Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 111: Honma Fuhiko's Dog Monkey No Naka (4200 words)

What happened after that was beyond the scope of Kitacumi Minori and Kitacumi Ariha's need to intervene.

In the words of Yamada Yuko, "The road has been paved to this extent. If I don't send her to live there for three to five years, I will feel that I am not worthy of being a lawyer."

To this, Kitazumi naturally agrees.

His time is precious, and he still has work to do with his son-in-law.

How could I not even think about it and have no time to follow up?


What surprised him most this time was Beicheng Yubo.

to be honest.

The opposing defense attorney is very strong.

If it weren't for Beicheng Yuha's appearance in court.

This lawsuit will definitely turn into a lengthy war of words later on.

It was precisely because she took the initiative to stand up.

It took Yuko Yamada to end this lawsuit so quickly and decisively.

It can be said that she worked really hard.

Not even Kitumi Minoru thought of it.

Kitazumi Arami, who is so socially disabled that he cannot have normal conversations with others, is actually able to appear at a critical moment.

Sitting on the return vehicle.

Kitaki Minoru turned his head and looked at Kitachi Ariha, who was sitting upright.

The other party's expression is natural and his actions are no different from those of a normal person.

It seemed that she had really overcome her long-standing weakness.

Looking at it this way, it feels really beautiful and dignified.




Under the gaze of Kitazumi Minoru, Kitazumi Yuha's dignified and beautiful expression remained for less than two minutes, and then quickly faded away.

She covered her mouth and burst into tears.

"Just now, I seemed to have worked too hard just now. Now that I have come to my senses, I feel dizzy and want to vomit. I'm going to die!"

"." Beicheng Shi.

He couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead.

It was undoubtedly his fault that he had expectations for his own salty radish for even a moment.

Beicheng Aruba is still the same Beicheng Aruba! It’s still that big salty radish!

He was speechless.

But seeing Beicheng Youbo covering his mouth and his face turning dark, he still sighed and spoke helplessly.

"In that case, Aunt Youbo, just lean on me and rest for a while."

"Is it really possible?!"

Hearing these words, Beicheng Yuhao's face, which was still a little uncomfortable just now, suddenly became energetic. Her eyes widened and she swallowed at the same time.

That is to say

Is it okay for others to lean on Shi-san's shoulders?

It's solid. Soft and cute. It smells delicious when you lean on it. The soft little shoulders.

From now on, is it something that belongs to others?



I can't stop swallowing.

Her beautiful big eyes seemed to be shining.

Beicheng Yunha just wanted to take action.

".Sure enough, let's forget it."


"Because the look in my aunt's eyes is really disgusting."

Kitazumi looked over with disgust on his face: "What do you want to do to your nephew?"

"I-I won't do anything weird! I'm Minoru's aunt! What other weird things can I do to Minoru?"

"Why did your tone weaken at the end? And why didn't you dare to look at my face and say it? Aunt, you don't really want to do strange things to me, do you?"

Beicheng Minoru raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"No, no—"

Her eyes darted around and she drawled.

At the same time, I was secretly nervous.

It’s over, it’s over!

She obviously hid it so well, but Minoru was still aware of it!

This is not a good idea no matter how you think about it!

what to do? What should I do?

She racked her brain for thought.


"But if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible if it's an aunt."


Raising his head suddenly, Beicheng Yuhao looked at Beicheng Minori in disbelief.

The other party didn't care about her gaze, just held his chin with his hand, looking like he was thinking seriously:

"That's what I think. Aunt Youbo has worked very hard today, and those who work hard should be rewarded. Therefore, for today only, I can meet all your requirements, Aunt Youbo."

"All requests?!"

As soon as these words were spoken.

At this moment, the deepest and most taboo door in the universe seemed to be open in front of Beicheng Aruba.

She has tried her best to think about the most taboo things between her aunt and nephew in her head!

for example--

Should I ask Minoru to pick out my ears?

Or should I let Minoru put her to sleep before going to bed?

Or what about what she couldn't stand the most, letting Minoru kiss the side of her face?

No, no, no

This kind of thing may be a bit too early for me?

Her delicate face turned red with embarrassment, feeling ashamed of the sinful thoughts in her heart.

At the same time, he hesitated and couldn't say a word for a long time.

However, on the other side, Kitaki Minoru had already taken the initiative to speak.

"How's it going? Aunt Youbo? Have you figured out what to do?"

He looked up at Beicheng Youbo.


Listening to Kitazumi's voice in my ears.

