Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 108: Custody War! (4000 words)

In the Tokyo Island Hospital in Japan.

Lawyer Yoshihiro Seiji, who was carrying a stack of folders, explained while looking at the man and woman lying on the bed on the other side.

Finally, he pushed his glasses and concluded.

"In summary, due to the status of Miss Miharu Yukako as the first-order guardian, it is reasonable for you to ask Ms. Kitasumi for the custody of your biological son. This is also our advantage in family court disputes."

That's right.

No matter what, Miharu Yukako is Kitasumi's first guardian, and this is a fact that no one can change.

"See, it's true."

Miharu Yukako's face showed excitement, and she turned to look at Kato Makoto.

"Don't worry at all, even the lawyer said so, we will definitely get the custody of that damn kid! And the money he saved from filming!"

Her voice began to become excited.

She didn't call her own flesh and blood "son", but used the derogatory term "dead kid".

The voice was even more angry -her expression was a bit distorted. This is the same. The scene. "It can't be said that it is completely true."

Yoshiro Seiji shook his head: "After all, Miharu Yukako has been away from her son for more than half a year. If the other party uses the crime of abandonment as an excuse, it will put us in an unfavorable situation. In serious cases, we may even be sentenced."

Japanese laws are quite favorable to minors and the elderly.

Intentionally abandoning minors who are not capable of independent living, and adults who fail to fulfill their obligation to support them may even be sentenced.


"I suggest that we must insist that it is temporarily handed over to the other party for support."

Yoshiro Seiji continued without pausing.

"Since it is 'temporarily handed over to the other party for support', now that Miss Miharu has returned to Tokyo, it is natural for Ms. Kitasumi, as her aunt, to return the custody. In this way, she should be able to obtain custody in a logical manner."

The most important thing is--

"Miss Miharu Yukako, you said that, right?"


At this moment, Miharu Yukako is already thinking about how to squeeze Kitasumi's surplus value after getting it.

Hearing Yoshiro Seiji's voice, she raised her head strangely.

"." Jibai Shengsi frowned.

Although the most important thing for a lawyer is to serve clients and help them win the lawsuit.

But Sanchun Yukako seems not to care about her children, but is very interested in the money earned by her children.

This makes Jibai Shengsi unhappy.

But these trivial family affairs are not what he, a lawyer, needs to worry about.

As a lawyer, he only needs to collect the consulting fees and do his job well.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and pointed out the most critical point.

"Miss Sanchun, you told me before that Ms. Kita Cheng is a mental patient with severe social disorders, right?"

"That's right. That guy stays at home on weekdays, and doesn't dare to go out to see people, and doesn't even dare to look up and talk to others."

Speaking of Kita Cheng Youbo, Sanchun Youkako's expression is hateful.

The culprit of her current situation is undoubtedly Kita Cheng Youbo.

Originally, she only needed to find Kita Cheng Shi and adopt her back in the name of her biological mother.

It was because of Bei Cheng's trouble that she had to spend a lot of money to consult a lawyer and take the trouble to get back the custody that originally belonged to her.

She was obviously a useless woman who was troublesome when she died and an eyesore when she was alive. She didn't even dare to leave her room!

He actually wanted to fight with her!

Jibai Shengsi didn't care about Sanchun Yukako's thoughts.

He just knocked on the small table with a serious expression.

"This is the most critical point."

His voice did not stop.

"Adults with mental disorders or diseases are likely to be judged as guardians who are incapable of raising children in the family court."

"As long as we are sure that the other party is incapable of raising children, we are 90% sure to win this lawsuit!"

But at the same time, this also has risks.

"We don't have the psychological diagnosis case of the other party's psychologist."


Everything in the court requires evidence.

Without evidence, they can't fabricate for no reason.

"Don't worry about that, Lawyer Jibai."

Miharu Yukako laughed: "That guy, Kitamura Yuha, that useless woman, will never appear in this lawsuit."

