Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 109 Let the judges of the court know what acting is (5400 words)

Chapter 109 Let the judges in the tribunal know what acting is! (5400 words)

Miharu Yukako tasted what is called "cyber violence" for the first time.

She just felt like she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

I'm really about to have a nervous breakdown.

While sleeping in bed, I could hear the angry crowd outside the hospital building.

When she goes out to use the toilet, the patients in the next ward will point at her.

Even if it's just a little bit.

The nurses were pointing at her behind her back, speaking with disdain and disdain. The number of wrong injections also increased exponentially - this was obviously intentional. She was clearly about to get the right injection several times, but her hand was crooked. , it stuck to other places, and the angle was ridiculous.

There were several times when Miharu Yukako was so angry that she jumped up and lost her temper.

All she got was a smile from the nurse, "Sorry, this is our work error, Miss Miharu." ’ a strange reply.

Rolling eyes, contempt, disdain.

From morning to night, and from night to morning.

Miharu Yukako couldn't even get a good night's sleep. The dark circles under her eyes were getting worse, her hair was messy, and her overall image had become extremely depressed.

She just felt like she was going to go crazy if she continued like this.

What was even more unacceptable to her was.

He obviously spent a lot of money to invite Jibai Shengsi.

The result may be due to reading public opinions on the Internet.

In the past two days, his attitude towards her and Kato Makoto has also visibly deteriorated.

Although it is still business on the surface, it is just 'business is business'.

Although there will still be discussions, we will basically leave when the point is reached and will never be sloppy.

This made Miharu Yukako almost mad.

If the fees had not been settled, the other party would have breached the contract and not be able to recover a penny. She would have kicked Jibai Shengsi away a long time ago!

The key is that what that brat said on the Internet is obviously false!

It’s all made up!

The so-called wooden knife domestic violence is even more nonsense!

It was obvious that she was the one who got beaten!

She also posted several clarification videos.

As a result, the video was just posted and was ridiculed by a group of people.

It was clear that Beicheng was really slamming the shit basin on her head.

But she could only swallow her anger and hold the shit basin up.

The sharp contrast and the unspeakable feeling of suffocation stuck in my chest, turning into a wave of depression.

She was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Some of her friends even called her specifically, and the voices on the phone were particularly disgusting, saying they wanted to sever ties with her.

I received a lot of death threats!

People around her, people outside her body, people who have heard her name before, people who have never heard her name

Even Kato Makoto was roasted on the fire by a bunch of people, saying that he was a good-for-nothing man who liked aunts in their thirties.

If this continues, her reputation will be ruined.

The key is that she has no choice but to watch the surrounding environment gradually deteriorate, feeling anxious and helpless.

It was as if the originally kind world suddenly became ferocious towards them.

I’ve heard of online violence.

But who has experienced such horrific online violence?

They lived in fear and fear every day, as if the two of them were going to be eaten alive in the next second.

According to ordinary people's thinking, at this time, you should also consider giving up your claim for custody rights.

After all, they have suffered so much.

But Miharu Yukako gritted his teeth.

She had sacrificed so much, suffered so much, and was about to succeed - how could she give up?

Think about it.

As long as I succeed this time, I won’t have to worry about not only the money for cigarettes, alcohol, and money for going out, but also the money to buy a house and a car!

She knows!

That’s how much money the top prostitutes in the industry can make!

She must live a good life!

No one can stop her!

And they say that the moment before dawn is the darkest, and she believes that she is in the darkest moment - it can't always be dark, right?

She thought so, and then received good news from Jibai Shengsi.

The other party actually sued her directly!

She was shocked at first, and then felt a little panicked.

Could it be that the other party had some way to make her lose the case and not get custody rights?

She immediately called Jibai Shengsi to discuss countermeasures with him.

Confront her insecurities.

Jibai Shengji, however, seemed very calm, and he spoke directly.

If Kitazumi Ariha really has a severe social disorder and mental illness as she said.

No matter what means the other party takes, it is impossible to win the case.

to be honest.

The most important thing in the custody battle depends on the ‘quality’ of the guardian.

Kitachi Ariha, who has severe social difficulties, does not qualify as a guardian in the eyes of the judge.