Beicheng Yuhao, who was indulged in various thoughts, suddenly came to his senses.


Rare opportunity.

She'll have to put it to good use.


I still have that kind of particularly evil-minded idea here, right?

Putting her to sleep and picking out her ears are too childish!

She wants to be more extreme! More intimate contact!


Beicheng Youbo blushed, stretched out a finger, and spoke.

"Can you. Can you rest your knees on your knees? Minoru-chan?"

This was the closest way she could think of to have close contact with Kitumi Minoru.

As for the rest, she didn't even dare to think about it.

Her voice was softer than the breeze, and it seemed that just making such a simple request had already consumed all her energy.

"." Beicheng Shi.

"Is this enough? Aunt Youbo?"

He was a little surprised.

This time is different from the past.

It was he who offered the reward.

He originally thought that Beicheng Youbo would rub his nose in his face and become more unrestrained - at least he would be a sleeping companion or something like that.

It turned out to be just such a simple request?

He didn't understand.

Faced with Beicheng Minoru's incomprehension, Beicheng Yuha shook his head and replied softly:

".This is enough."


That's enough.

In fact, no matter what Beicheng Minoru does.

As long as I can stay by his side.

She was already satisfied.

The whole legal matter was left to Yamada Yuko to handle.

Kitami Minori was finally able to free up her hands to focus on her work.

The first is Tamura Koji as the agent.

Due to the reason that Kitami Minori left the premiere of "Kidnapped Natsuko" a few days ago.

AR Ziyong Training Center punished him with a 20% salary cut for his "arbitrary" behavior.

This punishment is not too severe for Tamura Koji.

Directly cutting one-fifth of the income.

In this regard, Kitazumi specially took part of his salary to make up for the salary reduction of Tamura Koji.

After all, he was the one who asked Tamura Koji to take him away from the premiere.

However, Tamura Koji waved his hand indifferently.

"Beicheng-kun, don't worry about this. I was the one who took you out of the venue. As an adult, I have long been prepared to accept this result."

Tamura Koji is not a child.

He clearly understood the consequences of taking Minoru Kitazumi out of the venue.

And he did it anyway.

The reason is also very simple.

Beicheng Minoru takes good care of him at work, and he also appreciates Beicheng Minoru's abilities.

For this reason, what does it mean to just pay 20% of your salary?

Moreover, Tamura Koji knows the abilities of Kitaki Minoru best.

As long as he holds on to the opponent's thigh, his path to promotion and salary increase is almost certain.

Paying 20% ​​of salary can bring you closer to the other party - of course Tamura Koji is very happy.

He said not to care.

Here, Kitumi Minoru kept this kindness in her heart silently.

After all, some things can be left unsaid, but they cannot be forgotten and make others feel chilled.

After handling the matter with Tamura Koji.

Kitaki Minoru then turned his attention to "The Kidnapped Natsuko".

The messy affairs involving Miharu Yukako actually did not affect the normal release of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

On the contrary, it was because of the online public opinion deliberately created by Kitami Minoru that "Kidnapped Natsuko" received huge publicity traffic.

After all, the protagonist who plays Natsuko Nogi is Kitami Minoru who is at the center of the storm.

This is gratifying.

Even Honma Feiyan was laughing from ear to ear.

In the past two days, I called Kitumi several times to show off the good news.

We must know that movie promotion plays an important role in promoting the movie box office.

Especially the movie’s first-day box office.

A considerable part of the box office is derived from the traffic brought by movie promotions.

His relaxed and freehand words also cheered up Kitaki Minoru a little.

Originally, he was still worried about whether Miharu Yukako's troubles would affect his career.

I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise.

"Kidnapped Natsuko" is equivalent to eating this wave of traffic while lying down.

This is traffic that would make even movies of the same period jealous.

Eat this wave of traffic.

It can be said that "Kidnapped Natsuko" has no problems in terms of publicity and distribution.

"Sure enough, there are still many people in this world who like to have fun."

Staring at the information on his phone, Kitumi shook his head.

On the Internet, public opinion about Miharu Yukako has begun to gradually quiet down.

After all, things are just like closing the coffin now.

In addition, modern network information interaction is very fast.

As long as Miharu Youjia Zibu is a monster and wants to lift the coffin board again, basically no one will pay attention to it anymore.

"Since there is no problem with the announcement, then the next step is to look at the box office on the first day, right?"

Kitazumi murmured to himself and set his sights on the release date of "Natsuko Kidnapped".

