Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 107 Kick you out directly! (4000 words)

When he heard the screams of men and women coming from upstairs.

Tamura Koji really wanted to rush up to check the situation.

But when he thought of the words that Kita Sumire told him not to follow him before he went upstairs.

Tamura Koji took back the steps he wanted to take and paced back and forth anxiously downstairs.

He raised his head from time to time.

Kita Sumire. Are you really okay?

Although I didn't hear Kita Sumire's voice.

But who knows, those two guys might be torturing poor Kita Sumire at this moment.

After all, Kita Sumire is just an 8-year-old child.

Even compared to ordinary shoujo, Kita Sumire is incredibly mature.

But how can he face two adults with ease?

"Could it be that Kita Sumire is being tortured back and forth by those two guys now?"

As a member of the industry.

Tamura Koji has seen many unscrupulous parents of shoujo torment their children.

That is real torture.

In the guise of parents.

Force the servants to do things they don't want to do.

They even punish them with oak sticks that won't leave scars on the body.

Not just physically.

Mentally, they also use words like "I'm doing this for your own good", "You've grown up, isn't it your duty to be filial to your parents?", "Mom and Dad have been saving money for you for a long time".

Many servants are like this, and their parents have destroyed their innocence.

Tamura Koji is worried whether this will happen to Kita Sumire.


He can't stand it anymore.

Kita Sumire's words are indeed right most of the time.

But this is a special case.

No matter what Kita Sumire says afterwards, he has to go up and see the specific situation.


"Hmm? Tamura-san?"

A childish voice sounded, causing Tamura Koji to stop.

He looked up and saw Kita Sumire coming down the rusty iron handrail stairs with an innocent smile on her face.


Looking at Kitazai-san's face as if nothing had happened, Tamura Koji standing at the bottom of the stairs was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't help but walk over and ask:

"Kitazai-kun, are you okay?"

"Oh. I'm fine."

Kitazai-san smiled and replied.

"Are you okay?"

Tamura Koji raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but look up at the room upstairs, and said in an uncertain tone:

"But I seemed to hear the screams of a man and a woman just now?"

"It was probably the sound of the TV. Just now they turned up the volume of the TV quite loudly, watching a horror movie."


What Kitazai-san said made sense, but Tamura Koji felt something was wrong.

If it was the sound of the TV, he was so far away just now, the audio of the TV should be a little distorted.

But the voices of the man and the woman just now were so sharp that they sounded like a live broadcast.

It didn't sound like the sound coming from the TV speakers at all.

He wanted to continue asking, but Kitasumi Shi waved his hand, pouted his mouth, and looked like he was blaming.

"Compared to that, why did you come up directly, Tamura-san? Didn't we agree before? We'll go back together after I finish my business."

"Oh, that."

Tamura Mitsuji coughed dryly.

He didn't do what he promised to the other party.

This is indeed not appropriate.

Especially since he is an adult, it would be even worse for the education of children if he doesn't keep his word.

So he apologized to the other party very frankly.

"I'm sorry, Kitasumi-kun, this is indeed my problem."

Fortunately, Kitasumi Shi over there didn't seem to want to pursue this issue.

He just smiled and waved his hand.

"Forget it, let's go back first."

"Go back?"

He looked at the room upstairs again. Although Tamura Mitsuji followed him, he still said: "Kitasumi-kun, have you talked to your mother?"

"Have you talked?"

Hearing this, Kitasumi Shi in front of him was obviously stunned.

He looked deeply at the room of Miharu Yukako behind him and answered like this.

"It's probably still a little difficult."

It hurts

It really hurts

There's no part of my body that doesn't hurt!

Damn it.

That little bastard! How dare he do this to me!

Just wait!

I'll make you pay!

I'll make you suffer!

Thinking like this.

Kato Makoto, with a bruised face and nose, barely stood up.

He barely grabbed the landline at the entrance and dialed 110 with difficulty.

At the same time, on the other side.

Iida Koichi, a police officer on duty at the Nerima-ku 3-chome Koban (police station), was tired of his unchanging life.

It has been like this since he graduated from the police academy.

The unchanging duty room.

The unchanging local patrol work.