Even if Miharu Yukako is really a bad person.

She is also the child's mother and the legal first guardian.

Adding the two conditions together, there is no reason to lose the case.

These words are indeed very convincing.

Miharu Yukako relaxed and even felt a little lucky.

The other party's early prosecution gave her an opportunity!

She finally no longer had to bear the pressure from all parties and got custody as a matter of course!

Whether she can find a solution for the rest of her life - it all depends on this!

Her mood gradually became excited.

It was as if I had seen the moment when my dream of becoming a rich person came true.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Beicheng-kun, have you really decided to do this? As your current guardian, if she does not appear in court, it may have a great impact on our side."

Yamada Yuko put down the form at hand and frowned.

Of course she also considered the issues that Jibai Shengji had considered.

Custody ownership.

Much depends on the guardian's circumstances.

If Kitazumi Ariha, as the guardian, does not appear in court.

It is equivalent to marching to fight, and one's own generals escape before the battle.

Although she, the lawyer, can represent the client in court.

But there is no doubt that taking such action would leave a very bad impression on the judge.

After all, in Japan, the ‘Family Tribunal’ and the ‘General Court’ are different.

The Family Tribunal, as its name suggests, is an institution established to handle cases involving family matters, including custody of minor children.

Not so much the referee.

It would be better to say that the Family Tribunal prefers ‘mediation’.

And throughout the refereeing process.

Family Court judges will primarily consider the interests of the child.

The first one to bear the brunt is the guardianship issue.

As the guardian, Kitachi Ariha chose not to appear in court, which would give a very bad impression to the judge and may cause deviations in the custody decision.

Faced with her persuasion, the reason Kitumi gave was very simple.

"Even if Aunt Youbo appears in court, it may not bring positive effects."

Beicheng Shi knew that Beicheng Youbo should be allowed to appear in court due to emotions and reasons.

At this time, even if there is an opportunity to improve the chance of winning, you can't let it go.

The fact that cannot be ignored is that Beicheng Youbo suffers from social disorder.

That was her shadow that lasted for ten years from junior high school to high school and then to university.

This haze follows her like a shadow, torturing her even now.

Her world has not had clear skies for too long.

On weekdays, she communicates with acquaintances cautiously and tries her best.

Not to mention having to face questioning from the judge and the opposing lawyer after appearing in court.

If there is any gaffe or other bad performance during the court appearance.

That will only lower the judge's impression even more.

What he said was well founded.

Even Yamada Yuko could only spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face:

"Okay, okay, I understand. Your nephew is obviously only eight years old. Why are you so overprotective of Youbo?"

She knew it.

Even if Beicheng is really mixed up, he has found many valid reasons for himself.

But at the end of the day.

This eight-year-old boy actually just didn't want Beicheng Yubo to be wronged.

Just think about it.

Kitachi Ariha, who has a severe social disorder himself.

When you appear on the stage, you will be noticed by everyone present.

There is no doubt that every minute and every second of this is torture for Beicheng Yuha.

Although Kitazumi didn't say anything, she still pretended not to care.

But actually

Looking at the handsome and cute Minoru Kitari who was meditating in front of her, the corners of Yamada Yuko's mouth curled up unconsciously.

do not know why.

She suddenly envied her friend.

I envy her for adopting such a good nephew.


"Since we have decided not to let Yubo appear in court, our performance in court will have to be better!"

Yamada Yuko cheered up.

She has no intention of losing the case!

Since he is born one position behind!

Then think of ways to make up for it through other means.

Thoughts began to swirl.

Time begins to pass.

The day for the Family Court session also arrived quietly today.

Kitazumi took out his mobile phone.

Above are the encouragements from people in the industry who have good relationships with him, such as Tamura Koji, Honma Toshihiko, and Shimizuyama.

Kitazumi continued to sweep down.

I saw a few more familiar figures in this group of people.

Hosokawa Shibaizumi sent him a series of words, which probably meant asking him to work hard and defeat the bad guys. If he lost, she would not forgive him.

This little girl is still so awkward.

Kitaki Minoru was amused.

In addition to Hosokawa Shibaizumi, there was also a message from Akiyama Shion.

Her wording was simple.

