Sicui has no education. The few words she knows were taught by Gu Siwei. Now she has only learned a few texts. Spring has arrived, the river has warmed and the ice has melted. A mother duck takes her little ducks. Swimming on the river.

This kind of text is mainly about literacy, not about literary skills. The most important thing is that children can understand and like it.

What Sicui sees now can't even be described as primary school culture, nor can it be described in college.

Sicui looked around eagerly, digesting what he saw.

While Sicui was watching the scenery, a group of monkeys were also looking at Sicui. They tilted their heads one by one and surrounded Sicui in the center. Some of the smaller ones curiously stretched out their hands to pull Sicui's clothes, but there was no When their little thieving hands reached Sicui, they were pulled back by their mother.

The monkeys didn't know the relationship between Gu Siwei and Sicui, but they instinctively knew that the small human child in front of them had a higher status than them all.

For this kind of thing, every monkey in the monkey group is sensitive, because if it does not have such ability, a monkey will not know how many times it will be beaten. Even a monkey that is not sensitive to status in the first place will be beaten after a few times. , will also become sensitive.


Some monkeys in the monkey group, in order to please Sicui, made a slight squeaking sound, trying to attract Sicui's attention.

But how could Sicui's eyes fall on monkeys now? Normally, she would definitely look at monkeys, but now she had this completely in her mind, which made her never even think about the place where she would live in the future. This kind of scenery was beyond the capabilities of her young mind. Think beyond all good things.

Sicui saw the house, and saw three tall wooden houses, one large and two small, standing in front of her sight. The thick logs were rough and heavy, and the top was almost fifty or sixty centimeters thick. thatch.

As a child who grew up in the village, Sicui knew that the thicker the thatch on the roof, the more insulating they are. With such a thick thatch, even in summer, as long as you stay in the house, it will be insulated. It won't feel too hot.

"Brother, brother, over that our house over there?"

Sicui raised her arm, pointed at the house, and asked Gu Siwei with a trembling tone.

Gu Siwei laughed and said: "Of course it's our house, otherwise it belongs to someone else. Don't hang around here. Let's go have a look at the house. You can also take a look at your room to see if you like it."

As he said this, Gu Siwei lifted the basket on his shoulder, stretched out his hand to hold Sicui's hand, and led her towards the house.

From the edge of the cliff to the house, there is still a small distance. Fortunately, the road is straight, almost one meter and three meters wide. The roadbed is made of compacted soil and gravel, and is paved with stone slabs of different sizes. In this case, even if Even when it rains, you can walk on it without getting your shoes dirty.

On one side of the road is a small canal about 60 centimeters long. The pool water flowing down from the mountain flows into the river through this canal.

There is also a small canal on the other side, but it is much smaller than the other one. Moreover, its water is not drawn from a pool, but from a larger canal. Every twenty meters away, there will be a stone. A small stone hole is formed through which the water in the big canal flows into the small canal.

Sicui walked and looked around. She felt that this kind of land could not be better. Although she was only ten years old, as a child in the village, Sicui had a better understanding of whether the land was good and what kind of land was good than Gu Siwei. Everyone knows how to cut it off.

Sicui looked at the ground, while Gu Siwei looked at Sicui. The little girl's expression now made Gu Siwei very satisfied, because at this moment, the little girl's face was completely filled with one sentence: Brother is so awesome. !

"Brother, why are there no crops in this land?"


The smile on Gu Siwei's face instantly disappeared.

With a thought, Gu Siwei said: "There is no way. I have been building a house these days, and I have not yet come to plant the land urgently. Another reason why the land is not planted is that there are no seeds. Really, all these lands are planted with that But it requires a lot of seeds, which amounts to more than twenty acres of land."

"Then you have to plant it, otherwise it will be a waste."

Sicui, a little person, said this like a little adult, as if if these fields didn't grow food, someone would use a knife to dig out her heart.

"Just wait a few days. It's too late to plant anything now. Let's plant something else..." Gu Siwei said.

Sicui thought for a while and said: "We can plant rice. Although it is a little late, but if we plant it now, as long as we are willing to work hard, we may be able to harvest it together with everyone. Even if it is late, it will not be too late for a few days. As long as it can be harvested before winter." Harvesting food means success."

"You know a lot," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Sicui replied: "I used to work outside with my aunt, helping others plant rice for several years...".

The aunt Sicui mentioned was the family where she was adopted. As for taking Sicui to work, that was for sure, because this family almost used Sicui as a servant, regardless of how young the child was. They can cook, cook, or do farm work. They can do anything. This is not because the children of the poor have become masters early, but because they are cautious and uneasy about living under someone else's roof.

"Okay, stop thinking about the past."

Gu Siwei reached out and patted Sicui's little head gently.

Sicui smiled and said: "No, I don't feel bitter. If it weren't for the bitterness before, maybe I wouldn't be able to live with my brother. I'm very happy."

"That's good, that's good. Okay, we're home." Gu Siwei signaled Sicui that we have arrived at our new home.

"Brother, which house do I live in?"

