
Gu Siwei held a small wooden stick in his hand and was running back and forth on the road, driving a few piglets back and forth. However, his skills in driving pigs were really not very good. It took him only one person to drive a few piglets. He seemed a bit at a loss.

It was just dawn when we entered the village, it was estimated to be around six o'clock, and the fish belly white had already appeared in the east. Judging from the color and brightness, it was obviously another sunny day.

Gu Siwei didn't just arrive at the entrance of the village. In fact, he arrived at the top of the east mountain last night. It's just that Yuan Mu planned to enter the village and go home at night. Who knew that he would miss the time to go home while he was busy in the space? .

But it can be considered a mistake. At least it can explain how the piggy came back.

After entering the village, Gu Siwei saw Uncle Luan's house in the east. The old man and the old lady were busy moving the food out of the house. This attitude was obviously to prepare this year's new food.

"Siwei, are you here from a factory again? Where did the piggy stems come from? Why are people still selling them now?"

When the old lady saw the piglet in Gu Siwei's eyes, she looked envious. In her heart, she really wanted to raise one of her own, but her family didn't have the ability now. Even if she had a place to buy a piglet, , their family can't afford it. Besides, the talented people will not be able to eat enough. Where will the food come from to feed the pigs?

So I could only look at the piglet that Gu Siwei was driving and drool in my heart.

Gu Siwei understood as soon as he looked at the old lady's eyes, but Gu Siwei would not give it away for free. Although he could afford it, he still couldn't do it. It was still the old saying: Things given for free are the least valuable, and they may not be returned. Conflict must be stirred up.

"Where can I buy it here? Apart from the commune, there are people raising pigs nearby. I asked someone to buy it from the factory," Gu Siwei said.

The old lady asked again: "Don't you have little wild boars at home? Why do you still keep these?"

Gu Siwei didn't know what the old lady meant, but this boy was never short of foresight. He opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Those little wild boars are reserved for the factory to entertain guests. Where did these little pigs come from without them?"

The old man didn't think much about it. His vision for his family's life was right in front of him. Now that the whole family had enough to eat, he didn't think about anything else. As for raising pigs to eat meat, how could the old man dare to think about it?

"Are you drying out food?"

Gu Siwei asked, but the work on his hands didn't stop. He didn't know why these little piggies were so happy. They wanted to leave the team and fly solo without paying attention, which made Gu Siwei confused.

The old man looked at it and smiled and said: "You are driving pigs. I don't know how many pigs others think you are driving. If you dare to herd pigs to the landlord's house before, your legs will be broken."

"For the first time, let's just make do with it. I don't have any requirements. I just need to get home safely," Gu Siwei said cheerfully.

The old man couldn't stand it anymore. He came over and took the twig from Gu Siwei's hand and said to Gu Siwei: "This is how pigs should be driven!"

Gu Siwei watched as the twig waved a few times in the old man's hand. The originally ordinary twig seemed to turn into a magic wand in the old man's hand. The noisy little piglets suddenly became honest. Following the old man's stick, he ran forward happily.

"It's amazing!"

Gu Siwei praised loudly.

The old man smiled and said: "What's the magic? If you keep it for a long time, you will get it. You have to understand the pig's habits to drive pigs. How can you do it so hard, especially these little pigs? They were not there originally." The sows are tense around them, and you are swinging the stick and shouting, which makes them even more nervous. People who are nervous still know how to run, let alone these piglets."

"You're right, I won't let him go. I haven't let him go." Gu Siwei nodded and admitted happily that he didn't know how to let the pig go.

At this time, the old lady stopped thinking about raising pigs. When she heard this, she said to her old man: "You know how to herd pigs, but do you have four-dimensional skills? Is herding pigs considered a skill?"

"I don't have the ability to farm?" the old man replied to his wife with a smile.

The old man was not angry. He and the old lady had been having troubles like this all their lives. Now they are getting better. In the past, they would often fight.

"Yes, yes, look at the whole village, there is no one who can't farm, except Siwei, but Siwei is also young. At your age, he will definitely be better at farming than you."

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me," Gu Siwei said happily.

"Okay, Uncle Luan, give me the branch. I'll just drive back by myself. You guys are busy with your work." Gu Siwei was about to take the branch and drive it himself.

Old man Luan refused to give in, pushed Gu Siwei away and said, "You are exhausted from rushing. I am even tired from looking at you. I'd better help you get to the boat, so that you don't have to waste time with them here." , I ran all night and went home to rest early."

Gu Siwei naturally refused to let him go, but the old couple were too enthusiastic and went to the battle to persuade him. In the end, Gu Siwei had to let the old man help him take the piglet to his home. Oh, it is no longer his home, but Sun Qiumei and his wife. 's yard.

Go to the boat tied to the door of the yard.