Tomorrow is the release date of "Natsuko Kidnapped".

Will this movie, which focuses on subjugation and healing, bring about an increase in his popularity?

He was vaguely looking forward to it.

For this reason, he also specially posted updates on his personal homepage.

He first introduced his current situation and showed that he had no problem at all. At the same time, I did not forget to express that tomorrow is the day when "Kidnapped Natsuko" will be released, and I hope that all the brothers and sisters will give it their full support.

After all, what happened with Miharu Yukako happened.

Take this into account.

Kitami Minori's wording this time is more subtle than the previous 'friend fee' dynamic.


Then Minoru Kitami saw comments from people in her fan club on the feed, saying, "Please support me," "Please scold me," "I will definitely brush it up a dozen times," and "I will definitely pay my friend fees this month."

It seems that the enthusiasm of those who follow him has not been affected at all by the negative news about Yukako Miharu.

There is no such thing as unfollowing.

This surprised Kitazumi and also made her a little speechless.

He also did not 'purify' the big brothers and sisters who paid attention to him.

Why is everyone acting like a crystal fan?

But forget it.

If the other disciples want such followers, why don't they come?

Simply promote it on your personal homepage.

Kitami Minoru then calmly waited for the results of tomorrow's premiere of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Kuroishi felt that there might be some kind of "evil relationship" between himself and Honma Feiyan.

This started from the day he entered the industry.

It seems to be doomed.

He made his debut in the industry in 2018.

Honma Feiyan also made his debut in the industry in 2018.

He chose the genre of literary and romantic films as his main focus.

What a coincidence, Honma Feiyan also chose a literary romance film.

It was originally going to follow this direction.

He and Toshihiko Honma should become a director duo with a good relationship in the industry.

After all, he and his opponent debuted at the same time and have the same main attack direction, so they should have a good conversation.

But in fact, the relationship between him and Toshihiko Honma can be called "inuzanzhong" (describing life and death), and later on there was a vague tendency of incompatibility.

The reason is simple - the work crashed.

Originally, in the industry, it is quite normal for works of the same type to collide due to coincidence and accidentally form competition.

But the collision between him and Feiyan Honma was too severe.

It made him feel a little sick.

It was probably two years after I entered the industry.

He took out his debut film "Clear Sky" and put it into advertising on Fuji TV, ready to be broadcast.

At that time, he was full of confidence. He felt that there were no rivals in TV series of the same period and his life was lonely.

As a result, before he could be lonely for a few days, news came from Sakuradai - Honma Toshihiko was preparing to release his debut film "White Route".

The key is that the quality of "White Lane" is even higher than that of "Clear Skies", both of which are romance films.

This gave Kuroishi a hard slap in the face at that time.

But after all, literary and artistic works win by quality.

It was not an injustice for him to lose to Feiyan Honma.

After all, lose once, lose twice.

You can’t lose three or four times, right? !


Then he really lost!

Three years after entering the industry, his work "That Child" was released.

At the same time, Momotaro in Summer was released by Toshihiko Honma.

"Momotaro of Summer" narrowly defeated "That Child" and won the title of the highest-rated Japanese drama film in the same quarter.

Four years after entering the industry, Nao Kuroishi came up with "Navy Blue".

At the same time, Homma Toshihiko's "Housekeeper Yuzu" was published.

It's like a military competition.

As long as Nao Kuroishi has produced a good work.

Over there, Honma Feiyan will also take out his works and engage in a magic battle with him.

To be honest, this is actually nothing.

The most important thing is——

Homma Hihiko's works will always beat him by a small margin in the end.

This really disgusted him.

It's like having an auction on both sides.

He has already raised 1.6 million yen, covering his entire net worth.

As a result, Honma Feiyan came up with a quote of 1,600,100 yuan, and the collection worth his entire net worth was auctioned away with a advantage of one yuan.

How could he not feel disgusted?


Watching his and Homma Toshihiko's movies released on the same schedule, or even on the same day.

Kuroishi Nao almost vomited in disgust!

Damn you!

Still coming, right? !

OK OK! This time I have to see why you can beat me!

Staring at "Kidnapped Natsuko" which is scheduled to be released at the same time as his work "Yuki's Summer Memories".

Nao Kuroishi simply asked his photography assistant to buy the tickets.

He was really angry and wanted to see why Honma Feiyan could beat him this time!

alright! Eight thousand words today! Just wrote it! It's still steaming!

Thanks for the reward of 1500 starting coins from Rijin to Chang'an Yuan! Thank you so much!

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