Life Drain System

Chapter 127 - Find The Lost

The emperor having finished this matter begins saying. "I apologize for the troubles you all had to deal with because of my son Bao. However, with that matter now dealt with, shall we get to the matter at hand my children?"

Hearing this, Yueliang nods, and Ai Lan answers after kneeling. "That sounds great, and once again, I apologize for interrupting your cultivation for this matter."

Chiming in to speak his piece, Yue says after kneeling as well. "I also apologize for taking up your time sir emperor."

Wanting to finish this up, so he can get back to other matters, the Emperor says. "It is fine, and this is important. Guards, good work, now back to your posts unless you have something to report." With that, the guards take a deep bow, and then turn to leave the room, allowing the emperor to continue.

After they left he continues by saying. "Now with that out of the way, we can continue. Also, please stop apologizing so much or we will never finish this. Anyways, it seems you are my last long lost descendent. I am glad we are finally able to meet." He says with a truly sincere smile on his face.

Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, Yue answers. "It certainly is exciting to meet my long lost family. Also, sorry that I am not jumping for joy right now, it is just a lot to take in, I am meeting my family, an aunt, an uncle, and a great grandpa. Then to top it off my uncle tries to kill me. Either way, I promise I am excited, just trying to process it all at the moment."

Not wanting to overwhelm his grandson any more than he already is, the emperor just tries to guide the subject elsewhere for now. However trying to hold back his excitement to see his grandchild is difficult at is, so he just says. "Well, we can get to know each other more later, and I will let you process. By the way, Ai, about what you mentioned earlier, I would like you to help me."

"Of course I will help you find your best friend daddy. By the way, may we be excused, as I am sure brother here would like to see how his people are doing, as they were nearly killed before." Ai Lan says straight forwardly, not sugar coating anything.

Curious, the Emperor asks Yueliang. "Do you mind if I join you? I would like to meet your friends."

Happy, and touched, that his grandfather is trying to get close and bond, Yue answers with a smile. "Sounds good, although I am not sure how much fun they will be in their current state."

Smiling, the emperor stands and says. "Alright, then lead the way."

Seeing his smile, Ai Lan is shocked as it was rare to see her father smile so much, but then thought to herself. 'Maybe he is just really happy to meet another descendent. Plus as his children, brother and I were always around, so maybe we anesthetized him to us slightly?'

Either way, Ai Lan, and Yueliang stand up, and begin walking out of the hall, as the emperor walks side by side Yue, with Ai Land in front of them, leading the way. 

As they walk through the halls, the guards bow, the moment they notice the emperor in his dragon robes. Not that his robes were the reason for the bowing, but it is one of the distinguishable characteristics they would not see on others unless they want to be killed for impersonation of an emperor.

Meanwhile, as they walk through the halls, not wanting to interrupt any bonding that may or may not occur Ai Lan stays quite, as Yueliang speaks up not wanting to maintain the awkward silence. "So, I am not sure if we are supposed to stay silent or if we are allowed to talk, but I just figured it seems time to ask. If I may, why did you want me to come here? I mean I get wanting to meet me, and actually I was looking for you as well, and you were probably busy."

Chuckling, hearing Yue ramble on, even Ai giggles hearing this go on. Either way, a moment later, he replies. "I get what you mean. Anyways, you could probably guess that an emperor would be busy day and night, and while there are things that I would love to do, such as spend more time with my family, that is not always possible. You see if I leave for a day, things are extremely likely to fall into chaos, otherwise I would have gone myself."

Yue quickly chimes in, trying not to interrupt but to explain. "I understand you are busy, I just meant it is surprising you came so soon. Either way, thank you. This makes my journey easier. Before I was going to look for my ancestor, however it seems you found me instead."

"Your journey? What do you mean?" Ai asks before her father could say anything, as her curiosity overwhelmed her.

Answering her question, Yue replies. "Well, I am sure I told you before, but I have a master who helped with my current cultivation, as well as teaching me more about it is out on some barren planet far away. I intend to find him, as well as explore the vastness of universe with him. While he is a great teacher, he is also a wonderful friend. Anyways, as I am sure I mentioned, we met through one of my trials."

Hearing this, the emperor feels his chance has come, and he jumps at the opportunity, whilst trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Your teacher, or master, or friend whatever he is to you, could you describe him? ...  Well, if not, just his name would suffice."

Feeling slightly better, Yue says. "You do not have to be so round about, in your search for answers. To answer the real question on your mind, Yes, Daoshi still remembers you, and is the one who taught me. However, now that I think about it, since it was you who asked for the favor of him staying there, you must know where he is right?"

A serious and kind of grim expression reluctantly appears on the emperors face as he answers. "Yes, it was me who asked him to remain there to teach at least one of the future generations. Also, while I did know, that was long ago, before I ever made the system. At the time it was just a concept, and only started becoming reality about a century or so later. And it was his clone on that planet not himself that remains as I am sure he probably told you."

Feeling a little disappointed as his journey is gradually becoming more complicated, Yue asks. "Then you do not know his location right?"

His grandfather then answers. "That is both true and false. You see, when I made the original system, of course there would be a heavy cost to create such a versatile and powerful thing. A small part of the cost was some of my memories about specific things. Of course I regained most of them, but his location is something I have yet to find again. ..."

"... If I knew where my best friend was all these millennia I would have gone to him. Either way it seems that fate may have had other plans. Honestly, I was not even certain that he was still alive. The times were turbulent and war was raging on with solar systems getting destroyed in the process. All these years his death was something in my mind, that caused worry. However to know that he is alive and well is wonderful. By the way, did he happen to say the cultivation of his clone?"

Seeing the visible worry on his grandfathers face as they walk through the halls, Yue feels reassured that talking about this if alright. Thus he answers. "Yes, a dao immortal, supposedly one of if not the last one in existence, but he is not certain."

Hearing this, brings a smile to his grandfather, even a tear falling, as he says. "I am glad, he is making his dream come true. Also in case you are wondering why he might be the last one, it is because very specific conditions must be met to achieve such a realm."

Curiosity prevailing, Yue asks. "What is so special about it aside from the immortality?"

Ai Lan however, answers on behalf of her father. "You see, even father has not achieved this realm, but the benefit is that, should one achieve it, they have a chance to progress to the next stage of life without having to die first. However, while not much is widely known of the next stage, there is this. You will live in the perfect place for you. The better the life you lived the happier you will be, and the worse, well you get the idea. There is a lot more information out there, but since most people choose to live their lives however they want, they choose to ignore it."

"I see." Yue comments as he digests the information. 

Not wanting Yue to pass over this information, his grandpa comments. "Please take this information to heart. You see, those who live their lives accordingly can in the next stage become creators. While you may be thinking, how is that different from cultivators, the gap is infinitely different.. I could explain, but rather than take up your time with this, just know to lead your life on the right side of things."

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