Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 155 Monkey’s Punishment

Holding the little orange cat in his arms, Gu Siwei had just walked out of the courtyard of his aunt's house when he met the old man of the Sun family.

"This cat is too small and not easy to feed," Mr. Sun said unconsciously when he saw the cat in Gu Siwei's hand.

Gu Siwei was a little confused and said, "No way, my aunt said it's easy to make a living."

"Well, wait a minute." Mr. Sun turned around and came out after a while.

Gu Siwei was a little dumbfounded, because he saw that Mr. Sun was also holding a small milk cat in his hand. It was obviously bigger than the big orange in his hand, but not much bigger. It was almost ten days old.

A civet cat, a very dishonest one, was still meowing in the old man's hands.

"This is easy to feed."

"Hey, Mr. Sun, you are too good at talking. Your cat can be fed, but my cat is not easy to feed?"

The aunt who heard the commotion outside smiled and walked out.

Mr. Sun didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he said with a smile: "My cats are easy to take care of, but there are people who have to take care of them. I am saving someone's life, oh, no, please save the cat's life!"

After speaking, the old man asked Gu Siwei: "How many cats can your family afford now? Other cats are enough."

"Then I can't just keep so many cats, right? I'm not a cat slave."

Only then did Gu Siwei understand that the old cats from both families had given birth to kittens, and they were worried about not being able to send them out. But now that he had been taken advantage of, he naturally wanted to force them into his own home.

"What do you do with this? You can't throw it away. It's a life." Mr. Sun said.

Gu Siwei was speechless: "If you can't throw it away, just give it to me? What's the point?"

"Your house is big, one cat is not enough," my aunt laughed.

Gu Siwei had no choice but to return to the boat with the two cats.

On the road, someone saw Gu Siwei grabbing the cat, and someone wanted to give the cat away, which made Gu Siwei quickly jump on the boat and capsize it.

When they got back home, the group was a little confused because Gu Siwei had caught two kittens and came back.

"Do you like cats so much?"

Hu Yanqiu looked at Gu Siwei who was washing his hands with a strange expression.

Gu Siwei said: "What? I just said hello to my aunt, and she asked me to go to her house to pick out a cat. But when I went out with the cat, I met Old Man Sun again and was stuffed by him again. Only……".

After Gu Siwei finished explaining, he spread his hands helplessly.

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said, "You are really capable."

Hu Yanping interrupted at this time and said: "How many cats are there?"

"What are you going to do?" Hu Yanqiu felt that his brother had another bad idea.

Hu Yanping said: "What I'm talking about is business. Several of my classmates want to raise cats, but they haven't found any good cats. Otherwise, I will take a few back and give each of them one."

"Don't make trouble. If your classmates don't want it, we can raise it ourselves." Hu Yanqiu didn't want to cause this problem.

Hu Yanping said: "This is a good thing. My classmate got a cat, and the fellow villagers here gave the cat away again. I said sister, your consciousness is a bit low. Solving problems for the masses is not the new era and the new youth. Is that what we should do?”

"Oh, I didn't expect that. How do you, Comrade Hu, know about the new era?" Hu Yanqiu was dumbfounded by his younger brother, and he emphasized the big characters in a weird tone.

Hu Yanping said proudly: "That's natural."

Gu Siwei said: "Now that I've said that, take a few back when you go back tomorrow. It's really not easy for the folks to raise them here. If you know someone over there who wants to raise them, please help give them away. Anyway, it's okay. That's a good thing.

By the way, Qiao Yitong, let’s see if there are a lot of them then, if so, you can take two back with you.”

Qiao Yi heard this and immediately said: "Master, my parents have cats at home. I can't even feed them myself, but I can't raise a cat."

"It's not for you. When the time comes, you can help me deliver it to Xu Congwen and Zhu Shiming's homes. One for each family. If there are less, forget it."

Hu Yanping really inspired Gu Siwei.

Of course, he also knows that this is not a fundamental solution to the problem, but he can only go so far. At this time, there is probably no such thing as sterilizing cats and dogs.

Anyway, no matter what, it can only be like this for the time being.

The matter was settled like that. One of the two kittens that had just been brought back went to Sicui, and the other to Hu Yanqiu. The two of them sat on the steps holding the kittens and playing with them.

Hu Yanping first teased Da Mao, and then teased Pony and other monkeys. However, neither Da Mao nor the monkey wanted to talk to this energetic boy.

Cats hate dogs, which means boys like Hu Yanping, especially when people like them feel bored, they can catch an ant for a long time.

Hu Yanping felt bored here, turned around and looked around, and found that no one noticed him, so he picked up a small pebble from the ground and held it in his hand.

After picking up the pebbles, he glanced around again with a guilty conscience, then narrowed one eye and aimed the small pebble in his hand at the monkeys on the tree. By coincidence, he aimed at the original monkey king, that is, the four. horse.


There was a crisp sound, and the small stones flew to the four horses' foreheads.

Hu Yanping didn't use any force, but the pebble hit the four horses' heads, which instantly made them angry.

Si Ma has a temper. Even though he is no longer the Monkey King, his temper is still there. Moreover, Si Ma is afraid of betraying Si Wei, not Hu Yanping.

If it were Sicui, it would be fine, but Hu Yanping had only been in contact with Gu Siwei for a long time, so how could he possibly smell of Gu Siwei on his body.

