Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 133 Mountain God’s Assistance

"Brother, look, there are many people in the field."

As soon as the boat left the canyon, Sicui pointed in the direction of the farmland and shouted to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei also saw it, and it was so dark that everyone in the village seemed to have come out, holding some children in their arms, and all stood beside the field stalks.

This is nothing. It usually looks like this when there is a lot of fun, but today it is different. These people are arranged by last name and seniority. It is a bit messy but much more orderly than usual. , it looks like some kind of ceremony is being held.

"What is this for?"

Gu Siwei brought the boat to the shore, picked up the four-claw iron anchor on the bow of the boat, and threw it to the shore to prevent the boat from being carried downstream by the current.

Jumping ashore, Gu Siwei walked towards the crowd.

"Fourth-dimensional brothers".

Seeing Gu Siwei coming, people greeted Gu Siwei one after another.

"What... happened?"

When he came closer, Gu Siwei saw a group of old men in the village, the most senior people, including Guo Xiangping, all standing at the front. In front of them was a long table, which was also called an offering table. , used to be placed in the hall of the main house, usually facing the main door and in the middle of the central axis of the entire home.

Just by looking at its position, you can see its important role in the lives of Chinese people. The most important thing in the country is military service and sacrifice, that is to say, the most important thing in the country is to sacrifice ancestors and kill people with knives.

"It's a good thing. Grandpa Mountain God is here to help us tide over the crisis!"

The person in question said with a happy face.

Before Gu Siwei could ask, Sicui rushed to ask: "Grandpa Mountain God? Where did Grandpa Mountain God come from? Where is he?"

As she spoke, the little girl looked around as if she was curious about what Grandpa Mountain God looked like. While looking at him, she said, "Is it Grandpa Whitebeard?"


Someone next to him immediately made a silent gesture towards Sicui: "This is unspeakable. How can Grandpa Mountain God say that? You have to respect it."


Before the last word "屮" came out, Gu Siwei saw what the problem was. The crops that had been lying down in the field now all stood up. Not only did they stand up, but they also had ears on them. That's all, each one of them grows extremely strong.

If Gu Siwei didn't know that he had done this, he would have had to take out the altar table at home and kneel down to kowtow, just like the other villagers.

From the perspective of ordinary people, this makes no sense. It can only be helped by gods. Otherwise, how could it be possible that the crops that were still lying on the ground last night all stood up this morning and grew overnight? Thick ears that they themselves can't even imagine.

Originally, only 20% to 30% of the land was left. If the current situation can be maintained until the harvest, it will definitely be no worse than normal. Some fields may even be better than normal.

Gu Siwei was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't understand what went wrong. This was not part of his plan.

He wanted to help the villagers, but there were not as many points as there are now. Besides, there were not many points. With this output, if it were planted with enough fertile land in Jiangnan in a few decades, a normal mu If it is produced, now it is equivalent to 30% of the land growing a high yield of grain.

"Fourth Dimension, Fourth Dimension, come to the front."

Guo Xiangping saw Gu Siwei at this time and stretched out his hand to signal Gu Siwei to stand in front.

Gu Siwei was just wondering what went wrong. Hearing this, he mechanically came to the front of the team. After waking up, he asked Guo Xiangping, "Do you want me to say something?"

"You, the surnamed Gu, are the eldest and the oldest. What are you doing standing behind? Since you are here, let's worship the mountain god grandpa with everyone. Finally, the mountain god grandpa saw our suffering and showed up to help everyone get through it. A disaster.

Do you see it? "

As he spoke, Guo Xiangping pointed to the ground in front of him and said to Gu Siwei with a sense of pride: "The crops that were soaked in water last night have all grown up this morning. Not only have they grown, they are also better than before." Stronger, if these seeds stay, our crops in the second half of the year will definitely be better..."

Guo Xiangping was so excited that he pulled Gu Siwei and wished he could kowtow to Grandpa Mountain God hundreds of times.

"Here, who saw the mountain god?"

Gu Siwei felt really embarrassed. I have never encountered anything like this in my life.

When someone pulls you to kowtow to you, and you say this is a big deal, isn't that a mistake?

Old man Luan said to Gu Siwei with a sacred look: "I saw it, Yang Laoer also saw it, both of us saw it. First we saw Grandpa Mountain God's mount, a big eye-catching tiger. That tiger It's as big as a mountain, just to the east...".

What the old man said was like having noses and eyes. If it weren't for Gu Siwei who did this in the first place, I'm afraid Lao Gu would have believed it.

Old man Yang also said: "I saw it. Not only me, but many villagers also heard the roar of the tiger. That is the mount of Grandpa Mountain God. It is really too big."

..., Gu Siwei immediately knew what to say. How could these two old men lie so naturally and so confidently?

"We also heard the roar of tigers. I was sleeping at the time and was awakened by the roar of tigers. I originally thought that a tiger was coming near the village. But when I came out and took a look, I found that the crops in my field were actually sprouting ears. coming".

