Gu Siwei did not complain to Sicui. Not only did he not complain, but Gu Siwei was quite happy.

He now sincerely regards Sicui as his sister and regards her as his only relative in this era. Naturally, he hopes that she can forget the past and live happily.

The more he behaves like a normal child, the happier Gu Siwei will naturally be.

Then Hu Yanqiu started to drink from his younger brother: "Looking at your potential, why can't you give in to Sister Sicui? You are still a little man. What kind of man is he made of mud?"

Hu Yanping was still angry.

Gu Siwei said: "Forget it, if the child is angry now, he may be reconciled soon. What's the use? Let them handle their own affairs. It's not good for you to get involved all of a sudden."

With that said, Gu Siwei walked towards the front of the big house.

He originally wanted to enter the house, but when he arrived at the door, he saw Qiao Yitong and Tao Yisheng sitting together under the camphor tree and wondering what they were busy doing, so he became curious and walked towards them.

When they got to the two of them, they discovered that they were actually playing chess. They were not playing ordinary chess, but Go. They each grabbed a handful of small stones, using the stones as pieces and the squares on the ground as the board. That's it. The general stood up.

"You two...".

"Shh, don't talk. You are a true gentleman watching the chess game without speaking."

Qiao Yitong made a silent gesture towards Gu Siwei without raising his head.

Gu Siwei took a look and thought, don't get in the way here, so he left the two of them and returned to the house.

After flipping through the book for a while and playing with clay for a while, I lay down on the bed. I originally wanted to take a break to rest my eyes or something, but ended up lying down on the bed and fell asleep directly.

When I opened my eyes again, it was getting dark, and the sun could no longer be seen outside. Only the afterglow of the setting sun was still a little warm and red.

Gu Siwei got up from the bed and walked out of the big house.

"I'm sorry, I've slept and I'm going to cook." Gu Siwei immediately admitted his mistake to everyone.

Sicui smiled and said at this time: "Brother, you don't need to cook anymore. Grandpa Tao is holding the spoon tonight. He has cooked several dishes."

Hearing what Sicui said, Gu Siwei took a look. At this moment, Tao Yisheng was wearing an apron and holding a frying spoon designed and made by Gu Siwei himself. He was standing in front of the grass pot, frying the vegetables in the pot and returning the food. Humming a little tune, I don’t know what tune it is, it’s probably a local folk opera.

Anyway, Gu Siwei has never heard of it.

" there anything you want me to do?"

After eating ready-made food today, Gu Siwei didn't plan to wait for the meal directly, thinking of doing some work.

Hu Yanqiu said: "That's no need. Otherwise, you can find the gas lamp you bought. We may be a little late for dinner today. It will be brighter to eat outside then."

Gu Siwei said: "I'm sorry, the gas lamp is not in my house, it is needed for shipbuilding over there."

"What lights are there in the house?"

"Kerosene lamp" Gu Siwei said and then added: "With a lampshade."

Hu Yanping said at this time: "I found another bad thing here, that is, there are no electric lights. It is so late, and there is no electric light in the house."

Hu Yanqiu said to his younger brother: "What do you know? Do you think our factories are everywhere? If you don't live in a factory, even if you live in the county town, there is no electricity at home. How can there be electricity here? It would be nice to have oil lamps. If you rely on You are not even qualified to use an oil lamp."

Hu Yanping curled his lips, but did not answer the question after all.

Gu Siwei didn't mind. If he wanted to connect electric lights to the village, according to Gu Siwei's imagination, it would take at least thirty years. It might not be possible to install them in thirty years, and it would take at least a millennium. Generally, places are remote. Only 100% of rural areas can have access to electricity, which means it will take almost thirty years to wait.

When I went back to the house, I took out the two glass-shaded lamps in the room and placed them on the table. I placed one along the diagonal side and waited for the sun to set.

"Gu Siwei, what are you doing standing still? Light a lamp. How can you cook in the dark?"

Tao Yisheng was a little dissatisfied at this time.

When Gu Siwei saw it, he immediately smiled and said: "Forget about this, it's my fault, just order it right away."

As he spoke, he struck a match on the table, took off the lampshade, lit the lamp, put the lampshade back on, and moved the lamp to the stove.

"Here comes the light!"

"Good comrade, please don't make any noise next time you work," Hu Yanqiu joked.

"As ordered" Gu Siwei also responded happily.

The dishes were quickly cooked, and everyone gathered around the small table to start having dinner.

I simply cooked a few homemade dishes in the evening. The vegetables from the small vegetable garden are now available. With some salty goods at home, it is quite easy to make a table of dishes.

Besides, nowadays, people don’t choose anything when they have something to eat. If they can eat meaty dishes, it means the host family has treated them well. The dishes on the table at Gu Siwei’s house can be married to each other. It’s really hard to choose. Trouble comes.

After dinner, Gu Siwei arranged for Qiao Yitong, Hu Yanping and Hu Yanqiu to stay.