The unchanging colleagues.

Everything is unchanging.

From waking up every day to the end of the shift at night, his work has not changed at all.

Although peace in the world is a good thing for policemen.

But this kind of life that can see the future at a glance is too tormenting for a young man like him who is only 25 years old.

He desperately wanted something to bring some excitement to his boring daily life.

There's no need for a case involving a dead person - that kind of big case is usually left to the criminal investigation team for investigation, and it's not the turn of policemen like him to worry about it.

All he needs is something like a petty theft, a fight or an injury that can mediate the investigation.

And this opportunity seems to be coming today.

When he picked up the phone, his voice was a little excited:

"Well, you're saying someone broke into your room and attacked you, right?"

"That's right!"

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be enduring the pain, his voice twitching.


This is it!

Iida Koichi, who felt that life was boring, became energetic.

"I'll go over and deal with it right away, but sir, could you please describe the appearance, age, and characteristics of the prisoner who attacked you over the phone first?"

"Appearance and age characteristics?"

Kato Makoto on the other end of the phone was in pain all over.

"Yes, for example, how old is he approximately, is he a boy or a girl, has long or short hair, what color is he wearing, and what is the murder weapon?"

As Iida Koichi spoke, he picked up a pen and prepared to record.

He is an enthusiastic person, and this is a rare case investigation record, so of course he is very caring.


Then his enthusiasm was extinguished.

Because he heard the other party's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Age. He should be about 7 or 8 years old. He has short hair. The murder weapon is a wooden knife like that used by junior high school or elementary school students."

"." Iida Koichi fell silent.

To be precise, he felt that his brain's CPU couldn't process this sentence.

Hiss. Why does this Japanese sound so strange?

Did you add 10 less in front of your age?

He couldn't help but ask: "You mean, an 8-year-old child armed with a wooden knife attacked you in front of your house?"

"Yeah, that's it. Can you come here quickly?! I'm in so much pain! It looks like my arm is broken."

The man's voice on the other end of the phone was already a little impatient, and he started urging me with a particularly bad attitude.

Iida Koichi sighed softly.


It’s rare to think that you have a job, only to meet someone like this.

An 8-year-old child holding a wooden knife can break an adult's hand. Where does Miyamoto Musashi come from?

Did you really fool him into thinking he was a fool?

Are these people now out of their minds when they report false police reports?

Who would believe this?

He felt speechless, but forced by his work process, he still asked:

"Sir, did you drink alcohol or take any psychotropic drugs before calling the police?"

"what do you mean?"

On the other end of the phone, Kato Makoto, who was expecting the police to come, was stunned for a moment.

"I don't mean anything else, sir, just making a routine inquiry."

"What is a routine inquiry?! Do you think I'm drunk or mentally unstable?!"

Kato Makoto turned red with anger and questioned Iida Koichi on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, sir, I now suspect that you made the call while in a state of confusion."

"Nonsense! I'm neither drunk nor mentally insane! Do you not believe me? Bastard!"

Kato Makoto finally couldn't hold himself any longer and let out an angry roar. His face turned purple with anger.

He originally planned to hold the money tree that was Kitami Minori in his hand, but ended up being beaten so hard that his whole body ached.

Forget it if it hurts.

I called the police and was insulted by the police!

No one can bear this, right? !

"Please calm down, sir. Can you repeat what you just said?"

What you just said?

Listening to Iida Koichi's voice, Kato Makoto, who was already filled with anger, thought about what he said.

"I was attacked by an 8-year-old child armed with a wooden knife."

"Yes. So sir, how old are you this year?"

Iida Koichi asked another question.


"A 27-year-old adult was attacked by an 8-year-old child and was beaten until his arm was broken?"


At this time, Kato Makoto, who was overwhelmed by anger, finally reacted.

He blushed and opened his mouth.

Apparently he was thinking about what stupid words he had just said.

An 8-year-old kid attacked a 27-year-old adult with a wooden knife?

If you say 'real sword', you may still be convinced.

But a wooden knife?

Anyone who can say this is either crazy or mentally disturbed.

Anyone would just think that he was drunk and made a false police report.


"Wait! Everything I say is true! Please believe me!"

