Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 260 New Customers

Hu Yanqiu had already entered the room, and Gu Siwei's caution was like pouring oil on the flames.

Just as he was about to hum a little song and do the work that his groom should do, he was stopped by someone when he arrived at the door of the big house.

"Comrade Gu, where should we live?"

Old Man Yu was afraid that he would not have a place to sleep at night. The scenery of this place was nice, but mosquitoes were often deadly in places with nice scenery. Old Man Yu knew this before, but when he became more powerful, he almost forgot about it. As a result, During this time, life reminded him of these things again.

When Gu Siwei heard this, he felt unhappy, turned around and said: "You can live wherever you like!"

Isn't this nonsense? My brother is getting married today, and the wedding night is about to begin. You two old men insist on grabbing me and asking me where I will live. What about your own eyes? You can't think of not living in a big house, right? !

He pointed casually: "Let's live there!"

"Comrade Gu, you are a bit bullying!"

When Old Man Yu heard this, he immediately exploded.

Because looking in the direction of Gu Siwei's finger, the pigsty was the pigsty of Gu Siwei's family. The pigsty was not small. Not only was it not small, it was also very big. There were seven or eight pigs in it.

In addition to pigs, there are also sheep. The two pens are together, so it looks really big and not suitable for people to live in. But for pigs, there are probably not many of their kind in China at this time. treatment.

Although the pigsty is good, there are no people living in the pigsty. Is this a waste of people? Although Old Man Yu has been dealt with a lot and has lived in a livestock shed, is it the same as living in a pigsty with large animals?

When Gu Siwei saw the old man exploded, he asked, "Where do you want to live?"

"If I let people live in a pigsty, if I had the same temper in my early years..." Old Man Li said angrily.

Upon hearing this, Gu Siwei immediately raised his head to stop the old man from continuing: "Don't talk about early years and not early years. Early years are a matter of early years. Also, who asked you to live in a pigsty? Where will the pigs live if you live there?

A squeeze with a pig? What you think is beautiful, the meat will be delicious when the pig is in a good mood, but the meat will be bad when the pig is in a bad mood. If you and the pig are crowded together, the pig will not be happy.

Also, I didn’t ask you to live in a pigsty and think of me as someone else. I asked you to choose one of the houses on both sides of the house and don’t live in my big house.

Forget it, I won’t let you choose, just stay in that room. After all, the place is bigger and it is quite clean. The only thing is that there are less beds. I will wait until tomorrow. I will make two beds when I have time tomorrow. I will put them there then. .

The same goes for you, why didn't you give me any notice when you came, and caught me completely off guard..."

As he said this, Gu Siwei had already entered the big house, and then closed the door of the big house with a bang.

The two old men stood next to their bedding, knowing that the place they lived in was not a barn or a pigsty, but a serious house, and their mood temporarily improved.

Carrying their bedding, they opened the door and walked into the house. Only then did the two of them realize that the house was being cleaned frequently, or that it might be occupied from time to time.

As soon as you enter a house that is occupied, you will know it. This is the so-called popularity. If there is no one living in the house, there will be some mildew smell in the house.

Both of them are poor children, so they must know these things.

"I didn't expect that we could live in a house like this in the mountains."

After Old Man Yu finished speaking, he looked around, randomly picked a corner, threw down his bedding, and then sat down on the bedding.

Old Man Li also threw down his bedding, but instead of sitting on it directly like Old Man Yu, he opened the bedding and spread it directly on the ground.

Old Man Li's bedding looks okay from the outside, but it's a bit shabby on the inside. It's old and shabby, and you can tell it's been there for a while.

"How long have you been covering this bed?" Old Man Yu said, taking something out of his pocket.

What he took out was actually a pack of cigarettes, and they came with filters. This was certainly not something that Old Man Yu could afford. Not to mention money, he didn't have a single cent on him.

If you can take out a cigarette, you must have gotten it from Gu Siwei.

He opened the cigarette, popped one out and threw it to Old Man Li. Old Man Yu lit one beautifully, took a puff, and closed his eyes, savoring the smell of the cigarette.

"I haven't smoked such a good cigarette for a long time," Old Man Yu said leisurely.

Old Man Li also lit up his cigarette at this time, and after taking a puff, he hummed.

"By the way, I haven't said how long your blanket has been used. I think it's already worn out. I have a relatively new blanket here. You can take it and use it," Old Man Yu said.

Old Man Li shook his head: "No need, it's not that I don't have it, it's that I don't want it. This thing has been with me for almost twenty years and has been mended countless times. Every time I carry it, no matter how painful or difficult it is, I can survive any battle. Once in the Northeast, this thing took a bullet for me, and I almost died..."

