Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 67 Golden Thread Carp

As for machine tools, Gu Siwei is not willing to do it now, because this thing is painful. Isn't there a saying in the future, no matter what job my mother does, she will not be happy for her children to work in this industry again, brackets-except for civil servants.

When Gu Siwei relied on it to make money, he naturally loved it in every possible way. Since he couldn't make a living without it, he naturally loved it. Now, Lao Gu doesn't think of himself as a person who can't make a living, so he doesn't care so much about the machine. , As for who you have worked for for a hundred years, why you have contributed, etc., you can’t expect him to believe someone like Lao Gu.

For a guy like Lao Gu, who has been vomited by countless paintings by later generations, he won't believe anything you say except money.

After staying with the silly apprentice for a while, Gu Siwei left the workshop.

After coming a few times, the guard now knew Gu Siwei, so after Gu Siwei underwent a simple inspection, he was released.

Although he has been here many times, Gu Siwei is still a little resistant to body searches, but now it is like this when he comes in and out, it is an important unit.

After leaving the factory, Gu Siwei was going to meet Sicui and Hu Yanqiu.

When they arrived at the place where they were just now, they found that the two of them were no longer here, so Gu Siwei decided to go to the private vegetable market first, and then go to the cooking place to wait for them.

Taking small steps and humming a little tune, Gu Siwei was in a really good mood. Gu Siwei felt that this era was slow and the pace of life was slow. Everyone seemed to be living leisurely. There is no sense of urgency like that of later generations.

Walking on the road, from time to time you will hear two people saying hello, such as Brother Sun, Brother Liu, Sister Zhang, Sister Xu and so on.

Most acquaintances would stop and talk to each other, chatting about the news about the Zhang family and the Li family, and even the freshness of the cucumber thorns in your basket, which could keep the two women chatting for more than ten minutes.

Gu Siwei enjoys this kind of life, enjoys this slow life, and enjoys the calmness and tranquility of walking quietly like fine sand in his hands.

With his heart willing, he didn't know the time or the distance, and he almost didn't feel anything. Gu Siwei came to the hillside outside the factory.

Standing on the road, you can see the piles of human heads in the woods on the hillside.

Gu Siwei walked up the slope and joined the crowd picking vegetables.

After looking around for a long time, Gu Siwei only had a bunch of leeks in his hand. They were very fresh small leeks. The aunt who sold the vegetables was a diligent person and she kept them clean. When you get home, you don’t need to wash them. You just need to wipe the roots of the leeks. Wipe it off, wash off the mud on it, and add water twice more, then you can cut it and fry it in the pot.

Small leeks are full of fragrance, and the taste is just right when it comes to scrambled eggs. In Gu Siwei's time, most of the leeks sold in the vegetable market were large leeks, with big leaves and thick stems. They looked very beautiful, but when you eat them, they are very beautiful. By that time, the taste of leeks has faded.

Leeks and eggs were included in one plate, and Gu Siwei decided to find two more vegetables.

It's not that Gu Siwei is stingy and reluctant to buy meat and vegetables, but that he knows that he doesn't need to worry about buying meat and vegetables. Hu Yanqiu and his gang will definitely prepare everything.

There is no one in this era who is not good at meat. As for Gu Siwei, after eating meat a few times, he felt that he was so balanced that he could do without meat.

After turning around again, I got a handful of small bitter greens in my hand. The greens are slightly bitter. They are local small greens. The buds are small, about as big as the palm of your hand. The leaves are also wide when they grow out. The children were all lying on the ground.

Gu Siwei likes it better and likes to use it to fry Qianzhang.

After the two vegetarian dishes were done, Gu Siwei was ready to go back to find someone. He just walked out with his things. Before he returned to the road, he saw a little kid of about five or six years old sitting on the ground on the side of the road. There was a child in front of him. Old wooden basin.

Originally, little babies were unattractive, but there were too many of them. They had runny noses, half of their faces were covered in snot, and the other half was covered in dark, dirty mud.

What made Gu Siwei take a second look was that such a big baby was actually wearing crotchless pants, and the crotch was open almost to his calf.

Gu Siwei also understood why he dressed like this. His family's condition was not good, so what else could he do? His parents couldn't catch up with some fashion. He probably didn't even know what fashion was, so where could he go to catch up with it.

Just as he was about to look away from the baby, Gu Siwei was attracted by the things in the basin after just one glance.

There are two fish in the basin. They look a bit like carp, but not exactly the same. They have the whiskers of carp and the appearance of carp, but there are two obvious golden lines on their bodies from the forehead to the tail. The back above the golden lines is Black, from the bottom of the golden line to the belly, from earth color to light yellow.

“Little guy, is this fish for sale?”

Gu Siwei squatted down.

The little guy was a little shy. When he heard Gu Siwei asking about the price, he stared at Gu Siwei blankly and didn't utter a word for a long time.

"Mom, someone buys our fish!"

