Life Drain System

Chapter 124 - Q & A

As soon as about two seconds later, most having made it through, the portal closes. Yueliang looks around, and seeing that they are in what appears to be a massive dinning hall he stands up, and asks Ai Lan. "May we talk about the situation now?"

Seeing all that came through she nods, and motions to follow her. Then she and Yue walk to one of the long tables around the hall. One taking a seat at the end, and the other on the corner so they sat next to each other.

Once seated, Ai Lan asks. "Alright, so what did you want to talk about?"

Yue promptly answers. "Well to start off, how are we related? Then, why did your younger brother want to kill us? Why the meteors for trying to kill us? Also, are we safe here? Another question is, why risk your life to save us?"

Hearing all of his questions, she laughs a little before responding to each. "To start with your first question, we have the same ancestor, so rather than brother and sister, we are more like distant cousins or nephew and aunt or something along those lines. Because while he is my father, my line of descendants is new, where as yours is one of if not his oldest line. ..."

Taking a few second break, she continues. "... For your next question, I am not certain, but possibly because he sees you as a threat. We were simply told to come find you and bring you back to daddy. Although we were supposed to bring you back peaceably and alive, and the meteors probably because he was too far away to attack you by hand, thus using the system to attack you. He does have a flair for the dramatic sometimes.  Also, yes, we are safe here, and father will protect us. Which reminds me, we should get going to meet him. What do you say?"

Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the new information, Yue processes for a few seconds, and then answers. "You still have not answered my last question, but after that, then yes, I will be ready to meet him."

Ai Lan giggles a little and then says. "Is it not obvious? We are family. While that may not mean much to my younger brother, it means a lot to me. Also, I was excited to meet you, it seemed impossible that you would be mean like Bao, and I was right." She answers with a smile and gets up from her seat, followed by Yue.

Walking towards the large doors, Ai Lan leads him out of the dinning hall. While walking, Yue thinks to himself. 'Clearly not everyone made it in time, if I meet this younger brother bao, sis mentioned, I am going to beat him to a pulp. I will not just stand by and watch as someone harms my friends. Well, unless they did something to rightfully deserve it, but how did we even offend him? Even if he sees me as a threat, why not just kill me? Where is the merit in killing innocents?'

Finishing his thoughts, and having been on auto pilot sort of, Yue notices he is a ways from his friends, but seeing another big set of doors, he presumes that they have arrived, and asks. "Sis Ai Lan, is this set of doors where we are going?"

Gracefully jumping a little and turning around as she walks, she walks backward so as to face Yue while they talk and answers. "Not yet, there is still a ways to go. Sorry if it feels like a distance, but this place is quite enjoyable if you let it. I am sure one day you will see this place as yours as well, if not a home. Either way, when meeting father, please remember to be polite, not that I need to mention that to you."

"What do you mean?" Yue asks curiously.

Ai Lan responds as if the answer were obvious, and confused by his confusion. "Well you are kind, and do not seem like someone who would be rude after all."

Yueliang quickly fixes his question. "Thank you for the complement, but I meant, why does one have to be polite to our ancestor specifically, not that I would not be. But what I mean is that, is he someone important? Well, I mean the castle kind of gives that feeling, but it is just a building and not a depiction of ones status."

Listening, and understanding his question she answers. "It seems you are quite wise and insightful, but to answer your question, Yes. You see, father is one of if not the most powerful cultivator known of throughout the nearest galaxies if not universes. Anyways, he is an ancient cultivator who governs the others, this he sees as his duty. This is not because he desires to rule, but because back in his day there were many evil yin cultivators, and by doing this, he can ensure that there will no longer be chaos and large full scale wars throughout every star system. ..."

"... Of course this does not mean he can stop everything, but nothing seems to escape his gaze, and he works hard to ensure the peace and prosperity of those beneath him. He is respected by all cultivators that hear of him." Ai Lan answers, still walking backwards as if it were second nature.

Hearing this, Yue confirms. "So basically, he is a person with righteous and up right moral standing, who works to ensure that there is needless bloodshed or chaos? If this is the case, why has his son killed my people for no other reason than to kill me?"

Ai Lan stops and her face turns serious as she says. "Do not blame father, if you do not know than I will tell you. But you see, just because someone is raised right, does not instantly mean they will make good choices. If you do not know this, than clearly you are more sheltered than me, and I have never left this place without the accompaniment of father until today. And here I thought you were a good person, yet you are blaming father. Hmph."

Seeing her serious for the first time struck a cord with Yue, and not just that but knowing what she said is right, Yue says. "I apologize, I did not mean to blame him, but you are right. I have seen plenty such people, yet it slipped my mind because of grief. It seems I must work harder to control my emotions."

Hearing such an apology, she asks. "I forgive you, but do not make the same mistake again. Now, however I am curious, how could you have such cultivation yet at the same time not be able to control your emotions? Did you take a short cut or something?"

This time, Yue laughs a little and answers. "I did not, but at the same time yes. You see I have a master who taught me, and because I was a bit behind due to just starting cultivation. He decided to help me along, thus guiding and coursing the spiritual energy through my body, thus raising my cultivation. Of course it was a bit more complex, but either way, I have to go and find him later."

Feeling curious, Ai Lan asks. "Did you get separated, or how did you lose your teacher?"

Answering her question, Yue says. "We got separated because we met through a trial, I was proving my worth in the trial to get a class, and while it is still unknown, it seems I gained quite a lot from it. However it had to come to an end, and thus he gave me his location, so that I may find him once more, and we may continue our journey."

Hearing this, Ai Lans' eyes widen in shock as she mumbles. "No way!" Then a moment later, coming to her senses, Ai Lan says. "Follow me, we must see father at once" Thus picking up the pace on their journey to see her father. 

While walking, Yue asks. "I thought we were already heading there, why must we suddenly pick up the pace? Did you not say yourself, that a cultivator or my level should have control of their emotions, yet you are higher than me?"

Without looking back, she replies. "I am in control of my emotions, now please hurry along. I promise you will not regret it."

Seeing that resistance is futile with his sister, Yueliang follows closely behind, picking up his pace to match hers. However each time he did, she raised her own, thus maintaining the distance between them, whether advertent, or inadvertent was unknown to him. All he knew is just that she saved him and many of his people, and therefore he would trust her, at least until she gives him a reason otherwise.. Practically racing through the hallways, Yue begins to enjoy hanging out with Ai Lan more and more as they talk while running.

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