Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 110 She walked out of the haze, bringing with her the person she was ten years ago (4800 wor

Yamada Yuko's hands are dirty.

Jibai Shengsi also knows this.

He had actually expected some perjury.

But he didn't expect that the other party would be so cruel.

Just pour such a big basin of dirty water on them.

It can be said that the situation suddenly turned tilted.

After all, the two points of violence against children and a window period of more than half a year are basically stable.


Since Yamada Yuko made such a move.

It’s not like he can’t handle it!

Jibai Shengji took a deep breath and looked at the judge.

"Your Honor, as evidence that the plaintiff's guardian, Ariha Kitazumi, is incompetent to serve as Minoru Kitazumi's guardian, I would like to have several witnesses appear in court."


Yamada Yuko raised her head.

Although she didn't speak, she already knew what she was saying just by hearing Jibai Shengsi's words.

She knew that the other party would definitely take advantage of Beicheng Yuha.

But what she didn't expect was that the other party actually invited several witnesses to appear in court.

This is really done.

Yamada Yuko held her chin, waiting for the opponent to make a move.

The witnesses invited by Yoshihiro Seiji are Kitachi Ariha's college classmates, relatives of Kitachi's family, and friends from high school.

It was probably Miharu Yukako who told Yoshihiro Seiji about Kitazumi Yuha.

That's why the other party was able to find so many witnesses.

And in front of a judge.

These people generally talked about their impressions of Beicheng Ariha.

He is depressed and has difficulty communicating with other people. He can only stay in his room all day long and cannot even go out. To a certain extent, he cannot even take care of himself.

"What happened to Ms. Kitazumi Ariha is really impressive. I also believe that she has the determination to correct her social disorder and mental illness."

In front of the court, Jibai Shengsi's voice was steady and decent, and his logic was clear.

"But judging from the current situation, it is difficult for Ms. Beicheng, who cannot even take care of herself, to assume the responsibility of a guardian and take good care of her nephew."


Yamada Yuko smacked her lips in an incomprehensible manner.

It’s so eloquent.

Kitachi Ariha is indeed a bit sloppy at home on weekdays.

But it's definitely not as unbearable as Jibai Shengji said.

The other party obviously exaggerated in his testimony.

So she immediately raised her hand.

"I have an objection. Medical records that have not been evaluated by a professional psychologist are not valid as evidence."

"I also have objections. Just relying on the child's unstable mind and ambiguous memory, I think this also does not have the validity of the evidence."

The situation has become clear just now.

Becoming ambiguous again at this moment.

Both sides seized on the weak points of each other's guardians and violently attacked them.

The situation has become tense.


This guy Jibai Shengji has never been so difficult to deal with before.

Yamada Yuko had a severe headache.

She had fought against Jibai Shengji several times, but never had she found him more difficult than today.

It's like brown candy, I can't shake it off, it's so disgusting.

In particular, Yoshihiro Seiji repeatedly emphasized the fact that Kitazumi Ariha was not present.

He just knew that Kitachi Yuha would not be able to testify in court.

The method to crack this trick is actually very simple.

That is to let Beicheng Youbo appear in court to testify himself.

But this is obviously impossible.

Beicheng Yuha suffers from social disorder. Let alone communicating with others, he may not even be able to speak when he arrives at the scene. Instead, he will have a social disorder - which is undoubtedly the most fatal.

By now, mediation has fallen into an endless loop.

I want to break Yoshiba Seiji's argument.

You must let Beicheng Yuha appear in court.

But letting Beicheng Yuha appear in court will confirm the validity of his argument.

This is really disgusting.

You have to say disgusting things.

Jibai Shengji is probably about the same as her.

After all, the two big labels of violence against children and abandonment are slapped on them, and they can't stand it.

It looks like we can only go so far this time.

Yamada Yuko knows.

The next time is most likely garbage time.

When both parties are unable to come up with valid arguments and are unwilling to give in, the situation may evolve into a second hearing in the family court.

She turned her head and looked at Kitumi.