Kato Makoto opened his mouth wide, he really didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

But the other party didn't give him a chance to continue talking.

"Sir, please stop harassing us. If you continue to pester us, we will arrest you for wasting police force."


The call was hung up.


Kato Makoto felt that his whole body was about to explode.

What he said is obviously the truth! It's obviously the truth!

But he couldn't help it yet.

After all, at the age of twenty-seven, he was beaten so hard by an eight-year-old that his bones were almost torn apart.

Who would believe this?

He could only eat shit and swallow it in his stomach.

Until he was carried into the ambulance by medical staff, Kato Makoto could still feel that he was having trouble breathing.

Beside him, Miharu Yukako also looked at him sideways.

Her eyes were full of frustration from being beaten suddenly.

One of them was so angry that his face turned purple, and the other's eyes were filled with resentment that his child dared to resist him.

This matter is not over!

It is definitely not over!

He and Miharu Yukako will never let go of Kitasumi Shi, the cash cow!

It just happened too fast just now!

They just didn't react!

As long as they are mentally prepared, it's just an eight-year-old child. No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for him to resist them.

They must get the custody of Kitasumi Shi.

When Kitasumi Shi really falls into their hands.

They must squeeze his surplus value!

Kitasumi Shibo actually didn't sleep for too long.

It's impossible to fall asleep so easily with a tense spirit.

So when Kitasumi Shi just pushed open the door.

Kitasumi Shibo's slender figure rushed over.

"What, what's up? Minoru-chan? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

With a swollen face, Kitasumi Ariha looked at Kitasumi Ariha with an uneasy look.

She has been worried since she heard Yamada Yuko tell her that Kitasumi Ariha went to ask for an explanation.

As for her worrying behavior.

Kitasumi Ariha couldn't help but smile and said in a teasing voice:

"Don't worry, Aunt Ariha, I've let you out of your anger, and you see, I'm fine, right?"

"This is different!"

Kitasumi Ariha, who is always weak and silent on weekdays, raised her voice.

She shook her head hard with inferiority and sensitivity.


This is different.

The heart of a child is delicate and fragile.

Not to mention facing a mother who once abandoned him.

Even with Kitasumi Ariha's maturity, he may have walked out of the shadow brought by his mother.

But Kitasumi Ariha didn't want to.

She didn't want to see Bei Chengshi get hurt in the slightest. Both physically and mentally.

For this reason

"It's just a beating. As long as Shi-chan is not hurt, it doesn't matter if a useless person like me gets beaten again."

She continued to make self-abuse remarks.

As long as Shi-chan can be protected, what does it matter if she abuses herself?


"Aunt Youbo is not a useless person in my eyes."


Bei Chengshi looked at Bei Chengshi blankly.

Bei Chengshi's black eyes, which never felt confused, were also looking at her.

"Aunt Youbo is the only one among many relatives who is willing to adopt me, and the only one who is willing to look at me squarely."


When the original owner was kicked back and forth by various relatives.

It was Bei Chengshi Youbo who stood up and expressed his willingness to adopt him.

Her back was trembling when she stood up. To be honest, it looked a little funny.

When facing the contemptuous eyes of various relatives, she spoke stumblingly, sweat oozing from her forehead, and she was in a mess.

But she still adopted him.

And held his hand with her trembling hands.

At that time.

Kitasumi Shi thought so.

Kitasumi Yuha is a good person.

But in this world, good people are always wronged.

But how can such a bullshit be true?

Good people deserve to be wronged?

If no one is willing to stand up for Kitasumi Yuha.

Then he will stand up for her!


"Leave the rest to me and Sister Yamada."

Kitasumi Shi comforted Kitasumi Yuha's fragile heart.

He knew.

Things are not over yet.

It's better to say that this has just begun.

It's just a beating.

Those two people will probably not give up.

But it doesn't matter.

Kitasumi Shi is very satisfied with his current life.

If Miharu Yukako still wants to extend her claws to his current life.

Then don't blame him for being ruthless.

Just kick her out!

Okay——Chapter 2 4000 words!

Thanks to Chunjun for the 100 Qidian coins! Thanks to ORphnoch for the tip! Thank you very much!

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