Gu Siwei was already awake at this time. Not only was he awake, but Hu Yanqiu was also awake. Although the two were newlyweds, Gu Siwei could be considered a veteran and did not bother his new wife endlessly, so the two slept together. If you are early, you will naturally wake up early.

Now the two are tired of being together.

Gu Siwei asked Hu Yanqiu in a low voice: "Do you know how to have a baby now?"

Hu Yanqiu blushed at being teased by Gu Siwei, but the two of them did not light the lamp now. Even if they lit the lamp, the light of the oil lamp was not enough to see the red apple color on Hu Yanqiu's face.

"You know a lot!"

As he said that, Hu Yanqiu stretched out his hand to flatter Gu Siwei. He didn't use any force but it was just a gesture. Hu Yanqiu couldn't bear to put in any effort.

"I know a lot, how about...".

As he spoke, Gu Siwei leaned close to Hu Yanqiu's ear.

Hu Yanqiu was so shy now that he covered his head with a blanket and kept shouting hooligans and the like.

"You guys, how come we are such a gangster?" Gu Siwei said happily.

At this time, suddenly there was a whimpering sound from the outside of the door.

This is a warning from the sludge.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei got up from the bed, opened the window and looked outside, and saw a figure standing at the door of the small house to the north.

No need to ask, one of the two old men must have peed or pooped when he came out yesterday.

"Old man, come I am!"

Gu Siwei suddenly remembered that people at this time like to poop wildly, so he opened the window and asked the figure outside.



Gu Siwei didn't recognize who it was. Anyway, it was one of the two old men yesterday, so he asked again: "The toilet is over there, don't poop in the wrong place."

"I don't want to go to the toilet!"

The one who came out was Old Man Yu. He really couldn't stay any longer, so he came out and wanted to take a look around. There was no other way. The room was dimly lit. He wanted to sleep but he didn't know what the rules were here. If he didn't sleep, he felt like he had nothing to do. My heart felt empty.

"What are you doing up so early if you don't want to go to the bathroom?"

Gu Siwei said angrily.

If I hadn't wanted to leave the bed now, and my fragrant new wife-in-law, I would have gone out and given her a scolding.

"Don't you get up and work?"

Old Man Yu really didn't understand. Which villager would wake up even if he slept until the sun woke up! Not to mention others, when he was farming at home, now no one would get up at four or five o'clock, wait to tidy up, and then go out to work before dawn.

This family is so happy that they are all asleep now.

Although we are newlyweds, how can the weeds in the fields also follow the newlyweds? What to do with the seedlings in the field?

There were many questions that Old Man Yu wanted to ask Gu Siwei, the young man who was looking after the fields for the production team, but after thinking that this young man was now his immediate boss, he temporarily suppressed the questions in his mind.

"What kind of work are you getting up for? Get up at this time to catch ghosts! If you have nothing to do, go back to sleep. You can sleep until dawn these days."

After Gu Siwei said something, he closed the window and moved to Hu Yanqiu's side with a smile.

After a while, there was a little movement in the room, and then, just like that!

Old man Yu returned to the house.

"Has someone told you?"

Old Man Li listened to the entire conversation and naturally knew the tone of Gu Siwei's words.

"It's really strange that someone who is so lazy can still survive in the mountains." Old Man Yu felt that there was a bit of metaphysics in this matter, and it didn't look like a normal person's behavior.

"Let's not worry about others, let's worry about ourselves," Old Man Li said.

Suddenly remembering something, Old Man Li said: "By the way, have you noticed it?"

Old Man Yu said: "What did you find?"

"We didn't find any mosquitoes after sleeping all night," Old Man Li said.

"Some parts of this house are protected from mosquitoes by camphor." Old man Yu naturally noticed it, and when he smelled the wood smell in the air, he knew that the strongest smell was camphor.

"Not only that, but there are other things. It's easy to understand that there are few mosquitoes, but it's strange that you can hardly feel any," Old Man Li said.

Old Man Yu thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes!"

So next, the two old men began to smell here and there, trying to distinguish what kind of wood was used in the house.

Although the two of them were older, it was impossible for them to know all the tree species. It was not surprising that they recognized common trees, but some trees grew outside their knowledge circle, so the two soon started arguing.

"Don't fight!"

I don’t know how long the quarrel lasted, but a little girl’s voice came from the window.

This little girl is naturally Sicui. Sicui has already gotten up at this moment, and it is already dawn. Although the sun has not come out yet, the mountains and trees can be clearly seen outside.

Only then did the two realize that they had been arguing for a while.