Kitaki Minoru also understood what she meant.

His performance was good enough, and his perjury was flawless.

But I guess I can only get here today.

After all, considering that Kitachi Ariha does not appear in court, no matter how much arguments are made, no result can be reached.

He was just about to secretly nod in agreement with Yamada Yuko's idea.

But the next second——

A court employee entered from the side door holding documents. After urgently handing the working documents to the jury, he said a few words in a lowered voice before leaving.

This made Yamada Yuko feel nervous.

what's the situation?

Could it be that Seiji Yoshibai found strong evidence to prove that Aribo Beicheng has social disorder? Submit an application for additional evidence on a temporary basis?

She couldn't help but look at Jibai Shengji.

Only then did he realize that the other party was also looking towards him nervously.

The two people's eyes met, both looking confused.


What's happening here?

She opened her mouth, and then heard the judge's voice next to her.

"This is the application I just received."

"Ms. Kitazumi Ariha, who mediates the parties, filed an application to appear in court."


At this time, not only Yamada Yuko showed a stunned expression, but even Kitazumi was stunned for a moment.

Making an application to appear in court?

Is there a wave in Beicheng?

There was surprise on their part.

On the other side, Miharu Yukako, who was about to open the champagne, had a face full of disbelief.

She has already begun to think about how to torture Kitami Minoru after getting custody!

The bench rubs against the ground.

Make a sharp, piercing sound.

She stood up.

"How can it be?!"

Is there a wave in Beicheng?

That social disorder and brain problem, no matter who mentions it, they always look down upon him and look down upon him, Kitachi Aruba.

Would he actually choose to appear in court?

No way?

Are you kidding me?

Her expression was stiff and dazed.

And it was during this short period of time that I was stunned.

She saw a figure appearing in the small passage opposite.

Dress appropriately in formal attire.

The originally messy long black hair looked like silk and satin, slanting behind her.

The bangs that are too long will look clean and beautiful after being trimmed.

The crescent moon is surrounded by long black hair.

Under the gaze of everyone in the venue, he showed an unimaginable charm.

Her eyes were clear and soft, like a quiet lake after dark.

The crescent moon-like face is set against the long black hair, and the white neck is hidden in the long black hair.

Only through the gaps in the crow-feather-like black hair can you catch a glimpse of her delicate white skin, like stars in the dark night.

Everyone present fell silent.

The key is

"Who are you?"

Miharu Yukako couldn't help but open her mouth.

This was her true reaction - she really didn't recognize who the woman in front of her looked like a boudoir princess from the Warring States Period.

You must know that she only has the impression of Beicheng Yuhao being sloppy, unable to go out, and extremely gloomy.


It's not just three springs that have a plus.

Even Yamada Yuko next to him was stunned for a moment.

She looked at Beicheng Yuha next to her with a face full of surprise.

Although I had known for a long time that Beicheng Yubo had only some personality problems at most, and his appearance was almost impeccable.

But is this too impeccable?

It was the first time that a formal dress could give off the feeling of an evening dress.

Under the eyes of everyone who are either surprised or incredulous.

Only Kitaki Minoru seemed relatively calm.

He looked at Beicheng Youbo.

But he found that Beicheng Yuha was also looking down at him.

Uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

She was worried that her sudden appearance might disrupt Kitumi Minoru's arrangements and incur criticism from him. She was worried that her next performance might be scolded by Kitumi Minoru.


"Come on, Auntie."

Her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

No accusations, no blame.

All that could be heard was his unsuspecting cheering sound.

All she could see was his gentle gaze.

"Well, I'm going, Minoru-chan."

The confusion disappeared from his eyes.

She tried to straighten her back and walked forward.

In fact, her body was trembling slightly.

His eyes were also a little dodgey.

Breathing is also somewhat rapid.

The road to the information desk became very long at this moment.

In a daze, she felt as if she had returned to the junior high school stage ten years ago.

The spectators sitting in the stands opposite were pointing at her, mocking and mocking her.

The friend behind him looked amused.