After arriving at the edge of the ship smoothly, Gu Siwei threw all the piglets into the cabin, covered the front cabin like this, and pressed it with the anchor, so that these little things couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

The old man ran away as soon as he finished his work. Gu Siwei was also preparing to give something away, but when he turned around, the old man was already about ten meters away.

"Uncle Luan, come back."

"I'm going home to dry the grain. You should go home early."

The old man naturally knows what Gu Siwei wants to do. This is Gu Siwei's old habit. There is no one in the village who doesn't know. If you help Gu Siwei, Gu Siwei, who is very fastidious, will definitely give you something.

But old man Luan felt that he shouldn't take it. If nothing else, it was just like last year to the beginning of this spring. If Gu Siwei hadn't hunted for the team, someone in his family might not survive the winter, especially when his family was just one year old. The little grandson who has arrived is asking for other people's things now that he is helping out, and the old man can't bear it in his conscience.

Although some people don't say it, they remember Gu Siwei's kindness in their hearts. Even if it is possible, these people will want to repay. They cannot help with big things, but they still want to find opportunities to help with small things that they can do. .

Gu Siwei didn't know that the old man appreciated his kindness. He had almost forgotten about it. As the old saying goes, show kindness without asking for repayment, and ask for repayment without showing kindness. Lao Gu has always done a good job in this regard and never forgets the kindness of others. Only when you don't remember how good you are to others can you live a comfortable life.

Even if he didn't deliver anything, Gu Siwei couldn't go home directly. The basket contained the things the team wanted, so he carried the basket to Guo Xiangping's house.

When we arrived at the door of Guo Xiangping's house, we found that Guo Xiangping and his wife were also preparing to dry grain in their yard.

"It's not dried yet? With the good weather these days, are you ready to dry the grain completely?"

Gu Siwei saw that the old couple had been drying their food for many days, and was curious as to why they were still drying it today.

"Today I will take it out to dry. Later, we will collect the grain and transport it out together." Guo Xiangping's eyes were so happy now that he almost lost his smile.

"What kind of fuss is this? Suddenly you remember to pay the public food?" Gu Siwei said jokingly.

Guo Xiangping glanced at Gu Siwei and retorted: "You still know how to pay the public rations. Do you know where the public rations are paid? You are a little too green to talk to me about this."

"Where are you going to transport the food if I don't give it to you?"

Gu Siwei squatted down next to the mat, reached out and grabbed a few grains of wheat, put them in his hands and pretended to look at them.

After a few glances, I didn't see anything special. Just when I was about to throw a few grains of wheat back on the mat, Guo Xiangping came over.

"How about the food?" Guo Xiangping spoke with obvious pride.

Gu Siwei naturally wanted to support him and said with a smile: "It's very good!"

Guo Xiangping became even happier when he heard this: "That's natural. It's really the mountain god's blessing. This year's summer grain harvest will be bumper. It's just a pity."

"Why is it such a pity? Isn't it good to have a good harvest?" Gu Siwei asked.

Guo Xiangping said: "If there hadn't been that heavy rain, how much food would have been produced? Look here."

Having said this, Guo Xiangping pointed to the grains being dried in his yard, which were placed on several mats. Not only were there several mats, but there were also grains dried on some cloth sheets.

Gu Siwei didn't understand, and thought to himself: Old man, you show off this little grain to me. If I take out my grain, you will feel so inferior that you jump into the river. Do you believe it or not?

Also, if it hadn't been for this heavy rain, you wouldn't have had this food this year even if you were lucky. It would be nice to have the same situation as in previous years.

How could Guo Xiangping know what Gu Siwei was thinking at this moment? If he had known, he would have kicked this kid and scolded him for his incompetence.

At this time, Guo Xiangping took a small handful of grain and put it in his palm. He spread it out in front of Gu Siwei and used his wrinkled hands to fiddle with the few grains of wheat in his palm.

"Did you see how big this grain is? I'm telling you, you're not a farmer, so you don't know how big this wheat grain is. It's almost 30% larger than the seeds we left last year. Do you know 30%?"

"Oh, a lot, a lot, I understand," Gu Siwei responded.

Guo Xiangping knew that he didn't understand, but now he was in a good mood to talk, and there was really a bumper harvest at home. The village also emphasized that they were not allowed to publicly talk about how much grain was harvested in the fields, because if this matter spread, it might be blamed. The treatment in the village is gone. If the superiors pay them public food, what should they do?

Don't ask any obligations to these farmers. Their idea is that not a single grain of the food they grow will be given to anyone for free. This is the normal idea of ​​farmers. Unless human society is eliminated, human nature will always be selfish.

"Even so, you don't understand even if I tell you, I'll give you a comparison!"

After saying that, without waiting for what Gu Siwei said, he quickly ran into the house.

Gu Siwei looked at the old man's back: Chi! The old man is quite flexible, so he won't have any problem causing harm to society for another thirty years with this body.

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