When Sicui saw one big house and two small houses, she thought she wanted to live in a small house, so she opened her mouth and asked Gu Siwei.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said: "Of course you live with me in the largest house. The small house here is my study and tea room, a place where I can read comfortably. That small house is a utility room. In winter, It can also be used to store firewood...".

"It's a pity that such a good house is used to store firewood." Sicui heard that such a good house was used to store firewood, and she was a little reluctant to part with it.

Gu Siwei said: "It's okay if you don't install firewood. Just install whatever you think is good. Come on, go in and take a look. Don't wait at the door. Go in and take a look at your room."

Gu Siwei brought Sicui to the door of the house.

There is a distance between the house and the ground, about five steps. The ground is raised, firstly to prevent moisture, and secondly for ventilation. Also, if there is a heavy rain, the rainwater can be washed directly into the ditch instead of accumulating in the ditch. Under the house, in short, Gu Siwei thought of everything he could think of.

There is also a small corridor in front of the big house, which almost extends out of the wall for about two meters. The corridor does not extend to the entire front, but half of it. It closes about three meters from the door, forming a door about six meters wide and two and a half meters wide. Enter the porch.

The corridor is covered and you can change your shoes at the door. There is a shoe cabinet next to the entrance door.

The entrance door is not the kind of door commonly used in the countryside today. It is a solid piece of wood. This entrance door is embedded with glass. From the outside, you can see the living room inside through the glass.

There is also a cloth curtain on the back of the door. When it is pulled up, the outside cannot see inside.

This kind of door is rare not to mention in the village, even in the countryside. No one would make the front door of their home like this.

But what Gu Siwei did, made Mu Ke Leng, who was originally Mao Zifeng, more or less have an American country style, which is simple, practical and smooth, without too many decorations, revealing a natural and simple beauty.

Gently open the door. The door does not use door couplings, but uses the old-fashioned method. There are axle sockets on the top and bottom of the door. The two solid wood axes protruding from one side of the door click into the axle sockets. With a push, the door and axle will move. The friction between the nests will produce a soft squeaking sound.

It sounds charming, but this is what the doors connected by door joints don't have.

The living room is large and bright. There was nothing there originally, but now it seems even bigger and empty.

"It's such a big, bright house. It's so beautiful. Brother, you are so awesome. You did all this?..."

At this moment, Sicui felt that her eyes were not enough. She looked at the things in the house greedily. In Sicui's view, this house was not a house at this moment. This was a palace that she could not imagine. For Sicui, even the former emperor Lao Son, I'm afraid that the most I can do is live in a house like this.

"It's a bit empty now. I haven't collected all Mr. Zheng's things yet. If I did, it would be more beautiful here." Gu Siwei put down the backpack on his back, put it on the ground casually, and started talking to Sicui.

Gu Siwei originally planned to make several pieces of furniture in the living room by himself, but after making them, he found that they were not very aesthetically pleasing, and the five big and three thick ones did not look good, so he asked Zheng Youcai to make them. The pictures were naturally drawn by Gu Siwei.

In the living room near the large lattice window, Gu Siwei planned to place a bamboo woven sofa for three people, with a larger coffee table in the middle. The surface of the coffee table was made of solid wood, the kind of hardwood that is difficult to scratch. The four corners of the lower legs were decorated with woven bamboo. A bamboo mat or something.

Anyway, for this set of living room furniture, Gu Siwei prepared two single bamboo woven chairs, a three-person bamboo sofa, and a large solid wood coffee table in the middle.

As for the TV cabinet background wall, forget about it. Do you still want to watch TV in this place for decades?

When it was time to watch TV, Gu Siwei felt that the house had to be rebuilt, and everything he thought about now was almost in vain.

There is no kitchen in the house, and there is no shortage of land in the countryside. Gu Siwei would not be stupid enough to build the kitchen in the house. The main reason is that Gu Siwei is afraid of cleaning. When the oil fumes come together, the whole kitchen will be visible after a long time. , throw it directly outside the house. Anyway, in winter, it can't be like tens of degrees below zero in the Northeast. The weather here is more than ten degrees, just use a curtain to block it. What kind of meat is not cooked well enough?

Therefore, although the house is large, it does not have a kitchen, which saves some space. It has three bedrooms and two living rooms, and now it has become three bedrooms and one living room, but each space is much larger.

"Sicui, stop hanging around outside and come in and take a look at your room."

Gu Siwei pushed open Sicui's room to the west. Gu Siwei lived in the east room, so naturally Sicui could only live in the west room.

There was another room to the north, but the sunlight in this room was not very good, so Gu Siwei did not let Sicui live in it.

Of course, the lack of sunlight is compared with this house. If compared with the houses in the village, even the house in the north is brighter than all the houses in the village put together.

"Is this...really? It's my room. Why is there a door?"

Sicui stood at the door with her chin almost falling to the ground. Today was so exciting for her. It was like a country girl entering the big capital for the first time. She felt that everything was unimaginable, like a wildfire. A dream, a dream that she didn't want to wake up from.

However, for Gu Siwei, the house was good, but it was not astonishing. The explosion of information decades later made Gu Siwei, a poor man, have a much better vision.

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