When the man in his forties next to him said this, his eyes were filled with tears. He didn't know whether he had been moved by himself, or he felt that he and the others had moved the mountain god to help them overcome their difficulties.

Gu Siwei almost got a little moved along with the man, but it was hard for Lao Gu to lie to himself. How could he be deceived? He was not a performer. He could say it righteously on the stage. He is doing the opposite.

"Si Fanzi, have you got the things?"

At this time, Guo Xiangping shouted outside.

A young man in his early twenties was rushing towards this side. He shouted back as he ran: "Grandpa Ping, there are no big firecrackers left. There are only about a hundred firecrackers left. The firecrackers must have been affected by dampness." I can’t let it go.”

"Where's the fragrance? Where's the fragrance?" Guo Xiangping asked hurriedly.


Hearing the young man's answer, Guo Xiangping breathed a sigh of relief. He only heard him murmur softly: "It's good if there's fragrance, it's good if there's fragrance. Otherwise, it would be bad if Grandpa Mountain God thinks we are disrespectful. Isn't it a bad thing if disasters happen again and again? I can only make do with it and wait until the afternoon to buy something big."

Gu Siwei heard Guo Xiangping's mutterings and felt that this old man was not like this before, but now he is a bit arrogant, like an old man.

The young man came over, holding a handful of incense in one hand and a bunch of firecrackers in the other.

Guo Xiangping took the incense and said to the young man: "Hang the firecrackers on the tree over there. After everyone has kowtowed, you can light them. When the matter is over, you can quickly buy some incense and candles and come back. That's all." I don’t know if I am satisfied with the sacrifice to the mountain god Grandpa.”

"I guess I'll be satisfied, everyone is so poor."

Gu Siwei couldn't bear it anymore and directly intervened.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me!"

After hearing what Gu Siwei said, a group of old men immediately put their hands together and muttered words into the sky.

"Siwei, you can't talk nonsense at this time."

Old man Luan looked at Gu Siwei seriously and said.

If Gu Siwei hadn't said this, Old Man Luan might have started scolding him. Anyway, he had a higher seniority, and everyone in the village was his junior except those who were his generation. But he was not so casual when it came to Gu Siwei. Firstly, Gu Siwei and everyone were no longer related to each other. Secondly, Gu Siwei helped everyone too much, and the older generation was just a face-saving person.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei shut his mouth honestly. He originally wanted to leave, but when he thought about it, it seemed that he didn't regard himself as a villager. The whole village had all the surnames, and it was a little strange that there was only one surnamed Gu. good.

Having said that, although it's a bit awkward to kneel down by yourself, it doesn't seem to be embarrassing.

The villagers got busy here, and soon the team's sacrificial ceremony began, with Old Man Luan officiating and Guo Xiangping assisting.

Gu Siwei, like the other villagers, just kowtows when he hears it.

Although the ceremony was simple, it was very solemn. Except for Gu Siwei who found it a little funny, everyone else seemed to be full of piety.

Gu Siwei knew the inside story, but the villagers didn't know. They just knew that part of their crops that were gone yesterday had returned, and this part seemed to be bigger than their original crops, and the harvest might be more.

If this is not a miracle, then what is a miracle? If you are not pious at this time, are you really waiting for the mountain god to take your life before you can understand the existence of the mountain god?

After kowtowing to himself a few times, Gu Siwei stood up together with the villagers. The villagers continued to listen to the stories told by Old Man Luan and Old Man Yang about the appearance of the mountain god.

Gu Siwei was on the side and began to wonder where his problem was. According to Gu Siwei's idea, this shouldn't be like this. It would take two or three days for these crops to recover, even if they were recovered. Come here, it will take five or six days before the ears are officially eared. How can it be possible that they are earing now?

After going over the matter, Gu Siwei suddenly thought of the problem.


Gu Siwei subconsciously patted his thigh with considerable force, which naturally made the sound louder.

This snap drew the attention of everyone present to him.

Gu Siwei looked at everyone with a little embarrassment, and when he saw everyone looking at him, he had to say: "I'm just telling you why our village's feng shui is a little different from other Zhuangzi's."

There is no other way, let's talk about it now. If Gu Siwei says that Grandpa Mountain God does not exist, he will probably be beaten by others. Although Gu Siwei is sure that these people will not be able to beat him, why bother.

Decades later, there was a saying: You cannot change the opinions of the poor, because this is the only thing they can hold on to, and the poorer they are, the more stubborn they are.

Gu Siwei felt that the villagers were considered poor, so he decided to stay away for the time being, and temporarily joined the others to worship and have some fun.

"Really, you...see it?"

Everyone was shocked.

"I'm not very good at reading. If you look at the mouth of this gorge, it's obviously two gates. So the water flows through the gate, so the descendants don't have to worry about food and clothing..." Gu Siweishen said.

"It really is!"

There are still people who agree with this statement. The six teams are so poor, how can they not worry about food and clothing?

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