Life Drain System

Chapter 126 - Meeting The Emperor

Now that there is little to no threat, Ai Lan jumps up a little to readjust Yue's body, so she can carry him easier while he is healing. Then the group makes their ways through the halls to meet up with the Emperor who is in cultivation. Fortunately the room is just off to the side of the throne room. 

---- Half A Hour Later ----

In front of a large doorway, with the massive doors open, Ai Lan, Yueliang, and the guards walk into the throne room. Although, Yueliang does speak up, and says to Ai Lan. "Thank you for carrying me earlier. Also, your home is beautiful, especially this throne room."

Ai Lan turns to look at Yue and says while feeling some pain, as her wounds are still trying to heal. "It may be beautiful, however it is not just my home, it is father who made it, and it is his. However my point it, you are family, thus it is your home as well."

In reply Yue answers. "Maybe, although a home is where the heart is. And to be honest, that is not here at the moment, in the future maybe, but right now it is with those I have lost both long ago and recently."

"That is touching, I like that. I will have to remember that one." Ai Lan replies before turning to face the throne again. 

As they are currently standing only about 3 meters from the steps to walk up to the throne, Ai Lan says. "Wait here, both you and the guards. I will be back momentarily."

Having said that, she walks to the right wall below the steps and without saying a word, she slides open the slot on the door so she can see in without opening the door.

Looking inside the peep slot, she just stares forward with only two intentions in mind, that being love and respect. Staring straight inside the peep hole, she sees her father sitting cross legged, cultivation. The air around him whirling gracefully around his body.

Not saying a word, Ai Lan continues to stare at her father. Watching as the chi settles down, moments later the emperor, her father, begins to stand.

Once he got up, still keeping his eyes shut, he asks. "What is wrong my daughter?" Then walks forward to the door slowly opening his eyes as he approaches the door.

Ai Lan quickly replies. "Father, please forgive me, but this is urgent. Brother has betrayed us, and I have done as you asked as well." She uses the term father to convey the seriousness of the situation.

His gaze immediately turns serious with a disappointed look in his eyes, not towards Ai Lan, but instead towards his son, who he put in such effort to raise properly. Turning the bulk head door valve, the emperor opens the door, and then asks his daughter. "Ai, you know that calling someone a traitor is a serious matter. You are certain right? Also, who hurt you? After all, there are not many that know how to make long term damage on cultivators."

"Daddy, I will tell you everything once you are out here. However we will need your help, we are only barely managing to keep my younger brother contained at the moment."

"Alright, gather with the others, I will be there momentarily."

That being said, Ai Lan quickly goes back to the others, as the emperor gracefully walks up to his throne and makes himself comfortable. A few seconds later, he says to those standing before him. "My daughter, tell me from the time you left."

Ai Lan promptly answers. "Well, as you know we made a bet, then we left and in order to make sure I got there first, for two reasons one I wanted to win, but also because I had a worried feeling, I made him think that the target was elsewhere. Then as I quickly got to the destination, and found Yueliang here, who is the one you wanted us to bring back. ..."

"... Either way, before I could get to him, brother sent a meteor, killing thousands of innocents, and then another as I arrived and was about to leave. Fortunately I managed to save many of those people, and brought them here, where brother sent a third meteor killing many more. Either way, once inside we talked a little and I brought 'Him' to meet you. ..." Ai Lan takes a slight breather, while the emperor upon hearing her emphasis narrows his eyes on Yueliang.

A few seconds later, Ai Lan continues her side. "Then as we were on our way to meet you, brother bao attacked us again, this time with one of the techniques you taught us. Thus why neither my injuries nor Yueliangs' will heal at the moment. Either way, by using a mortal trick that I learned a while back, I managed to subdue brother. If there is anything I am missing or you are curious about, please examine my memories."

Hearing her side of the story, the Emperor closes his eyes and extends his chi towards her. As it comes into contact with her head, he begins to experience all of her memories of the last few days as if they were his own. A few short moments later, he opens his eyes, and says. "I understand the situation. However before anything else I will check your brother."

Thus, the emperor continues to check his son just as he checked his daughter. Many long moments later once he saw his sons memories, not just from the last few days but from his whole life, so that he could know how many more terrible things his son did aside from just what he knows of.

Having gone through the memories of both his children, he comes to his conclusion, and says. ".."

"How dare you!" Bao says as he cuts of the Emperor whilst gritting his teeth, as it is extremely difficult to speak let alone breath in his current situation.

Keeping calm the emperor asks. "Why should I even let you speak, you unfilial traitorous son of mine? Seriously, how could you be so evil, when you were raised with nothing but love and care? I mean really, you are even the one who killed your mother. I must admit, because I was hopeful that it was natural causes I did not look any deeper, but it seems you killed her, and then reveled in joy after committing matricide. *Sigh"

The emperor shakes his head and then continues. "It seems you will not be happy until you kill everyone, and even then I am sure you will neve be happy. The punishment I planned was a mercy before, but now it seems to be equivalent to letting you off scot free. At this point there is only one punishment that I hope will get through to you."

Getting up from his seat, he elegantly walks down each step. Then upon reaching his son, he kisses Bao's head as a tear falls, and then he walks back to his seat. As he sits down, he decrees. "Let it be known, that my son Bao is no longer of royal decent. He is to be harmed by no man, woman, nor child of any race, species, or other wise. He will wander the universes helping those in need until the end of his days. His cultivation will not progress nor regress. Should he even so much as think of harming another in any way, he shall lose his cultivation, thus becoming a mortal. However even should he become a mortal, this decree still holds. This decree shall not be lifted until he becomes pure of heart and spirit, but shall come back if he ever becomes otherwise."

The emperors voice ringing throughout the universe, to be spread throughout the vast universes. Once his decree has been spread, he says. "You may now remove his restraints, no matter what he wants to do with his body, if it is not beneficial to others, he will not be capable of moving on his own. This shall be his punishment, as well as recompense to all those who have suffered and died by his hand. His inheritance has also been revoked, thus worry not."

Not having a single doubt, the guards and Ai Lan remove the bands, as well as the choker all over his body. Once they are removed, as well as his possessions except for his clothes, they set Bao down. 

Not able to do a thing about what has happened, he says. "Thank you, and farewell my family." Bao said, and then turns around to leave, yet in his heart only feeling spite, and vengeance.

The emperor having finished this matter begins saying.. "I apologize for the troubles you all had to deal with because of my son Bao. However, with that matter now dealt with, shall we get to the matter at hand my children?"

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