The house was built by Gu Siwei. He naturally had no interest in looking around like a curious baby like Sicui. He left Sicui to look at the room and asked her to pack her clothes in her room. , and he started cooking.

When I was in the village, I would eat good food in secret, for fear that others would smell the fragrance. If someone really smelled the fragrance, the adults would not say anything, and a group of children would block the door. Then you Still want to eat?

It’s really not that Gu Siwei is so stingy that he can’t bear to part with the things in his pocket, but if you feed them to other people’s children, it doesn’t matter how good you are. Guan Jian is that some people don’t know how good you are. Not only do they not know how to read you, You're so nice, maybe I'll tell you something if I encounter you.

This is fatal.

Although it did not happen to Gu Siwei, Gu Siwei could not but believe what Wu Meiling said, and he did not dare not believe it. In this era, it was common for a wife to expose her husband and a son to report me, let alone people who were not related by blood.

It's fine now. There has been no one else here for ten years, so Gu Siwei naturally eats and does whatever he wants, so he can do it with confidence and boldness.

Moving to a new house today, I have to prepare four or five dishes. Although I and Sicui are the only ones at home, we can't meet these specifications!

First wash the rice and use a steel pot, but it is not the aluminum pot that is popular now, but a serious impermeable steel. Gu Siwei made a small rice stew pot using a machine in the factory. One pot of rice costs about four or five dollars. Although the food is enough for two people now, Gu Siwei still made it for almost five people.

People eat some, and the monkeys also share some rice balls. The remaining rice is stir-fried with eggs in the evening, and paired with the leftover vegetables from lunch, and it can be a meal.

As for the dishes, it’s even easier. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes can be counted as one plate, green pepper eggs can also be placed on the table, and braised eggplant can also be counted as one. As for the main dishes, of course it is fried pheasant, and finally there is a vegetable soup. These few dishes are enough for the Siwei brothers and sisters to make.

After making the calculation in his mind, Gu Siwei started to do it.

Gu Siwei built the stove himself with mud and adobe bricks. There are two pot holes, one large and one small. The small one can hold a wok, and the big one is a large iron pot from the countryside. The two pot holes are in the middle and close to each other. There is a small stove for cooking in the chimney, which is just big enough to hold Gu Siwei's self-made steel pot, which can be used for both cooking and boiling water. One pot can be used for both purposes.

The chimney made of iron sheets is about two meters high and extends diagonally from the roof of the pot house to the outside. It can prevent rainwater from pouring into the chimney and saves the need to open an opening at the bottom of the shed to pass through the chimney.

Gu Siwei grew all the vegetables himself. Since the villagers divided the fields into households, the crops Gu Siwei had seen suddenly became more abundant. He originally thought about rice seeds and cucumber seeds that he had been looking for for a long time but could not find. They sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

It’s not that the folks in Shimo Village were thieves, and they had to hide these things tightly, but that no one really had them before. After the land was distributed, each household started a relationship. This one took some from his uncle’s house. , which is more convenient from the aunt's house, every family does this, and the seeds in the village naturally become richer.

This is naturally convenient for Gu Siwei. Although he does not have a good relationship with everyone in the village, many villagers still miss the things that Gu Siwei gave him before, so as long as they are vegetables that are available in the village, Gu Siwei has them.

Now, these are the things growing in the small vegetable garden about three-thirds of the way to the east.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are not very good, mainly because Gu Siwei is not good at taking care of them and is too lazy to water the space. Anyway, if you plant them, they will grow naturally. What grows will be successful, and failure to grow will not matter. Compared with Sicui's small vegetable garden in the old house, that What a difference.

After washing the rice, I added about a knuckle's worth of water and put the deep-bottomed pot directly on the stove.

Just as he was preparing to cook, Sicui ran out of the house.

"Brother, why didn't you ask me to cook?" Sicui asked quickly.

Gu Siwei was sitting on the stove behind the stove when he heard Sicui say with a smile: "I see you are busy, and I don't need you to make a pot. I haven't done anything here yet."

