Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 114 Tamura Koji is working hard! But

Chapter 114 Tamura Koji is working hard! but--

As the saying goes.

The reason why surprises are surprises is that surprises always come to people in unexpected ways.

I just received news from the data management department of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

Tamura Koji, who stayed up all night waiting for the news, really felt that he had been hit by a 'surprise'.

It’s a real ‘amazing surprise’.

He hurriedly called Kitumi Minoru.

When the other party answered the phone, he took the initiative to speak.

"Kita Cheng-kun! "Natsuko Kidnapped" is a hit! It's really a hit! It's a hit! We succeeded!"


Kitazumi was silent for a moment.

It wasn't that he didn't want to speak, but that he was simply blocked from speaking by the other party's three consecutive "fires".

He was a little speechless, but he still kept his temper:

"Tamura-san, calm down a little."

"Ah, sorry, Beicheng-kun."

Listening to Kitaki Minoru's voice, Tamura Koji came back to his senses, took two deep breaths, and tried to regain his composure.

At the same time, Kitumi Minoru on the other side of the phone asked:

"Tamura-san said it was a hit. Could it be that "Natsuko Kidnapped" was a hit?"

"That's right!"

As soon as this topic was mentioned, Tamura Koji's heartbeat rate, which had calmed down, began to rise again, and his voice became excited again.

"Kidnapped Natsuko" is indeed a hit.

At least in the literary films of the same period, it was crazy.

During the same period, Nao Kuroishi's "Yuki's Summer Memories", which can be considered the strongest competitor, had a box office of 19 million yen on the first day.

This achievement is already considered quite good in literary and artistic films.

But compared to "Kidnapped Natsuko", it's still far behind.

The box office of "Kidnapped Natsuko" was 36.89 million yen on the first day. Compared with "Yuki's Summer Memories" of the same period, it basically showed a crushing trend - it is the kind of film that can't stand up even if the other party turns over.

Admittedly, this is also due to the fact that "Kidnapped Natsuko" has taken advantage of the previous wave of online public opinion.

But the most important thing is indeed-Kitaumi Minoru's acting skills.

The advantage of Ziyu that could not be brought into play in horror movies like "The Resentment" before.

In this "Kidnapped Natsuko", it can be said that it is used to its fullest.

After all, Honma Feihiko is good at shooting literary films about subservience.

In addition, Shimada Makoto is somewhat unsatisfactory in terms of acting skills.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of this part, Toshihiko Honma asked him to focus all the main shots of the film on Kitami Minoru during post-editing.

Although I feel a little sorry for Shimada Makoto's hard performance, the effect obtained can be said to be very gratifying.

Beicheng's performance in front of the screen is simply amazing.

Especially the long shot at the end——

Under the blue sky.

Natsuko Nogi ran on the long slope.

In his hand, he waved the pendant that Shunsuke Takitani had given him.

While running, he sang the ballad about going home that the other party taught him.

While watching his back driving his motorcycle all the way south.

Tears not only blurred Xia Zi's eyes.

Likewise, it also made many viewers shed tears.

Shunsuke Takiya knew that he might never come back, but he went anyway.

Natsuko knew there was no point in chasing the motorcycle, but he still wanted to keep up with Shunsuke Takitani.

Even most of the male viewers who were more rational and came to watch with their girlfriends couldn't help but cry together under this long shot.

This is what they commented after watching the movie: Damn it, I knew at a glance that the director was going to use that kind of forced sensationalism in this place, and I was mentally prepared, but when I saw Natsuko running out, I still endured it. I couldn't help but cry.

This is a very frustrating and helpless feeling.

There was a situation where they clearly didn’t want to cry, but Natsuko Nogi suddenly jumped out, slapped them in the face and said, ‘You all cry loudly! ’

Then they cried.

Not only did his 'tough guy' image in front of his girlfriend collapse, but he also shed a lot of tears.

I really have to say whether it looks good or not.

Facing the interview, this group of grown men hesitated and hesitated, feeling a little embarrassed. They turned around and held it in for a long time before saying, "Good-looking, Natsuko is really cute." This is a very typical tsundere personality.

Someone even photographed Nao Kuroishi, the director of "Yuki's Summer Memories" at the same time.

A bunch of people gathered around him and asked for his autograph.

This made Heishi very angry.

The quality of the movie was already at a disadvantage - his invincible general Ayumi Adachi was not as good as Kitami Minori, but he was still stuck in the screening hall of "Kidnapped Natsuko" to sign autographs?

It was pure torture.

He almost felt sick, but because he cared about his image in front of the camera, he still signed a dozen names, and then left in embarrassment with his assistant, Koizumi Ishi.