[Shijiang, come on, I will always pay attention to you. 】

Although brief.

The family situation of Akiyama Shion can be taken into consideration.

She cannot resist her parents, but she can send such a message to a 'rebel' like herself who resists her parents. This shows that she cares deeply about her cheap friend.

Browse all the messages and reply to them one by one.

After finishing all this, he followed Yamada Yuko into the Family Tribunal.

To be honest, the environment of the Family Court is similar to that of an ordinary court.

There are seats on both sides, and in the middle is the seat of the judge in charge of the trial.

Miharu Yukako and the others arrived before them.

Looking at the gauze wrapped around Miharu Yukako's arm, Kitumi Minoru smiled at her.

This smile.

Miharu Yukako couldn't stand it straight away. He almost wanted to stand up and run over to slap this 'traitor' in the face.

In the past few days, she had been really tortured to the point of being out of shape, and her mental state had become much weaker.

Among them is the participation of this ‘rebellious son’!

She hated it so much that her teeth itched.

But after all, she was in court, and she didn't dare to take any drastic action, so she could only hold her breath.

She was very angry.

Jibai Shengji's expression on the other side didn't look much better either.

Because he saw the elegant short-haired woman opposite who was looking at him with a smile.

Yamada Yuko——

This woman is very famous in the industry in Tokyo, and she is the kind of person who is 'notorious'.

In the court, newcomer lawyers are bullied based on their seniority.

He also likes to talk trash before games, which makes people very happy.

The most important thing is that she will do anything to win the case.

In order to obtain evidence that would benefit her side, she had to stay in detention for more than two months, and was bombarded with phone calls and text messages to harass her.

They tortured their witnesses to physical and mental exhaustion and forced themselves to win the lawsuit that was destined to fail.

No matter from which perspective, this woman can be said to be an 'unscrupulous lawyer' in the true sense.

Yoshibaek Seiji also played against her several times, but she was always disgusting.

At this time, Yamada Yuko over there also obviously noticed him.

She immediately became energetic and spoke with a smile:

"Oh? It turns out that my opponent today is Jibai-chan. Oh, I'm really embarrassed. It seems that my winning rate will increase by another 10%."

She started talking trash before the game.

Jibai Shengsi here ignored her.

Because he knows.

As soon as you talk to the other person, there will be endless trash talk.

But just because he ignored Yamada Yuko, it didn't mean that Yamada Yuko would stop.

She continued to speak with a smile:

"It's okay. Even if you lose to me, it's not a humiliating thing. Besides, even if you lose, Jibai-chan, you can still bury your head in the cleavage of Miss Miharu next to you and shed tears. Aren't her breasts so big and saggy?" ?"

"." Jibai Shengsi.

The veins next to his head were twitching.

He glared hard at Yuko Yamada, and then sat down in the face of the other party's cheerful voice of "Oh, it's so scary, so scary."

Then about five minutes passed.

The judge and jury take their seats.

Then there was a 'stand up' sound.

The whole referee started.

Beicheng was observing the battle situation.

Just as he and Yamada Yuko expected.

Yoshihiro Seiji and Miharu Yukako have been pushing the topic of "temporary handing over to Kitazumi Ariha to raise".

He also repeatedly emphasized that Miharu Yukako's behavior did not constitute abandonment, but only indirectly handed over Kitumi Minori to relatives to raise, and showed the reason why Miharu Yukako left.

It was because he wanted to find a job elsewhere and create a better living environment for Kitami Minoru.

After a thorough theory, I also added some "evidence" that I didn't know where to find.

Next to her, Miharu Yukako pretended to squeeze out a few tears to make everything look normal.

Yamada Yuko here is naturally not to be outdone.

She immediately said ‘I have objections’.

Later, she handed Miharu Yukako's bills, which had been almost no income for the past six months, to the judge.

He also pointedly pointed out that the other party's desire to get custody rights back was just a sinister intention to take the income from the slave service of his son, Kitazumi Minori, as his own.

No need to say anything, he is truly worthy of being a lawyer.

Every sentence is right to the point of pain.

And it makes sense both logically and rationally.

Jibai Shengsi over there was also a little surprised at this moment.