The sharp ridicule in his ears was getting louder and louder at this moment.

The heavy rain in my heart is also pouring down.

These are the haze of ten years ago that she has always wanted to face but never had the courage to face.

Her heart was trapped in that day for ten years, unable to move forward.

But today——

Her steps were not as hesitant as usual.

Because she thought of Kitazumi's attitude towards her all the time.

There may be disgust, dissatisfaction, and blame.

But he never denied her.

In this world where even family, relatives, and friends despise and deny themselves.

Kitaki Minoru was the first person to express his approval for her decadence.


Go forward!

Life always has to look forward!

Beicheng Youha took a deep breath.

She took a step forward.

That's it.

The shadows of the past were all left behind at this moment.

at the same time.

The long-lasting laughter suddenly stopped.

The heavy rain that had been lingering in my heart all year round suddenly dissipated.

The sun breaks through the thick haze.

She suddenly opened her eyes.

Only then did I discover——

She never pointed behind her at the audience she was mocking.

Some are just Kitumi Minoru's eyes.

Those eyes that never doubted her.

Come out of the shadows.

Now, she is standing in the sun.

this moment.

She came out of the haze with the person she was ten years ago.

What happens next is much simpler.

Since the client, Kitachi Yuha, appeared in court to testify, the originally ambiguous and chaotic situation became orderly at this moment.

Facing various questions from the judge and Jibai Shengsi.

Beicheng Youbo answered one by one.

She acted a little shy, but that was all.

At most, it can only mean that she is thin-skinned and doesn't want to show up in such public places.

He did not show symptoms of social disorder that were even remotely different from ordinary people.

Yoshihiro Seiji had all the evidence to suspect that Kitazumi Ariha was unable to take care of Kitazumi as a qualified guardian.

It all seemed pale and feeble at this moment.

And the opposite.

Yamada Yuko did not give up the opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

She brought up old things again.

Put the issue of guardianship ability back on the table.

Miharu Aikako is thirty-one years old and currently unemployed. She can only occasionally work in izakayas or convenience stores to make ends meet.

How can a person like this, who has no fixed abode and cannot even guarantee his own basic survival, guarantee the training of Kitami Minoru?

On the other hand, Kitachi Aruba not only graduated from college, but also wrote several published literary novels, which can be said to be extremely talented.

The royalty deposit is even bigger (but you can’t use much money at home).

Compare the two phases.

In addition, Miharu Yukako is suspected of maliciously abandoning children and violently treating children.

The referee's result is now ready to be announced.

As the defense lawyer, Jibai Seiji was silent at this time.

Similarly, Miharu Yukako also noticed something was wrong.

"Lawyer Ji Bai! Isn't it like this?! It shouldn't be like this, right? You clearly promised me! You will get custody rights back for me!"

She grabbed Jibai Shengji's arm and her questioning voice was a little distorted.

Mainly because she couldn't figure it out.

Obviously before, the situation could be said to be 50-50.

Why is there suddenly a complete turning point now?

It must be Jibai Seiji!

It must be that he didn't contribute to the refereeing at all!

Otherwise it would be impossible!

"Miss Miharu, this is your own problem."

Quietly taking the other person's hand away from the collar, Jibai Shengji glanced at her.

He has tried his best in this refereeing. After all, he is facing off against Yamada Yuko, and he wants to win no matter what.

What he didn't expect was that he was doing his best.

There was something wrong with the information provided by Yukako Miharu over there.

Does Kitachi Ariba have a mental illness like social disorder?

Are you kidding me? !

He looks like a normal person! She even faced questions from him and the judge without any hesitation! At most, he is just a little thin-skinned.

Jibai Shengsi was also a little angry.

If it weren't for Miharu Yukako's wrong information, he would never have been captured so easily by Yamada Yuko.

After all, Miharu Aikako's legal status as the first guardian is unshakable.

After losing the lawsuit this time.

Maybe this woman will orchestrate it behind her back.

His attitude cooled.

Miharu Yukako also noticed this.