The sudden voice almost startled Gu Siwei. Lao Gu never thought that such an older child would actually have a donkey's voice.

"Come on, come on!"

The voice that answered was not weak either.

When Gu Siwei glanced in the direction of the sound, he saw an unkempt woman emerging from the woods, wearing her belt while walking. No need to ask, she must be going somewhere convenient. went.

"Tongzi, do you want to buy fish?"

The woman led Xiao ran back to the basin, looked at Gu Siwei and asked expectantly.

Gu Siwei asked: "How did you sell this?"

"Forty cents per catty. If you want both, it's thirty cents per catty, plus two catties of food stamps. It's not that I sell it expensive, but it's golden thread carp, and the taste is first-class. It’s much more delicious than ordinary carp, you’ll know when you buy it and cook it...”

Gu Siwei just asked a question, and the woman started talking in a long series of words.

Gu Siwei could see that the woman really wanted to sell the fish, and was using her unskilled salesmanship to push her fish to him.

One good thing about buying things at this time is that you will almost never encounter anyone asking for a price, and there will be no people who are short of money. Most of the transactions are open to the public.

"Little brother, this fish is a good fish, really. It's a pity that people here don't recognize it."

An old man about two meters away helped.

When the woman heard this, she added: "Yes, people here don't eat carp very much, unlike in our hometown, where carp is a main dish for entertaining guests."

Although the workers at the factory come from all over the world, most of them are from the south. Southerners don't like carp very much, so the woman's carp is not easy to sell.

Gu Siwei thought for a moment and nodded: "I want both fishes."

When the woman heard this, she immediately raised her hand happily and wiped her nose with her sleeve. Then she grinned and began to take out the grass next to the basin. She quickly tied a straw rope, and then pulled the two fish from the carp to her mouth. Wear it.

I borrowed a scale from the old man's stall next to him, weighed the two fishes for Gu Siwei, and asked the old man to do the math.

Gu Siwei gave the money, took the fish and carried it down the slope. He walked to a place where there was no one around, entered the space, found a basin, put the fish in, and added a little ordinary water.

Naturally, you have to eat fish alive, and it’s not like you don’t have that requirement!

So Gu Siwei decided to keep the fish first and cook it later. If he couldn't eat it today, he could eat it himself when he got home.

After leaving the space, he walked along the cement road towards the stronghold of several people.

The so-called stronghold is just a small one-room house. It is not a one-room house, but a tube building. What does it look like? It is a house with a corridor at the door and stairs at both ends. It has about five rooms. It is like a house in the past. Anyone who has lived in the family area of ​​​​the factory should be impressed.

As far as the eye can see, there is a room with no bathroom or kitchen. In the kitchen, each family has a briquette stove at the door. The bathrooms are also at both ends of the building. Every time they are busy, a row of people squat neatly, pulling and pulling. The kind of guy who smokes cigarettes while smoking shit and chatting nonsense.

As for any partitions, there are no partitions at all. Who cares about privacy at this time?

The house is the dormitory of Hu Yanqiu's brother Hu Yanming. Don't underestimate such a big house. It is really not something that ordinary people can get. In other words, Hu Yanming is a technician and can only grab such a house.

At this time, a house like this can be used as a wedding room.

Hu Yanming allocated a house, but he only came to live there when he was working the Changbai shift. He usually went home to live when he was not working the Changbai shift, because he could eat at home.

This month, Hu Yanming worked the night shift for a month, so Hu Yanqiu used this house as a cooking place.

Carrying two bundles of vegetables in his hand, Gu Siwei arrived at the place and saw Hu Yanqiu taking Sicui, and 11-year-old Hu Yanping selecting vegetables and washing meat.

"When did you come back?" Gu Siwei asked casually.

Hu Yanqiu said: "We have just come back not long ago. Let's see if the meat is okay?"

Hu Yanqiu said, picking up the meat in his hand and showing it to Gu Siwei.

Seeing the meat, Gu Siwei shook his head in his heart. There was no way. People now like to eat fat, so the meat in Hu Yanqiu's hands was 70% fat and 30% lean, which really made Gu Siwei not like it.

However, Gu Siwei didn't worry about these things. Anyway, he just rolled up his sleeves and started cooking if he had meat and vegetables.

When Gu Siwei made a move, the whole corridor was filled with fragrance, which made the people around him greedy. However, these people didn't know Gu Siwei, nor were they familiar with Hu Yanqiu, and Hu Yanming was not here, so no one would Living with a shy face.

You must know that eating a meal of meat is no small matter these days, and most people are too embarrassed to come over to eat it, so this meal is quite safe.

After finishing the meal, Gu Siwei put down his bowl and continued shopping with Sicui. As for the rest, Hu Yanqiu and Qiao Yi were naturally responsible for it.

After shopping around three o'clock, they bought some food for Sicui, and Gu Siwei and his sister went home.

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