As a former member of the Kitamura family, Miharu Yukako knew clearly the character of Kitamura Yuha.

Due to her social disability, she hesitated even when talking to her family.

If you put Kitachi Ariha in a convenience store or supermarket, she might feel frightened, nervous, or faint due to the crowds.

Not to mention attending court.

It would be better to say that if Beicheng Yuha attends the court, it will actually fulfill her wish.

Showing social difficulties in front of the judge, hemming and hawing, and being unable to say even half a sentence is ironclad evidence that cannot be ignored!

"I understand. If Miss Miharu is so sure, then let's follow this plan."

Jibai Shengsi nodded.

As an excellent lawyer, he could imagine that the other party's lawyer would definitely make a fuss about Miharu Yukako's abandonment of her six-month-old child.

But in the same way, he can also insist on Beicheng Youbo's mental disorder and inability to raise Beicheng Minoru.

The key to this lawsuit lies in the guardians of both parties

If one party is weak at this time and exposes its weaknesses

Then victory in this lawsuit will tip the balance to the other side.

Jibai Shengji thought so.

Then he vaguely heard the sound coming from outside the hospital building.

The noise grew louder and louder.

It was even transmitted directly to the downstairs.

"Miss Miharu, Mr. Kato, did you hear anything?"

He asked a little strangely.

"It seems to be coming from downstairs, right?"

Miharu Yukako and Kato Makoto obviously heard it too.

Even vaguely heard the angry shouts mixed with their names.

This made the two of them a little strange.

They barely raised their bodies and came to the window with Jibai Shengji.


And they saw it.

The crowd gathered under the hospital was very dark, and at a glance, there were about a hundred people.

"Save the child quickly!!!"

"Reject the unscrupulous mother who is greedy for her children's money!"

"Hand over Yukako Miharu and that man!"


There was a mixture of shouting and pushing.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

"What is this? What happened?!"

Looking at the excited crowd below.

Miharu Yukako and Kato Makoto couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The anger that just wanted to tear Kitaki Minori and Kitaki Ariha apart has now dissipated.

They were left in panic, their limbs trembling with fear.

Mainly, this posture is really scary.

The crowd below looked as if they were going to rush into the hospital and eat the two of them alive.

"." Yamada Yuko.

to be honest.

Looking at the great situation on the Internet, the Internet public opinion is "verbal and written" against Yukako Miharu and Makoto Kato.

As the lawyer hired by Kitami Minori, she should be happy.

After all, occupying the high ground on the Internet is equivalent to standing on the moral high ground.

It can, to a certain extent, put pressure on family court officials to make some concessions that are beneficial to them.


When I think about it, all this is just the result of a child who is no more than eight years old.

This somewhat shocked her, and even made her feel a little scary for no reason.


The person who caused the current massive online public opinion is Kitazumi Minoru.

As early as in the previous "Human Investigation" program, this eight-year-old child was like a prophet, leaving behind the tragic character of a son who was "abandoned by his mother".

And after encountering Miharu Yukako.

Kitazumi did not hesitate and directly disclosed on her personal homepage the ugly desire of her unscrupulous mother to make him, an eight-year-old, weak and helpless child, take responsibility.

There was even a video of him crying in front of Xun Ran at the end of the post.

in that video.

Kitaki Minoru didn't cry.

He just told his true story word by word, softly and with an extremely lonely expression.

His mother Miharu Yukako is a woman with mental illness such as bipolar disorder. Whenever she doesn't go her way, she will domestically abuse him with a wooden knife. At a young age, he had countless bruises and scars on his back.

After his father died, his mother abandoned him. Today, when his life gradually improved, his biological mother disrupted his peaceful life again.

"In the face of domestic violence, I am just a weak and powerless child with no ability to resist."


"Please help me! I want to live with my aunt!"

In the lens.

The eight-year-old screamed for help to everyone.

Under cool light.