This incident also caused a stir in the filming team of "Yuki's Summer Memories" - why did my own director start to sympathize with the enemy?

In short, no matter what the situation is outside.

Judging from the current situation of "Kidnapped Natsuko", it is absolutely no problem to say that it has become a hit, and it is absolutely no problem to say that it has achieved both word-of-mouth and box office success.

The same goes for being the main protagonist, especially Natsuko Nogi’s main protagonist.

Beicheng Minoru also benefited the most from it.

His personal homepage surged to 50,000 followers in just one night.

From the original 55,000 followers, it directly exceeded the 100,000 mark! There is even a continued upward trend.

Although it is still not comparable to King Frieza Akiyama Shion and Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

But this result can also be said to be very gratifying.

And paying attention to the number of people is just a superficial thing. The most important thing is——

"If after filming "The Grudge", Beicheng-kun, you were still an unknown third-line servant living in a mess that people in the industry didn't even know, then after "Kidnapped Natsuko", you have already become a He has entered the second line and even has some first-line momentum.”

Tamura Koji's voice was full of excitement.

That’s right!

Audience praise, "Kidnapped Natsuko" box office?

Those things are all fake. To put it bluntly, they are all the benefits of the producers of "Kidnapped Natsuko".

There is a relationship with Kitaki Minoru, but the relationship is not that big.

The most useful thing is that in this industry, Kitazumi's name will really be initially understood by others.

In the past, when Beicheng was on the set, most people were like, ‘Huh? Which brokerage company is that? Don’t recognize that attitude.

But if you see Kitazumi Minoru now, someone will say, "Oh - Kitazumi Minoru, I know, it's the subservient in "Kidnapped Natsuko", right? ’

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two.

But in fact it is a huge breakthrough from 0 to 1.

Because to put it bluntly.

The competition between servants is the competition for job opportunities, the competition between choosing and being chosen.

If it were the original Kitaki Minoru.

He is not even qualified to be selected by directors and producers. Even if Tamura Koji discloses his personal information, directors and producers in the industry will not even take a look at it.

Because it is simply impossible for the director and producer to consider this kind of character who has no impression at all in their minds.

They will only give priority to those who are more famous in the industry and have more impressions in their minds.

Unless they choose a supporting role that doesn't even have any lines, they will take a look at the information about these unknown boys and randomly choose one that they like.

But if it were Kitaki Minoru now.

Although it is not yet to the point where Kitumi Minoru can choose her job.

But at least he has the qualifications to be on the same starting line as the famous Ziyi in the industry.

However, this is just such a starting line.

It has killed nearly 30,000 employees in the Japanese industry.

Some actors even train hard for five or six years but still fail to pass the movie audition.

To be honest, if it weren't for Kitami Minoru, this kid would be an outlier among the children.

Koji Tamura estimates that he is still struggling between role A and role B at this moment.

Kitazumi also knew this clearly.

He also sighed a little.

It’s no wonder that most of the ziyues became popular in literary healing romance films and then got out of control.

The benefits of this are indeed many.

At least he felt it personally.

Of course, the current hot signs are due to the positive online public opinion in Miharu some time ago and the support from the box office on the first day. It should not last long.

Kitazumi still knows this.


"I remember, Tamura-san, you seemed to have said yesterday that you would wait for the data management department to announce the first day's box office, right? It's already been a night, you"

Listening to the voice of Koji Tamura on the other end of the phone, he seemed to be overly excited and breathing heavily.

After staying up all night, my mood was still ups and downs. It was obvious that something was wrong with my mental state.

Kitaki couldn't help but express concern.


"Hey, it's okay. I just stayed up all night. It's nothing. After all, this is Beicheng-kun's first step to success, and it's also my first step."


Stay up all night?

Beicheng Minoru turned his head and glanced at the clock next to him.

The time now is 12:13 noon.

In other words, from last night to twelve o'clock today, Tamura Koji didn't sleep at all.

Kitaki held his forehead, a little speechless, and reminded: "Why don't you go and rest for a while now, Tamura-san, I will report these things after you have rested."

After all, it was Salty Carrot No. 2 that I planted myself.

He didn't want a piece of news to pop up the next day, saying, "The XX agent at the AR Ziyaku Training Institute died suddenly while working overtime." This was not an uncommon thing in Japan.

"It's okay, don't look down on adults, I'm very reliable, and - Beicheng-kun, look, aren't I doing well?! I'm very energetic!"

Tamura Koji on the other end of the phone obviously didn't care at all about Kitumi Minoru's words.

