Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 134 Digging Wild Vegetables

No matter what, the folks are in a very good mood now, so they naturally say nice things, otherwise wouldn't it be annoying to say something ugly at this time?

But I can't say more. The folks want to hear it, but I feel sick to my stomach, so I'll settle for a few words.

"Well, I still have something to do. I have to go back first," Gu Siwei said.

"Can you stay a little longer?"

Apparently some people haven't heard enough of the nice things to say.

"Don't stay anymore. There are still many things to do at home." Gu Siwei took advantage of the matter and prepared to escape. He didn't want to get involved with these people anymore. He didn't want to get involved with the mountain gods. He didn't know what the brains of the two old men were. .

Nodding to everyone, Gu Siwei walked towards the boat on the shore. When he got to the bow, he was about to get on the boat, when he realized that Sicui had not followed.

Looking back, I found that Sicui was chatting with two little girls, and they seemed to be chatting happily.

"Sicui, why don't you follow everyone here to dig wild vegetables? I'll come and pick you up at lunch time." Gu Siwei saw that Sicui was very happy, so he thought about letting the girl play here for a while to avoid having to wait for a while. Just working at home is like hiring a child laborer.

Hearing Gu Siwei's voice, Sicui looked up and then looked around again. Only then did she realize that the adults had dispersed and were looking at their own fields in twos and threes. Everyone changed their previous appearance. After two days of crying, there was a smile on every face, and it just said on the face that we were so happy.

"I'm leaving. I'll talk to you later."

Sicui and her friends waved their hands, stood up and ran towards the ship.

When I got to the side of the boat, I jumped on the bow of the boat with my legs together and waved my hands back to the two little sisters.

"Let's go! Let's go home." Sicui shook her braid and said very casually.

Gu Siwei picked up the anchor, put it on the bow of the boat, pushed the boat two steps away from the shore, then jumped on the boat and picked up the oar to row to the mouth of the gorge.

"Why don't you play here for a while? Didn't you say that you want to follow everyone to dig wild vegetables?" Gu Siwei asked his sister.

Sicui, who was sitting on the side of the gunwale and playing with his little feet in the water, said after hearing this: "We don't dig wild vegetables anymore. In the past, we couldn't eat wild vegetables. Now these crops in each family's fields are more valuable than wild vegetables." "It's too much. From today on, the adults have to take care of the ground and won't let us go into the mountains to dig wild vegetables."

Having said this, Sicui felt a little pity.

When Gu Siwei saw Sicui's appearance, he said, "How about this? How about we dig wild vegetables today?"


After hearing this, Sicui perked up and said, "Can you take meihua, sanyatou and the others with you? As long as you tell their parents, they will definitely be allowed to follow us."

"Do you want to join them?" Gu Siwei stopped the wine in his hand and asked.

Seeing Sicui nodded, Gu Siwei turned the boat back to the shore and started to look for Meihua and Sanya's parents. After talking to them, the two families agreed that their girl should follow Sicui and Gu Siwei. Went into the mountains to pick wild vegetables.

Just like that, there were two more girls on the boat going back. After crossing the river and returning to the old house, Gu Siwei threw the three girls down and rushed back to Yinsongya to get things. There was no need for tools or anything. They didn't have any in the old house, but they could borrow them, mainly food. Gu Siwei took his three children to dig wild vegetables, so he had to bring some snacks or something.

There was some in the space, but it was difficult to take it out directly, so I made an excuse to go home and get it, and brought along a small sickle for picking wild vegetables.

It took almost an hour to go back and forth, waiting for the sun to rise. Gu Siwei took three girls before setting off. Before they left the village, there were a few more little tails behind him. The little boy was more beautiful than Sicui. It should be smaller, they are not picking wild vegetables.

At this time, most boys only have one thing to do when they can't work in the fields, and that is to play. Things like picking wild vegetables are usually done by mothers with their older sisters. At this time, everyone thinks that boys have to Do some boy things, while girls have to hunt pig grass and pick wild vegetables.

Naturally, the three little boys didn't follow Gu Siwei just to pick wild vegetables. The three little guys were all greedy for the things in Gu Siwei's basket.

The place to pick wild vegetables is quite far away, but to mountain people, a few miles of mountain road is nothing. From the entrance of the canyon to the north, after walking for more than two miles, the mountainous terrain has eased a bit. You can walk up the slope, which is full of various plants, including wild vegetables that the folks want.

Gu Siwei didn't know many wild vegetables, such as dandelions, purslane, and at most a shepherd's purse. Lao Gu didn't know the others, so these were the three wild vegetables he picked, and many of them were too old to eat.

Sicui and the other two girls were having fun, and the small sickles in each of their hands were flying up and down without stopping.

Gu Siwei finally became the king of children and took a few boys to sit under the shade of a tree to rest.

The actual situation is that several boys are turning over stones to find something to play with. At this moment, anything will become their toy, such as toads, small insects, etc. As long as they see them, they cannot escape their poisonous hands.