His childish face is full of longing and hope, but also loneliness and confusion about the future.

The childishness and unfaltering innocence in the words.

Yamada Yuko, who was in charge of video shooting nearby, couldn't help but feel moved.

As an adult, she can clearly feel it.

All Kitumi Minoru's emotions, thoughts, and words are true.

That "help me" seems to be able to touch people's hearts.

This made her, an unscrupulous lawyer, feel a little distressed and wanted to go up and comfort her.


"Ah, Sister Yamada, how did you feel just now? Well. I think if a crying scene is used, the effect may be less effective. At this time, I still complain in silence. This kind of acting feels better, right?"

Well? ? ?

Looking at Kitasumi, who was full of sadness and sorrow just now, but now has a childish smile on his face, asking her how she feels.

Yamada Yuko swallowed her saliva and couldn't say anything for a moment.

The main thing is that everything just now was acting?

Is it really acting?

This. I can't tell at all!

She felt both fortunate and frightened for some reason.

Fortunately, Kitasumi is her partner, but the scary thing is that Kitasumi is only eight years old!

He is already like this at the age of eight.

When he grows up, who can guess what he thinks?


Looking at Kitasumi in front of her, Yamada Yuko grinned.

Yes, I always feel that you will be controlled by this child in the future, and there will be no room for resistance.

The key is that this is not over yet.

Kitasumi's methods are one after another.

After he posted this dynamic.

The relatively famous directors and screenwriters in the industry, such as Honma Fuhiko, Shimizuyama, Tanaka Kenzo, and Yotani Masayoshi, came out to spread it for him.

In addition, there are also the sub-actors Hosokawa Shibaizumi and Akiyama Shion who support him - even the sub-actor Matsuo Shizuka, who maintains her own "perfect personality", helped to spread support.

Among them, the one who made the most heated remarks was undoubtedly the original author of "Kengouden", Mayu Watanabe, who was already hot-tempered.

He directly sent a message on his personal account: "Such parents should be killed earlier! I stand on the side of Minoru-chan." The violent remarks.

The issue of children is a social hot spot.

So many people in the industry have fallen out, which has caused huge public opinion on the Internet.

Some people also dug up the "tragic sub-actor" foreshadowing that Kitasumi Minoru deliberately buried in "Human Investigation".

It's like a fuse.

Countless people stood up at this moment to criticize Miharu Yukako and Kato Makoto.

I wish I could strip the two naked and hang them on the pillar of shame.

Seeing all this is beneficial to my own development.

Even though Yamada Yuko, as a lawyer, has seen a lot of wind and rain, she couldn't help but secretly smack her lips at this moment.

Precocious is fine

But Kitasumi is no longer in the category of precocious, right?


Kitasumi is only eight years old.

How can he have more tricks than her?

She is obviously the unscrupulous lawyer!

She didn't know what to say.

But she will still do her job well.

Prepare the previous investigation materials.

Think about how to deal with the strategy of Miharu Yukako's lawyer.

Of course, the most important thing is——

"Kitasumi, are you really going to do this? Sue the other party in the family court?"

Yamada Yuko looked up and asked, a little surprised.

Kitasumi had asked her to investigate a lot of information a few months ago, and she was also fully prepared to deal with Miharu Yukako's arbitrary lawsuit.

Kitasumi didn't even think of waiting for the other party to ask Kitasumi Yubo for custody.

She actually proposed that she take the initiative.

Feeling the surprise in Yamada Yuko's eyes, Kita Sumi nodded without hesitation.

"Of course."

It's not like him to just passively take a beating in a fight.

Take the initiative!

When he gets the chance, he will use his fists and kicks to beat the opponent so hard that he can't tell which way is which. This is his style!

Chapter 1! There are still 4,000 words in Chapter 2! I'll take a shower and continue writing!

Thank you Zhaofu for the reward of 200 Qidian coins! Thank you very much!

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