His voice was still so excited, and he even patted his chest.

Then his voice became a little excited again.

"By the way, Beicheng-kun, I have another good news to tell you."


He still has good news to tell Kitami Minoru!

That's the thing about gear upgrades.

Beicheng Shi was finishing filming "The Resentful Son".

As said before.

The AR Ziyue Training Center offered Kitumi Minoru C+ conditions.

The basic guarantee is 200,000 yen - equivalent to the salary guarantee provided by the company to Ziyi when he cannot receive a role.

And now the popularity of "Kidnapped Natsuko" is rising.

C+ file is obviously no longer enough.

So the General Administration Department offered a new treatment upgrade to Kitaki Minoru.

Move him from C+ to B.

Tamura Koji was also surprised by this.

You must know that there are about a hundred disciples in the entire AR disciple training center.

There are three servants in Grade A, and the remaining servants in Grade B and Grade B+ only add up to eleven people.

This improvement in treatment is not a big deal.

The first is the monthly basic guarantee, which has increased from the original 200,000 yen to 350,000 yen.

It is equivalent to having this money, even if Kitumi fails to get a job, it will be enough for his daily life.

Similarly, as a B-grade subcontractor, Kitazumi Minoru can also enjoy better subcontractor training equipment.


These are just superficial benefits.

The most important thing is that after reaching level B, the AR sub-service training institute will allocate the company's training resources to the sub-services in level B.

Including all jobs within the companies that cooperate with AR Ziyu Training, as long as there is a suitable job, it will be handed over to Tamura Koji.

This is the real good news.

After all, compared to Tamura Koji's personal power, the energy in the industry where AR sub-service training is located is obviously greater, and the companies and individuals it can reach are wider.

And the most important thing is——

Even Tamura Koji only found out about this news this morning.

In other words, this is something that Kitazumi doesn't know!

He was finally able to do things for Kitaki Minoru and help Kitaki Minoru!

Just thinking of this, Tamura Koji's expression became excited.

You must know that since the beginning of contact with Kitazumi.

The other party has always relied on his own ability to get along well in the industry.

It was as if he didn't need his agent at all.

He was like a big salty radish planted in the soil, and became Beicheng Minoru's exclusive driver. He couldn't help Beicheng Minoru at work at all.

The confusion and feeling of being overwhelmed by being cared for and taken care of by children has unknowingly become the main theme of his life.

But today is different!

Today he will prepare Kitami Minori's personal information and work information! Submit it to the management department together, wait for them to draw up the contract, and then hand the contract to Kitami Minoru!

Although this is just a small thing.

But Tamura Koji felt that he had finally grown up enough to be able to help Kitazumi Minoru.

This is also a huge improvement for him!

Just thinking about this made him feel a little excited.

Just when he wanted to tell Kitami Minori the good news——

"Oh. The good news Tamura-san wants to tell you won't be about my promotion to B-level sub-server, right?"


The enthusiasm in his heart stopped at this moment, and Tamura Koji was stunned for a moment.


I, the agent, only knew about the upgrading.

How come you, a subordinate, have already bypassed me as an agent and found out?

Isn't this right? !

He really wanted to ask Kitumi how he knew.


"I have a pretty good relationship with Sister Xiangyou from the General Affairs Department. She specifically told me about this yesterday. Don't worry, I already faxed my personal information and work information to the people in the General Affairs Department yesterday. , Tamura-san just needs to take the contract and send it over."

"." Tamura Koji's expression was dull.

He was really sluggish.

Originally I wanted to get treatment for Kitaki Minoru.

The dream of showing his ability as an agent in front of Kitami Minori was shattered.

Now he just feels that all his work seems to have been taken care of by Kitazumi.

It seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't jump.

None of them can jump out of the Five Fingers Mountain of their own servants.

This feeling of powerlessness made him open his mouth, but for a while he couldn't even speak.

Obviously it shouldn't be like this!

These are obviously the tasks he has to do!

Tamura Koji wants to cry but has no tears.

All his work was taken over by his own servants!

So what else can he do?

Do you want to make salted radish?

But he doesn’t want to be a salty carrot!

Emotions began to rise and fall.

Meanwhile the aftereffects of staying up all night began to show.

The heart rate is also increasing at this moment.


Unable to accept the facts before me.

Tamura Koji, who had stayed up all night, lost all his strength.

He simply lay down on his desk and fell asleep.

This sleep.

He slept soundly.

There is one more chapter of 4,000 words! effort! come on! Take a bath!

Thanks to Fat Elephant for the 500 starting coin reward! Thanks to JGreenwich for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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