The four horses were hit by a small stone and immediately began to squeak.

Hu Yanping was grinning happily when he saw the four horses jumping up from the tree branch. He pulled out a black object behind his back and flew towards him.


Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!

Hu Yanping was a little dumbfounded. He was just about to laugh at the monkey, but unexpectedly, revenge came.

Because the objects thrown by the four horses were so fast and accurate, he didn't even try to dodge, and his face was directly hit.

"What is this!"

He stretched out his hand and wiped it. Hu Yanping knew what was on his face, and he was immediately disgusted.

"Who fucked you and threw Si Ma? Look at Si Ma's shit on your face."

Sicui had an overview of the whole process. She saw it when Hu Yanping stretched out his hand to throw Sima, but she didn't say it. She just wanted to see Sima teach this boy with a weak hand.

Hu Yanqiu looked up after hearing this. He originally wanted to scold his younger brother, but found that his younger brother's face was covered with monkey feces, and wanted to step forward to help him deal with it.

As a result, as soon as I walked in, I smelled a stench, a particularly stinky one, which could be said to be an unexpected stench for Hu Yanqiu.


Hu Yanqiu didn't hold back, turned his head and vomited it out. While vomiting, he said: "Why does monkey shit smell so bad?"

Hu Yanping was about to cry now. After all, it was completely normal for a ten-year-old child to suddenly make such a fuss and have no idea.

"elder sister!"

"It's no use calling me sister. Go wash yourself in the ditch. What's the use of calling you sister?" Sicui said to Hu Yanping.

Hearing what Sicui said, Hu Yanping, who came back to his senses, immediately ran to the edge of the canal, directly inserted his head into the water of the canal, and was immediately wiped wildly.

When he was waiting to reveal his head again, the monkey excrement had been washed away, but the little guy now had a psychological shadow. If it weren't his own head, he would probably want to take off his face and put soap on it. Washed dozens of times.

"Okay, you've almost rubbed your face off, you've washed it clean enough."

Gu Siwei saw that half of the boy's face was still red, so he brought a towel from the house to help the boy wipe it, and then put a little cream on his face.

"Look, it smells delicious now!"


At the mention of the smell, Hu Yanping also remembered the smell on his face just now. When he thought about it, he seemed to smell that smell again, and he immediately vomited.

"As for it?"

Gu Siwei wanted to laugh very much, but held it back.

Someone couldn't hold it back, who?

Hu Yanqiu, who else could it be? Hu Yanqiu burst out laughing after vomiting, the same way he always laughed.

"what's so funny".

Hu Yanping was a little annoyed.

"No, no" Hu Yanqiu waved his hands happily.

The most comforting person is Old Man Tao.

I saw him walking over slowly and said calmly: "Monkey feces is actually a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It is peaceful in nature. The smellier it is, the better the effect."

When Hu Yanping heard this, he finally felt better.

In order to seek confirmation, Hu Yanping specifically asked the old man: "Really?"

The purpose of this question is to get a positive answer and make myself feel better.

Who knew that this old man, Tao Yisheng, was also being narrow-minded and suddenly smiled: "Of course it's fake. Who would use monkey feces as medicine?"

Ha ha ha ha!

Now not only Hu Yanqiu, but also Qiao Yitong laughed.

"You, you...".

Hu Yanping finally couldn't help crying.

Gu Siwei originally wanted to comfort him, but the boy cried so girlily that he felt upset after listening to it for a while.

So Gu Siwei walked over and kicked him in the butt: "A man, why are you crying? Isn't it just that he was slapped with shit by a monkey? Han Xin was even humiliated by being stepped on."

"But it stinks".

Hu Yanping felt a little embarrassed when Gu Siwei said this.

He is a child after all, and after a while he starts to forget the smell of shit.

Gu Siwei couldn't help but want to roll his eyes: Isn't this nonsense? Monkey shit doesn't stink.

Gu Siwei didn't know that the monkeys had eaten a lot of miscellaneous food in the past two days. If they had been eating fruits, it wouldn't be so smelly. The monkeys had eaten a little meat in the past two days, and their poop was indeed a bit smelly.

So it was the most normal reaction for Hu Yanqiu and his brother to vomit.

"I want to take care of them," Hu Yanping said bitterly as he looked at the group of monkeys on the tree.

Gu Siwei immediately said: "I advise you to forget it. You really can't take care of them. If I scratch you in a hurry, it will be terrible. By then, your whole little face will be covered with bruises. When you grow up, you won't even have a daughter-in-law." Can’t say”.

Being struck by Gu Siwei, Hu Yanping immediately trembled in his heart: "Really?"

"Really, you think monkeys are so big, but they are much more ferocious than you. It's best not to mess with them."

Gu Siwei told the truth, monkeys eat monkeys, and they seem to like them quite a lot. Although they are under Gu Siwei's sect, Xiao Ma and other monkeys are still monkeys, and they cannot have the moral standards of human society.

"Let's see if you are still honest. Why are you teasing the monkeys if you have nothing to do?"

"Thrown with stones, four horses were lost," Sicui added.

Hu Yanping glared at Sicui, feeling that this girl talked too much. Sicui didn't show any weakness and just stared back. The two children were like two funny dogs. You glared at me and I stared at you.

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