At this moment, her eyes were dull and her hands and feet had lost strength.

But the next second.

Lost strength returned.

Her expression also became ferocious and terrifying.

Because she saw the culprit who caused all these results - Kitazumi Minoru.

At this moment, Beicheng Minoru smiled, took Beicheng Arami's hand, and stroked her head.

It's all because of him!

All because of him!

You have to do something that makes you resist your parents for no reason!

That's why things have gotten so out of control now!

"The wings are hard! Don't you even need a mother?! What a bastard!"

Miharu Yukako made a sound that sounded like madness.

She struggled to rush from behind the defense table and catch Kitazumi.

But just take action.

The staff next to her had already controlled her violent behavior.

"Let me go! It's all that kid! It's all that kid! Otherwise I wouldn't be like this!"


Her dream has been shattered!

All the luxuriant dreams were shattered at this moment!

What resulted was the alienation of family and friends.

What he got in exchange was his ruined reputation!

It's because of this kid in front of me!

It was he who ruined his life!

And at this moment, he was actually licking his face and talking and laughing with Beicheng Yuha?

Why? !

Why do bad things happen to her?

That kid was unscathed? Can we even live life as usual?




All kinds of emotions are tumbling inside.

Her face was now distorted into an evil spirit.

The contrast between reality and ideals has caused her to lose the line called reason.

She struggled hard, raised her head and asked hysterically.


"You seem to have made a mistake."

With a look that made Miharu Yukako shudder, Kitazumi Minoru spoke in a calm voice.

"You abandoned me when I needed you most. It was never that I didn't need you."

What can the eight-year-old original owner do after being abandoned?

The answer is - nothing can be done.

I live a life of being kicked by my relatives every day with trepidation.

I have to suffer the looks and contempt of others every day.

every night.

The original owner didn't know how many times he prayed.

I just hope that my mother can come back to pick me up and leave.

However, he never waited for his mother.

When Kitazumi took over the identity of the original owner.

This body can be said to be very weak.

Long-term psychological stress overwhelmed the child.

when he left.

Is it with resentment?

Or with despair?

Beicheng actually doesn't know this.

The only thing he knows is——

"This matter is not over yet."

Kitazumi looked at the controlled Miharu Yukako and spoke like this.

"Have you forgotten? We were originally prosecuting you for intentional abandonment?"

".you mean?"

Upon hearing these words, Miharu Yukako's expression changed drastically.

"I'm worried that you don't understand, so I'll tell you mercifully."

As a lawyer, Yamada Yuko smiled and said: "In Japan, if you deliberately abandon a child who has no ability to live independently, if the circumstances are serious, you will be sentenced to disciplinary labor for not less than three months but not more than five years."

Her voice paused and she smiled triumphantly again.

"You might as well ask Miss Miharu to guess, with the current public opinion being so fierce, whether your sentence will be lighter or harsher?"

"Etc., etc?!"

At this moment, fear finally came to my mind silently.

"Shiashi! I am your mother! Right? You can't just sit back and watch your mother go to jail, right? Will this also have an impact on your career as a slave?"

With an almost flattering smile on her face, Miharu Yukako turned to look at Kitazumi.


Miharu Yukako stayed where she was.

Because she only saw a simple expression on Beicheng Minoru's face.

The meaning of this expression is obvious.

Apparently even Miharu Yukako can understand it——

You just brought it upon yourself.

Strength is taken away from the body.

Miharu Yukako's expression became sluggish, and her face looked ashen.

It’s over——

This is the only thought in her heart now.

The first chapter is 4800 words! By the way, the second chapter was updated very late yesterday because the system review was not given to me. I actually finished writing it around three o'clock.

Then go take a shower now! After taking a shower, clear your head and write the second chapter!

Below is the list of thanks.

Thanks to TomRC for the reward of 1000 starting coins, thank you to How Dare to Enter the Bustling World for the reward of 1600 starting coins, thank you to Xiangsi Jisianyan for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thank you to Kong Kongkongwan for the reward of 100 starting coins! Thank you so much!

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