch Shin visibly freezes up, and then he leaves. Not wanting to get involved in any matters involving the most powerful family of cultivators through out various galaxies if not universes, he quickly makes his escape back down to his residence, and just watches out the window. Not daring to flee, nor to fight, nor to negotiate, all he could do was send a message to all those in the sect to immediately go into their homes and not come out until he says otherwise. 

---- Meanwhile Back In The Space Ship ----

Before Ai Lan could use the talisman, Yue says. "Please wait, before we go any further, could you catch me up on what is going on?"

Hearing this, Ai Lan answers. "I can catch you up, but unless we get back, my younger brother will kill everyone here, likely even me for getting in his way. Therefore, I promise to answer all that I am able to once we arrive, but for now, please just trust me brother."

Not letting him get in another word of debate about the situation, she quickly uses a talisman to shift them in front of the castle that is her home. Once she could feel the shift is over, she slashes  the air with her hand downward creating a portal, and sucking every living speaking creature into it that is within the space ship. 

Making it through the portal, Ai Lan thinks to herself. 'Hopefully they all make it in time. I cannot believe brother is this insistent. Is he trying to kill father as well? That meteor will crash through that floating chunk of metal any moment now.'

As soon as about two seconds later, most having made it through, the portal closes. Yueliang looks around, and seeing that they are in what appears to be a massive dinning hall he stands up, and asks Ai Lan. "May we talk about the situation now?"


Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying this novel, I know I am. Also please support as you are able.. Have a wonderful day, and stay safe during these interesting times, however always remember to have fun as well.

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