Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 184 Looks familiar

"What's the origin of this guy named Gu? He looks as tender as me? I said it looked strange to me. This guy looks younger than me. Why does this guy look like he's only sixteen or seventeen years old? ".

As soon as he returned to the room, Li Zhengda smiled at Qiao Qisheng and said.

Qiao Qisheng sat next to Li Zhengda, looked down for the kettle, and found that the kettle was not there, then he remembered that his secretary had taken it out.

People at this time were not too particular. It was not like in the future, if the secretary even winked, he might be killed or something. In this era, there were not those bad things in the future. If you can't find a kettle, just don't look for it. If you are really thirsty, just call someone, which seems normal to many leaders nowadays.

"You look young, you are really young, you are really seventeen years old," Qiao Qisheng said.

"Didn't you say that he is the teacher of your Yitong family? How young can you be? Is there really a saying that a man of high virtue is a teacher? You won't deceive me, right? Whose son is this?"

"Oh, yes, Lao Li, I didn't expect that you, a big old man, can come up with idioms in your mouth. I originally believed that ivory cannot come out of a dog's mouth, but now I see that it really can come out, De Gao He is a teacher, tsk tsk! He has level and culture."

There were only two people left in the room, and they talked without any care. When Li Zhengda was caught dragging Wen, Qiao Qisheng laughed at him.

"Is this guy named Gu really young?"

Li Zhengda decided to ignore him, because he became more and more enthusiastic when you talked to him about this matter.

"Whose surname is Gu? His surname is Gu, Gu Hongming...forget it, I can't even tell you. There is an extra hard-working character Xin below your ancient character, which is pronounced as "hoop", meaning "golden cudgel".

"Jin Gu is awesome!"

"Forget it, you'd better kill your stick." Qiao Qisheng was amused by his comrade's native dialect.


At this time, Li Zhengda slapped his thigh hard, startling Qiao Qisheng.

"Why are you so angry?" Qiao Qisheng said angrily.

Li Zhengda said: "I said, why do I think this person looks familiar? He really does look like him."

"What is true and false? Please tell the whole story!"

Qiao Qisheng finished asking.

Then he asked: "What does it look like? Where does it look like?"

Li Zhengda said: "You don't know or recognize him. When I met him, I was already the battalion commander. My old leader, I said that when I came in, I saw how this young man looked so familiar. When I heard you say that, I Come to think of it, they have exactly the same face, and the same surname is Gu, so they didn’t run away."

"You mean, Gu Siwei is the son of your old leader?"

Li Zhengda said: "Then where else can we run? They both have the same surname and the same face. How can there be such a coincidence in the world? I wonder why this child looks extraordinary.

To be honest, I should have noticed it a long time ago, but the old leader was over fifty at that time and looked a bit old, but the person in front of me looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, less than twenty at most, so of course there is a difference."

"Okay, I'm going to make a phone call."

Li Zhengda walked excitedly to Qiao Qisheng's desk, picked up the phone and shook the handle twice, then connected to the switchboard.

"Hey, switchboard? Pick me up...".

After reporting the place, the next step was to wait. Li Zhengda gently tapped the table with his hand. Just when he was about to arrive and was impatient to wait, someone answered the phone.

When Li Zhengda said this, the person on the other end started scolding him.

Li Zhengda didn't seem to dare to hang up yet, he just held the receiver about five or six centimeters away from his ear.

The whole process lasted about seven or eight minutes, and then the other end hung up with a bang.

"What's wrong?"

Li Zhengda held the phone and looked confused: "That's weird."

"What's so weird?" Qiao Qisheng asked.

Li Zhengda said: "My old leader's son was killed by the reactionaries before liberation. The man who answered the phone scolded me and said I was just talking nonsense and looking for trouble."

Qiao Qisheng was not surprised. This kind of thing happened a lot at that time, and many young people and comrades fell before the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

"Are you really sure his surname is Gu?"

Seeing Li Zhengda asking himself this, Qiao Qisheng smiled and said, "His surname is not Gu!"

"What's your last name?" Li Zhengda asked with a surprised look on his face.

Qiao Qisheng smiled and said, "Your last name is uncle!"

Seeing Qiao Qisheng grinning widely, Li Zhengda said, "You are so old, and you are still making such a joke. You will be able to have your grandson soon. How can you be a little more formal? How will you educate your grandson then..."

After saying that, he also started to laugh.

This person said that Gu Siwei left Qiao Qisheng's office feeling extremely unhappy. Thinking that the trees by the river were about to be cut down, exposing the bare mountain ridge, Gu Siwei felt heartbroken.

But is heartache useful?

It was of no use at all. He was nothing like Siwei. Even if he knew that he would have to plant back the felled trees in the future, who could he convince?

Not to mention convincing someone, I'm afraid that if the person who decided to go through it all over again has to do it again, he will have to do it because there is no other way. The country is so poor that it doesn't matter what it wants. The only thing that can be done is to exchange resources.

It’s not just us who have done it. Almost all countries including Mao Mao have done it. There are more people who have done it but failed to do it. Those who have done it have become powerful countries.