The mountain toad is relatively small and not as ugly as a toad. It looks a bit like a small frog, but it doesn't grow very big. At most, it's just like a finger. It doesn't know how long it can live. Gu Siwei doesn't know, but he knows this thing anyway. It doesn't grow big.

"Uncle Siwei, Uncle Siwei".

Having just met the mountain toad, Gu Siwei returned to the shade of the tree and before he could sit down properly, he heard another boy calling him, so he had to get up and move over.

"Did you find anything interesting again?" Gu Siwei asked as he walked.

A kid with a runny nose stretched out his little black hand and showed Gu Siwei his new toy.

"I am!"

Gu Siwei was almost shocked out of his body, because the boy was holding a centipede that was almost twenty centimeters long in his hand. The thing was still alive, twisting and twisting in the boy's hands, but it couldn't bite the boy. .

"What are you doing catching this thing? Let it go quickly," Gu Siwei said quickly.

But the little kid retracted his hand: "You can't put it down, this thing is so expensive, five of these are worth a penny if dried!"

As he said that, the little guy grabbed a grass stem from the side, tied it up with a big centipede by wrapping it around his hand. It seemed that he was going to take it home and sell it for money.

"Is anyone collecting this thing?" Gu Siwei didn't come closer. He was really not interested in this thing. First of all, it was too ugly. Secondly, when he saw this thing crawling on the ground, Gu Siwei's hairs were about to stand up. .

"Instead of collecting it, you can sell it, but you can't take one or two pieces. If you want more, you have to dry it in the sun. Last summer, our family sold a pound of this..."

Wazi, who was slightly more than a year older than the centipede he was holding, began to talk to Gu Siwei about the feat he and several brothers from the village had done last summer to catch these things in exchange for money.

Gu Siwei thought it was quite interesting. After listening to the little ones talking, he picked up a small branch and moved the pebbles on the ground like the children.

There is really everything under this stone. Gu Siwei spent less than 20 yuan and found several kinds of insects under the stone. The most common ones were crickets. It was as if he had found a cricket nest. Almost half of them were these things.

Of course, there are also some ugly things, such as toads and so on.

"elder brother!"

Just when Gu Siwei was playing in a trance, Sicui came back with her two little sisters.

As soon as they saw Sicui coming back, several boys immediately threw away the things in their hands, including the big centipede that was tied up. They couldn't escape because the thing was already dead and could not escape into the hands of the children. They are lucky if they survive even one minute.

Sicui's return means it's time to have snacks.

Nowadays, many families in the village, well, to be honest, most families prefer boys over girls. Generally, boys have better food at home, and they eat snacks closely with boys.

But Gu Siwei doesn't have this view. For example, now, when you want to eat snacks, everyone must be here to eat together. The same goes for boys and girls who get snacks.

This is Gu Siwei's rule. There may be some boys who are treated specially at home, but they all wait honestly in front of Gu Siwei.

This time Gu Siwei brought out peanut candy. Under normal circumstances, Gu Siwei would not let Sicui eat more. It was not that Gu Siwei was reluctant to part with it, but it was not good for such a young girl to eat too much sugar.

Not good, why buy it? The reason is simple, because Gu Siwei is also greedy sometimes.

Gu Siwei hasn't arrived yet, and all the children have lined up in front of the basket. The girls who are having fun are in the front, and only the boys who are playing are at the back of the line. After lining up from small to large, they are waiting eagerly. Come over, Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei came to the basket, reached in and touched it, and took out the paper buns containing the candies. At this time, all the candies were bought in paper buns. In the future, it was rare to see them packaged in plastic bags. They are weighed loosely. The salesperson will weigh the amount you want, then wrap it up with paper and tie it with paper string, and carry it in your hand.

"Two pieces per person, you have to wait for the next time after you finish eating."

Each person was given two pieces of peanut candy, and all the children sat down and ate the candy happily, including Sicui, who all had the same posture when eating candy, as if someone had trained them.

Hold the uneaten candy in one hand, and hold the candy you are eating in the other hand. Put it in your mouth and eat it instead of biting it, but licking it with your tongue. It is also the kind of sweeping from the bottom of the candy to the top. Lick over the entire sugar surface.

This licking method completely displayed the images of each greedy cat in front of Gu Siwei's eyes.

Gu Siwei feels that watching these children eat sweets makes them happy, because being eaten by these children gives them a full sense of happiness.

Gu Siwei himself also got two pieces, but naturally he couldn't lick the candy. He threw a piece into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach.

The two pieces of candy stayed in his hand for more than ten seconds. When he finished eating, he looked at the children again. The candy in his hand still looked as if it had not been eaten before.

Just when Gu Siwei was looking at the child with a smile, a boy spotted him. Facing Gu Siwei's eyes, the little guy instantly put his hand behind his back, thought for a moment, and finally put it to his chest again, but put his whole body He twisted around, as if he was afraid that Gu Siwei would eat all his own and come over to snatch the candy from his hand.

Gu Siwei was amused by this kid. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his little head: "You stingy kid."

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