After walking out of the door, the two old men saw the little girl Sicui holding a small hoe. The small hoe was very high-quality. It was obvious at a glance that it was made of high-quality steel and was carefully designed.

Anyway, the two old men had never seen such a beautiful little hoe sold anywhere. In the little girl's hands, it looked more like a toy than a tool.

"Grandpas, are you awake?"

Sicui saw two old men standing at the door of the house and greeted them with a smile.

"Wake up, little girl, you are so diligent!"

Old man Yu praised Sicui, but his eyes were looking towards the big house. It was obvious that the old man was looking for Gu Siwei.

"Are you looking for my brother?"

Sicui noticed the old man's movements and asked curiously.

"How about looking for my sister-in-law?"

When Sicui asked, Old Yu's old face turned red and he said, "What am I doing with your sister-in-law? I just want to see if your lazy brother is up."

"Don't look for it!"


Sicui continued digging in the vegetable garden.

"Little girl, you got up so early to plant vegetables."

Old Man Li decided to come over and work together. He used to have work to do in the morning, but now suddenly there was no work to do in the morning. Old Man Li felt awkward all over.

"No! Why don't you go feed the pigs? The vegetable garden is my favorite," Sicui said.

Except for her brother, and now her sister-in-law, Sicui doesn't like others to enter her vegetable garden. She always feels that these people will trample her vegetables and pick her things randomly.

"Don't come in!"

Seeing Old Man Li coming in, Sicui immediately stopped him.

Old Li was startled by Sicui's sudden shout.

"What? Is there any treasure in here?" Old Man Li looked at Sicui and asked jokingly: "Little girl, your name is Sicui. Can I call you Sicui?"


"Then Sicui, have you hidden the treasure here, that's why you won't let me in?"

Sicui looked at Old Man Li and said, "Grandpa, I'm not a child anymore. Don't coax me with childish words. Who would hide a treasure in the vegetable garden? It's possible to hide a human body or something."

Old man Li's eyes widened when such an older child mentioned the corpse.

"Who, who told you this?"

Old Man Li wanted to see who the weirdo was, saying such hateful things to such an older, pretty little girl. Oh, it must be her brother.

"It's not surprising that the old people in the village have told many stories like this."

Sicui felt that this old man had some mental issues. Why did he react so violently when the corpse was mentioned? He was so cowardly!

Sicui didn't know that the grandpa in front of her, whom she thought was timid, had actually been on the battlefield. He had fought with the Japs with bayonets, and he had hacked to death three Japs in one battle.

If his comrades heard that he was timid, they would laugh out loud in fear.

When Old Man Li saw Sicui, he couldn't help but think of his granddaughter. At this moment, he emotionally regarded Sicui as his granddaughter, and his love to protect the calf naturally arose.

When he heard Sicui's explanation, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Sicui, how old are you? Have you studied yet?"

Old Man Li was standing outside the vegetable garden, teasing Sicui.

Sicui said: "I haven't read, but my brother taught me how to read, and I can already recognize many words. The day before yesterday, I read a newspaper paragraph to my sister-in-law when I was in the factory."

Sicui was very proud.

Old Man Li also praised after hearing this. Old Man Li was originally uneducated, but Cowherd Boy was born with no education, so he suffered the hardship of being uneducated. Later, he went to military school and forced himself to read. Old Man Li also He worked hard and was almost 40 years old. He still studied with his children every day, and finally he passed the literacy test.

The old man Yu next to him has not spoken, but he is still crossing his arms and looking at Sicui. For old man Yu, although Sicui is not his granddaughter, he can see such childish eyes at this time, but with curiosity. The little girl with shining eyes made Old Man Yu very happy.

Old Man Yu's ideal is for all people in China to stand up straight and be human beings, and not to be like the old society in the past, where people cannibalize people, the landlords and wealthy people do whatever they want, and most of the poor people have no roof over their heads.

At first, he thought so, but then Old Man Yu felt that he wanted every Chinese to have an enterprising spirit, the ability to think independently, and the clear and clear eyes of the little girl in front of him.

I haven’t seen such eyes for a long time!

Old man Yu felt infinite bitterness in his heart.

Old Man Li didn't think so much. He felt very happy. Chatting with this little girl, he could feel her relaxed mood at the moment. The carefree time of youth, it was like he had returned to his youth. , although the family is miserable, it is still fascinating to think about it now.

It's a pity that I will never be a teenager again.

"Brother is back!"

Sicui's sharp eyes suddenly saw Gu Siwei coming back.

At this moment, Gu Siwei had just returned from the river, carrying a large herring weighing about five or six pounds on a straw rope.

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