Sicui was not happy anymore and stretched out her hand to pull Gu Siwei away from the small bench. While pulling her, she said: "From now on, the job of cooking the pot will be mine. You can't compete with me."

"Okay, okay, the job of cooking the pot is yours." Gu Siwei stood up happily and gave up the position of cooking the pot to his sister.

Sicui sat down and started to add a handful of dry straw to the bottom of the stove. Kiss the straw in the middle, put the two ends together into the stove, put some finger-thick twigs on the straw in a tic shape, and waited for the twigs to be arranged. After that, he picked up the match, lit the fire, and stared at the flames in the stove.

The fire soon started. When the fire started, Sicui added large pieces of firewood to the stove. Soon the fire became more and more intense, and the pot became hotter and hotter.

Gu Siwei is beating eggs.

It's not the eggs of domestic chickens, but wild eggs. It's not the wild eggs that are delicious, but the domestic eggs. Gu Siwei hasn't found one yet. There are domestic chickens in the village, but now they are big ones and they are running around naked. They are far away. It's not time to lay eggs yet, so the eggs Gu Siwei eats now are wild eggs.

In fact, wild eggs taste good. The only drawback is that they are small. You need at least seven or eight eggs to make scrambled eggs.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Gu Siwei beat the eggs with one hand and knocked them into the bowl one by one.

Sicui looked a little distressed, and while lighting the fire, she said to her brother: "Brother, our family has fallen into a henhouse, cracking eggs like this."

"It really fell into the chicken coop. Did you see it? I'm going to build a chicken coop over there. When the time comes, we can eat chickens, chickens, and eggs," Gu Siwei said cheerfully.

The eggs went into the bowl and the egg liquid was opened. Gu Siwei put the bowl on the stove, opened the big pot and stretched out his hand to try it. He felt the temperature in the pot was rising, so he scooped a spoonful of oil and poured it along the edge of the pot. Put it in.

As soon as the oil entered the pot, small oil bubbles formed, and the temperature of the oil also increased.

Feeling that it was almost done, Gu Siwei poured the egg liquid in the bowl into the pot. After the raw egg liquid meets the hot oil, it quickly begins to condense into a golden egg skin.

Gu Siwei flipped the spatula and heard a swishing sound. The egg skin turned into egg slices of almost the same size.

Pushing the egg skin aside, Gu Siwei thought about putting the tomatoes into the pot, but with a shake of his hand, he put the green peppers directly in.

"I'll go, I put it in the wrong place," Gu Siwei said.

After hearing this, Sicui stretched out her head and glanced into the pot: "What's wrong? Did you put the salt wrong?"

"I put the green pepper in the wrong place." Gu Siwei didn't want to change it at the first glance. He changed the scrambled eggs from tomatoes to scrambled eggs with green peppers.

"What were you planning to speculate on?" Sicui asked curiously.

Gu Siwei replied: "I'm going to fry tomatoes, but it seems I can only mix them with sugar."

"I like tomatoes mixed with sugar," Sicui said quickly.

Gu Siwei replied to her: "You like to eat everything, and I will support you in everything you do."

"That's because my brother's cooking is delicious," Sicui laughed.

The scrambled eggs with green peppers were put on the plate, and the next step was to add heavy oil, because eggplant eats oil, and Gu Siwei likes to braise eggplants in heavy oil, so this time he directly added two frying spoons of oil. After heating the pot, add oil to the eggplants. It makes a sizzling sound when the pot is being heated.

Sicui stretched her head to look at the aroma wafting from the pot, and kept swallowing her saliva.

"Want to eat?"

Gu Siwei directly took a chopstick of scrambled eggs with green pepper and brought it to Sicui's mouth.

She opened her mouth to eat the food that Gu Siwei brought over, and Sicui chewed it happily.

"How's it going? Is the oil, salt and so on okay?" Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui nodded while humming: "It's delicious. It would be better if there is a bowl of rice. The green pepper is spicy and the egg is fragrant. If you pair it with rice, it's really worth it."