As Old Man Li talked, he seemed to have returned to the old days of the army. He could still see the sacrificed comrades grinning at him. The voices and smiles of each of them were drawn from him like a picture. flashed through my mind.

"Our troops were there during that battle. Which troop are you from?"

Old Man Yu became interested as soon as he heard it, because he had also participated in the battle that Old Li mentioned, so he started chatting with Old Man Yu.

When they talked about a common topic, the two old men became happier and happier, and the happier they were, the more cigarettes they smoked. The last pack of cigarettes was consumed by the two of them within two hours.

"Is there anything else?" Old Man Li asked.

Old Man Yu made a sad face: "Where can I find more? I still have shredded tobacco here. Let's roll it up and hold it for a while."

"Okay! It seems inappropriate to ask Comrade Gu for cigarettes at this time."

"Hahaha, it's really inappropriate. It's still a wedding night for a newlywed."

The two old men laughed happily.

The two old men were not in the same place originally. They met on the way here. They were both from Tianya. They looked after each other along the way. However, they really became friends because they just talked about the same event they had attended. During the battle, they talked about the commanding skills of their respective old leaders, and naturally they talked about it again.

"We are lucky this time, the conditions are pretty good," Old Man Li said while rolling a cigarette.

Old Man Yu said: "You can do countless things now, and wait until there is no food to provide in the future, then you will show your true heart."

Old Man Yu has experienced something like this. It's okay for him to look at Comrade Xiao Gu at the moment, but if he is deprived of food and the two of him eat and live here, it will be an eyesore.

The old man can also understand, who is not living a hard life now? Xiao Gu was still looking at the ground. He also had a younger sister at home. She had just gotten married and might have another child soon. She couldn't live her life sparingly?

The two of them eat and drink here for free, let alone outsiders. In many cases, even their own children and grandchildren may not look good on them.

The old man never imagined that the land he saw belonged to Gu Siwei. Even if others wanted to make an idea, it would be impossible. You must have the ability to plant it, otherwise it would be said to be yours, and you can't bear to plant it. use!


Old Man Li thought for a while and said.

So the two old men smoked hand-rolled cigarettes and started talking again.

It has been a long time since the two old men felt so relaxed. In the past, when they arrived at a new place, they would immediately arrange work for you, as if they were afraid that you would not work.

But when I got here today, it was really strange. I don’t know what the higher-ups were thinking. They arranged for the two of them to come here when they got married.

But it's not without its benefits. After all, the rice porridge we had tonight was a serious porridge, and it wasn't thin at all. It was so thick that when you put it in a bowl, you can almost stand up your chopsticks.

There are also side dishes to go with the meal, which are actually shredded pork stir-fried.

When I saw this dish, I thought there was nothing to be polite about. Being polite is just a fool, so the two old men each made four or five bowls of rice porridge and just pickled vegetables. Not only were Gu Siwei's family of three dumbfounded, but even Da Mao had a little dissatisfaction in his eyes. Because the two old men ate less, the rest was all its food.

"I guess I'll have to switch to stick noodles tomorrow."

Old man Yu said: "Some stick noodles are pretty good. Look at what we brought, old stick noodles. They are pretty good. I have collected the moldy ones. You still want to eat rice porridge every day? This is a canteen in the village, not in the provincial capital."

As he spoke, Old Man Yu began to feel happy.

"The rice porridge tastes so good."

"I think so too!" Old Man Li smiled.

"This young man is a bit interesting."

After a while, Old Man Li said.

Old Man Yu hummed: "He is a strange person, or my ancestor is a strange person. You can tell by looking at the two big fish, as well as monkeys and bears. He gets along so well with people. This is the first time I have seen him."

"I once saw a man who raised rats. He raised a group of rats to be very obedient and do whatever they were told. It was like raising a group of dogs..." Old Man Li said.

Old Man Yu didn't believe it: "That's nonsense. Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Old Man Li said: "You really don't believe it, I really saw it with my own eyes."

"That's really strange." Old Man Yu began to think about it.

The two old men were smoking cigarettes and looking at the moon outside shining into the house through the glass window.

"It's almost August 15th, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the two old men fell silent instantly. The Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon. It was the day of reunion. How could they be reunited in such a situation?

The two of them were silent now, and the whole room was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Neither of them was interested in talking. After a while, the two of them lay down on their own beds and fell asleep after a while.

The next day, the two of them opened their eyes at about five o'clock. This was a habit they had developed during this period, but the reasons were different. One had to feed the animals, and the other had to work in the fields.

But today was different. The two of them opened their eyes, packed their bedding, and sat up for a long time. No one asked them to work, and they couldn't find an oil lamp, so they could only sit in the dark.

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