Life In DXD

Chapter 124 - Question

Kokabiel who was now panting heavily glared at Tatsuya and said, "You, You filthy Human how dare you do that to me!!" and fired several light spears at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya who saw the spears coming towards didn't even moved and used his psychic powers to crush the spears themselves making Kokabiel shocked.

Tatsuya then looked at Kokabiel with a cold expression and said, "Finished already?"

Kokabiel glared at him and gritted his teeth. He himself knew that he cannot beat Tatsuya but his ambition to start the new war made him unable to runaway.

He then started a lot of light spears and swords around him and started firing them at without even aiming.

Tatsuya looked at Kokabiel and thought, 'So he finally lost the ability to think rationally.' and started to dodge the spears and swords while also sending some of his attacks in Kokabiel's direction.

Kokabiel also started to dodge the attacks but was not able to dodge all of them and was heavily injured and severely bleeding. He then looked at Tatsuya with a glare but suddenly his glare turned into a smile.

Seeing his smile Tatsuya got confused but immediately understood what happened and frowned. He then turned around and saw a lot of attack heading towards the devils. He was not that much worried about the devils as they were able to dodge the attacks or run away but the thing that worried him was Irina who was still unconcious.

He immediately teleported in front of the group destroyed a light spear heading towards Akeno and formed a barrier in front of him blocking the attacks.

He looked at Akeno and asked, "Are you fine?"

Akeno, whose eyes were shut with fear slowly opened her eyes and blinked in surprise. She then looked at Tatsuya who was looking at her and blushed and immediately said, "Yes, I am fine, Thank you for saving me."

Tatsuya nodded his head in response and then looked at the devils and said, "What the hell are you all still doing here? Just run away."

Sona was about to answer but Rias beat her to that and said, "We are not going we will fight him as well. Of he succeeds then the whole town will be destroyed."

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Just run away you will only get in the way."

He then walked towards the unconcious Irina and then held her in her arms and then moved towards Koneko and said, "Take her and make sure that she remains safe."

Koneko nodded and took Irina from Tatsuya's hands. Isami then came forward and said, "Is there anything that we can do?"

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Just run away for now and if possible clear any stray fallen angels and exorcists in the way."

All of them nodded and Tatsuya looked back at Kokabiel and immediately his eyes widened in shock only to turn into a glare, "That idiot"

All of them who saw that got confused and looked in the direction and saw Rias flying in the sky attacking Kokabiel with her power of destruction.

Kokabiel who saw that smirked and thought, 'I just need to kill her and my work is finished.' and fired a huge light spear towards Rias which pierced through the Power of destruction she fired easily and started heading towards Rias.

Rias who saw that the spear coming towards her got shocked and thought, 'My pride still came in the way.' and closed her eyes waiting for the spear end her life.

The spear was getting closer and closer to Rias and Kokabiel was getting excited by each second. But just when the spear was a metre away from Rias Tatsuya came in front of the spear and slapped it away.

Rias who didn't feel the pain she was expecting opened her eyes and saw Tatsuya's back.

She was about to say something but Tatsuya turned around and slapped her making all the people who were watching the scene surprised.

Rias who was holding her cheek which was Now red was surprised as well and then slowly turned her head to look at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya looked at her with an expressionless face and said, "You do know why I slapped you, right?" but Rias didn't said anything and just remained silent.

Tatsuya's expression didn't change at all and he then said, "If not then let me tell you. That guy is here to start a war and the only way that he would be able to will be killing one of the sisters of a maou." Rias still silent and didn't said anything.

Tatsuya looked at her for a while and then said, "Stop being a bother and just get away from here. The war is the last thing that I want to happen. Think about your faults later." He then cast a genjutsu on her and made her unconcious.

Tatsuya then took her and put gave her to the others and said, "Get her out of here as well."

They all nodded and then took Rias away and stood somewhere in the back.

Tatsuya then heard some noise and saw Kiba and Xenovia fighting with Freed who was holding a sword which he thought to be the combination of the two holy swords. He also noticed that Kiba had awakened his balance breaker and was holding the holy demonic sword while Xenovia was holding the Durandal.

Tatsuya looked at Kiba and said, "So you finally made the decision."

Kiba who heard him turned his head and looked at him with a determined expression and said, "yes, I will not let the strength that my friends have given me go to waste."

Tatsuya gave a small smile and said, "Slice him apart." Kiba nodded his head and said, "Ah, don't worry about that I am in a much more hurry than you to do that." and then launched towards Freed.

Tatsuya then looked at Kokabiel who was now barely recognisable but he could feel immense killing intent aimed at him. Seeing that Tatsuya smirked and said, "Is that all. You were going to start a war with only that much strength?"

Kokabiel gritted his teeth and was about to say something but before he was able to his right hand and leg were cut off.


Tatsuya who was now in the air was holding his missing hand and leg then said, "Now all your left side is blank. No wings on the left, no hand on the left, no leg on the left. You are now a completely "right" person." and showed am innocent smile to him.

Kokabie who saw his smile glared at Tatsuya and said, "Why the hell I, a great fallen angel, is being humiliated by the likes of a human."

Tatsuya looked at him with a wondering expression and said, "Ho, you think that you are superior to a human. Then Mr. superior what if I give you a chance."

Kokabiel looked at him intently and asked, "What chance?"

Tatsuya then said, "I will ask you a question and if you are able to answer it I will no longer torture you and will give you a painless death."

Kokabiel who heard the deal wanted to tell at him but thinking about his condition he gulped his saliva and asked, "And what if I am unable to answer it."

Tatsuya looked at him with a cheerful expression and said, "I will heal you back to your original condition and will again make you a "right" person."

Hearing the deal all the people looked at him with a deadpan look and all had the same thought, 'Damn sadist'

Tatsuya then said, "Now let's begin. Here is the question."

All the eyes were set on him and they were wondering what question Tatsuya was going to ask. Kokabiel was also worried and silently sent a signal to call his troops.

Tatsuya who noticed that didn't do anything as he knew only a handful of them were left in the town and they would be soon killed by his team.

Tatsuya then gave a fake cough and said, "so my question is- There is a person whose eyes are covered by hair, tell me what role is he playing? Your options are - a mob character, a hentai protagonist or a person who is enraged because the enemy pissed him of."

There was complete silence in the surrounding no one was making any movement and were staring at Tatsuya with a surprised expression on their faces with their mouths open wide.

Tatsuya noticed that the surrounding around him suddenly turned silent and looked around. He then noticed their expression. Even Kiba whose sword was piercing through Valper's stomach was looking at him with the same expression.

Tatsuya then looked at Kokabiel and said, "Hurry up and answer. I don't have all day?"

Kokabiel was twitching his lips when he heard that and was looking at Tatsuya with a hateful expression.

The devils who were looking at him also twitched their lips and thought, 'He is very shameless'.

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