Life In DXD

Chapter 125 - Answer

After Tatsuya said that all the eyes were at Kokabiel and noticing all the gazes at him Kokabiel started sweating and got nervous.

Kokabiel then lowered his head said hesitatingly, "I-I-It's o-o-one of those p-p-protagonists in those animated videos who do 'that'" and covered his face with his only hand with a blush on his face.

Seeing him acting like that all the people who saw him were grossed out and had an unpleasant look on their faces.

Tatsuya somehow regained his calm and said, "W-w-what is the answer say it clearly, and STOP ACTING LIKE A MAIDEN"

Kokabiel who heard that became even redder and started shivering and said, "L-l-like I said, it's one of those animated videos in which the guy does s-s-se- AH!! NO DON'T MAKE ME SAY SUCH VULGAR WORDS!!!"

All of them got creeped out and then took a step back.

Tatsuya placed a hand on his chest and started taking deep breaths and startedmuttering, "calm down Tatsuya just think that you never saw that. Just imagine yourself surrounded by your girls wearing cat ears yeah, just carres them them and pat them yes just do that."

Tatsuya them again got calm somehow and said, "Listen if you are going to answer vaguely then I will give you the punishment right now and you will die."

Hearing that Kokabiel got scared and looked at Tatsuya and said, "Hey I answered you, I said that it is the protagonist of 'those' animated videos."

Tatsuya then said, "Animated videos as the ones called anime."

Kokabiel immediately refuted and said, "No no no, the protagonist of anime don't have such eyes. There eyes are clearly visible and they become strong by poking on b.r.e.a.s.ts."

Hearing that Tatsuya's eyes widened and he became silent. He got shocked by the thing that Kokabiel just said and didn't knew how to respond to it.

Seeing that Tatsuya was silent Isami came forward and said, "That's no anime, that must be some sort of hentai there are no protagonists in anime who become strong by doing that."

This time Tatsuya looked at Isami with a weird look on his face and then thought, 'If only you knew Isami, if only you knew.' He then gave a tired sigh and said, "Well le-"

Before he was able to finish speaking Xenovia interrupted him and said, "Quit wasting time and just kill him." and jumped at Kokabiel with her Durandal in her hand and slashed at Kokabiel.

Tatsuya who saw that looked at her with a deadpan expression and said, "And here goes the muscle head."

Kokabiel who saw the girl coming at him got alert and caught her sword with his hand and glared at her and said, "Do you think that I am at that level that you can defeat me."

Suddenly an evil grim formed on his face and said, "Well anyway thanks for buying time for me. You were atleat somewhat helpful."

He then took out a vial filled with some green liquid inside it and thought, 'I don't want to use it but this is my only choice.' and then opened the lid and then drank the contents in it.

Tatsuya who saw him bring out the vial was somewhat curious to know what the thing was and didn't stop him.

Once Kokabiel drank that veins started popping out on his body and his muscles started enlarging.

Xenovia who saw that jumped back and said, "What is happening?"

Tatsuya who was looking at Kokabiel nonchalantly said, "Kokabiel is going to mega evolve to mega Kokabiel"

All of them looked at him for a while and then looked back at Kokabiel.

Soon Kokabiel started started screaming at the top of his voice and started to emit some sort of light.

Again Xenovia said, "Now what is happening to him?"

And this time too Tatsuya nonchalantly said, "Now he is turning into Super Saiyan 3"

All of them once again looked at Tatsuya once again but soon looked back at Kokabiel.

Kokabiel who was done with his shouting and all soon stop emitting the glow and was revealed to the others with a major change in his appearance.

His whole body was now completely black with three eyes on his face one being at the centre of the forehead and his severed limbs were now regenerated somehow.

Tatsuya looked at him with an unintrested gaze and asked, "So what was in that vial cause I can feel some devil energy in you now?"

Kokabiel looked at Tatsuya with a wide grin on his face and said, "it's one of results of the experiments that some of my underlings were working on. It consists of the DNA of many of those shitty devils."

Tatsuya who was still looking at him with a neutral expression said, "So you decided to rely on some devils when you were in deep shit. Well pretty low for someone who wants to start the war with the three factions."

Kokabiel snorted and said, "Don't spout nonsense. I am the one who is grossed out the most. To think that I, Kokabiel who fought the great war would have to rely on the devils. This is very humiliating for me."

He then looked at Tatsuya and said, "But given the circ.u.mstances that I am in, this is the only way by which I can survive to start the war."

Tatsuya looked at him normally for a while when suddenly a grin appeared on his face and he said, "Do you think that you can defeat me with that. Well you are free to try on blckey Kokoballs."

Kokabiel's grin widened and he said, "Oh I will kill you but before that-" he suddenly blocked Xenovia again who tried to slash him with her Durandal and said, "You should not interrupt men when they are talking to eachother."

Tatsuya snickered and said, "Says the one who was acting like a maiden just a second ago."

But Kokabiel ignored him and said to Xenovia, "You truly are brave. To fight me even after your master is dead. Truly admirable."

All of them who heard then got surprised and Xenovia said, "What do you mean by that?"

Kokabiel who heard that question said, "Oh, how could I do such a mistake, to let it slip out. Well whatever it doesn't matter. The truth is-"

Just as he was about to say anything further a bram of energy was fired at him and half of his body was immediately destroyed.

All of the people got shocked and looked at the source of the attack and saw Tatsuya whose hand was aiming at Kokabiel's direction and then he said, "Don't go ahead and spread information that is not needed."

But soon Kokabiel's body erupted in flames and he started healing. Kokabiel that grinned maniacally and said, "The power of the Phenex clan is really great."

He then looked at Tatsuya and said, "So you already know Huh, well don't you think that it is unfair to knot let the others know about the things that we do."

He looked at Tatsuya with the same grin and started laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

All the people then looked at Tatsuya and then asked, "What the hell is he talking about Tatsuya?"

Before Tatsuya was able to answer Kokabiel said, "What I am talking about is, during the great war it was not only the Satans who died but the God of the Bible died as well." and again started laughing.

All the people there except for Tatsuya, Miyuki, Kurumi and Isami got shocked. They were not able to believe what Kokabiel said and were completely speechless.

Suddenly all of them heard a voice and turned their head only to find Asia on her knees who was being supported by Miyuki.

Seeing the shock on their faces and Asia's condition Kokabiel started to laugh even louder but suddenly stopped when he felt a huge amount of pressure on his body and so was the case with the others.

All of them then turned towards Tatsuya and saw him looking coldly at Kokabiel while he was unconsciously releasing his power.

He then looked at Kokabiel and said with a cold voice, "I guess you don't understand it the easy way-" and suddenly Kokabiel was blown away by some invisible force.

Tatsuya then suddenly appeared behind Kokabiel and grabbed his head and said with the same cold voice, "the be prepared to learn it the hard way, and I promise it will make you feel that death would be a boon" and crushed his neck with his bare hand.

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