"You are too cheap, a god. Just a scrambled egg with green peppers. Also, eat less staple food such as rice. Our main focus is on eating vegetables. Don't forget."

Gu Siwei started to talk to the girl about eating.

"It would be a pity not to eat with such good food, and if you eat too much food, you won't be full." Sicui was a little doubtful of her brother's statement.

Gu Siwei opened his mouth and said: "That's because you didn't eat the vegetables hard. In fact, eating vegetables makes you fuller."

Gu Siwei hated Sicui's idea. Of course, it was normal for everyone to have such an idea under the current conditions. Let alone eating vegetables and eating meat, it was already luck for people to have enough to eat, so they dared to choose A pick-and-roll? If I knew you were picky about food, I would probably break a few belts at home.

After stewing the eggplant, Gu Siwei started frying the chicken.

"Brother, when did you kill the chicken?"

Sicui was a little curious.

Gu Siwei said: "I killed it last night, but it's still quite fresh."

"It looks quite fresh." Sicui looked up.

These days, Sicui eats a lot of pheasants. There is no way to live up to Siwei's reputation as a 'legendary hunter'. What's the point of Sicui not being able to eat chickens?

Sicui not only eats chicken often, but also eats good parts, such as chicken breasts, chicken legs, and wing tips. Anyway, as long as it is not a whole chicken, Sicui has never seen chicken necks and chicken butts.

If you eat chicken often, you will naturally know whether the meat is fresh or not. But now Sicui looked at the chicken nuggets in her brother's basin and felt as if they were freshly killed.

Sicui had no doubt that she was full of admiration for her brother. The girl felt that her brother was the most amazing person in the world and nothing was strange about him.

Gu Siwei’s method of stir-frying chicken was learned from videos. Of course, it is the method of Internet celebrities decades later. Now Gu Siwei’s craftsmanship has not reached the level of the future. The main deficiency is in the sauce. In a few decades, these things will be able to I can buy it online, but where is the Internet at this time, so the sauce has to be replaced with soy sauce or something.

The taste is a little off, but at this time, you should be slapped if you are picky about the chicken you can eat!

When the oil in the pot was so hot that it started to smoke, Gu Siwei put the chicken pieces into the pot. The chicken suddenly made a sizzling sound when it hit the hot oil.

When the chicken is put into the pan, don't rush to fry it. Instead, wait for the oil to stir-fry the chicken until it is set.

After one side of the chicken is set, turn it over and fry the other side. Don't rush at this time. Be sure to fry the chicken until both sides are slightly golden.

Wait for the chicken to be fried, push the chicken aside, use the oil in the pot, and add the oil used to fry the chicken to sauté the ingredients until fragrant. At this time, green peppercorns and Sichuan peppercorns can be added to the pot. After the ingredients are fragrant, Start stir-frying with the chicken.

At this time, every time the spoon is turned, the aroma of the chicken will become stronger. In the end, not only Sicui started to swallow his saliva, but also a bunch of monkeys stretched their heads around the pot, looking at Gu Siwei's fried chicken.

"Hey, the only shortcoming is beer. It would be nice if I could have some beer." Gu Siwei looked at the chicken in the pot and was a little dissatisfied. It lacked sauce and beer. The fried chicken really did not satisfy Gu Siwei completely.


Sicui swallowed: "Brother, why do I think what you did this time is so tempting?"

"It used to be fried, but now it's freshly fried, so the taste is naturally different. Okay, take out the fire in the stove and we're ready to eat."

Gu Siwei stretched the spatula into the pot, scooped up a piece of chicken, looked at it, and then brought it to Sicui: "Taste it to see if it's cooked?"

Sicui happily accepted this task, and after eating, she couldn't help but nod at Gu Siwei: "It's cooked, it's cooked, it's so delicious."

"Let's eat, let's eat"

Gu Siwei laughed.

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