Sicui and Hu Yanqiu lived in the same room, Gu Siwei and Hu Yanping lived in the same room, and Qiao Yitong and Tao Yisheng lived in the same room. Everyone is not particular about it at this time. Things like snoring in your sleep or smoking are not considered. Anyway, just make peace with each other.

After the arrangements were made, everyone went to their respective rooms. The old man had an advantage at this moment, because he could directly go to the water channel outside to take a shower, and no one noticed even in the dark.

Sicui and Hu Yanqiu were a little troublesome, but they just took a bucket to get some water and went into the house to wash themselves, so there was no trouble.

After taking a shower, everyone will inevitably chat or something.

Gu Siwei didn't mind saying something to this silly boy like Hu Yanping, but at the end of the day, this boy seemed to have run out of energy, and he fell asleep like a little piggy soon after he lay down on the bed.

The next morning, when Gu Siwei got up, the little guy was still asleep. Moreover, the sleeping position is quite strange. One leg is stepping on the other leg. Half of the body is on the bed and half on the ground. I don't know how to sleep comfortably in this position.

Gu Siwei got up and moved the boy to the bed again.

After leaving the room and closing the door, Gu Siwei found that Hu Yanqiu had also gotten up. Hu Yanqiu, who had just gotten up, was disheveled and holding a big red porcelain basin with red flowers in his hand.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanqiu yawned: "Why are you sleeping? Sicui put her legs on my stomach all night. Ha~~ah!"

"Oh, there is still this problem." Gu Siwei responded casually.

Gu Siwei really didn't know that Sicui had this habit, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was not strange. The way the little girl hugged the quilt, wasn't it supposed to be holding someone up?

"Isn't Sicui up?" Gu Siwei glanced at the door of Sicui House.

Hu Yanqiu replied: "Not yet. She insisted on talking to me last night, which made me sleepy to death. She slept well, but I was miserable."

"Haha" Gu Siwei laughed.

Hu Yanqiu saw that he only smiled and said, "You know how to laugh?"

"What else? Shall I give you a dance?" Gu Siwei mumbled casually.

It was originally a joke, but Hu Yanqiu took it seriously and said with a smile: "Then let's do this. I didn't know you could dance."

Gu Siwei was not polite, he just got into his stance and started dancing, while dancing to his own music.

"I lifted your hijab, let me see...".

Good guy!

Lao Gu's wild dance almost made Hu Yanqiu angry.

Gu Siwei was originally a stiff-bodied person, tall and tall, but now he insists on making all kinds of looks and gestures, and even makes flirtatious looks from time to time.

With this look, I would probably pull Da Mao over to dance better than him. Of course, he would definitely not be as happy as him.

Decades later, Gu Siwei's character is more or less the same. He has a mentality of entertaining others and does not feel that doing so is vilifying himself.

But in this day and age, normal people generally don’t dance like this.

In the eyes of people of this era, this is not dancing, but a clown preparing to jump.

Is it funny? Of course it’s funny! Unexpectedly, Hu Yanqiu was covering his mouth and laughing so hard that he could hardly stand upright.

"You're too happy, right?" Hu Yanqiu almost lost his temper and quickly begged Siwei: "Okay, stop jumping, I can't stop laughing."

"You won't let me dance before I'm satisfied. It's boring."

What Gu Siwei said was true, but when he saw Hu Yanqiu's little face turning red and purple, Gu Siwei decided to use his magical powers to avoid making this silly girl laugh to death.

After a while, Hu Yanqiu suppressed his laughter and looked at Gu Siwei up and down. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that this young man was handsome. He was not only handsome but also interesting. She didn't seem to feel bored at all when she was with him, and she I don't look like my usual self, I feel like I can open my heart and feel so comfortable.

"Who did you learn it from?"

"What?" Gu Siwei asked.

"I said dancing," Hu Yanqiu asked softly.

Gu Siwei said: "Liang Jiahui!"

The dance that Gu Siwei danced just now has a Chinese-style music, but the dance is the big brother dance that Liang Jiahui was in trouble in Jianghu. However, Gu Siwei's dance was relatively obscene and full of natural joy.

How does Hu Yanqiu know who Tony Leung Ka Fai is? There is no TV and there is no Spring Festival Gala yet. The movie stars that everyone knows are just those few. Even "The Rancher", which Lao Xu wants a wife, has not been released yet.

"Who is Tony Leung Ka Fai?"

"Well, God of Dance," Gu Siwei led him out of the house and walked in front of Hu Yanqiu.

After going out, Gu Siwei saw Xiao Ma and a few monkeys standing at the door of the house, all of them crying like dead mothers.

"I..., what are you doing so early in the morning?" Gu Siwei was a little dissatisfied.

"What's wrong?" Sicui asked.

"I don't know. These dogs were crying early in the morning. Maybe someone raided their den again. Hey, that's not right. This is their den."

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