The evidence he prepared was sufficient because Miharu had Kako's assistance.

But the evidence prepared by Yamada Yuko, unless she has the ability to predict the unknown, can investigate Miharu Yukako's financial situation several months in advance.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so fully prepared.

It seemed that he felt the astonishment in Jibai Shengsi's heart.

Yamada Yuko here also showed a proud smile - she did not have the ability to predict the future, but Kitami Minoru was different.

To be honest, if Kitazumi hadn't asked him to investigate Miharu Yukako three months in advance.

She might actually fall into a disadvantageous situation due to lack of preparation in the previous session.

Judging from the current situation, it is probably around 40 or 60.

The direction of the evidence and the judge's attitude favored her.

But don't be careless yet.

We still need to pursue the victory!

Thinking of this, she winked at Beicheng Minoru, indicating that he was ready to play.

"Your Honor, we have important witness testimony that can be used as evidence that the defendant domestically abused children."


Miharu Yukako, who had been sitting next to him, opened his eyes wide at this time.

Seeing Kitumi Minori's small figure stand up, she seemed to know what was going to happen next.

His face gradually turned purple.


A cowardly and heartbreaking murmur sounded.

"My mother, Miharu Yukako, has actually been engaging in domestic violence against me."

His body trembled slightly and his expression became frightened. Kitumi recalled the scene of being raped.

"It was last winter. I had just finished a day of child labor training. Just because I didn't fulfill my mother's expectations, I was insulted and blamed by her."

His expression trembled.

He continued.

"She first beat me with a wooden sword, and then kicked me out of the house. It snowed heavily that day. I knocked on the door for a long time, but my mother just refused to open the door for me. Your Honor, did I do something wrong? Why did my mother treat me like this? Why do you have to force me to live with my mother?"

When he asked the question, his petite face was trembling.

It was hard to imagine what kind of treatment he had suffered from the fear and terror on his face.

Even the judge present couldn't help but tighten his collar subconsciously when he saw his performance, and felt sad for the tragic experience of this eight-year-old child.

It seemed that there was really an invisible cold wind blowing into the collar.

"You are lying! Your Honor! He is lying!!!"

Miharu Yukako couldn't hold it anymore.

She slammed the table hard, and the whole person made a sound of surprise and anger.

Wooden sword?

Kicked out of the house?



How can this rebellious son speak so eloquently?

If she didn't know that she really didn't do it, she would probably have doubted herself.

And that was the moment when she protested angrily and hysterically.

Kita Sumire on this side was like a memory that would never be touched in her heart, and suddenly screamed in fear:

"Don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

Her body was shaking.

Her voice was shaking.

This reaction was definitely not fake!

Even Yamada Yuko, who was well prepared, was dumbfounded.

This. Isn't the performance too realistic?

Before going on stage, she specifically asked Kita Sumire to restrain himself.

This. Did he really restrain himself? How could it be exactly the same as the real thing?

"Please pay attention to your words and deeds, Ms. Miharu."

On the stage.

The judge knocked on the table, and his expression when looking at Miharu Yukako became a little unhappy.

There was domestic violence and suspicion of intentional abandonment.

These two points alone were enough to change his attitude.

At the same time, he looked at Yoshibai Seiji.

"Does the defendant's lawyer have anything else to say?"

Anything else to say?

Jibai Shengsi was so angry that his face twitched.

He had asked Miharu Yukako before coming here, and repeatedly confirmed whether she had committed domestic violence.

Under his repeated inquiries, the other party did not hide anything and said that there was absolutely no such thing.

Since Miharu Yukako did not commit domestic violence against Kita Sumimi. Then-

Damn it!

Is she committing perjury?

Staring at Yamada Yuko.

Looking at the other party smiling happily at him.

Jibai Shengsi felt that he was going to explode.

This feeling of knowing that he was committing perjury.

But being unable to do anything to the other party is simply disgusting!

Even children are used!

To win the case, he will do anything!

Yamada Yuko is still as dirty as ever!

This chapter is 5400 words long and took a long time. I can't do it anymore. I have to go to bed. It's almost three o'clock.

Thanks to Xing Ni Jue Nai for the 1500 starting coins reward! Thanks to Li Xuexue for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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