After leaving the factory, Gu Siwei went to the store.

When he arrived at the store, Gu Siwei finally calmed down his mood. When he walked into the door, his face had changed into his usual smiling look.

"Hey, Xiao Gu is here?"

There are still no people in the store except for salespersons, but some people are knitting sweaters and some are eating melon seeds and talking nonsense.

Seeing Gu Siwei come in, everyone greeted Gu Siwei one after another.

Gu Siwei also recognized the situation, put down the basket on his back, and took out several small cattail bags from the basket. They were about the size of tube bags used by women in later generations, and were estimated to be about three or four liters of water.

"Let's try the wild fruits picked in the mountains. I think they taste pretty good." Gu Siwei said, dividing a few cattail bags in his hand into a small bag for each type at the counter.

All the people who came over were little girls. Everyone was smiling, said thank you, took their bags and left.

After Gu Siwei finished dividing the things, he put the basket at the door and came to Hu Yanqiu's counter. At this moment, Hu Yanqiu had already wrapped the things Gu Siwei wanted.

As for the portion size, Gu Siwei is not worried at all. There is only too much and not too little. These people are already familiar with Gu Siwei now.

For example, every time Gu Siwei comes to buy loose peach cake, it is obviously a pound, but when he goes back to weigh it, it will definitely be more than two taels. This is the result of Gu Siwei's regular feeding.

"What about mine?"

Hu Yanqiu saw Gu Siwei took something and turned around to leave, so he stretched out his hand and asked Gu Siwei for something with a smile.

Gu Siwei said: "You share it with everyone, don't eat too much of this thing. Oh, everyone, listen to me, you can't eat too much of this thing, don't look at it now and it's sweet. If you eat too much, your teeth will be ruined." Just take a dozen or so pills every day. If there are too many, it will be difficult for you to eat at night."


All the warblers agreed one after another.

Gu Siwei understood that it was useless to talk about it. At least half of these people would not believe what he said. It would be interesting when the teeth fall out.

Although Gu Siwei really wanted to watch them eat at night and his gums felt like sponges, he didn't have time and couldn't wait until they finished reading at night before leaving. Although it didn't matter, Gu Siwei had to control the time and be careful.

"You haven't answered me yet, where is my fruit?" Hu Yanqiu couldn't let him slide over, and almost reached out his hand to his face.

Gu Siwei gently patted her hand away and said with a smile: "How old are you? Don't you know that you have to share things? Just try it with the big guys. I'm really not talking nonsense. This thing is sweet even though it looks like it. , I can’t stand it after eating too much.”

At this point, the impetuous little girl washed the fruit and brought it back. After taking a bite, she felt the fresh and sweet pulp filling her mouth.

"Gu Siwei, what kind of fruit is this? It's so sweet."

"I don't know either, but everyone in the village calls her Ye Juguo."

"This name is quite strange. When it blooms, does the flower look a bit like a chrysanthemum?"

a girl asked while eating.

Gu Siwei smiled at her and gave her two thumbs up. This is really the origin of the wild chrysanthemum fruit. It is because when the fruit blooms, it looks like small chrysanthemums, so the villagers gave it the name the name.

"Are you sour? It's not sour at all."

At this time, Chen Yan came back with a piece of fruit in his mouth, carrying the portions from the counters.

"Wash it so quickly? Have you washed it thoroughly?"

The cabinet manager saw this piece, so he smiled and asked.

Chen Yan said: "You won't get sick if you don't eat it cleanly, and there's nothing to wash off. I saw there's no mud on it, so feel free to eat it."

Don't you feel free to eat it without fear? There are no pesticides at this time, and the fruits you eat are all original, almost exactly what they can grow in nature.

If you want to have this bite a few decades later, you will have to pay a lot of money to eat pollution-free food, which is now everywhere.

"You're just lazy, why are you looking for excuses?"

The counter manager smiled and cursed, then reached for a piece of fruit and put it to his mouth. He took a sip and half of the piece of fruit was gone. People at this time were quite proud when eating. Gu Siwei liked this very much. Although people in this era may be poor and don't have enough to eat, the smiles on many people's faces are genuine and warm.

"Hey, you're right, this wild fruit is so sweet."

"Checker, don't be greedy, this stuff is really disgusting," Gu Siwei reminded again.

"Then eat less."

The store manager didn't care about eating a few more small fruits at her age. She saw the starving girls under her putting them into their mouths one after another. After eating two, they stopped eating.

She didn't just listen to Gu Siwei's words, but she wanted these little girls to eat more. Who could usually eat fruit at this time?

"Let's have lunch together?"

Gu Siwei exchanged polite words with Hu Yanqiu.

Hu Yanqiu rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's not sincere to treat someone to dinner."

"That's what I said." Gu Siwei laughed.

"Okay, hurry up and find Qiao Yitong. Get your things and go back quickly." Hu Yanqiu said, "We have something to do at work today and can't leave at noon."

"Okay, then I'll leave."

After Gu Siwei said hello to everyone, he walked out of the store, went to the kitchen at Qiao Qisheng's factory, took the piglet, or rather drove the piglet back to the village.

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